
来源:互联网 发布:社交网络红包广告 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 07:15

C++ 程序,在Linux下使用了C++11的特性,也用到了Linux的库。

#include<iostream>#include<string>#include<cstring>#include<vector>#include<map>#include<sstream>#include<fstream>#include<stdlib.h>#define RESET "\033[0m"#define BLACK "\033[30m" /* Black */#define RED "\033[31m" /* Red */#define GREEN "\033[32m" /* Green */#define YELLOW "\033[33m" /* Yellow */#define BLUE "\033[34m" /* Blue */#define MAGENTA "\033[35m" /* Magenta */#define CYAN "\033[36m" /* Cyan */#define WHITE "\033[37m" /* White */#define BOLDBLACK "\033[1m\033[30m" /* Bold Black */#define BOLDRED "\033[1m\033[31m" /* Bold Red */#define BOLDGREEN "\033[1m\033[32m" /* Bold Green */#define BOLDYELLOW "\033[1m\033[33m" /* Bold Yellow */#define BOLDBLUE "\033[1m\033[34m" /* Bold Blue */#define BOLDMAGENTA "\033[1m\033[35m" /* Bold Magenta */#define BOLDCYAN "\033[1m\033[36m" /* Bold Cyan */#define BOLDWHITE "\033[1m\033[37m" /* Bold White */using namespace std;// usename passwordvector<string> split(string sourceStr){    string buff = "";    vector<string> strVector;    for(char c : sourceStr){        if(c == ' '){if(buff != ""){strVector.push_back(buff);buff = "";}        }else{            buff += c;        }    }    if(buff != ""){        strVector.push_back(buff);    }    return strVector;}enum LogLevel{    Debug,    Info,    Warn,    Error,    OK};class Log{public:    LogLevel logLevel;    // constructor    Log(LogLevel lv){        logLevel = lv;        if(lv == Error){            cout << RED << "Error" << RESET << endl;        }else if(lv == Info){            cout << GREEN << "Info" << RESET << endl;        }else if(lv == Warn){            cout << YELLOW << "Warn" << RESET << endl;        }else{            cout << BLUE << "Ok" << RESET << endl;        }    }    Log(){}    void info(string str){        cout << GREEN << str << RESET << endl;    }    void warn(string str){        cout << YELLOW << str << RESET << endl;    }    void error(string str){        cout << RED << str << RESET << endl;    }    ~Log(){            } };enum STATUS{    IN_STOCK,    ON_LOAN};class Book{public:    int id;    string name;    STATUS status;    Book(int inputID, string inputName){        id = inputID;        name = inputName;        status = IN_STOCK;    }       Book(int inputID, string inputName, STATUS inputStatus){        id = inputID;        name = inputName;        status = inputStatus;    }};class BookSystem{public:    Log log;    BookSystem(){        lastID = 0;    }    string getDBPath(){        string path = getcwd(NULL, 0);        string dbName = "book.db";        return path + "/" + dbName;    }void runCommand(string input){vector<string> strVector = split(input);string commandName = strVector[0];if("reg" == commandName){if(strVector.size() < 3){log.error("Syntax error:: reg command requires 2 parameters: Username and password."); return;}reg(strVector);}else if("login" == commandName){if(strVector.size() < 3){log.error("Syntax error:: login command requires 2 parameters: Username and password."); return;}            login(strVector);        }else if("addbook" == commandName){                addBook(strVector);        }else if("listbook" == commandName){            listBook(strVector);        }else if("savedb" == commandName){            saveDB(strVector);        }}    void login(vector<string> strVector){string userName = strVector[1];string password = strVector[2];if(userDatabase.find(userName) == userDatabase.end()){log.error("The user " + userName + " is not found.");}else{if(userDatabase[userName] == password){                log.info("The user " + userName + " logged in successfully.");            }else{                log.error("Username or Password is not correct.");            }}            }    void reg(vector<string> strVector){string userName = strVector[1];string password = strVector[2];if(userDatabase.find(userName) == userDatabase.end()){userDatabase[userName] = password;}else{log.error("The user " + userName + " has been registered.");}        return;    }    void addBook(vector<string> strVector){        string name = strVector[1];        string countStr = strVector[2];                //string to int        int int_temp = 0;        stringstream stream(countStr);        stream>>int_temp;        //new a Book object        for(int i=0; i<int_temp; i++){            lastID++;            Book newBook(lastID, name);            bookDB.push_back(newBook);        }    }    void listBook_internal(){        int count = bookDB.size();       // Book book;        for(int i=0; i<count; i++){            auto book = bookDB[i];            cout << book.id << ":" << book.name << endl;        }    }    void listBook(vector<string> strVector){        listBook_internal();    }    void loadDB(vector<string> strVector){        loadDB_internal();     }        void loadDB_internal(){        string dbPath = getDBPath();        ifstream input(dbPath);        while(!input.eof()){            string currLine;            getline(input, currLine);            auto chunks = split(currLine);            if(0 == chunks.size()){                break;            }            if(chunks[0] == "USER"){                string userName = chunks[1];                string password = chunks[2];                userDatabase[userName] = password;            }else if(chunks[0] == "BOOK"){                string idStr = chunks[1];                string name = chunks[2];                string statusStr = chunks[3];                int id;                istringstream(idStr) >> id;                STATUS status;                //plus & on behalf of reference                istringstream(statusStr) >> (int&)status;                Book currBook(id, name, status);                bookDB.push_back(currBook);            }        }        input.close();    }    void saveDB_internal(){        string dbPath = getDBPath();                //output file stream        //C++ ofstream        ofstream output(dbPath);        for(map<string, string>::iterator i=userDatabase.begin(); i!=userDatabase.end(); i++){            output << "USER " << i->first << " " << i->second << endl;            //cout << i->first << ":" << i->second << endl;        }        for(int i=0; i<bookDB.size(); i++){            auto book = bookDB[i];            output << "BOOK " << book.id << " " << book.name << " " << book.status << endl;         }        output.close();    }    void saveDB(vector<string> strVector){        saveDB_internal();    }map<string, string> userDatabase;    vector<Book> bookDB;    int lastID;};int main(){    //cout << Log(Info) << "info" << endl;    Log log;    BookSystem bookSys;    bookSys.loadDB_internal();    string inputBuffer = "";    do{        cout << ("BOOKSSYS >");        //cin >> inputBuffer;getline(cin, inputBuffer);        bookSys.runCommand(inputBuffer);                }while(inputBuffer != "exit");    return 0;}


edit:main.cppg++ -std=c++0x -g -O0 main.cpp -o main#g++ -std=c++0x -g -o main main.cpp

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