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TIOBE Programming Community Index for October 2007

October Headline: Statistical Programming Language "R" in Top 50 for the second Month

The TIOBE Programming Community index gives an indication of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the world-wide availability of skilled engineers, courses and third party vendors. The popular search engines Google, MSN, and Yahoo! are used to calculate the ratings. Observe that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.

The index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system. The definition of the TIOBE index can be found here.

Oct 2007 Position
Oct 2006 Delta in Position Programming Language Ratings
Oct 2007 Delta
Oct 2006 Status 1 1 Java 21.616% +0.44%   A 2 2 C 14.591% -3.07%   A 3 5 (Visual) Basic 11.166% +1.44%   A 4 3 C++ 9.584% -1.48%   A 5 4 PHP 9.498% -0.36%   A 6 6 Perl 5.351% -0.12%   A 7 8 C# 3.740% +0.68%   A 8 7 Python 3.433% -0.03%   A 9 9 JavaScript 2.685% +0.48%   A 10 13 Ruby 2.386% +1.30%   A 11 12 PL/SQL 1.966% +0.87%   A 12 15 D 1.594% +0.96%   A 13 10 Delphi 1.539% -0.61%   A 14 11 SAS 1.383% -0.67%   A 15 14 ABAP 0.849% +0.20%   A- 16 18 COBOL 0.683% +0.14%   B 17 48 Lua 0.596% +0.53%   B 18 16 Lisp/Scheme 0.572% -0.05%   B 19 17 Ada 0.559% 0.00%   B 20 21 Fortran 0.446% +0.05%   B


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Long term trends

The long term trends for the first 10 programming languages can be found in the line diagram below.


Other programming languages

The complete top 50 of programming languages is listed below. This overview is published unofficially, because it could be the case that we missed a language. If you have the impression there is a programming language lacking, please notify us at tpci@tiobe.com.

Position Programming Language Ratings 21 Pascal 0.416% 22 ActionScript 0.369% 23 MATLAB 0.350% 24 Awk 0.320% 25 FoxPro/xBase 0.294% 26 Prolog 0.288% 27 Transact-SQL 0.271% 28 ColdFusion 0.264% 29 Logo 0.261% 30 IDL 0.238% 31 Tcl/Tk 0.204% 32 LabView 0.197% 33 Bash 0.183% 34 Haskell 0.167% 35 RPG 0.158% 36 Smalltalk 0.126% 37 CL (OS/400) 0.125% 38 Forth 0.120% 39 Erlang 0.115% 40 Natural 0.107% 41 ML 0.101% 42 PL/I 0.100% 43 VBScript 0.092% 44 REXX 0.091% 45 Objective-C 0.091% 46 APL 0.085% 47 Icon 0.080% 48 OCaml 0.075% 49 Lingo 0.071% 50 R 0.070%

The Next 50 Programming Languages

The following list of languages denotes #51 to #100. Since the differences are relatively small, the programming languages are only listed (in alphabetical order).


  • ABC, AD, Alpha, Applescript, AspectJ, Beta, Boo, cg, Ch, Clean, Csh, Curl, DC, Dylan, Eiffel, Euphoria, F#, Factor, Felix, Focus, Groovy, Inform, Io, J#, Lasso, MAD, Magic, Maple, Mathematica, MOO, MUMPS, Occam, OPL, Oz, PILOT, Postscript, Powerbuilder, Progress, Q, REALbasic, Revolution, S-lang, Scala, Seed7, SIGNAL, SPSS, Verilog, VHDL, Whitespace, XSLT


October Newsflash - Brought to you by Paul Jansen

  • In the tables below some long term trends are listed about categories of languages. The tables show that dynamically typed object-oriented languages are still becoming more popular.

    Category Ratings October 2007 Delta October 2006 Object-Oriented Languages 53.3% +0.8% Procedural Languages 43.7% -0.7% Logical Languages 1.7% -0.1% Functional Languages 1.3% +0.0%

    Category Ratings October 2007 Delta October 2006 Statically Typed Languages 56.5% -0.4% Dynamically Typed Languages 43.5% +0.4%