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来源:互联网 发布:红米2不能清除数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 06:49

    public SerializableImage getImage() {        if (cachedImage != null) {            return cachedImage;        }        SerializableImage bi = new SerializableImage(bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, SerializableImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);        ALPHACOLORMAPDATA colorMapData = null;        ALPHABITMAPDATA bitmapData = null;        if (bitmapFormat == DefineBitsLossless2Tag.FORMAT_8BIT_COLORMAPPED) {            colorMapData = getColorMapData();        }        if (bitmapFormat == DefineBitsLossless2Tag.FORMAT_32BIT_ARGB) {            bitmapData = getBitmapData();        }        int pos32aligned = 0;        int pos = 0;        for (int y = 0; y < bitmapHeight; y++) {            for (int x = 0; x < bitmapWidth; x++) {                int c = 0;                if ((bitmapFormat == DefineBitsLossless2Tag.FORMAT_8BIT_COLORMAPPED)) {                    c = multiplyAlpha(colorMapData.colorTableRGB[colorMapData.colorMapPixelData[pos32aligned] & 0xff].toInt());                }                if ((bitmapFormat == DefineBitsLossless2Tag.FORMAT_32BIT_ARGB)) {                    c = multiplyAlpha(bitmapData.bitmapPixelData[pos].toInt());                }                bi.setRGB(x, y, c);                pos32aligned++;                pos++;            }            while ((pos32aligned % 4 != 0)) {                pos32aligned++;            }        }        cachedImage = bi;        return bi;    }


    public List<File> exportImages(AbortRetryIgnoreHandler handler, String outdir, List<Tag> tags, ImageExportSettings settings, EventListener evl) throws IOException {        List<File> ret = new ArrayList<>();        if (tags.isEmpty()) {            return ret;        }        File foutdir = new File(outdir);        if (!foutdir.exists()) {            if (!foutdir.mkdirs()) {                if (!foutdir.exists()) {                    throw new IOException("Cannot create directory " + outdir);                }            }        }        int count = 0;        for (Tag t : tags) {            if (t instanceof ImageTag) {                count++;            }        }        int currentIndex = 1;        for (Tag t : tags) {            if (t instanceof ImageTag) {                if (evl != null) {                    evl.handleExportingEvent("image", currentIndex, count, t.getName());                }                final ImageTag imageTag = (ImageTag) t;                String fileFormat = imageTag.getImageFormat().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);                if (settings.mode == ImageExportMode.PNG) {                    fileFormat = "png";                }                if (settings.mode == ImageExportMode.JPEG) {                    fileFormat = "jpg";                }                if (settings.mode == ImageExportMode.BMP) {                    fileFormat = "bmp";                }                {                    final File file = new File(outdir + File.separator + Helper.makeFileName(imageTag.getCharacterExportFileName() + "." + fileFormat));                    final String ffileFormat = fileFormat;                    new RetryTask(new RunnableIOEx() {                        @Override                        public void run() throws IOException {                            if (ffileFormat.equals("bmp")) {                                BMPFile.saveBitmap(imageTag.getImage().getBufferedImage(), file);                            } else {                                ImageHelper.write(imageTag.getImage().getBufferedImage(), ffileFormat.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH), file);                            }                        }                    }, handler).run();                    ret.add(file);                }                if (evl != null) {                    evl.handleExportedEvent("image", currentIndex, count, t.getName());                }                currentIndex++;            }        }        return ret;    }


    public static void saveBitmap(Image image, File file) throws IOException {        BMPFile b = new BMPFile();        try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file)) {   = fos;  , image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null));        }    }    /*     *  The saveMethod is the main method of the process. This method     *  will call the convertImage method to convert the memory image to     *  a byte array; method writeBitmapFileHeader creates and writes     *  the bitmap file header; writeBitmapInfoHeader creates the     *  information header; and writeBitmap writes the image.     *     */    private void save(Image parImage, int parWidth, int parHeight) throws IOException {        convertImage(parImage, parWidth, parHeight);        writeBitmapFileHeader();        writeBitmapInfoHeader();        writeBitmap();    }    /*     * convertImage converts the memory image to the bitmap format (BRG).     * It also computes some information for the bitmap info header.     *     */    private boolean convertImage(Image parImage, int parWidth, int parHeight) {        int pad;        bitmap = new int[parWidth * parHeight];        PixelGrabber pg = new PixelGrabber(parImage, 0, 0, parWidth, parHeight,                bitmap, 0, parWidth);        try {            pg.grabPixels();        } catch (InterruptedException e) {            return (false);        }        pad = (4 - ((parWidth * 3) % 4)) * parHeight;        biSizeImage = ((parWidth * parHeight) * 3) + pad;        bfSize = biSizeImage + BITMAPFILEHEADER_SIZE                + BITMAPINFOHEADER_SIZE;        biWidth = parWidth;        biHeight = parHeight;        return (true);    }    /*     * writeBitmap converts the image returned from the pixel grabber to     * the format required. Remember: scan lines are inverted in     * a bitmap file!     *     * Each scan line must be padded to an even 4-byte boundary.     */    private void writeBitmap() throws IOException {        int size;        int value;        int j;        int i;        int rowCount;        int rowIndex;        int lastRowIndex;        int pad;        int padCount;        byte[] rgb = new byte[3];        size = (biWidth * biHeight);        pad = (biWidth * 3) % 4;        rowCount = 1;        padCount = 0;        rowIndex = size - biWidth;        lastRowIndex = rowIndex;        for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {            value = bitmap[rowIndex];            rgb[0] = (byte) (value & 0xFF);            rgb[1] = (byte) ((value >> 8) & 0xFF);            rgb[2] = (byte) ((value >> 16) & 0xFF);            fo.write(rgb);            if (rowCount == biWidth) {                padCount += pad;                for (i = 1; i <= pad; i++) {                    fo.write(0x00);                }                rowCount = 1;                rowIndex = lastRowIndex - biWidth;                lastRowIndex = rowIndex;            } else {                rowCount++;            }            rowIndex++;        }        //--- Update the size of the file        bfSize += padCount - pad;        biSizeImage += padCount - pad;    }    /*     * writeBitmapFileHeader writes the bitmap file header to the file.     *     */    private void writeBitmapFileHeader() throws IOException {        fo.write(bfType);        fo.write(intToDWord(bfSize));        fo.write(intToWord(bfReserved1));        fo.write(intToWord(bfReserved2));        fo.write(intToDWord(bfOffBits));    }    /*     *     * writeBitmapInfoHeader writes the bitmap information header     * to the file.     *     */    private void writeBitmapInfoHeader() throws IOException {        fo.write(intToDWord(biSize));        fo.write(intToDWord(biWidth));        fo.write(intToDWord(biHeight));        fo.write(intToWord(biPlanes));        fo.write(intToWord(biBitCount));        fo.write(intToDWord(biCompression));        fo.write(intToDWord(biSizeImage));        fo.write(intToDWord(biXPelsPerMeter));        fo.write(intToDWord(biYPelsPerMeter));        fo.write(intToDWord(biClrUsed));        fo.write(intToDWord(biClrImportant));    }    /*     *     * intToWord converts an int to a word, where the return     * value is stored in a 2-byte array.     *     */    private byte[] intToWord(int parValue) {        byte[] retValue = new byte[2];        retValue[0] = (byte) (parValue & 0x00FF);        retValue[1] = (byte) ((parValue >> 8) & 0x00FF);        return (retValue);    }    /*     *     * intToDWord converts an int to a double word, where the return     * value is stored in a 4-byte array.     *     */    private byte[] intToDWord(int parValue) {        byte[] retValue = new byte[4];        retValue[0] = (byte) (parValue & 0x00FF);        retValue[1] = (byte) ((parValue >> 8) & 0x000000FF);        retValue[2] = (byte) ((parValue >> 16) & 0x000000FF);        retValue[3] = (byte) ((parValue >> 24) & 0x000000FF);        return (retValue);    }

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