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【编码 - x264】










x264源代码简单分析:熵编码(Entropy Encoding)部分


【解码 - libavcodec H.264 解码器】







FFmpeg的H.264解码器源代码简单分析:环路滤波(Loop Filter)部分












x264_slice_init():创建 Slice Header。




/* x264_encoder_encode: *      encode one picture. *      *pi_nal is the number of NAL units outputted in pp_nal. *      returns the number of bytes in the returned NALs. *      returns negative on error and zero if no NAL units returned. *      the payloads of all output NALs are guaranteed to be sequential in memory. */int     x264_encoder_encode( x264_t *, x264_nal_t **pp_nal, int *pi_nal, x264_picture_t *pic_in, x264_picture_t *pic_out );
/**************************************************************************** * x264_encoder_encode: *  XXX: i_poc   : is the poc of the current given picture *       i_frame : is the number of the frame being coded *  ex:  type frame poc *       I      0   2*0 *       P      1   2*3 *       B      2   2*1 *       B      3   2*2 *       P      4   2*6 *       B      5   2*4 *       B      6   2*5 * * 注释和处理:雷霄骅 * http://blog.csdn.net/leixiaohua1020 * leixiaohua1020@126.com ****************************************************************************///编码一帧数据int     x264_encoder_encode( x264_t *h,                             x264_nal_t **pp_nal, int *pi_nal,                             x264_picture_t *pic_in,                             x264_picture_t *pic_out ){    x264_t *thread_current, *thread_prev, *thread_oldest;    int i_nal_type, i_nal_ref_idc, i_global_qp;    int overhead = NALU_OVERHEAD;#if HAVE_OPENCL    if( h->opencl.b_fatal_error )        return -1;#endif    if( h->i_thread_frames > 1 )    {        thread_prev    = h->thread[ h->i_thread_phase ];        h->i_thread_phase = (h->i_thread_phase + 1) % h->i_thread_frames;        thread_current = h->thread[ h->i_thread_phase ];        thread_oldest  = h->thread[ (h->i_thread_phase + 1) % h->i_thread_frames ];        x264_thread_sync_context( thread_current, thread_prev );        x264_thread_sync_ratecontrol( thread_current, thread_prev, thread_oldest );        h = thread_current;    }    else    {        thread_current =        thread_oldest  = h;    }    h->i_cpb_delay_pir_offset = h->i_cpb_delay_pir_offset_next;    /* no data out */    *pi_nal = 0;    *pp_nal = NULL;    /* ------------------- Setup new frame from picture -------------------- */    if( pic_in != NULL )    {        /* 1: Copy the picture to a frame and move it to a buffer */    //步骤1    //fenc存储了编码帧    //获取一帧的空间fenc,用来存放待编码的帧        x264_frame_t *fenc = x264_frame_pop_unused( h, 0 );        if( !fenc )            return -1;        //外部像素数据传递到内部系统        //pic_in(外部结构体x264_picture_t)到fenc(内部结构体x264_frame_t)        if( x264_frame_copy_picture( h, fenc, pic_in ) < 0 )            return -1;        //宽和高都确保是16的整数倍(宏块宽度的整数倍)        if( h->param.i_width != 16 * h->mb.i_mb_width ||            h->param.i_height != 16 * h->mb.i_mb_height )            x264_frame_expand_border_mod16( h, fenc );//扩展至16整数倍        fenc->i_frame = h->frames.i_input++;        if( fenc->i_frame == 0 )            h->frames.i_first_pts = fenc->i_pts;        if( h->frames.i_bframe_delay && fenc->i_frame == h->frames.i_bframe_delay )            h->frames.i_bframe_delay_time = fenc->i_pts - h->frames.i_first_pts;        if( h->param.b_vfr_input && fenc->i_pts <= h->frames.i_largest_pts )            x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "non-strictly-monotonic PTS\n" );        h->frames.i_second_largest_pts = h->frames.i_largest_pts;        h->frames.i_largest_pts = fenc->i_pts;        if( (fenc->i_pic_struct < PIC_STRUCT_AUTO) || (fenc->i_pic_struct > PIC_STRUCT_TRIPLE) )            fenc->i_pic_struct = PIC_STRUCT_AUTO;        if( fenc->i_pic_struct == PIC_STRUCT_AUTO )        {#if HAVE_INTERLACED            int b_interlaced = fenc->param ? fenc->param->b_interlaced : h->param.b_interlaced;#else            int b_interlaced = 0;#endif            if( b_interlaced )            {                int b_tff = fenc->param ? fenc->param->b_tff : h->param.b_tff;                fenc->i_pic_struct = b_tff ? PIC_STRUCT_TOP_BOTTOM : PIC_STRUCT_BOTTOM_TOP;            }            else                fenc->i_pic_struct = PIC_STRUCT_PROGRESSIVE;        }        if( h->param.rc.b_mb_tree && h->param.rc.b_stat_read )        {            if( x264_macroblock_tree_read( h, fenc, pic_in->prop.quant_offsets ) )                return -1;        }        else            x264_stack_align( x264_adaptive_quant_frame, h, fenc, pic_in->prop.quant_offsets );        if( pic_in->prop.quant_offsets_free )            pic_in->prop.quant_offsets_free( pic_in->prop.quant_offsets );        //降低分辨率处理(原来的一半),线性内插        //注意这里并不是6抽头滤波器的半像素内插        if( h->frames.b_have_lowres )            x264_frame_init_lowres( h, fenc );        /* 2: Place the frame into the queue for its slice type decision */        //步骤2        //fenc放入lookahead.next.list[]队列,等待确定帧类型        x264_lookahead_put_frame( h, fenc );        if( h->frames.i_input <= h->frames.i_delay + 1 - h->i_thread_frames )        {            /* Nothing yet to encode, waiting for filling of buffers */            pic_out->i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;            return 0;        }    }    else    {    //输入数据为空的时候(Flush Encoder?),不需要lookahead        /* signal kills for lookahead thread */        x264_pthread_mutex_lock( &h->lookahead->ifbuf.mutex );        h->lookahead->b_exit_thread = 1;        x264_pthread_cond_broadcast( &h->lookahead->ifbuf.cv_fill );        x264_pthread_mutex_unlock( &h->lookahead->ifbuf.mutex );    }    h->i_frame++;    /* 3: The picture is analyzed in the lookahead */    // 步骤3    //通过lookahead分析帧类型    if( !h->frames.current[0] )        x264_lookahead_get_frames( h );    if( !h->frames.current[0] && x264_lookahead_is_empty( h ) )        return x264_encoder_frame_end( thread_oldest, thread_current, pp_nal, pi_nal, pic_out );    /* ------------------- Get frame to be encoded ------------------------- */    /* 4: get picture to encode */    //从frames.current[]队列取出1帧[0]用于编码    h->fenc = x264_frame_shift( h->frames.current );    /* If applicable, wait for previous frame reconstruction to finish */    if( h->param.b_sliced_threads )        if( x264_threadpool_wait_all( h ) < 0 )            return -1;    if( h->i_frame == h->i_thread_frames - 1 )        h->i_reordered_pts_delay = h->fenc->i_reordered_pts;    if( h->reconfig )    {        x264_encoder_reconfig_apply( h, &h->reconfig_h->param );        h->reconfig = 0;    }    if( h->fenc->param )    {        x264_encoder_reconfig_apply( h, h->fenc->param );        if( h->fenc->param->param_free )        {            h->fenc->param->param_free( h->fenc->param );            h->fenc->param = NULL;        }    }    // ok to call this before encoding any frames, since the initial values of fdec have b_kept_as_ref=0    //更新参考帧队列frames.reference[].若为B帧则不更新    //重建帧fdec移植参考帧列表,新建一个fdec    if( x264_reference_update( h ) )        return -1;    h->fdec->i_lines_completed = -1;    if( !IS_X264_TYPE_I( h->fenc->i_type ) )    {        int valid_refs_left = 0;        for( int i = 0; h->frames.reference[i]; i++ )            if( !h->frames.reference[i]->b_corrupt )                valid_refs_left++;        /* No valid reference frames left: force an IDR. */        if( !valid_refs_left )        {            h->fenc->b_keyframe = 1;            h->fenc->i_type = X264_TYPE_IDR;        }    }    if( h->fenc->b_keyframe )    {        h->frames.i_last_keyframe = h->fenc->i_frame;        if( h->fenc->i_type == X264_TYPE_IDR )        {            h->i_frame_num = 0;            h->frames.i_last_idr = h->fenc->i_frame;        }    }    h->sh.i_mmco_command_count =    h->sh.i_mmco_remove_from_end = 0;    h->b_ref_reorder[0] =    h->b_ref_reorder[1] = 0;    h->fdec->i_poc =    h->fenc->i_poc = 2 * ( h->fenc->i_frame - X264_MAX( h->frames.i_last_idr, 0 ) );    /* ------------------- Setup frame context ----------------------------- */    /* 5: Init data dependent of frame type */    if( h->fenc->i_type == X264_TYPE_IDR )    {    //I与IDR区别    //注意IDR会导致参考帧列清空,而I不会    //I图像之后的图像可以引用I图像之间的图像做运动参考        /* reset ref pictures */        i_nal_type    = NAL_SLICE_IDR;        i_nal_ref_idc = NAL_PRIORITY_HIGHEST;        h->sh.i_type = SLICE_TYPE_I;        //若是IDR帧,则清空所有参考帧        x264_reference_reset( h );        h->frames.i_poc_last_open_gop = -1;    }    else if( h->fenc->i_type == X264_TYPE_I )    {    //I与IDR区别    //注意IDR会导致参考帧列清空,而I不会    //I图像之后的图像可以引用I图像之间的图像做运动参考        i_nal_type    = NAL_SLICE;        i_nal_ref_idc = NAL_PRIORITY_HIGH; /* Not completely true but for now it is (as all I/P are kept as ref)*/        h->sh.i_type = SLICE_TYPE_I;        x264_reference_hierarchy_reset( h );        if( h->param.b_open_gop )            h->frames.i_poc_last_open_gop = h->fenc->b_keyframe ? h->fenc->i_poc : -1;    }    else if( h->fenc->i_type == X264_TYPE_P )    {        i_nal_type    = NAL_SLICE;        i_nal_ref_idc = NAL_PRIORITY_HIGH; /* Not completely true but for now it is (as all I/P are kept as ref)*/        h->sh.i_type = SLICE_TYPE_P;        x264_reference_hierarchy_reset( h );        h->frames.i_poc_last_open_gop = -1;    }    else if( h->fenc->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF )    {    //可以作为参考帧的B帧,这是个特色        i_nal_type    = NAL_SLICE;        i_nal_ref_idc = h->param.i_bframe_pyramid == X264_B_PYRAMID_STRICT ? NAL_PRIORITY_LOW : NAL_PRIORITY_HIGH;        h->sh.i_type = SLICE_TYPE_B;        x264_reference_hierarchy_reset( h );    }    else    /* B frame */    {    //最普通        i_nal_type    = NAL_SLICE;        i_nal_ref_idc = NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE;        h->sh.i_type = SLICE_TYPE_B;    }    //重建帧与编码帧的赋值...    h->fdec->i_type = h->fenc->i_type;    h->fdec->i_frame = h->fenc->i_frame;    h->fenc->b_kept_as_ref =    h->fdec->b_kept_as_ref = i_nal_ref_idc != NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE && h->param.i_keyint_max > 1;    h->fdec->mb_info = h->fenc->mb_info;    h->fdec->mb_info_free = h->fenc->mb_info_free;    h->fenc->mb_info = NULL;    h->fenc->mb_info_free = NULL;    h->fdec->i_pts = h->fenc->i_pts;    if( h->frames.i_bframe_delay )    {        int64_t *prev_reordered_pts = thread_current->frames.i_prev_reordered_pts;        h->fdec->i_dts = h->i_frame > h->frames.i_bframe_delay                       ? prev_reordered_pts[ (h->i_frame - h->frames.i_bframe_delay) % h->frames.i_bframe_delay ]                       : h->fenc->i_reordered_pts - h->frames.i_bframe_delay_time;        prev_reordered_pts[ h->i_frame % h->frames.i_bframe_delay ] = h->fenc->i_reordered_pts;    }    else        h->fdec->i_dts = h->fenc->i_reordered_pts;    if( h->fenc->i_type == X264_TYPE_IDR )        h->i_last_idr_pts = h->fdec->i_pts;    /* ------------------- Init                ----------------------------- */    /* build ref list 0/1 */    //创建参考帧列表list0和list1    x264_reference_build_list( h, h->fdec->i_poc );    /* ---------------------- Write the bitstream -------------------------- */    /* Init bitstream context */    //用于输出    if( h->param.b_sliced_threads )    {        for( int i = 0; i < h->param.i_threads; i++ )        {            bs_init( &h->thread[i]->out.bs, h->thread[i]->out.p_bitstream, h->thread[i]->out.i_bitstream );            h->thread[i]->out.i_nal = 0;        }    }    else    {        bs_init( &h->out.bs, h->out.p_bitstream, h->out.i_bitstream );        h->out.i_nal = 0;    }    if( h->param.b_aud )    {        int pic_type;        if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_I )            pic_type = 0;        else if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_P )            pic_type = 1;        else if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_B )            pic_type = 2;        else            pic_type = 7;        x264_nal_start( h, NAL_AUD, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );        bs_write( &h->out.bs, 3, pic_type );        bs_rbsp_trailing( &h->out.bs );        if( x264_nal_end( h ) )            return -1;        overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + NALU_OVERHEAD;    }    h->i_nal_type = i_nal_type;    h->i_nal_ref_idc = i_nal_ref_idc;    if( h->param.b_intra_refresh )    {        if( IS_X264_TYPE_I( h->fenc->i_type ) )        {            h->fdec->i_frames_since_pir = 0;            h->b_queued_intra_refresh = 0;            /* PIR is currently only supported with ref == 1, so any intra frame effectively refreshes             * the whole frame and counts as an intra refresh. */            h->fdec->f_pir_position = h->mb.i_mb_width;        }        else if( h->fenc->i_type == X264_TYPE_P )        {            int pocdiff = (h->fdec->i_poc - h->fref[0][0]->i_poc)/2;            float increment = X264_MAX( ((float)h->mb.i_mb_width-1) / h->param.i_keyint_max, 1 );            h->fdec->f_pir_position = h->fref[0][0]->f_pir_position;            h->fdec->i_frames_since_pir = h->fref[0][0]->i_frames_since_pir + pocdiff;            if( h->fdec->i_frames_since_pir >= h->param.i_keyint_max ||                (h->b_queued_intra_refresh && h->fdec->f_pir_position + 0.5 >= h->mb.i_mb_width) )            {                h->fdec->f_pir_position = 0;                h->fdec->i_frames_since_pir = 0;                h->b_queued_intra_refresh = 0;                h->fenc->b_keyframe = 1;            }            h->fdec->i_pir_start_col = h->fdec->f_pir_position+0.5;            h->fdec->f_pir_position += increment * pocdiff;            h->fdec->i_pir_end_col = h->fdec->f_pir_position+0.5;            /* If our intra refresh has reached the right side of the frame, we're done. */            if( h->fdec->i_pir_end_col >= h->mb.i_mb_width - 1 )            {                h->fdec->f_pir_position = h->mb.i_mb_width;                h->fdec->i_pir_end_col = h->mb.i_mb_width - 1;            }        }    }    if( h->fenc->b_keyframe )    {    //每个关键帧前面重复加上SPS和PPS        /* Write SPS and PPS */        if( h->param.b_repeat_headers )        {            /* generate sequence parameters */            x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SPS, NAL_PRIORITY_HIGHEST );            x264_sps_write( &h->out.bs, h->sps );            if( x264_nal_end( h ) )                return -1;            /* Pad AUD/SPS to 256 bytes like Panasonic */            if( h->param.i_avcintra_class )                h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_padding = 256 - bs_pos( &h->out.bs ) / 8 - 2*NALU_OVERHEAD;            overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_padding + NALU_OVERHEAD;            /* generate picture parameters */            x264_nal_start( h, NAL_PPS, NAL_PRIORITY_HIGHEST );            x264_pps_write( &h->out.bs, h->sps, h->pps );            if( x264_nal_end( h ) )                return -1;            if( h->param.i_avcintra_class )                h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_padding = 256 - h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload - NALU_OVERHEAD;            overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_padding + NALU_OVERHEAD;        }        /* when frame threading is used, buffering period sei is written in x264_encoder_frame_end */        if( h->i_thread_frames == 1 && h->sps->vui.b_nal_hrd_parameters_present )        {            x264_hrd_fullness( h );            x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );            x264_sei_buffering_period_write( h, &h->out.bs );            if( x264_nal_end( h ) )               return -1;            overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;        }    }    /* write extra sei */    //下面很大一段代码用于写入SEI(一部分是为了适配其他的解码器)==========================================    for( int i = 0; i < h->fenc->extra_sei.num_payloads; i++ )    {        x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );        x264_sei_write( &h->out.bs, h->fenc->extra_sei.payloads[i].payload, h->fenc->extra_sei.payloads[i].payload_size,                        h->fenc->extra_sei.payloads[i].payload_type );        if( x264_nal_end( h ) )            return -1;        overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;        if( h->fenc->extra_sei.sei_free )        {            h->fenc->extra_sei.sei_free( h->fenc->extra_sei.payloads[i].payload );            h->fenc->extra_sei.payloads[i].payload = NULL;        }    }    if( h->fenc->extra_sei.sei_free )    {        h->fenc->extra_sei.sei_free( h->fenc->extra_sei.payloads );        h->fenc->extra_sei.payloads = NULL;        h->fenc->extra_sei.sei_free = NULL;    }    //特殊的SEI信息(Avid等解码器需要)    if( h->fenc->b_keyframe )    {        /* Avid's decoder strictly wants two SEIs for AVC-Intra so we can't insert the x264 SEI */        if( h->param.b_repeat_headers && h->fenc->i_frame == 0 && !h->param.i_avcintra_class )        {            /* identify ourself */            x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );            if( x264_sei_version_write( h, &h->out.bs ) )                return -1;            if( x264_nal_end( h ) )                return -1;            overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;        }        if( h->fenc->i_type != X264_TYPE_IDR )        {            int time_to_recovery = h->param.b_open_gop ? 0 : X264_MIN( h->mb.i_mb_width - 1, h->param.i_keyint_max ) + h->param.i_bframe - 1;            x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );            x264_sei_recovery_point_write( h, &h->out.bs, time_to_recovery );            if( x264_nal_end( h ) )                return -1;            overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;        }    }    if( h->param.i_frame_packing >= 0 && (h->fenc->b_keyframe || h->param.i_frame_packing == 5) )    {        x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );        x264_sei_frame_packing_write( h, &h->out.bs );        if( x264_nal_end( h ) )            return -1;        overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;    }    /* generate sei pic timing */    if( h->sps->vui.b_pic_struct_present || h->sps->vui.b_nal_hrd_parameters_present )    {        x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );        x264_sei_pic_timing_write( h, &h->out.bs );        if( x264_nal_end( h ) )            return -1;        overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;    }    /* As required by Blu-ray. */    if( !IS_X264_TYPE_B( h->fenc->i_type ) && h->b_sh_backup )    {        h->b_sh_backup = 0;        x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );        x264_sei_dec_ref_pic_marking_write( h, &h->out.bs );        if( x264_nal_end( h ) )            return -1;        overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;    }    if( h->fenc->b_keyframe && h->param.b_intra_refresh )        h->i_cpb_delay_pir_offset_next = h->fenc->i_cpb_delay;    /* Filler space: 10 or 18 SEIs' worth of space, depending on resolution */    if( h->param.i_avcintra_class )    {        /* Write an empty filler NAL to mimic the AUD in the P2 format*/        x264_nal_start( h, NAL_FILLER, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );        x264_filler_write( h, &h->out.bs, 0 );        if( x264_nal_end( h ) )            return -1;        overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + NALU_OVERHEAD;        /* All lengths are magic lengths that decoders expect to see */        /* "UMID" SEI */        x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );        if( x264_sei_avcintra_umid_write( h, &h->out.bs ) < 0 )            return -1;        if( x264_nal_end( h ) )            return -1;        overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + SEI_OVERHEAD;        int unpadded_len;        int total_len;        if( h->param.i_height == 1080 )        {            unpadded_len = 5780;            total_len = 17*512;        }        else        {            unpadded_len = 2900;            total_len = 9*512;        }        /* "VANC" SEI */        x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );        if( x264_sei_avcintra_vanc_write( h, &h->out.bs, unpadded_len ) < 0 )            return -1;        if( x264_nal_end( h ) )            return -1;        h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_padding = total_len - h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload - SEI_OVERHEAD;        overhead += h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload + h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_padding + SEI_OVERHEAD;    }    //写入SEI代码结束========================================================    /* Init the rate control */    /* FIXME: Include slice header bit cost. */    //码率控制单元初始化    x264_ratecontrol_start( h, h->fenc->i_qpplus1, overhead*8 );    i_global_qp = x264_ratecontrol_qp( h );    pic_out->i_qpplus1 =    h->fdec->i_qpplus1 = i_global_qp + 1;    if( h->param.rc.b_stat_read && h->sh.i_type != SLICE_TYPE_I )    {        x264_reference_build_list_optimal( h );        x264_reference_check_reorder( h );    }    if( h->i_ref[0] )        h->fdec->i_poc_l0ref0 = h->fref[0][0]->i_poc;    /* ------------------------ Create slice header  ----------------------- */    //创建Slice Header    x264_slice_init( h, i_nal_type, i_global_qp );    /*------------------------- Weights -------------------------------------*/    //加权预测    if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_B )        x264_macroblock_bipred_init( h );    x264_weighted_pred_init( h );    if( i_nal_ref_idc != NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE )        h->i_frame_num++;    /* Write frame */    h->i_threadslice_start = 0;    h->i_threadslice_end = h->mb.i_mb_height;    if( h->i_thread_frames > 1 )    {        x264_threadpool_run( h->threadpool, (void*)x264_slices_write, h );        h->b_thread_active = 1;    }    else if( h->param.b_sliced_threads )    {        if( x264_threaded_slices_write( h ) )            return -1;    }    else{    //真正的编码——编码1个图像帧(注意这里“slices”后面有“s”)        if( (intptr_t)x264_slices_write( h ) )            return -1;    }    //结束的时候做一些处理,记录一些统计信息    //输出NALU    //输出重建帧    return x264_encoder_frame_end( thread_oldest, thread_current, pp_nal, pi_nal, pic_out );}

(10)调用x264_slice_init()初始化Slice Header信息。




//获取一帧的编码帧fenc或者重建帧fdecx264_frame_t *x264_frame_pop_unused( x264_t *h, int b_fdec ){    x264_frame_t *frame;    if( h->frames.unused[b_fdec][0] )//unused队列不为空        frame = x264_frame_pop( h->frames.unused[b_fdec] );//从unused队列取    else        frame = x264_frame_new( h, b_fdec );//分配一帧空间    if( !frame )        return NULL;    frame->b_last_minigop_bframe = 0;    frame->i_reference_count = 1;    frame->b_intra_calculated = 0;    frame->b_scenecut = 1;    frame->b_keyframe = 0;    frame->b_corrupt = 0;    frame->i_slice_count = h->param.b_sliced_threads ? h->param.i_threads : 1;    memset( frame->weight, 0, sizeof(frame->weight) );    memset( frame->f_weighted_cost_delta, 0, sizeof(frame->f_weighted_cost_delta) );    return frame;}



//从队列的尾部取出一帧x264_frame_t *x264_frame_pop( x264_frame_t **list ){    x264_frame_t *frame;    int i = 0;    assert( list[0] );    while( list[i+1] ) i++;    frame = list[i];    list[i] = NULL;    return frame;}



//新建一个帧//b_fdec:取1的时候为重建帧fdec,取0的时候为编码帧fencstatic x264_frame_t *x264_frame_new( x264_t *h, int b_fdec ){    x264_frame_t *frame;    //注意转换后只有3种colorspace:X264_CSP_NV12(对应YUV420),X264_CSP_NV16(对应YUV422),X264_CSP_I444(对应YUV444)    int i_csp = x264_frame_internal_csp( h->param.i_csp );    int i_mb_count = h->mb.i_mb_count;    int i_stride, i_width, i_lines, luma_plane_count;    int i_padv = PADV << PARAM_INTERLACED;    int align = 16;#if ARCH_X86 || ARCH_X86_64    if( h->param.cpu&X264_CPU_CACHELINE_64 )        align = 64;    else if( h->param.cpu&X264_CPU_CACHELINE_32 || h->param.cpu&X264_CPU_AVX2 )        align = 32;#endif#if ARCH_PPC    int disalign = 1<<9;#else    int disalign = 1<<10;#endif    //给frame分配内存,并置零    CHECKED_MALLOCZERO( frame, sizeof(x264_frame_t) );    PREALLOC_INIT    /* allocate frame data (+64 for extra data for me) */    //以像素为单位的宽高    i_width  = h->mb.i_mb_width*16;    i_lines  = h->mb.i_mb_height*16;    i_stride = align_stride( i_width + 2*PADH, align, disalign );    if( i_csp == X264_CSP_NV12 || i_csp == X264_CSP_NV16 )    {    //YUV422,YUV420情况        luma_plane_count = 1;        frame->i_plane = 2;        for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )        {            frame->i_width[i] = i_width >> i;            frame->i_lines[i] = i_lines >> (i && i_csp == X264_CSP_NV12);            frame->i_stride[i] = i_stride;        }    }    else if( i_csp == X264_CSP_I444 )    {    //YUV444情况        luma_plane_count = 3;        frame->i_plane = 3;        for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )        {            frame->i_width[i] = i_width;            frame->i_lines[i] = i_lines;            frame->i_stride[i] = i_stride;        }    }    else        goto fail;    //赋值赋值赋值...    frame->i_csp = i_csp;    frame->i_width_lowres = frame->i_width[0]/2;    frame->i_lines_lowres = frame->i_lines[0]/2;    frame->i_stride_lowres = align_stride( frame->i_width_lowres + 2*PADH, align, disalign<<1 );    for( int i = 0; i < h->param.i_bframe + 2; i++ )        for( int j = 0; j < h->param.i_bframe + 2; j++ )            PREALLOC( frame->i_row_satds[i][j], i_lines/16 * sizeof(int) );    frame->i_poc = -1;    frame->i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;    frame->i_qpplus1 = X264_QP_AUTO;    frame->i_pts = -1;    frame->i_frame = -1;    frame->i_frame_num = -1;    frame->i_lines_completed = -1;    frame->b_fdec = b_fdec;    frame->i_pic_struct = PIC_STRUCT_AUTO;    frame->i_field_cnt = -1;    frame->i_duration =    frame->i_cpb_duration =    frame->i_dpb_output_delay =    frame->i_cpb_delay = 0;    frame->i_coded_fields_lookahead =    frame->i_cpb_delay_lookahead = -1;    frame->orig = frame;    if( i_csp == X264_CSP_NV12 || i_csp == X264_CSP_NV16 )    {        int chroma_padv = i_padv >> (i_csp == X264_CSP_NV12);        int chroma_plane_size = (frame->i_stride[1] * (frame->i_lines[1] + 2*chroma_padv));        PREALLOC( frame->buffer[1], chroma_plane_size * sizeof(pixel) );        if( PARAM_INTERLACED )            PREALLOC( frame->buffer_fld[1], chroma_plane_size * sizeof(pixel) );    }    /* all 4 luma planes allocated together, since the cacheline split code     * requires them to be in-phase wrt cacheline alignment. */    for( int p = 0; p < luma_plane_count; p++ )    {        int luma_plane_size = align_plane_size( frame->i_stride[p] * (frame->i_lines[p] + 2*i_padv), disalign );        if( h->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine && b_fdec )        {            /* FIXME: Don't allocate both buffers in non-adaptive MBAFF. */            PREALLOC( frame->buffer[p], 4*luma_plane_size * sizeof(pixel) );            if( PARAM_INTERLACED )                PREALLOC( frame->buffer_fld[p], 4*luma_plane_size * sizeof(pixel) );        }        else        {            PREALLOC( frame->buffer[p], luma_plane_size * sizeof(pixel) );            if( PARAM_INTERLACED )                PREALLOC( frame->buffer_fld[p], luma_plane_size * sizeof(pixel) );        }    }    frame->b_duplicate = 0;    if( b_fdec ) /* fdec frame */    {    //重建帧fdec        PREALLOC( frame->mb_type, i_mb_count * sizeof(int8_t) );        PREALLOC( frame->mb_partition, i_mb_count * sizeof(uint8_t) );        PREALLOC( frame->mv[0], 2*16 * i_mb_count * sizeof(int16_t) );        PREALLOC( frame->mv16x16, 2*(i_mb_count+1) * sizeof(int16_t) );        PREALLOC( frame->ref[0], 4 * i_mb_count * sizeof(int8_t) );        if( h->param.i_bframe )        {            PREALLOC( frame->mv[1], 2*16 * i_mb_count * sizeof(int16_t) );            PREALLOC( frame->ref[1], 4 * i_mb_count * sizeof(int8_t) );        }        else        {            frame->mv[1]  = NULL;            frame->ref[1] = NULL;        }        PREALLOC( frame->i_row_bits, i_lines/16 * sizeof(int) );        PREALLOC( frame->f_row_qp, i_lines/16 * sizeof(float) );        PREALLOC( frame->f_row_qscale, i_lines/16 * sizeof(float) );        if( h->param.analyse.i_me_method >= X264_ME_ESA )            PREALLOC( frame->buffer[3], frame->i_stride[0] * (frame->i_lines[0] + 2*i_padv) * sizeof(uint16_t) << h->frames.b_have_sub8x8_esa );        if( PARAM_INTERLACED )            PREALLOC( frame->field, i_mb_count * sizeof(uint8_t) );        if( h->param.analyse.b_mb_info )            PREALLOC( frame->effective_qp, i_mb_count * sizeof(uint8_t) );    }    else /* fenc frame */    {    //编码帧fenc        if( h->frames.b_have_lowres )        {            int luma_plane_size = align_plane_size( frame->i_stride_lowres * (frame->i_lines[0]/2 + 2*PADV), disalign );            PREALLOC( frame->buffer_lowres[0], 4 * luma_plane_size * sizeof(pixel) );            for( int j = 0; j <= !!h->param.i_bframe; j++ )                for( int i = 0; i <= h->param.i_bframe; i++ )                {                    PREALLOC( frame->lowres_mvs[j][i], 2*h->mb.i_mb_count*sizeof(int16_t) );                    PREALLOC( frame->lowres_mv_costs[j][i], h->mb.i_mb_count*sizeof(int) );                }            PREALLOC( frame->i_propagate_cost, (i_mb_count+7) * sizeof(uint16_t) );            for( int j = 0; j <= h->param.i_bframe+1; j++ )                for( int i = 0; i <= h->param.i_bframe+1; i++ )                    PREALLOC( frame->lowres_costs[j][i], (i_mb_count+3) * sizeof(uint16_t) );        }        if( h->param.rc.i_aq_mode )        {            PREALLOC( frame->f_qp_offset, h->mb.i_mb_count * sizeof(float) );            PREALLOC( frame->f_qp_offset_aq, h->mb.i_mb_count * sizeof(float) );            if( h->frames.b_have_lowres )                PREALLOC( frame->i_inv_qscale_factor, (h->mb.i_mb_count+3) * sizeof(uint16_t) );        }    }    PREALLOC_END( frame->base );    if( i_csp == X264_CSP_NV12 || i_csp == X264_CSP_NV16 )    {        int chroma_padv = i_padv >> (i_csp == X264_CSP_NV12);        frame->plane[1] = frame->buffer[1] + frame->i_stride[1] * chroma_padv + PADH;        if( PARAM_INTERLACED )            frame->plane_fld[1] = frame->buffer_fld[1] + frame->i_stride[1] * chroma_padv + PADH;    }    for( int p = 0; p < luma_plane_count; p++ )    {        int luma_plane_size = align_plane_size( frame->i_stride[p] * (frame->i_lines[p] + 2*i_padv), disalign );        if( h->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine && b_fdec )        {            for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )            {                frame->filtered[p][i] = frame->buffer[p] + i*luma_plane_size + frame->i_stride[p] * i_padv + PADH;                frame->filtered_fld[p][i] = frame->buffer_fld[p] + i*luma_plane_size + frame->i_stride[p] * i_padv + PADH;            }            frame->plane[p] = frame->filtered[p][0];            frame->plane_fld[p] = frame->filtered_fld[p][0];        }        else        {            frame->filtered[p][0] = frame->plane[p] = frame->buffer[p] + frame->i_stride[p] * i_padv + PADH;            frame->filtered_fld[p][0] = frame->plane_fld[p] = frame->buffer_fld[p] + frame->i_stride[p] * i_padv + PADH;        }    }    if( b_fdec )    {        M32( frame->mv16x16[0] ) = 0;        frame->mv16x16++;        if( h->param.analyse.i_me_method >= X264_ME_ESA )            frame->integral = (uint16_t*)frame->buffer[3] + frame->i_stride[0] * i_padv + PADH;    }    else    {        if( h->frames.b_have_lowres )        {            int luma_plane_size = align_plane_size( frame->i_stride_lowres * (frame->i_lines[0]/2 + 2*PADV), disalign );            for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )                frame->lowres[i] = frame->buffer_lowres[0] + (frame->i_stride_lowres * PADV + PADH) + i * luma_plane_size;            for( int j = 0; j <= !!h->param.i_bframe; j++ )                for( int i = 0; i <= h->param.i_bframe; i++ )                    memset( frame->lowres_mvs[j][i], 0, 2*h->mb.i_mb_count*sizeof(int16_t) );            frame->i_intra_cost = frame->lowres_costs[0][0];            memset( frame->i_intra_cost, -1, (i_mb_count+3) * sizeof(uint16_t) );            if( h->param.rc.i_aq_mode )                /* shouldn't really be initialized, just silences a valgrind false-positive in x264_mbtree_propagate_cost_sse2 */                memset( frame->i_inv_qscale_factor, 0, (h->mb.i_mb_count+3) * sizeof(uint16_t) );        }    }    if( x264_pthread_mutex_init( &frame->mutex, NULL ) )        goto fail;    if( x264_pthread_cond_init( &frame->cv, NULL ) )        goto fail;#if HAVE_OPENCL    frame->opencl.ocl = h->opencl.ocl;#endif    return frame;fail:    x264_free( frame );    return NULL;}


//注意转换后只有3种内部colorspace:X264_CSP_NV12(对应YUV420),X264_CSP_NV16(对应YUV422),X264_CSP_I444(对应YUV444)static int x264_frame_internal_csp( int external_csp ){    switch( external_csp & X264_CSP_MASK )    {        case X264_CSP_NV12:        case X264_CSP_I420:        case X264_CSP_YV12:            return X264_CSP_NV12;        case X264_CSP_NV16:        case X264_CSP_I422:        case X264_CSP_YV16:        case X264_CSP_V210:            return X264_CSP_NV16;        case X264_CSP_I444:        case X264_CSP_YV24:        case X264_CSP_BGR:        case X264_CSP_BGRA:        case X264_CSP_RGB:            return X264_CSP_I444;        default:            return X264_CSP_NONE;    }}


//拷贝帧数据//src(外部结构体x264_picture_t)到dst(内部结构体x264_frame_t)int x264_frame_copy_picture( x264_t *h, x264_frame_t *dst, x264_picture_t *src ){    int i_csp = src->img.i_csp & X264_CSP_MASK;    //注意转换后只有3种内部colorspace:X264_CSP_NV12(对应YUV420),X264_CSP_NV16(对应YUV422),X264_CSP_I444(对应YUV444)    if( dst->i_csp != x264_frame_internal_csp( i_csp ) )    {        x264_log( h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid input colorspace\n" );        return -1;    }#if HIGH_BIT_DEPTH    if( !(src->img.i_csp & X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH) )    {        x264_log( h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "This build of x264 requires high depth input. Rebuild to support 8-bit input.\n" );        return -1;    }#else    if( src->img.i_csp & X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH )    {        x264_log( h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "This build of x264 requires 8-bit input. Rebuild to support high depth input.\n" );        return -1;    }#endif    if( BIT_DEPTH != 10 && i_csp == X264_CSP_V210 )    {        x264_log( h, X264_LOG_ERROR, "v210 input is only compatible with bit-depth of 10 bits\n" );        return -1;    }    //赋值赋值赋值    dst->i_type     = src->i_type;    dst->i_qpplus1  = src->i_qpplus1;    dst->i_pts      = dst->i_reordered_pts = src->i_pts;    dst->param      = src->param;    dst->i_pic_struct = src->i_pic_struct;    dst->extra_sei  = src->extra_sei;    dst->opaque     = src->opaque;    dst->mb_info    = h->param.analyse.b_mb_info ? src->prop.mb_info : NULL;    dst->mb_info_free = h->param.analyse.b_mb_info ? src->prop.mb_info_free : NULL;    uint8_t *pix[3];    int stride[3];    if( i_csp == X264_CSP_V210 )    {         stride[0] = src->img.i_stride[0];         pix[0] = src->img.plane[0];         h->mc.plane_copy_deinterleave_v210( dst->plane[0], dst->i_stride[0],                                             dst->plane[1], dst->i_stride[1],                                             (uint32_t *)pix[0], stride[0]/sizeof(uint32_t), h->param.i_width, h->param.i_height );    }    else if( i_csp >= X264_CSP_BGR )    {         stride[0] = src->img.i_stride[0];         pix[0] = src->img.plane[0];         if( src->img.i_csp & X264_CSP_VFLIP )         {             pix[0] += (h->param.i_height-1) * stride[0];             stride[0] = -stride[0];         }         int b = i_csp==X264_CSP_RGB;         h->mc.plane_copy_deinterleave_rgb( dst->plane[1+b], dst->i_stride[1+b],                                            dst->plane[0], dst->i_stride[0],                                            dst->plane[2-b], dst->i_stride[2-b],                                            (pixel*)pix[0], stride[0]/sizeof(pixel), i_csp==X264_CSP_BGRA ? 4 : 3, h->param.i_width, h->param.i_height );    }    else    {        int v_shift = CHROMA_V_SHIFT;        get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[0], &stride[0], 0, 0, 0 );        //拷贝像素        h->mc.plane_copy( dst->plane[0], dst->i_stride[0], (pixel*)pix[0],                          stride[0]/sizeof(pixel), h->param.i_width, h->param.i_height );        if( i_csp == X264_CSP_NV12 || i_csp == X264_CSP_NV16 )        {            get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[1], &stride[1], 1, 0, v_shift );            h->mc.plane_copy( dst->plane[1], dst->i_stride[1], (pixel*)pix[1],                              stride[1]/sizeof(pixel), h->param.i_width, h->param.i_height>>v_shift );        }        else if( i_csp == X264_CSP_I420 || i_csp == X264_CSP_I422 || i_csp == X264_CSP_YV12 || i_csp == X264_CSP_YV16 )        {            int uv_swap = i_csp == X264_CSP_YV12 || i_csp == X264_CSP_YV16;            get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[1], &stride[1], uv_swap ? 2 : 1, 1, v_shift );            get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[2], &stride[2], uv_swap ? 1 : 2, 1, v_shift );            h->mc.plane_copy_interleave( dst->plane[1], dst->i_stride[1],                                         (pixel*)pix[1], stride[1]/sizeof(pixel),                                         (pixel*)pix[2], stride[2]/sizeof(pixel),                                         h->param.i_width>>1, h->param.i_height>>v_shift );        }        else //if( i_csp == X264_CSP_I444 || i_csp == X264_CSP_YV24 )        {            get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[1], &stride[1], i_csp==X264_CSP_I444 ? 1 : 2, 0, 0 );            get_plane_ptr( h, src, &pix[2], &stride[2], i_csp==X264_CSP_I444 ? 2 : 1, 0, 0 );            h->mc.plane_copy( dst->plane[1], dst->i_stride[1], (pixel*)pix[1],                              stride[1]/sizeof(pixel), h->param.i_width, h->param.i_height );            h->mc.plane_copy( dst->plane[2], dst->i_stride[2], (pixel*)pix[2],                              stride[2]/sizeof(pixel), h->param.i_width, h->param.i_height );        }    }    return 0;}



//x264_frame_t放入x264_sync_frame_list_t队列void x264_lookahead_put_frame( x264_t *h, x264_frame_t *frame ){    if( h->param.i_sync_lookahead )        x264_sync_frame_list_push( &h->lookahead->ifbuf, frame );    else        x264_sync_frame_list_push( &h->lookahead->next, frame );//放入next队列}



void x264_sync_frame_list_push( x264_sync_frame_list_t *slist, x264_frame_t *frame ){    x264_pthread_mutex_lock( &slist->mutex );    while( slist->i_size == slist->i_max_size )        x264_pthread_cond_wait( &slist->cv_empty, &slist->mutex );    //放入    slist->list[ slist->i_size++ ] = frame;    x264_pthread_mutex_unlock( &slist->mutex );    x264_pthread_cond_broadcast( &slist->cv_fill );}



//通过lookahead分析帧类型void x264_lookahead_get_frames( x264_t *h ){    if( h->param.i_sync_lookahead )    {   /* We have a lookahead thread, so get frames from there */        x264_pthread_mutex_lock( &h->lookahead->ofbuf.mutex );        while( !h->lookahead->ofbuf.i_size && h->lookahead->b_thread_active )            x264_pthread_cond_wait( &h->lookahead->ofbuf.cv_fill, &h->lookahead->ofbuf.mutex );        x264_lookahead_encoder_shift( h );        x264_pthread_mutex_unlock( &h->lookahead->ofbuf.mutex );    }    else    {   /* We are not running a lookahead thread, so perform all the slicetype decide on the fly */    //currect[]必须为空,next不能为空?        if( h->frames.current[0] || !h->lookahead->next.i_size )            return;        //分析lookahead->next->list帧的类型        x264_stack_align( x264_slicetype_decide, h );        //更新lookahead->last_nonb        x264_lookahead_update_last_nonb( h, h->lookahead->next.list[0] );        int shift_frames = h->lookahead->next.list[0]->i_bframes + 1;        //lookahead->next.list移动到lookahead->ofbuf.list        x264_lookahead_shift( &h->lookahead->ofbuf, &h->lookahead->next, shift_frames );        /* For MB-tree and VBV lookahead, we have to perform propagation analysis on I-frames too. */        if( h->lookahead->b_analyse_keyframe && IS_X264_TYPE_I( h->lookahead->last_nonb->i_type ) )            x264_stack_align( x264_slicetype_analyse, h, shift_frames );        //lookahead->ofbuf.list帧移动到frames->current        x264_lookahead_encoder_shift( h );    }}



//确定帧的类型(I、B、P)void x264_slicetype_decide( x264_t *h ){    x264_frame_t *frames[X264_BFRAME_MAX+2];    x264_frame_t *frm;    int bframes;    int brefs;    if( !h->lookahead->next.i_size )        return;    int lookahead_size = h->lookahead->next.i_size;    //遍历next队列    for( int i = 0; i < h->lookahead->next.i_size; i++ )    {        if( h->param.b_vfr_input )        {            if( lookahead_size-- > 1 )                h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration = 2 * (h->lookahead->next.list[i+1]->i_pts - h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_pts);            else                h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration = h->i_prev_duration;        }        else            h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration = delta_tfi_divisor[h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_pic_struct];        h->i_prev_duration = h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration;        h->lookahead->next.list[i]->f_duration = (double)h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration                                               * h->sps->vui.i_num_units_in_tick                                               / h->sps->vui.i_time_scale;        if( h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_frame > h->i_disp_fields_last_frame && lookahead_size > 0 )        {            h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_field_cnt = h->i_disp_fields;            h->i_disp_fields += h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration;            h->i_disp_fields_last_frame = h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_frame;        }        else if( lookahead_size == 0 )        {            h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_field_cnt = h->i_disp_fields;            h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration = h->i_prev_duration;        }    }    if( h->param.rc.b_stat_read )    {    //b_stat_read在2pass模式的第2遍才不为0        /* Use the frame types from the first pass */        for( int i = 0; i < h->lookahead->next.i_size; i++ )            h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_type =                x264_ratecontrol_slice_type( h, h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_frame );    }    else if( (h->param.i_bframe && h->param.i_bframe_adaptive)             || h->param.i_scenecut_threshold             || h->param.rc.b_mb_tree             || (h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size && h->param.rc.i_lookahead) )        x264_slicetype_analyse( h, 0 );//分析帧的类型(I、B、P)    //===========================================================================    for( bframes = 0, brefs = 0;; bframes++ )    {    //从next队列取出1个        frm = h->lookahead->next.list[bframes];        //BREF的处理        if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF && h->param.i_bframe_pyramid < X264_B_PYRAMID_NORMAL &&            brefs == h->param.i_bframe_pyramid )        {        //BREF改成B            frm->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;            x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "B-ref at frame %d incompatible with B-pyramid %s \n",                      frm->i_frame, x264_b_pyramid_names[h->param.i_bframe_pyramid] );        }        /* pyramid with multiple B-refs needs a big enough dpb that the preceding P-frame stays available.           smaller dpb could be supported by smart enough use of mmco, but it's easier just to forbid it. */        else if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF && h->param.i_bframe_pyramid == X264_B_PYRAMID_NORMAL &&            brefs && h->param.i_frame_reference <= (brefs+3) )        {            frm->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;            x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "B-ref at frame %d incompatible with B-pyramid %s and %d reference frames\n",                      frm->i_frame, x264_b_pyramid_names[h->param.i_bframe_pyramid], h->param.i_frame_reference );        }        //Keyframe处理        if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_KEYFRAME )            frm->i_type = h->param.b_open_gop ? X264_TYPE_I : X264_TYPE_IDR;        /* Limit GOP size */        if( (!h->param.b_intra_refresh || frm->i_frame == 0) && frm->i_frame - h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe >= h->param.i_keyint_max )        {            if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_AUTO || frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_I )                frm->i_type = h->param.b_open_gop && h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe >= 0 ? X264_TYPE_I : X264_TYPE_IDR;            int warn = frm->i_type != X264_TYPE_IDR;            if( warn && h->param.b_open_gop )                warn &= frm->i_type != X264_TYPE_I;            if( warn )            {                x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "specified frame type (%d) at %d is not compatible with keyframe interval\n", frm->i_type, frm->i_frame );                frm->i_type = h->param.b_open_gop && h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe >= 0 ? X264_TYPE_I : X264_TYPE_IDR;            }        }        if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_I && frm->i_frame - h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe >= h->param.i_keyint_min )        {            if( h->param.b_open_gop )            {                h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe = frm->i_frame; // Use display order                if( h->param.b_bluray_compat )                    h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe -= bframes; // Use bluray order                frm->b_keyframe = 1;            }            else                frm->i_type = X264_TYPE_IDR;        }        if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_IDR )        {            /* Close GOP */        //设置当前帧为“上一个关键帧”            h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe = frm->i_frame;            frm->b_keyframe = 1;            if( bframes > 0 )            {                bframes--;                h->lookahead->next.list[bframes]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;            }        }        if( bframes == h->param.i_bframe ||            !h->lookahead->next.list[bframes+1] )        {            if( IS_X264_TYPE_B( frm->i_type ) )                x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "specified frame type is not compatible with max B-frames\n" );            if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_AUTO                || IS_X264_TYPE_B( frm->i_type ) )                frm->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;        }        if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF )            brefs++;        if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_AUTO )            frm->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;        else if( !IS_X264_TYPE_B( frm->i_type ) ) break;    }    if( bframes )        h->lookahead->next.list[bframes-1]->b_last_minigop_bframe = 1;    h->lookahead->next.list[bframes]->i_bframes = bframes;    /* insert a bref into the sequence */    if( h->param.i_bframe_pyramid && bframes > 1 && !brefs )    {        h->lookahead->next.list[bframes/2]->i_type = X264_TYPE_BREF;        brefs++;    }    /* calculate the frame costs ahead of time for x264_rc_analyse_slice while we still have lowres */    if( h->param.rc.i_rc_method != X264_RC_CQP )    {        x264_mb_analysis_t a;        int p0, p1, b;        p1 = b = bframes + 1;        x264_lowres_context_init( h, &a );        frames[0] = h->lookahead->last_nonb;        memcpy( &frames[1], h->lookahead->next.list, (bframes+1) * sizeof(x264_frame_t*) );        if( IS_X264_TYPE_I( h->lookahead->next.list[bframes]->i_type ) )            p0 = bframes + 1;        else // P            p0 = 0;        x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, p0, p1, b, 0 );        if( (p0 != p1 || bframes) && h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size )        {            /* We need the intra costs for row SATDs. */            x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, b, b, b, 0 );            /* We need B-frame costs for row SATDs. */            p0 = 0;            for( b = 1; b <= bframes; b++ )            {                if( frames[b]->i_type == X264_TYPE_B )                    for( p1 = b; frames[p1]->i_type == X264_TYPE_B; )                        p1++;                else                    p1 = bframes + 1;                x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, p0, p1, b, 0 );                if( frames[b]->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF )                    p0 = b;            }        }    }    /* Analyse for weighted P frames */    if( !h->param.rc.b_stat_read && h->lookahead->next.list[bframes]->i_type == X264_TYPE_P        && h->param.analyse.i_weighted_pred >= X264_WEIGHTP_SIMPLE )    {        x264_emms();        x264_weights_analyse( h, h->lookahead->next.list[bframes], h->lookahead->last_nonb, 0 );    }    /* shift sequence to coded order.       use a small temporary list to avoid shifting the entire next buffer around */    int i_coded = h->lookahead->next.list[0]->i_frame;    if( bframes )    {        int idx_list[] = { brefs+1, 1 };        for( int i = 0; i < bframes; i++ )        {            int idx = idx_list[h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF]++;            frames[idx] = h->lookahead->next.list[i];            frames[idx]->i_reordered_pts = h->lookahead->next.list[idx]->i_pts;        }        frames[0] = h->lookahead->next.list[bframes];        frames[0]->i_reordered_pts = h->lookahead->next.list[0]->i_pts;        memcpy( h->lookahead->next.list, frames, (bframes+1) * sizeof(x264_frame_t*) );    }    for( int i = 0; i <= bframes; i++ )    {        h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_coded = i_coded++;        if( i )        {            x264_calculate_durations( h, h->lookahead->next.list[i], h->lookahead->next.list[i-1], &h->i_cpb_delay, &h->i_coded_fields );            h->lookahead->next.list[0]->f_planned_cpb_duration[i-1] = (double)h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_cpb_duration *                                                                      h->sps->vui.i_num_units_in_tick / h->sps->vui.i_time_scale;        }        else            x264_calculate_durations( h, h->lookahead->next.list[i], NULL, &h->i_cpb_delay, &h->i_coded_fields );    }}



//分析帧的类型(I、B、P)void x264_slicetype_analyse( x264_t *h, int intra_minigop ){    x264_mb_analysis_t a;    x264_frame_t *frames[X264_LOOKAHEAD_MAX+3] = { NULL, };    int num_frames, orig_num_frames, keyint_limit, framecnt;    int i_mb_count = NUM_MBS;    int cost1p0, cost2p0, cost1b1, cost2p1;    // 确定最大的搜索长度    // 在我的调试当中, h->lookahead->next.i_size = 4    int i_max_search = X264_MIN( h->lookahead->next.i_size, X264_LOOKAHEAD_MAX );    int vbv_lookahead = h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size && h->param.rc.i_lookahead;    /* For determinism we should limit the search to the number of frames lookahead has for sure     * in h->lookahead->next.list buffer, except at the end of stream.     * For normal calls with (intra_minigop == 0) that is h->lookahead->i_slicetype_length + 1 frames.     * And for I-frame calls (intra_minigop != 0) we already removed intra_minigop frames from there. */    if( h->param.b_deterministic )        i_max_search = X264_MIN( i_max_search, h->lookahead->i_slicetype_length + 1 - intra_minigop );    int keyframe = !!intra_minigop;    assert( h->frames.b_have_lowres );    if( !h->lookahead->last_nonb )        return;    //frames[0]指向上一次的非B帧    frames[0] = h->lookahead->last_nonb;    //frames[] 依次指向 lookahead->next链表中的帧    for( framecnt = 0; framecnt < i_max_search && h->lookahead->next.list[framecnt]->i_type == X264_TYPE_AUTO; framecnt++ )        frames[framecnt+1] = h->lookahead->next.list[framecnt];    x264_lowres_context_init( h, &a );    if( !framecnt )    {        if( h->param.rc.b_mb_tree )            x264_macroblock_tree( h, &a, frames, 0, keyframe );        return;    }    keyint_limit = h->param.i_keyint_max - frames[0]->i_frame + h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe - 1;    orig_num_frames = num_frames = h->param.b_intra_refresh ? framecnt : X264_MIN( framecnt, keyint_limit );    /* This is important psy-wise: if we have a non-scenecut keyframe,     * there will be significant visual artifacts if the frames just before     * go down in quality due to being referenced less, despite it being     * more RD-optimal. */    if( (h->param.analyse.b_psy && h->param.rc.b_mb_tree) || vbv_lookahead )        num_frames = framecnt;    else if( h->param.b_open_gop && num_frames < framecnt )        num_frames++;    else if( num_frames == 0 )    {         frames[1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_I;        return;    }    int num_bframes = 0;    int num_analysed_frames = num_frames;    int reset_start;    //通过scenecut()函数判断是否有场景切换,从而确定I帧    if( h->param.i_scenecut_threshold && scenecut( h, &a, frames, 0, 1, 1, orig_num_frames, i_max_search ) )    {        frames[1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_I;        return;    }#if HAVE_OPENCL    x264_opencl_slicetype_prep( h, frames, num_frames, a.i_lambda );#endif    //允许有B帧的时候    if( h->param.i_bframe )    {        if( h->param.i_bframe_adaptive == X264_B_ADAPT_TRELLIS )        {            if( num_frames > 1 )            {                char best_paths[X264_BFRAME_MAX+1][X264_LOOKAHEAD_MAX+1] = {"","P"};                int best_path_index = num_frames % (X264_BFRAME_MAX+1);                /* Perform the frametype analysis. */                for( int j = 2; j <= num_frames; j++ )                    x264_slicetype_path( h, &a, frames, j, best_paths );                num_bframes = strspn( best_paths[best_path_index], "B" );                /* Load the results of the analysis into the frame types. */                for( int j = 1; j < num_frames; j++ )                    frames[j]->i_type = best_paths[best_path_index][j-1] == 'B' ? X264_TYPE_B : X264_TYPE_P;            }            frames[num_frames]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;        }        else if( h->param.i_bframe_adaptive == X264_B_ADAPT_FAST )        {            for( int i = 0; i <= num_frames-2; )            {            //i+2作为P帧编码的代价                //注:i+2始终为P帧            cost2p1 = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+0, i+2, i+2, 1 );                if( frames[i+2]->i_intra_mbs[2] > i_mb_count / 2 )                {                    frames[i+1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;                    frames[i+2]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;                    i += 2;                    continue;                }#if HAVE_OPENCL                if( h->param.b_opencl )                {                    int b_work_done = 0;                    b_work_done |= x264_opencl_precalculate_frame_cost(h, frames, a.i_lambda, i+0, i+2, i+1 );                    b_work_done |= x264_opencl_precalculate_frame_cost(h, frames, a.i_lambda, i+0, i+1, i+1 );                    b_work_done |= x264_opencl_precalculate_frame_cost(h, frames, a.i_lambda, i+1, i+2, i+2 );                    if( b_work_done )                        x264_opencl_flush( h );                }#endif                //计算代价                //x264_slicetype_frame_cost(,,,p0,p1,b,)                //p0 b p1                //p1!=b为B帧,否则为P帧                // i + 1 作为B帧编码的代价                cost1b1 = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+0, i+2, i+1, 0 );                // i + 1 作为P帧编码的代价                cost1p0 = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+0, i+1, i+1, 0 );                // i + 2 作为P帧编码的代价                cost2p0 = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+1, i+2, i+2, 0 );                //如果i+1作为P帧编码的代价 + i+2作为P帧编码的代价                //小于 i+1作为B帧编码的代价   + i+2作为P帧编码的代价                if( cost1p0 + cost2p0 < cost1b1 + cost2p1 )                {                    //那么i+1将作为P帧编码                    //然后直接continue                    frames[i+1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;                    i += 1;                    continue;                }                // arbitrary and untuned                #define INTER_THRESH 300                #define P_SENS_BIAS (50 - h->param.i_bframe_bias)                // i+1 将作为B帧编码                frames[i+1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;                int j;                for( j = i+2; j <= X264_MIN( i+h->param.i_bframe, num_frames-1 ); j++ )                {                    int pthresh = X264_MAX(INTER_THRESH - P_SENS_BIAS * (j-i-1), INTER_THRESH/10);                    // 预测j+1作为P帧编码代价                    int pcost = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+0, j+1, j+1, 1 );                    // 如果pcost 满足下述条件, 则确定了一个P帧,跳出循环                    if( pcost > pthresh*i_mb_count || frames[j+1]->i_intra_mbs[j-i+1] > i_mb_count/3 )                        break;                    // 否则就是B帧                    frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;                }                // 将j帧确定为P帧                frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;                i = j;            }            // 最后一帧确定为P帧            frames[num_frames]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;            num_bframes = 0;            // 确定有多少个B帧            while( num_bframes < num_frames && frames[num_bframes+1]->i_type == X264_TYPE_B )                num_bframes++;        }        else        {        // 确定多少B帧            num_bframes = X264_MIN(num_frames-1, h->param.i_bframe);            // 每num_bframes + 1一个P帧, 其余皆为B帧            for( int j = 1; j < num_frames; j++ )                frames[j]->i_type = (j%(num_bframes+1)) ? X264_TYPE_B : X264_TYPE_P;            // 最后一帧为P帧            frames[num_frames]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;        }        /* Check scenecut on the first minigop. */        // 如果B帧中, 有帧有场景切换, 则改变其为P帧        for( int j = 1; j < num_bframes+1; j++ )            if( h->param.i_scenecut_threshold && scenecut( h, &a, frames, j, j+1, 0, orig_num_frames, i_max_search ) )            {                frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;                num_analysed_frames = j;                break;            }        reset_start = keyframe ? 1 : X264_MIN( num_bframes+2, num_analysed_frames+1 );    }    else    {    //h->param.i_bframe为 0    //则所有的帧皆为P帧        for( int j = 1; j <= num_frames; j++ )            frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;        reset_start = !keyframe + 1;        num_bframes = 0;    }    /* Perform the actual macroblock tree analysis.     * Don't go farther than the maximum keyframe interval; this helps in short GOPs. */    if( h->param.rc.b_mb_tree )        x264_macroblock_tree( h, &a, frames, X264_MIN(num_frames, h->param.i_keyint_max), keyframe );    /* Enforce keyframe limit. */    if( !h->param.b_intra_refresh )        for( int i = keyint_limit+1; i <= num_frames; i += h->param.i_keyint_max )        {        //迫使为I帧            frames[i]->i_type = X264_TYPE_I;            reset_start = X264_MIN( reset_start, i+1 );            if( h->param.b_open_gop && h->param.b_bluray_compat )                while( IS_X264_TYPE_B( frames[i-1]->i_type ) )                    i--;        }    if( vbv_lookahead )        x264_vbv_lookahead( h, &a, frames, num_frames, keyframe );    /* Restore frametypes for all frames that haven't actually been decided yet. */    for( int j = reset_start; j <= num_frames; j++ )        frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;#if HAVE_OPENCL    x264_opencl_slicetype_end( h );#endif}



//一帧图像的开销//x264_slicetype_frame_cost(,,,p0,p1,b,)// p0 b p1static int x264_slicetype_frame_cost( x264_t *h, x264_mb_analysis_t *a,                                      x264_frame_t **frames, int p0, int p1, int b,                                      int b_intra_penalty ){    int i_score = 0;    int do_search[2];    const x264_weight_t *w = x264_weight_none;    x264_frame_t *fenc = frames[b];    /* Check whether we already evaluated this frame     * If we have tried this frame as P, then we have also tried     * the preceding frames as B. (is this still true?) */    /* Also check that we already calculated the row SATDs for the current frame. */    //如果已经计算过就不用算了    if( fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b] >= 0 && (!h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size || fenc->i_row_satds[b-p0][p1-b][0] != -1) )        i_score = fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b];    else    {        int dist_scale_factor = 128;        /* For each list, check to see whether we have lowres motion-searched this reference frame before. */        do_search[0] = b != p0 && fenc->lowres_mvs[0][b-p0-1][0][0] == 0x7FFF;        do_search[1] = b != p1 && fenc->lowres_mvs[1][p1-b-1][0][0] == 0x7FFF;        if( do_search[0] )        {            if( h->param.analyse.i_weighted_pred && b == p1 )            {                x264_emms();                x264_weights_analyse( h, fenc, frames[p0], 1 );                w = fenc->weight[0];            }            fenc->lowres_mvs[0][b-p0-1][0][0] = 0;        }        if( do_search[1] ) fenc->lowres_mvs[1][p1-b-1][0][0] = 0;        if( p1 != p0 )            dist_scale_factor = ( ((b-p0) << 8) + ((p1-p0) >> 1) ) / (p1-p0);        int output_buf_size = h->mb.i_mb_height + (NUM_INTS + PAD_SIZE) * h->param.i_lookahead_threads;        int *output_inter[X264_LOOKAHEAD_THREAD_MAX+1];        int *output_intra[X264_LOOKAHEAD_THREAD_MAX+1];        output_inter[0] = h->scratch_buffer2;        output_intra[0] = output_inter[0] + output_buf_size;#if HAVE_OPENCL        if( h->param.b_opencl )        {            x264_opencl_lowres_init(h, fenc, a->i_lambda );            if( do_search[0] )            {                x264_opencl_lowres_init( h, frames[p0], a->i_lambda );                x264_opencl_motionsearch( h, frames, b, p0, 0, a->i_lambda, w );            }            if( do_search[1] )            {                x264_opencl_lowres_init( h, frames[p1], a->i_lambda );                x264_opencl_motionsearch( h, frames, b, p1, 1, a->i_lambda, NULL );            }            if( b != p0 )                x264_opencl_finalize_cost( h, a->i_lambda, frames, p0, p1, b, dist_scale_factor );            x264_opencl_flush( h );            i_score = fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b];        }        else#endif        {            if( h->param.i_lookahead_threads > 1 )            {                x264_slicetype_slice_t s[X264_LOOKAHEAD_THREAD_MAX];                for( int i = 0; i < h->param.i_lookahead_threads; i++ )                {                    x264_t *t = h->lookahead_thread[i];                    /* FIXME move this somewhere else */                    t->mb.i_me_method = h->mb.i_me_method;                    t->mb.i_subpel_refine = h->mb.i_subpel_refine;                    t->mb.b_chroma_me = h->mb.b_chroma_me;                    s[i] = (x264_slicetype_slice_t){ t, a, frames, p0, p1, b, dist_scale_factor, do_search, w,                        output_inter[i], output_intra[i] };                    t->i_threadslice_start = ((h->mb.i_mb_height *  i    + h->param.i_lookahead_threads/2) / h->param.i_lookahead_threads);                    t->i_threadslice_end   = ((h->mb.i_mb_height * (i+1) + h->param.i_lookahead_threads/2) / h->param.i_lookahead_threads);                    int thread_height = t->i_threadslice_end - t->i_threadslice_start;                    int thread_output_size = thread_height + NUM_INTS;                    memset( output_inter[i], 0, thread_output_size * sizeof(int) );                    memset( output_intra[i], 0, thread_output_size * sizeof(int) );                    output_inter[i][NUM_ROWS] = output_intra[i][NUM_ROWS] = thread_height;                    output_inter[i+1] = output_inter[i] + thread_output_size + PAD_SIZE;                    output_intra[i+1] = output_intra[i] + thread_output_size + PAD_SIZE;                    x264_threadpool_run( h->lookaheadpool, (void*)x264_slicetype_slice_cost, &s[i] );                }                for( int i = 0; i < h->param.i_lookahead_threads; i++ )                    x264_threadpool_wait( h->lookaheadpool, &s[i] );            }            else            {                h->i_threadslice_start = 0;                h->i_threadslice_end = h->mb.i_mb_height;                memset( output_inter[0], 0, (output_buf_size - PAD_SIZE) * sizeof(int) );                memset( output_intra[0], 0, (output_buf_size - PAD_SIZE) * sizeof(int) );                output_inter[0][NUM_ROWS] = output_intra[0][NUM_ROWS] = h->mb.i_mb_height;                //作为参数的结构体                x264_slicetype_slice_t s = (x264_slicetype_slice_t){ h, a, frames, p0, p1, b, dist_scale_factor, do_search, w,                    output_inter[0], output_intra[0] };                //一个slice的开销                //输入输出参数都在s结构体中                x264_slicetype_slice_cost( &s );            }            /* Sum up accumulators */            if( b == p1 )                fenc->i_intra_mbs[b-p0] = 0;            if( !fenc->b_intra_calculated )            {                fenc->i_cost_est[0][0] = 0;                fenc->i_cost_est_aq[0][0] = 0;            }            fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b] = 0;            fenc->i_cost_est_aq[b-p0][p1-b] = 0;            int *row_satd_inter = fenc->i_row_satds[b-p0][p1-b];            int *row_satd_intra = fenc->i_row_satds[0][0];            for( int i = 0; i < h->param.i_lookahead_threads; i++ )            {            //累加output_inter[]或output_intra[]            //这2个变量中存储了整帧的开销                if( b == p1 )                    fenc->i_intra_mbs[b-p0] += output_inter[i][INTRA_MBS];                if( !fenc->b_intra_calculated )                {                //帧内编码的代价                    fenc->i_cost_est[0][0] += output_intra[i][COST_EST];                    fenc->i_cost_est_aq[0][0] += output_intra[i][COST_EST_AQ];                }                //帧间编码的代价                fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b] += output_inter[i][COST_EST];                fenc->i_cost_est_aq[b-p0][p1-b] += output_inter[i][COST_EST_AQ];                if( h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size )                {                    int row_count = output_inter[i][NUM_ROWS];                    memcpy( row_satd_inter, output_inter[i] + NUM_INTS, row_count * sizeof(int) );                    if( !fenc->b_intra_calculated )                        memcpy( row_satd_intra, output_intra[i] + NUM_INTS, row_count * sizeof(int) );                    row_satd_inter += row_count;                    row_satd_intra += row_count;                }            }            //一帧的开销            i_score = fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b];            if( b != p1 )//B帧                i_score = (uint64_t)i_score * 100 / (120 + h->param.i_bframe_bias);            else                fenc->b_intra_calculated = 1;            fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b] = i_score;            x264_emms();        }    }    if( b_intra_penalty )    {        // arbitrary penalty for I-blocks after B-frames        int nmb = NUM_MBS;        i_score += (uint64_t)i_score * fenc->i_intra_mbs[b-p0] / (nmb * 8);    }    //返回一帧的开销值    return i_score;}



//一个slice的开销static void x264_slicetype_slice_cost( x264_slicetype_slice_t *s ){    x264_t *h = s->h;    /* Lowres lookahead goes backwards because the MVs are used as predictors in the main encode.     * This considerably improves MV prediction overall. */    /* The edge mbs seem to reduce the predictive quality of the     * whole frame's score, but are needed for a spatial distribution. */    int do_edges = h->param.rc.b_mb_tree || h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size || h->mb.i_mb_width <= 2 || h->mb.i_mb_height <= 2;    int start_y = X264_MIN( h->i_threadslice_end - 1, h->mb.i_mb_height - 2 + do_edges );    int end_y = X264_MAX( h->i_threadslice_start, 1 - do_edges );    int start_x = h->mb.i_mb_width - 2 + do_edges;    int end_x = 1 - do_edges;    //逐个计算每个MB的开销    for( h->mb.i_mb_y = start_y; h->mb.i_mb_y >= end_y; h->mb.i_mb_y-- )        for( h->mb.i_mb_x = start_x; h->mb.i_mb_x >= end_x; h->mb.i_mb_x-- )            x264_slicetype_mb_cost( h, s->a, s->frames, s->p0, s->p1, s->b, s->dist_scale_factor,                                    s->do_search, s->w, s->output_inter, s->output_intra );}



//一个MB的开销static void x264_slicetype_mb_cost( x264_t *h, x264_mb_analysis_t *a,                                    x264_frame_t **frames, int p0, int p1, int b,                                    int dist_scale_factor, int do_search[2], const x264_weight_t *w,                                    int *output_inter, int *output_intra ){    x264_frame_t *fref0 = frames[p0];    x264_frame_t *fref1 = frames[p1];    x264_frame_t *fenc  = frames[b];    const int b_bidir = (b < p1);    const int i_mb_x = h->mb.i_mb_x;    const int i_mb_y = h->mb.i_mb_y;    const int i_mb_stride = h->mb.i_mb_width;    const int i_mb_xy = i_mb_x + i_mb_y * i_mb_stride;    const int i_stride = fenc->i_stride_lowres;    const int i_pel_offset = 8 * (i_mb_x + i_mb_y * i_stride);    const int i_bipred_weight = h->param.analyse.b_weighted_bipred ? 64 - (dist_scale_factor>>2) : 32;    int16_t (*fenc_mvs[2])[2] = { &fenc->lowres_mvs[0][b-p0-1][i_mb_xy], &fenc->lowres_mvs[1][p1-b-1][i_mb_xy] };    int (*fenc_costs[2]) = { &fenc->lowres_mv_costs[0][b-p0-1][i_mb_xy], &fenc->lowres_mv_costs[1][p1-b-1][i_mb_xy] };    int b_frame_score_mb = (i_mb_x > 0 && i_mb_x < h->mb.i_mb_width - 1 &&                            i_mb_y > 0 && i_mb_y < h->mb.i_mb_height - 1) ||                            h->mb.i_mb_width <= 2 || h->mb.i_mb_height <= 2;    ALIGNED_ARRAY_16( pixel, pix1,[9*FDEC_STRIDE] );    pixel *pix2 = pix1+8;    x264_me_t m[2];    int i_bcost = COST_MAX;    int list_used = 0;    /* A small, arbitrary bias to avoid VBV problems caused by zero-residual lookahead blocks. */    int lowres_penalty = 4;    //计算只涉及一个分量    h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0] = h->mb.pic.fenc_buf;    //从低分辨率(1/2线性内插)图像中拷贝数据    h->mc.copy[PIXEL_8x8]( h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE, &fenc->lowres[0][i_pel_offset], i_stride, 8 );    if( p0 == p1 )        goto lowres_intra_mb;    // no need for h->mb.mv_min[]    h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[0][0] = -8*h->mb.i_mb_x - 4;    h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[1][0] = 8*( h->mb.i_mb_width - h->mb.i_mb_x - 1 ) + 4;    h->mb.mv_min_spel[0] = 4*( h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[0][0] - 8 );    h->mb.mv_max_spel[0] = 4*( h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[1][0] + 8 );    if( h->mb.i_mb_x >= h->mb.i_mb_width - 2 )    {        h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[0][1] = -8*h->mb.i_mb_y - 4;        h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[1][1] = 8*( h->mb.i_mb_height - h->mb.i_mb_y - 1 ) + 4;        h->mb.mv_min_spel[1] = 4*( h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[0][1] - 8 );        h->mb.mv_max_spel[1] = 4*( h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[1][1] + 8 );    }#define LOAD_HPELS_LUMA(dst, src) \    { \        (dst)[0] = &(src)[0][i_pel_offset]; \        (dst)[1] = &(src)[1][i_pel_offset]; \        (dst)[2] = &(src)[2][i_pel_offset]; \        (dst)[3] = &(src)[3][i_pel_offset]; \    }#define LOAD_WPELS_LUMA(dst,src) \    (dst) = &(src)[i_pel_offset];#define CLIP_MV( mv ) \    { \        mv[0] = x264_clip3( mv[0], h->mb.mv_min_spel[0], h->mb.mv_max_spel[0] ); \        mv[1] = x264_clip3( mv[1], h->mb.mv_min_spel[1], h->mb.mv_max_spel[1] ); \    }#define TRY_BIDIR( mv0, mv1, penalty ) \    { \        int i_cost; \        if( h->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine <= 1 ) \        { \            int hpel_idx1 = (((mv0)[0]&2)>>1) + ((mv0)[1]&2); \            int hpel_idx2 = (((mv1)[0]&2)>>1) + ((mv1)[1]&2); \            pixel *src1 = m[0].p_fref[hpel_idx1] + ((mv0)[0]>>2) + ((mv0)[1]>>2) * m[0].i_stride[0]; \            pixel *src2 = m[1].p_fref[hpel_idx2] + ((mv1)[0]>>2) + ((mv1)[1]>>2) * m[1].i_stride[0]; \            h->mc.avg[PIXEL_8x8]( pix1, 16, src1, m[0].i_stride[0], src2, m[1].i_stride[0], i_bipred_weight ); \        } \        else \        { \            intptr_t stride1 = 16, stride2 = 16; \            pixel *src1, *src2; \            src1 = h->mc.get_ref( pix1, &stride1, m[0].p_fref, m[0].i_stride[0], \                                  (mv0)[0], (mv0)[1], 8, 8, w ); \            src2 = h->mc.get_ref( pix2, &stride2, m[1].p_fref, m[1].i_stride[0], \                                  (mv1)[0], (mv1)[1], 8, 8, w ); \            h->mc.avg[PIXEL_8x8]( pix1, 16, src1, stride1, src2, stride2, i_bipred_weight ); \        } \        i_cost = penalty * a->i_lambda + h->pixf.mbcmp[PIXEL_8x8]( \                           m[0].p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE, pix1, 16 ); \        COPY2_IF_LT( i_bcost, i_cost, list_used, 3 ); \    }    //帧间编码(后面还有帧内编码)    //处理m[0]    m[0].i_pixel = PIXEL_8x8;    m[0].p_cost_mv = a->p_cost_mv;    m[0].i_stride[0] = i_stride;    m[0].p_fenc[0] = h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0];    m[0].weight = w;    m[0].i_ref = 0;    //加载1/2插值像素点    LOAD_HPELS_LUMA( m[0].p_fref, fref0->lowres );    m[0].p_fref_w = m[0].p_fref[0];    if( w[0].weightfn )        LOAD_WPELS_LUMA( m[0].p_fref_w, fenc->weighted[0] );    //双线预测,处理m[1]    if( b_bidir )    {        int16_t *mvr = fref1->lowres_mvs[0][p1-p0-1][i_mb_xy];        ALIGNED_ARRAY_8( int16_t, dmv,[2],[2] );        m[1].i_pixel = PIXEL_8x8;        m[1].p_cost_mv = a->p_cost_mv;        m[1].i_stride[0] = i_stride;        m[1].p_fenc[0] = h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0];        m[1].i_ref = 0;        m[1].weight = x264_weight_none;        LOAD_HPELS_LUMA( m[1].p_fref, fref1->lowres );        m[1].p_fref_w = m[1].p_fref[0];        dmv[0][0] = ( mvr[0] * dist_scale_factor + 128 ) >> 8;        dmv[0][1] = ( mvr[1] * dist_scale_factor + 128 ) >> 8;        dmv[1][0] = dmv[0][0] - mvr[0];        dmv[1][1] = dmv[0][1] - mvr[1];        CLIP_MV( dmv[0] );        CLIP_MV( dmv[1] );        if( h->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine <= 1 )            M64( dmv ) &= ~0x0001000100010001ULL; /* mv & ~1 */        //双向预测,其中包含了mc.avg[PIXEL_8x8]()        TRY_BIDIR( dmv[0], dmv[1], 0 );        if( M64( dmv ) )        {            int i_cost;            h->mc.avg[PIXEL_8x8]( pix1, 16, m[0].p_fref[0], m[0].i_stride[0], m[1].p_fref[0], m[1].i_stride[0], i_bipred_weight );            i_cost = h->pixf.mbcmp[PIXEL_8x8]( m[0].p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE, pix1, 16 );            COPY2_IF_LT( i_bcost, i_cost, list_used, 3 );        }    }    for( int l = 0; l < 1 + b_bidir; l++ )    {        if( do_search[l] )        {            int i_mvc = 0;            int16_t (*fenc_mv)[2] = fenc_mvs[l];            ALIGNED_4( int16_t mvc[4][2] );            /* Reverse-order MV prediction. */            M32( mvc[0] ) = 0;            M32( mvc[2] ) = 0;#define MVC(mv) { CP32( mvc[i_mvc], mv ); i_mvc++; }            if( i_mb_x < h->mb.i_mb_width - 1 )                MVC( fenc_mv[1] );            if( i_mb_y < h->i_threadslice_end - 1 )            {                MVC( fenc_mv[i_mb_stride] );                if( i_mb_x > 0 )                    MVC( fenc_mv[i_mb_stride-1] );                if( i_mb_x < h->mb.i_mb_width - 1 )                    MVC( fenc_mv[i_mb_stride+1] );            }#undef MVC            if( i_mvc <= 1 )                CP32( m[l].mvp, mvc[0] );            else                x264_median_mv( m[l].mvp, mvc[0], mvc[1], mvc[2] );            /* Fast skip for cases of near-zero residual.  Shortcut: don't bother except in the mv0 case,             * since anything else is likely to have enough residual to not trigger the skip. */            if( !M32( m[l].mvp ) )            {                m[l].cost = h->pixf.mbcmp[PIXEL_8x8]( m[l].p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE, m[l].p_fref[0], m[l].i_stride[0] );                if( m[l].cost < 64 )                {                    M32( m[l].mv ) = 0;                    goto skip_motionest;                }            }            //运动搜索,开销存在m[l].cost中            x264_me_search( h, &m[l], mvc, i_mvc );            m[l].cost -= a->p_cost_mv[0]; // remove mvcost from skip mbs            if( M32( m[l].mv ) )                m[l].cost += 5 * a->i_lambda;skip_motionest:            CP32( fenc_mvs[l], m[l].mv );            *fenc_costs[l] = m[l].cost;        }        else        {            CP32( m[l].mv, fenc_mvs[l] );            m[l].cost = *fenc_costs[l];        }        //如果更小就拷贝        //帧间编码开销,存储于i_bcost        COPY2_IF_LT( i_bcost, m[l].cost, list_used, l+1 );    }    if( b_bidir && ( M32( m[0].mv ) || M32( m[1].mv ) ) )        TRY_BIDIR( m[0].mv, m[1].mv, 5 );lowres_intra_mb://帧内编码    if( !fenc->b_intra_calculated )    {        ALIGNED_ARRAY_16( pixel, edge,[36] );        pixel *pix = &pix1[8+FDEC_STRIDE];        pixel *src = &fenc->lowres[0][i_pel_offset];        const int intra_penalty = 5 * a->i_lambda;        int satds[3];        int pixoff = 4 / sizeof(pixel);        /* Avoid store forwarding stalls by writing larger chunks */        memcpy( pix-FDEC_STRIDE, src-i_stride, 16 * sizeof(pixel) );        for( int i = -1; i < 8; i++ )            M32( &pix[i*FDEC_STRIDE-pixoff] ) = M32( &src[i*i_stride-pixoff] );        //8x8块的SAD/SATD计算        //x3打表计算了V,H,DC三种模式,开销存储在satds[3]数组的3个元素中        h->pixf.intra_mbcmp_x3_8x8c( h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0], pix, satds );        //帧内编码开销,存储于i_icost        int i_icost = X264_MIN3( satds[0], satds[1], satds[2] );        if( h->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine > 1 )        {            h->predict_8x8c[I_PRED_CHROMA_P]( pix );            int satd = h->pixf.mbcmp[PIXEL_8x8]( pix, FDEC_STRIDE, h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE );            i_icost = X264_MIN( i_icost, satd );            h->predict_8x8_filter( pix, edge, ALL_NEIGHBORS, ALL_NEIGHBORS );            for( int i = 3; i < 9; i++ )            {                h->predict_8x8[i]( pix, edge );                satd = h->pixf.mbcmp[PIXEL_8x8]( pix, FDEC_STRIDE, h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE );                i_icost = X264_MIN( i_icost, satd );            }        }        i_icost += intra_penalty + lowres_penalty;        //存一下        fenc->i_intra_cost[i_mb_xy] = i_icost;        int i_icost_aq = i_icost;        if( h->param.rc.i_aq_mode )            i_icost_aq = (i_icost_aq * fenc->i_inv_qscale_factor[i_mb_xy] + 128) >> 8;        output_intra[ROW_SATD] += i_icost_aq;        if( b_frame_score_mb )        {        //累加。[COST_EST]用于整帧的开销计算            output_intra[COST_EST] += i_icost;            output_intra[COST_EST_AQ] += i_icost_aq;        }    }    i_bcost += lowres_penalty;    /* forbid intra-mbs in B-frames, because it's rare and not worth checking */    /* FIXME: Should we still forbid them now that we cache intra scores? */    if( !b_bidir )    {        int i_icost = fenc->i_intra_cost[i_mb_xy];        //帧内开销比帧间更小,b_intra就会取1        int b_intra = i_icost < i_bcost;        if( b_intra )        {        //赋值给i_bcost            i_bcost = i_icost;            list_used = 0;        }        if( b_frame_score_mb )            output_inter[INTRA_MBS] += b_intra;//[INTRA_MBS]统计有多少个帧内模式的宏块    }    /* In an I-frame, we've already added the results above in the intra section. */    if( p0 != p1 )    {        int i_bcost_aq = i_bcost;        if( h->param.rc.i_aq_mode )            i_bcost_aq = (i_bcost_aq * fenc->i_inv_qscale_factor[i_mb_xy] + 128) >> 8;        output_inter[ROW_SATD] += i_bcost_aq;        if( b_frame_score_mb )        {            /* Don't use AQ-weighted costs for slicetype decision, only for ratecontrol. */        //累加。[COST_EST]用于整帧的开销计算            output_inter[COST_EST] += i_bcost;            output_inter[COST_EST_AQ] += i_bcost_aq;        }    }    //存储开销i_bcost    fenc->lowres_costs[b-p0][p1-b][i_mb_xy] = X264_MIN( i_bcost, LOWRES_COST_MASK ) + (list_used << LOWRES_COST_SHIFT);}#undef TRY_BIDIR



//从队列的头部取出一帧x264_frame_t *x264_frame_shift( x264_frame_t **list ){    x264_frame_t *frame = list[0];    int i;    for( i = 0; list[i]; i++ )        list[i] = list[i+1];    assert(frame);    return frame;}



//更新参考帧队列,若为非参考B帧则不更新//重建帧移植参考帧列表,新建一个重建帧static inline int x264_reference_update( x264_t *h ){//如果不是被参考的帧    if( !h->fdec->b_kept_as_ref )    {        if( h->i_thread_frames > 1 )        {            x264_frame_push_unused( h, h->fdec );            h->fdec = x264_frame_pop_unused( h, 1 );            if( !h->fdec )                return -1;        }        return 0;    }    /* apply mmco from previous frame. */    for( int i = 0; i < h->sh.i_mmco_command_count; i++ )        for( int j = 0; h->frames.reference[j]; j++ )            if( h->frames.reference[j]->i_poc == h->sh.mmco[i].i_poc )                x264_frame_push_unused( h, x264_frame_shift( &h->frames.reference[j] ) );    /* move frame in the buffer */    //重建帧加入参考帧列表    x264_frame_push( h->frames.reference, h->fdec );    //列表满了,则要移除1帧    if( h->frames.reference[h->sps->i_num_ref_frames] )        x264_frame_push_unused( h, x264_frame_shift( h->frames.reference ) );    //重新初始化重建帧fdec    h->fdec = x264_frame_pop_unused( h, 1 );    if( !h->fdec )        return -1;    return 0;}



//清空所有参考帧static inline void x264_reference_reset( x264_t *h ){//把frames.reference[]中所有帧移动到frames.unused[]    while( h->frames.reference[0] )        x264_frame_push_unused( h, x264_frame_pop( h->frames.reference ) );    h->fdec->i_poc =    h->fenc->i_poc = 0;}



x264_slice_init()用于创建Slice Header,初始化其中的信息。该函数的定义位于encoder\encoder.c,如下所示。
//创建Slice Headerstatic inline void x264_slice_init( x264_t *h, int i_nal_type, int i_global_qp ){    /* ------------------------ Create slice header  ----------------------- */    if( i_nal_type == NAL_SLICE_IDR )    {    //I帧    //对x264_slice_header_t进行赋值        x264_slice_header_init( h, &h->sh, h->sps, h->pps, h->i_idr_pic_id, h->i_frame_num, i_global_qp );        /* alternate id */        if( h->param.i_avcintra_class )        {            switch( h->i_idr_pic_id )            {                case 5:                    h->i_idr_pic_id = 3;                    break;                case 3:                    h->i_idr_pic_id = 4;                    break;                case 4:                default:                    h->i_idr_pic_id = 5;                    break;            }        }        else            h->i_idr_pic_id ^= 1;    }    else    {    //非IDR帧        x264_slice_header_init( h, &h->sh, h->sps, h->pps, -1, h->i_frame_num, i_global_qp );        //参考帧列表        h->sh.i_num_ref_idx_l0_active = h->i_ref[0] <= 0 ? 1 : h->i_ref[0];        h->sh.i_num_ref_idx_l1_active = h->i_ref[1] <= 0 ? 1 : h->i_ref[1];        if( h->sh.i_num_ref_idx_l0_active != h->pps->i_num_ref_idx_l0_default_active ||            (h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_B && h->sh.i_num_ref_idx_l1_active != h->pps->i_num_ref_idx_l1_default_active) )        {            h->sh.b_num_ref_idx_override = 1;        }    }    if( h->fenc->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF && h->param.b_bluray_compat && h->sh.i_mmco_command_count )    {        h->b_sh_backup = 1;        h->sh_backup = h->sh;    }    h->fdec->i_frame_num = h->sh.i_frame_num;    if( h->sps->i_poc_type == 0 )    {        h->sh.i_poc = h->fdec->i_poc;        if( PARAM_INTERLACED )        {            h->sh.i_delta_poc_bottom = h->param.b_tff ? 1 : -1;            h->sh.i_poc += h->sh.i_delta_poc_bottom == -1;        }        else            h->sh.i_delta_poc_bottom = 0;        h->fdec->i_delta_poc[0] = h->sh.i_delta_poc_bottom == -1;        h->fdec->i_delta_poc[1] = h->sh.i_delta_poc_bottom ==  1;    }    else    {        /* Nothing to do ? */    }    //主要对mb结构体赋初值    x264_macroblock_slice_init( h );}

从源代码可以看出,x264_slice_init()调用x264_slice_header_init()完成了Slice Header “通用”的初始化工作,然后根据帧类型的不同,做了一些特殊参数的设置。下面看一下x264_slice_header_init()。


x264_slice_header_init()用于对Slice Header进行初始化工作。该函数的定义如下所示。
/* Fill "default" values *///对x264_slice_header_t进行赋值static void x264_slice_header_init( x264_t *h, x264_slice_header_t *sh,                                    x264_sps_t *sps, x264_pps_t *pps,                                    int i_idr_pic_id, int i_frame, int i_qp ){    x264_param_t *param = &h->param;    /* First we fill all fields */    sh->sps = sps;    sh->pps = pps;    sh->i_first_mb  = 0;    sh->i_last_mb   = h->mb.i_mb_count - 1;    sh->i_pps_id    = pps->i_id;    sh->i_frame_num = i_frame;    sh->b_mbaff = PARAM_INTERLACED;    sh->b_field_pic = 0;    /* no field support for now */    sh->b_bottom_field = 0; /* not yet used */    sh->i_idr_pic_id = i_idr_pic_id;    /* poc stuff, fixed later */    sh->i_poc = 0;    sh->i_delta_poc_bottom = 0;    sh->i_delta_poc[0] = 0;    sh->i_delta_poc[1] = 0;    sh->i_redundant_pic_cnt = 0;    h->mb.b_direct_auto_write = h->param.analyse.i_direct_mv_pred == X264_DIRECT_PRED_AUTO                                && h->param.i_bframe                                && ( h->param.rc.b_stat_write || !h->param.rc.b_stat_read );    if( !h->mb.b_direct_auto_read && sh->i_type == SLICE_TYPE_B )    {        if( h->fref[1][0]->i_poc_l0ref0 == h->fref[0][0]->i_poc )        {            if( h->mb.b_direct_auto_write )                sh->b_direct_spatial_mv_pred = ( h->stat.i_direct_score[1] > h->stat.i_direct_score[0] );            else                sh->b_direct_spatial_mv_pred = ( param->analyse.i_direct_mv_pred == X264_DIRECT_PRED_SPATIAL );        }        else        {            h->mb.b_direct_auto_write = 0;            sh->b_direct_spatial_mv_pred = 1;        }    }    /* else b_direct_spatial_mv_pred was read from the 2pass statsfile */    sh->b_num_ref_idx_override = 0;    sh->i_num_ref_idx_l0_active = 1;    sh->i_num_ref_idx_l1_active = 1;    sh->b_ref_pic_list_reordering[0] = h->b_ref_reorder[0];    sh->b_ref_pic_list_reordering[1] = h->b_ref_reorder[1];    /* If the ref list isn't in the default order, construct reordering header */    for( int list = 0; list < 2; list++ )    {        if( sh->b_ref_pic_list_reordering[list] )        {            int pred_frame_num = i_frame;            for( int i = 0; i < h->i_ref[list]; i++ )            {                int diff = h->fref[list][i]->i_frame_num - pred_frame_num;                sh->ref_pic_list_order[list][i].idc = ( diff > 0 );                sh->ref_pic_list_order[list][i].arg = (abs(diff) - 1) & ((1 << sps->i_log2_max_frame_num) - 1);                pred_frame_num = h->fref[list][i]->i_frame_num;            }        }    }    sh->i_cabac_init_idc = param->i_cabac_init_idc;    sh->i_qp = SPEC_QP(i_qp);    sh->i_qp_delta = sh->i_qp - pps->i_pic_init_qp;    sh->b_sp_for_swidth = 0;    sh->i_qs_delta = 0;    int deblock_thresh = i_qp + 2 * X264_MIN(param->i_deblocking_filter_alphac0, param->i_deblocking_filter_beta);    /* If effective qp <= 15, deblocking would have no effect anyway */    if( param->b_deblocking_filter && (h->mb.b_variable_qp || 15 < deblock_thresh ) )        sh->i_disable_deblocking_filter_idc = param->b_sliced_threads ? 2 : 0;    else        sh->i_disable_deblocking_filter_idc = 1;    sh->i_alpha_c0_offset = param->i_deblocking_filter_alphac0 << 1;    sh->i_beta_offset = param->i_deblocking_filter_beta << 1;}



//真正的编码——编码1个图像帧//注意“slice”后面有一个“s”//它其中又调用了一个x264_slice_write()//这一点要区分开static void *x264_slices_write( x264_t *h ){    int i_slice_num = 0;    int last_thread_mb = h->sh.i_last_mb;    /* init stats */    memset( &h->stat.frame, 0, sizeof(h->stat.frame) );    h->mb.b_reencode_mb = 0;    //循环每一个slice(一幅图像可以由多个Slice构成)    while( h->sh.i_first_mb + SLICE_MBAFF*h->mb.i_mb_stride <= last_thread_mb )    {        h->sh.i_last_mb = last_thread_mb;        if( !i_slice_num || !x264_frame_new_slice( h, h->fdec ) )        {            if( h->param.i_slice_max_mbs )            {                if( SLICE_MBAFF )                {                    // convert first to mbaff form, add slice-max-mbs, then convert back to normal form                    int last_mbaff = 2*(h->sh.i_first_mb % h->mb.i_mb_width)                        + h->mb.i_mb_width*(h->sh.i_first_mb / h->mb.i_mb_width)                        + h->param.i_slice_max_mbs - 1;                    int last_x = (last_mbaff % (2*h->mb.i_mb_width))/2;                    int last_y = (last_mbaff / (2*h->mb.i_mb_width))*2 + 1;                    h->sh.i_last_mb = last_x + h->mb.i_mb_stride*last_y;                }                else                {                    h->sh.i_last_mb = h->sh.i_first_mb + h->param.i_slice_max_mbs - 1;                    if( h->sh.i_last_mb < last_thread_mb && last_thread_mb - h->sh.i_last_mb < h->param.i_slice_min_mbs )                        h->sh.i_last_mb = last_thread_mb - h->param.i_slice_min_mbs;                }                i_slice_num++;            }            else if( h->param.i_slice_count && !h->param.b_sliced_threads )            {                int height = h->mb.i_mb_height >> PARAM_INTERLACED;                int width = h->mb.i_mb_width << PARAM_INTERLACED;                i_slice_num++;                h->sh.i_last_mb = (height * i_slice_num + h->param.i_slice_count/2) / h->param.i_slice_count * width - 1;            }        }        h->sh.i_last_mb = X264_MIN( h->sh.i_last_mb, last_thread_mb );        //真正的编码——编码1个Slice        //x264_stack_align()应该是平台优化过程中内存对齐的工作        //实际上就是调用x264_slice_write()        if( x264_stack_align( x264_slice_write, h ) )            goto fail;        //注意这里对i_first_mb进行了赋值        h->sh.i_first_mb = h->sh.i_last_mb + 1;        // if i_first_mb is not the last mb in a row then go to the next mb in MBAFF order        if( SLICE_MBAFF && h->sh.i_first_mb % h->mb.i_mb_width )            h->sh.i_first_mb -= h->mb.i_mb_stride;    }    return (void *)0;fail:    /* Tell other threads we're done, so they wouldn't wait for it */    if( h->param.b_sliced_threads )        x264_threadslice_cond_broadcast( h, 2 );    return (void *)-1;}






//结束的时候做一些处理,记录一些统计信息//pp_nal:输出的NALU//pic_out:输出的重建帧static int x264_encoder_frame_end( x264_t *h, x264_t *thread_current,                                   x264_nal_t **pp_nal, int *pi_nal,                                   x264_picture_t *pic_out ){    char psz_message[80];    if( !h->param.b_sliced_threads && h->b_thread_active )    {        h->b_thread_active = 0;        if( (intptr_t)x264_threadpool_wait( h->threadpool, h ) )            return -1;    }    if( !h->out.i_nal )    {        pic_out->i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;        return 0;    }    x264_emms();    /* generate buffering period sei and insert it into place */    if( h->i_thread_frames > 1 && h->fenc->b_keyframe && h->sps->vui.b_nal_hrd_parameters_present )    {        x264_hrd_fullness( h );        x264_nal_start( h, NAL_SEI, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );        x264_sei_buffering_period_write( h, &h->out.bs );        if( x264_nal_end( h ) )           return -1;        /* buffering period sei must follow AUD, SPS and PPS and precede all other SEIs */        int idx = 0;        while( h->out.nal[idx].i_type == NAL_AUD ||               h->out.nal[idx].i_type == NAL_SPS ||               h->out.nal[idx].i_type == NAL_PPS )            idx++;        x264_nal_t nal_tmp = h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1];        memmove( &h->out.nal[idx+1], &h->out.nal[idx], (h->out.i_nal-idx-1)*sizeof(x264_nal_t) );        h->out.nal[idx] = nal_tmp;    }    //封装一帧数据对应的NALU.    //例如给NALU添加起始码0x00000001    int frame_size = x264_encoder_encapsulate_nals( h, 0 );    if( frame_size < 0 )        return -1;    /* Set output picture properties */    //pic_out为x264_picture_t类型结构体。是libx264对外的结构体    //fenc,fdec是x264_frame_t类型结构体。是libx264的内部结构体    pic_out->i_type = h->fenc->i_type;    pic_out->b_keyframe = h->fenc->b_keyframe;    pic_out->i_pic_struct = h->fenc->i_pic_struct;    pic_out->i_pts = h->fdec->i_pts;    pic_out->i_dts = h->fdec->i_dts;    if( pic_out->i_pts < pic_out->i_dts )        x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "invalid DTS: PTS is less than DTS\n" );    pic_out->opaque = h->fenc->opaque;    pic_out->img.i_csp = h->fdec->i_csp;#if HIGH_BIT_DEPTH    pic_out->img.i_csp |= X264_CSP_HIGH_DEPTH;#endif    pic_out->img.i_plane = h->fdec->i_plane;    //图像数据    for( int i = 0; i < pic_out->img.i_plane; i++ )    {        pic_out->img.i_stride[i] = h->fdec->i_stride[i] * sizeof(pixel);        pic_out->img.plane[i] = (uint8_t*)h->fdec->plane[i];    }    //回收用过的编码帧fenc    x264_frame_push_unused( thread_current, h->fenc );    /* ---------------------- Update encoder state ------------------------- */    /* update rc */    int filler = 0;    if( x264_ratecontrol_end( h, frame_size * 8, &filler ) < 0 )        return -1;    pic_out->hrd_timing = h->fenc->hrd_timing;    pic_out->prop.f_crf_avg = h->fdec->f_crf_avg;    /* Filler in AVC-Intra mode is written as zero bytes to the last slice     * We don't know the size of the last slice until encapsulation so we add filler to the encapsulated NAL */    if( h->param.i_avcintra_class )    {        x264_t *h0 = h->thread[0];        int ret = x264_check_encapsulated_buffer( h, h0, h->out.i_nal, frame_size, frame_size + filler );        if( ret < 0 )            return -1;        memset( h->out.nal[0].p_payload + frame_size, 0, filler );        h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_payload += filler;        h->out.nal[h->out.i_nal-1].i_padding = filler;        frame_size += filler;    }    else    {        while( filler > 0 )        {            int f, overhead;            overhead = (FILLER_OVERHEAD - h->param.b_annexb);            if( h->param.i_slice_max_size && filler > h->param.i_slice_max_size )            {                int next_size = filler - h->param.i_slice_max_size;                int overflow = X264_MAX( overhead - next_size, 0 );                f = h->param.i_slice_max_size - overhead - overflow;            }            else                f = X264_MAX( 0, filler - overhead );            if( x264_bitstream_check_buffer_filler( h, f ) )                return -1;            x264_nal_start( h, NAL_FILLER, NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE );            x264_filler_write( h, &h->out.bs, f );            if( x264_nal_end( h ) )                return -1;            int total_size = x264_encoder_encapsulate_nals( h, h->out.i_nal-1 );            if( total_size < 0 )                return -1;            frame_size += total_size;            filler -= total_size;        }    }    /* End bitstream, set output  */    *pi_nal = h->out.i_nal;    *pp_nal = h->out.nal;    h->out.i_nal = 0;    x264_noise_reduction_update( h );    /* ---------------------- Compute/Print statistics --------------------- */    x264_thread_sync_stat( h, h->thread[0] );    /* Slice stat */    //stat中存储了统计信息    //帧数+1 (根据类型)    h->stat.i_frame_count[h->sh.i_type]++;    //帧大小    h->stat.i_frame_size[h->sh.i_type] += frame_size;    h->stat.f_frame_qp[h->sh.i_type] += h->fdec->f_qp_avg_aq;    //统计MB个数,把不同类型的累加起来    for( int i = 0; i < X264_MBTYPE_MAX; i++ )        h->stat.i_mb_count[h->sh.i_type][i] += h->stat.frame.i_mb_count[i];    for( int i = 0; i < X264_PARTTYPE_MAX; i++ )        h->stat.i_mb_partition[h->sh.i_type][i] += h->stat.frame.i_mb_partition[i];    for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )        h->stat.i_mb_count_8x8dct[i] += h->stat.frame.i_mb_count_8x8dct[i];    for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )        h->stat.i_mb_cbp[i] += h->stat.frame.i_mb_cbp[i];    for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )        for( int j = 0; j < 13; j++ )            h->stat.i_mb_pred_mode[i][j] += h->stat.frame.i_mb_pred_mode[i][j];    if( h->sh.i_type != SLICE_TYPE_I )        for( int i_list = 0; i_list < 2; i_list++ )            for( int i = 0; i < X264_REF_MAX*2; i++ )                h->stat.i_mb_count_ref[h->sh.i_type][i_list][i] += h->stat.frame.i_mb_count_ref[i_list][i];    for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )        h->stat.i_mb_field[i] += h->stat.frame.i_mb_field[i];    if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_P && h->param.analyse.i_weighted_pred >= X264_WEIGHTP_SIMPLE )    {        h->stat.i_wpred[0] += !!h->sh.weight[0][0].weightfn;        h->stat.i_wpred[1] += !!h->sh.weight[0][1].weightfn || !!h->sh.weight[0][2].weightfn;    }    if( h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_B )    {        h->stat.i_direct_frames[ h->sh.b_direct_spatial_mv_pred ] ++;        if( h->mb.b_direct_auto_write )        {            //FIXME somewhat arbitrary time constants            if( h->stat.i_direct_score[0] + h->stat.i_direct_score[1] > h->mb.i_mb_count )                for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )                    h->stat.i_direct_score[i] = h->stat.i_direct_score[i] * 9/10;            for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )                h->stat.i_direct_score[i] += h->stat.frame.i_direct_score[i];        }    }    else        h->stat.i_consecutive_bframes[h->fenc->i_bframes]++;    psz_message[0] = '\0';    double dur = h->fenc->f_duration;    h->stat.f_frame_duration[h->sh.i_type] += dur;    //需要计算PSNR    if( h->param.analyse.b_psnr )    {    //SSD(Sum of Squared Difference)即差值的平方和        int64_t ssd[3] =        {            h->stat.frame.i_ssd[0],            h->stat.frame.i_ssd[1],            h->stat.frame.i_ssd[2],        };        int luma_size = h->param.i_width * h->param.i_height;        int chroma_size = CHROMA_SIZE( luma_size );        //SSD是已经在“滤波”环节计算过的        //SSD简单换算成PSNR,调用x264_psnr()        pic_out->prop.f_psnr[0] = x264_psnr( ssd[0], luma_size );        pic_out->prop.f_psnr[1] = x264_psnr( ssd[1], chroma_size );        pic_out->prop.f_psnr[2] = x264_psnr( ssd[2], chroma_size );        //平均值        pic_out->prop.f_psnr_avg = x264_psnr( ssd[0] + ssd[1] + ssd[2], luma_size + chroma_size*2 );        //mean系列的需要累加        h->stat.f_ssd_global[h->sh.i_type]   += dur * (ssd[0] + ssd[1] + ssd[2]);        h->stat.f_psnr_average[h->sh.i_type] += dur * pic_out->prop.f_psnr_avg;        h->stat.f_psnr_mean_y[h->sh.i_type]  += dur * pic_out->prop.f_psnr[0];        h->stat.f_psnr_mean_u[h->sh.i_type]  += dur * pic_out->prop.f_psnr[1];        h->stat.f_psnr_mean_v[h->sh.i_type]  += dur * pic_out->prop.f_psnr[2];        snprintf( psz_message, 80, " PSNR Y:%5.2f U:%5.2f V:%5.2f", pic_out->prop.f_psnr[0],                                                                    pic_out->prop.f_psnr[1],                                                                    pic_out->prop.f_psnr[2] );    }    //需要计算SSIM    if( h->param.analyse.b_ssim )    {    //SSIM是已经在“滤波”环节计算过的        pic_out->prop.f_ssim = h->stat.frame.f_ssim / h->stat.frame.i_ssim_cnt;        //mean系列的需要累加        h->stat.f_ssim_mean_y[h->sh.i_type] += pic_out->prop.f_ssim * dur;        snprintf( psz_message + strlen(psz_message), 80 - strlen(psz_message),                  " SSIM Y:%.5f", pic_out->prop.f_ssim );    }    psz_message[79] = '\0';    //Debug时候输出    x264_log( h, X264_LOG_DEBUG,                  "frame=%4d QP=%.2f NAL=%d Slice:%c Poc:%-3d I:%-4d P:%-4d SKIP:%-4d size=%d bytes%s\n",              h->i_frame,              h->fdec->f_qp_avg_aq,              h->i_nal_ref_idc,              h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_I ? 'I' : (h->sh.i_type == SLICE_TYPE_P ? 'P' : 'B' ),              h->fdec->i_poc,              h->stat.frame.i_mb_count_i,              h->stat.frame.i_mb_count_p,              h->stat.frame.i_mb_count_skip,              frame_size,              psz_message );    // keep stats all in one place    x264_thread_sync_stat( h->thread[0], h );    // for the use of the next frame    x264_thread_sync_stat( thread_current, h );#ifdef DEBUG_MB_TYPE{    static const char mb_chars[] = { 'i', 'i', 'I', 'C', 'P', '8', 'S',        'D', '<', 'X', 'B', 'X', '>', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', '8', 'S' };    for( int mb_xy = 0; mb_xy < h->mb.i_mb_width * h->mb.i_mb_height; mb_xy++ )    {        if( h->mb.type[mb_xy] < X264_MBTYPE_MAX && h->mb.type[mb_xy] >= 0 )            fprintf( stderr, "%c ", mb_chars[ h->mb.type[mb_xy] ] );        else            fprintf( stderr, "? " );        if( (mb_xy+1) % h->mb.i_mb_width == 0 )            fprintf( stderr, "\n" );    }}#endif    /* Remove duplicates, must be done near the end as breaks h->fref0 array     * by freeing some of its pointers. */    for( int i = 0; i < h->i_ref[0]; i++ )        if( h->fref[0][i] && h->fref[0][i]->b_duplicate )        {            x264_frame_push_blank_unused( h, h->fref[0][i] );            h->fref[0][i] = 0;        }    if( h->param.psz_dump_yuv )        x264_frame_dump( h );    x264_emms();    return frame_size;}



//封装一帧数据对应的NALU.//例如给NALU添加起始码0x00000001static int x264_encoder_encapsulate_nals( x264_t *h, int start ){    x264_t *h0 = h->thread[0];    int nal_size = 0, previous_nal_size = 0;    if( h->param.nalu_process )    {        for( int i = start; i < h->out.i_nal; i++ )            nal_size += h->out.nal[i].i_payload;        return nal_size;    }    for( int i = 0; i < start; i++ )        previous_nal_size += h->out.nal[i].i_payload;    for( int i = start; i < h->out.i_nal; i++ )        nal_size += h->out.nal[i].i_payload;    /* Worst-case NAL unit escaping: reallocate the buffer if it's too small. */    int necessary_size = previous_nal_size + nal_size * 3/2 + h->out.i_nal * 4 + 4 + 64;    for( int i = start; i < h->out.i_nal; i++ )        necessary_size += h->out.nal[i].i_padding;    if( x264_check_encapsulated_buffer( h, h0, start, previous_nal_size, necessary_size ) )        return -1;    uint8_t *nal_buffer = h0->nal_buffer + previous_nal_size;    //一个一个NALU处理    for( int i = start; i < h->out.i_nal; i++ )    {        int old_payload_len = h->out.nal[i].i_payload;        h->out.nal[i].b_long_startcode = !i || h->out.nal[i].i_type == NAL_SPS || h->out.nal[i].i_type == NAL_PPS ||                                         h->param.i_avcintra_class;        //添加起始码        x264_nal_encode( h, nal_buffer, &h->out.nal[i] );        nal_buffer += h->out.nal[i].i_payload;        if( h->param.i_avcintra_class )        {            h->out.nal[i].i_padding -= h->out.nal[i].i_payload - (old_payload_len + NALU_OVERHEAD);            if( h->out.nal[i].i_padding > 0 )            {                memset( nal_buffer, 0, h->out.nal[i].i_padding );                nal_buffer += h->out.nal[i].i_padding;                h->out.nal[i].i_payload += h->out.nal[i].i_padding;            }            h->out.nal[i].i_padding = X264_MAX( h->out.nal[i].i_padding, 0 );        }    }    x264_emms();    return nal_buffer - (h0->nal_buffer + previous_nal_size);}

从源代码中可以看出,x264_encoder_encapsulate_nals()调用了另外一个函数x264_nal_encode()逐个给一帧数据中的各个NALU添加起始码以及NALU Header等。

x264_nal_encode()用于给NALU添加起始码以及NALU Header等。该函数的定义位于common\bitstream.c,如下所示。
/**************************************************************************** * x264_nal_encode: ****************************************************************************///添加起始码void x264_nal_encode( x264_t *h, uint8_t *dst, x264_nal_t *nal ){    uint8_t *src = nal->p_payload;    uint8_t *end = nal->p_payload + nal->i_payload;    uint8_t *orig_dst = dst;    //起始码 ============================================    //annexb格式,起始码为0x00000001    if( h->param.b_annexb )    {        if( nal->b_long_startcode )            *dst++ = 0x00;        *dst++ = 0x00;        *dst++ = 0x00;        *dst++ = 0x01;    }    else /* save room for size later */        dst += 4;//mp4格式    //NALU Header =======================================    /* nal header */    *dst++ = ( 0x00 << 7 ) | ( nal->i_ref_idc << 5 ) | nal->i_type;    dst = h->bsf.nal_escape( dst, src, end );    int size = (dst - orig_dst) - 4;    /* Write the size header for mp4/etc */    //重新回到起始码的位置,写入mp4格式的起始码(size大小,不含起始码)    if( !h->param.b_annexb )    {        /* Size doesn't include the size of the header we're writing now. */        orig_dst[0] = size>>24;        orig_dst[1] = size>>16;        orig_dst[2] = size>> 8;        orig_dst[3] = size>> 0;    }    //NALU负载大小,包含起始码    nal->i_payload = size+4;    nal->p_payload = orig_dst;    x264_emms();}

从源代码可以看出,x264_nal_encode()给NALU数据添加了起始码以及NALU Header。在这里简单总结一下起始码的添加过程。



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