
来源:互联网 发布:java 命令打包成jar包 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 07:05

一直想要一个动态菜单,可随意配置,知道QtQuick中找到一个Views Examples。非常有用,记录如下。




import QtQuick 2.0Rectangle {    //model is a list of {"name":"somename", "url":"file:///some/url/mainfile.qml"}    //function used to add to model A) to enforce scheme B) to allow Qt.resolveUrl in url assignments    color: "#eee"    function addExample(name, desc, url)    {        myModel.append({"name":name, "description":desc, "url":url})    }    function hideExample()    {        ei.visible = false;    }    ListView {                clip: true        delegate: SimpleLauncherDelegate{exampleItem: ei}        model: ListModel {id:myModel}        anchors.fill: parent    }    Item {        id: ei        visible: false        clip: true        property url exampleUrl        onExampleUrlChanged: visible = (exampleUrl == '' ? false : true); //Setting exampleUrl automatically shows example        anchors.fill: parent        anchors.bottomMargin: 40        Rectangle {            id: bg            anchors.fill: parent            color: "white"        }        MouseArea{            anchors.fill: parent            enabled: ei.visible            //Eats mouse events        }        Loader{            focus: true            source: ei.exampleUrl            anchors.fill: parent        }    }    Rectangle {        id: bar        visible: ei.visible        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom        width: parent.width        height: 40        Rectangle {            height: 1            color: "#ccc"            anchors.top: parent.top            anchors.left: parent.left            anchors.right: parent.right        }        Rectangle {            height: 1            color: "#fff"            anchors.top: parent.top            anchors.topMargin: 1            anchors.left: parent.left            anchors.right: parent.right        }        gradient: Gradient {            GradientStop { position: 0 ; color: "#eee" }            GradientStop { position: 1 ; color: "#ccc" }        }        MouseArea{            anchors.fill: parent            enabled: ei.visible            //Eats mouse events        }        Image {            id: back            source: "images/back.png"            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter            anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 2            anchors.left: parent.left            anchors.leftMargin: 16            MouseArea {                id: mouse                hoverEnabled: true                anchors.centerIn: parent                width: 38                height: 31                anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -1                onClicked: ei.exampleUrl = ""                Rectangle {                                        anchors.fill: parent                    opacity: mouse.pressed ? 1 : 0                    Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation{ duration: 2000 }}                    gradient: Gradient {                        GradientStop { position: 0 ; color: "#22000000" }                        GradientStop { position: 0.2 ; color: "#11000000" }                    }                    border.color: "darkgray"                    antialiasing: true                    radius: 4                }            }        }    }}


import QtQuick 2.0Rectangle {    id: container    property Item exampleItem    width: ListView.view.width    height: button.implicitHeight + 22    gradient: Gradient {        GradientStop {            position: 0            Behavior on color {ColorAnimation { duration: 100 }}            color: button.pressed ? "#e0e0e0" : "#fff"        }        GradientStop {            position: 1            Behavior on color {ColorAnimation { duration: 100 }}            color: button.pressed ? "#e0e0e0" : button.containsMouse ? "#f5f5f5" : "#eee"        }    }    //Image Button    Image {        id: image        opacity: 0.7        Behavior on opacity {NumberAnimation {duration: 100}}        source: "images/next.png"        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter        anchors.right: parent.right        anchors.rightMargin: 16    }    //Menu Item    Item {        id: button        anchors.top: parent.top        anchors.left: parent.left        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom        anchors.right:image.left        implicitHeight: col.height        //height: implicitHeight        //width: buttonLabel.width + 20        MouseArea {            id: mouseArea            anchors.fill: parent            onClicked: exampleItem.exampleUrl = url            hoverEnabled: true        }        Column {            spacing: 2            id: col            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter            width: parent.width            Text {                id: buttonLabel                anchors.left: parent.left                anchors.leftMargin: 10                anchors.right: parent.right                anchors.rightMargin: 10                text: name                color: "black"                font.pixelSize: 22                wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere                styleColor: "white"                style: Text.Raised            }            Text {                id: buttonLabel2                anchors.left: parent.left                anchors.leftMargin: 10                text: description                wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere                color: "#666"                font.pixelSize: 12            }        }    }    Rectangle {        height: 1        color: "#ccc"        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom        anchors.left: parent.left        anchors.right: parent.right    }}






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