《Effective java》读书笔记——过期引用

来源:互联网 发布:网络推广部门口号 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 10:03
<span style="font-size:18px;">     public Object pop() {            if ( size == 0)                 throw new EmptyStackException();            // 上面的过期已用没有清除,所以会发生内存泄露            return elements [--size ];     }</span>

<span style="font-size:18px;">     public Object pop() {            if ( size == 0)                 throw new EmptyStackException();            elements[ size]= null;            return elements[-- size];     }</span>

To illustrate the concept with a quick (crude) example, consider the following:
                 public interface ChangeHandler {                    public void handleChange();                 }                 public class FileMonitor {                    private File file;                    private Set< ChangeHandler> handlers = newHashSet<ChangeHandler>();                    public FileMonitor( File file) {                        this .file = file;                    }                    public voidregisterChangeHandler(ChangeHandler handler) {                        this .handlers.add(handler);                    }                    public voidunregisterChangeHandler(ChangeHandler handler) {                        this .handlers.remove(handler);                    }                    ...                }

 If a client class then uses this FileMonitor APIthey might do this: 
                public class MyClass {                    File myFile = new File( ...);                    FileMonitor monitor = new FileMonitor(myFile );                    public void something() {                        ...                        ChangeHandler myHandler = getChangeHandler();                        monitor.registerChangeHandler(myHandler);                        ...                    }                }

     If the author of the MyClass then forgets to call unregisterChangeHandler() when it's done with the handler, the FileMonitor' s HashSet will forever reference the instance that was registered, causing it to remain in memory until the FileMonitor is destroyed or the application quits.

     To prevent this, Bloch is suggesting using a weak-referencing collection instead of the HashSet, so that if your instance of MyClass isdestroyed, the reference will be removed from the monitor's collection.

     You might replace the HashSet in FileMonitor with a WeakHashMap and use the handlers as the keys, since the latter will automatically remove the  handler from the collection when all other references to the object are gone .

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