
来源:互联网 发布:网络计划图绘制方法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 03:41

One of the most popular new features introduced in iOS 8 is the ability to create several types of extensions. In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of creating a custom widget for the Today section of the notification center. But first, let’s briefly review some topics about extensions and understand the important concepts that underly widgets.


  1. What Is an Extension?


An extension is a special purpose binary. It’s not a complete app, it needs acontaining app to be distributed. This could be your existing app, which can include one or more extensions, or a newly created one. Although the extension is not distributed separately, it does have its own container.

扩展是一个特殊的程序。但是它并不属于一个完整的APP,它需要有一个容器APP(containing app)来进行发布。容器可以是一个已经存在的APP,也可以创建一个新的。一个容器可以有一个或一个以上的扩展。扩展不能独立的进行发布,它需要有一个容器。

An extension is launched and controlled via its host app. It could be Safari, for example, if you’re creating a share extension, or the Today system app that takes care of the notification center and other widgets. Each system area that supports being extended is called an extension point.

扩展被它所属的宿主程序(host app)所加载和控制。举个例子,它可以像Safari一样有分享扩张,或者像通知中心的今日摘要和其他组件一样。系统的每一个支持扩展的地方叫做扩展插入点。

To create an extension, you need to add a target to the project of the containing app. The templates provided by Xcode already include the appropriate frameworks for each extension point, allowing the app to interact with and following the correct policies of the host app.

为了创建扩展,你需要添加一个target到容器(cotaining app)的工程文件之中。Xcode提供的模板已经包括扩展接入点所需要的框架,

  1. Today Extension Point


Extensions created for the today extension point, the so-called widgets, are meant to provide simple and quick access to information. Widgets link to the Notification Center framework. It’s important that you design your widget with a simple and focused user interface, because too much interaction can be a problem. Note also that you don’t have access to a keyboard.


Widgets are expected to perform well and keep their content updated. Performance is a big point to consider. Your widget needs to be ready quickly and use resources wisely. This will avoid slowing the whole experience down. The system terminates widgets that use too much memory, for example. Widgets need to be simple and focused on the content they are displaying.


That’s enough theory for now. Let’s start creating a custom today widget. The widget we’re about to create will show information about disk usage, including a progress bar to provide a quick visual reference for the user. Along the way, we’ll also cover other important concepts of iOS 8 extensions.


  1. Target Setup


Step 1: Project Setup


If you want to build this widget as an extension to an existing app, go ahead and open your Xcode project, and jump to the second step. If you’re starting from scratch just like me, then you first need to create a containing app.

如果你想要创建一个扩展作为一个已经存在的app,打开Xcode工程,然后到步骤2。如果你像我一样从零开始,你需要先创建一个容器程序(containing app)

Open Xcode and in the File menu select New > Project…. We will be using Objective-C as the programming language and the the Single View Applicationtemplate to start with.

打开Xcode在File目录选择New > Project... 我们使用objective-C作为开发语言,选择 Single View Application 模板.

Step 2: Add New Target


Open the File menu and choose New > Target…. In the Application Extension category, select the Today Extension template.

打开 File 目录,选择 New > Target....Application Extension 的类别中选择 Today Extension 模板.

You’ll notice that the Project to which the target will be added is the project we’re currently working with and the extension will be embedded in the containing application. Also note that the extension has a distinct bundle identifier based on the one of the containing application, com.tutsplus.Today.Used-Space.

你会注意到target被添加到我们当前的工程,扩展将会被嵌入到容器程序。然后扩展会有一个标识符类似容器程序 com.tutsplus.Today.Used-Space.

Click Next, give your widget a name, for example, Used Space, and click Finish to create the new target. Xcode has created a new scheme for you and it will ask you to activate it for you. Click Activate to continue.

点击 Next, 给组件取个名字,例如Used Space, 点击 Finish 创建一个target..,Xcode将为你创建一个新的scheme,然后询问你是否激活,点击Activate继续

Xcode has created a new group for the widget named Space Used and added a number of files to it, a UIViewController subclass and a storyboard. That’s right, a widget is nothing more than a view controller and a storyboard. If you open the view controller’s header in the code editor, you’ll notice that it is indeed subclassing UIViewController.

Xcode将为组件创建一个名叫Space Used的分组 然后在其中生成一些文件,一个UIViewController和一个storyboard,组件就只是一个UIViewController和一个storyboard,如果你打开视图控制器的头文件,你会发现它就是一个普通的UIViewController的子类。

If you select the extension target from the list of targets, open the Build Phases tab, and expand the Link Binary With Libraries section, you’ll see that the new target is linked to the Notification Center framework.

If you select the extension target from the list of targets, open the Build Phases tab, and expand the Link Binary With Libraries section, you’ll see that the new target is linked to the Notification Center framework.

如果你选择扩展的target,打开 Build Phases并展开Link Binary With Libraries,你会发现它添加了 Notification Centre得框架

  1. User Interface


We’ll now build a basic user interface for our widget. Determining the widget size is important and there are two ways of telling the system the amount of space we need. One is using Auto Layout and the other is using the preferredContentSize property of the view controller.

我们现在来创建一个基本的用户界面,首先需要确定组件的大小,有两种方式来告诉系统我们所需的大小。第一是是采用自动布局(Auto Layout),第二是使用viewcontrollerpreferredContentSize属性。

The concept of adaptive layouts is also applicable to widgets. Not only do we now have iPhones with various widths (and iPads and future devices), but also remember that the widget might need to show its content in landscape orientation. If the user interface can be described with Auto Layout constraints, then that is a clear advantage for the developer. The height can be adjusted later with setPreferredContentSize


Step 1: Adding Elements


Open MainInterface.storyboard in the Xcode editor. You’ll notice that a label displaying “Hello World” is already present in the view controller’s view. Select it and delete it from the view as we won’t be using it. Add a new label to the view and align it to the right margin as shown below.

在Xcode编辑器中打开 MainInterface.storyboard. 你会发现已经有一个HelloewWorld的label已经在视图中了,选中并删除它,因为我们不会用到,添加一个新的label并且让它靠右对齐像图中那样

In the Attributes Inspector, set text color to white, text alignment to right, and the label’s text to 50.0%.

Attributes Inspector 中设置颜色为白色, 字体对齐方式为靠右对齐, 文本占 50.0%.

Select Size to Fit Content from Xcode’s Editor menu to resize the label properly if it’s too small to fit its contents.

在编辑器中选择 Size to Fit Content 来让label自动调节大小

Next, add a UIProgressView instance to the left of the label and position it as shown below.



With the progress view selected, change the Progress Tint attribute in theAttributes Inspector to white and the Track Tint color to dark grey. This will make it more visible. This is looking good so far. It’s time to apply some constraints.

选中进度条,在Attributes Inspector改变 Progress Tint为白色, 改变Track Tint 为深褐色.这将会使得进度条更加明显,接下来添加一些约束。

Step 2: Adding Constraints


Select the percentage label and add a top, bottom, and trailing constraint as shown below. Be sure to uncheck the Constrain to margins checkbox.

选中label添加如图所示的上下约束。不要勾选Constrain to margins 的选项

Select the progress view and add a top, leading, and trailing constraint. Use this opportunity to change the leading space to 3 and don’t forget to uncheck Constrain to margins

选择进度条添加如图所示的上左右的约束,同时不要忘记反选Constrain to margins

Because we changed the value of the leading constraint of the progress view, we have a small problem that we need to fix. The frame of the progress view doesn’t reflect the constraints of the progress view. With the progress view selected, click the Resolve Auto Layout Issues button at the bottom and choose Update Frames from the Selected Views section. This will update the frame of the progress view based on the constraints we set earlier.

因为我们改变了约束,所以我们会有一个小问题需要解决,现在的进度条大小并不能正确的反应约束后的进度条大小,选择进度条, 点击 Resolve Auto Layout Issues 按钮,选择 Update Frames 选择 Selected Views.这将会根据约束来更新进度条的大小。

Step 3: Build and Run


It’s time to see the widget in action. With the Used Space scheme selected, select Run from the Product menu or hit Command-R. Reveal the notification center by swiping from the top of the screen to the bottom and tap the Edit button at the bottom of the notification center. Your widget should be available to add to the Today section. Add it to the Today section by tapping the add button on its left.

是时候来看一下我们的组件了,选择Used Space scheme,选择Prodect目录中得Run或者直接按下 Command-R,下拉显示通知中心,然后点击下方的edit按钮,你的今日组件将会出现在可添加的地方,点击它左边的添加按钮。

This is what our extension should look like.


That looks good, but why is there so much space below the progress view and label? Also, why didn’t the operating system respect the leading constraint of the progress view?


Both issues are standard margins set by the operating system. We will change this in the next step. Note, however, that the left margin is desirable since it aligns the progress view with the widget’s name.


If you rotate your device or run the application on a different device, you’ll notice that the widget adjusts it size properly. That’s thanks to Auto Layout.

如果你选择你的设备或者在其它设备运行,你会发现组件会调整大小,这得益于我们使用了自动布局( Auto Layout)

Step 4: Fixing the Bottom Margin


Open TodayViewController.m in Xcode’s editor. You’ll notice that the view controller conforms to the NCWidgetProviding protocol. This means we need to implement the
widgetMarginInsetsForProposedMarginInsets: method and return a custom margin by returning a UIEdgeInsets structure. Update the method’s implementation as shown below.

打开 TodayViewController.m. 可以看到控制器实现了NCWidgetProviding协议. 这意味着我们需要实现widgetMarginInsetsForProposedMarginInsets:方法来返回一个自定义的边距(UIEdgeInsets结构),修改方法如下

Run the application again to see the result. The widget should be smaller with less margin at the bottom. You can customize these margins to get the result you’re after.



Step 5: Connecting Outlets


Before moving on, let’s finish the user interface by adding two outlets. With the storyboard file opened, switch to the assistant editor and make sure that it displays TodayViewController.m.


Hold Control and drag from the label to the view controller’s interface to create an outlet for the label. Name the outlet percentLabel . R epeat this step and create an outlet named b arView for the UI ProgressView instance.



  1. Displaying Real Data


We will use the NSFileManager class to calculate the device’s available space. But how do we update the widget with that data?

我们将使用 NSFileManageer类来计算设备的可用空间,那么我们改如何更新组件的数据呢?

This is where another method from the NCWidgetProviding protocol comes into play. The operating system invokes the widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler: method when the widget is loaded and it can also be called in the background. In the latter case, even if the widget is not visible, the system may launch it and ask for updates to save a snapshot. This snapshot will be displayed the next time the widget appears, usually for a short period of time until the widget is displayed.


The argument passed in this method is a completion handler that needs to be called when the content or data is updated. The block takes a parameter of type NCUpdateResult to describe if we have new content to show. If not, the operating system will know that there is no need to save a new snapshot.


Step 1: Properties


We first need to create some properties to hold the free, used, and total sizes. We will also add a property to hold the used space on the device. This allows us greater flexibility later. Add these properties to the class extension inTodayViewController.m.


Step 2: Implementing updateSizes


Next, create and implement a helper method, updateSizes , to fetch the necessary data and calculate the device’s used space.


- (void)updateSizes{    // Retrieve the attributes from NSFileManager    NSDictionary *dict = [[NSFileManager defaultManager]                attributesOfFileSystemForPath:NSHomeDirectory()                                        error:nil];    // Set the values    self.fileSystemSize = [[dict valueForKey:NSFileSystemSize]                              unsignedLongLongValue];    self.freeSize       = [[dict valueForKey:NSFileSystemFreeSize]                              unsignedLongLongValue];    self.usedSize       = self.fileSystemSize - self.freeSize;}

Step 3: Caching


We can take advantage of N SUserDefaults to save the calculated used space between launches. The lifecycle of a widget is short so if we cache this value, we can set up the user interface with an initial value and then calculate the actual value.


This is also helpful to determine if we need to update the widget snapshot or not. Let’s create two convenience methods to access the user defaults database.


Note that we use a macro RATE_KEY so don’t forget to add this one at the top ofTodayViewController.m.


Step 4: Updating the User Interface


Because our widget is a view controller, the viewDidLoad method is a good place to update the user interface. We make use of a helper
method, updateInterface to do so.


Step 5: Invoking the Completion Handler


The number of free bytes tends to change quite frequently. To check if we really need to update the widget, we check the calculated used space and apply a threshold of 0.01% instead of the exact number of free bytes. Change the implementation widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler: as shown below.


- (void)widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(NCUpdateResult))completionHandler{    [self updateSizes];    double newRate = (double)self.usedSize / (double)self.fileSystemSize;    if (newRate - self.usedRate < 0.0001) {        completionHandler(NCUpdateResultNoData);    } else {        [self setUsedRate:newRate];        [self updateInterface];        completionHandler(NCUpdateResultNewData);    }}

We recalculate the used space and, if it’s significantly different from the previous value, save the value and update the interface. We then tell the operating system that something changed. If not, then there’s no need for a new snapshot. While we don’t use it in this example, there is also a NCUpdateResultFailed value to indicate that an error occurred.


Step 6: Build & Run


Run your application once more. It should now display the correct value of how much space is used by your device.


  1. Recap

6 总结

Let’s review the lifecycle of your new widget. When you open the Today panel, the system may display a previous snapshot until it is ready. The view is loaded and your widget will retrieve a value cached in NSUserDefaults and use it to update the user interface.


Next, widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler: is called and it will recalculate the actual value. If the cached and new value are not significantly different, then we don’t do anything. If the new value is substantially different, we cache it and update the user interface accordingly.


While in the background, the widget may be launched by the operating system and the same process is repeated. If NCUpdateResultNewData is returned, a new snapshot is created to display for the next appearance.


  1. Adding More Information and Animation


Although we are already showing the used space, it would be interesting to have a precise number. To avoid cluttering the user interface, we will make our widget more interactive. If the user taps the percentage label, the widget expands, showing a new label with absolute numbers. This is also a great opportunity to learn how to use animation in widgets.

Step 1: Changing the User Interface


Open MainInterface.storyboard and select the percent label. In the Attributes Inspector, under the View section, find the User Interaction Enabled option and enable it.

打开MainInterface.storyboard选择label,在In the Attributes Inspector,在View选项下,找到User Interaction Enabled选项并启用它。

Next, we need to remove the bottom constraint of the label. The distance of the label to the bottom of the view will change programmatically, which means the constraint would become invalid.


Select the label, open the Size area in the Size Inspector, select the bottom space constraint, and hit delete. You can also manually select the constraint guide in the view and delete it. The label now only has a top and trailing space constraint as shown below.

选择label,在Size Inspector展开’Size’,选择底部的空间约束,并点击删除。你也可以手动选择视图中的约束引导并删除它。label现在只有顶部的约束,如下图所示。

Select the view controller by clicking the first of the three icons at the top of the scene. In the Size area of the Size Inspector, set the height to 106.

通过点击画面上方的三个图标的第一个选择视图控制器。在Size InspectorSize中,将高度设置为106

Add a new label to the view and, as we did before, set its color to white in the Attributes Inspector. In addition, set the number of lines to 3, the height to 61, and the width 200. This should be enough to accommodate three lines of information. You also want it aligned to the bottom and left margins.

添加一个新的label,,在Attributes Inspector设置其颜色为白色。此外,设置行数3,高度61,宽度200。这应该足以容纳三条信息。让它保存靠左和靠下对齐。

The last step is to open the assistant editor and create an outlet for the label named detailsLabel.


Step 2: Setup


The widget will only be expanded for a brief moment. We could save a boolean in NSUserDefaults and load it remembering the previous state, but, to keep it simple, every time the widget is loaded it will be closed. When tapping the percentage label, the extra information appears.


Let’s first define two macros at the top of TodayViewController.m to help with the sizes.
In viewDidLoad, add two lines of code to set the initial height of the widget and to make the details label transparent. We will fade in the details label when the percentage label is tapped.


Note that we set the width of the widget to 0.0, because the width will be set by the operating system.


Step 3: Updating the Details Label


In the detail label, we show values for free, used, and total space available with the help of NSByteCountFormatter. Add the following implementation to the view controller.

Step 4: Capturing Touches


To detect touches, we override the touchesBegan:withEvent: method. The idea is simple, whenever a touch is detected, the widget is expanded and the details label is updated. Note that the size of the widget is updated by callingsetPreferredContentSize: on the view controller.


Step 5: Adding Animation


Even though the widget works fines, we can improve the user experience by fading the details label in while the widget expands. This is possible if we implement viewWillTransitionToSize:withTransitionCoordinator:. This method is called when the widget’s height changes. Because a transition coordinator object is passed in, we can include additional animations.


As you can see, we change the alpha value of the details label, but you can add any type of animate that you feel enhances the user experience.


Step 6: Build & Run


We are ready to run the application one more time. Give it a try and tap the percentage label to reveal the new details.



While all this logic might seem overly complex for such a simple task, you will now be familiar with the complete process to create a today extension. Keep these principles in mind when designing and building your widget. Remember to keep it simple and direct, and don’t forget performance.


Caching here wouldn’t be needed at all with these fast operations, but it is especially important if you have expensive processing to do. Use your knowledge of view controllers and check that it works for various screen sizes. It’s also recommended that you avoid scroll views or complex touch recognition.


Although the extension will have a separate container, as we saw earlier, it is possible to enable data sharing between the extension and the containing app. You can also use NSExtensionContext ‘s openURL:completionHandler: with a custom URL scheme to launch your app from the widget. And if code is what you need to share with your extension, go ahead and create a framework to use in your app and extension.

虽然扩展将有一个单独的容器,正如我们前面看到的,它可以使应用程序和包含扩展之间的数据共享。你也可以使用NSExtensionContextOpenURL:completionhandler:通过一个自定义的URL scheme来快速启动你的程序从组件。如果你需要分享你的延伸,创建一个框架来使用您的应用程序和扩展。

I hope the knowledge presented here comes in useful when building your next great today widget.


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