Docker Command List

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝三星手机官网 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 05:51

Docker - Version

docker version

Docker - pull

install image

docker pull ubuntu:latest


list all docker images

docker ps

Docker -rm

remove docker images

docker remove <image_name>

Docker -run

run the image

docker run <image_name> -idocker run <image_name> <command># run as daemon processdocker run -d <image_name>

Docker -ls

Docker -build

Docker commit

docker ps -ldocker commit <id> <image_name>

Docker inspect


docker inspect <id>

Docker push

docker push <image_name>

Docker stop

docker stop

Docker export/import

sudo docker export 7691a814370e > ubuntu.tar$sudo docker import example/imagerepo


    brew install boot2docker
  1. 初始化docker 命令
    boot2docker init
  1. 如果docker已经初始化则显示如下:
    Ξ ~ → boot2docker init    2014/11/08 12:37:06 Virtual machine boot2docker-vm already exists
  1. 同时可以通过以下命令查看boot2docker的帮助
    boot2docker help    boot2docker management utility.Commands:    init                    Create a new boot2docker VM.    up|start|boot           Start VM from any states.    ssh [ssh-command]       Login to VM via SSH.    save|suspend            Suspend VM and save state to disk.    down|stop|halt          Gracefully shutdown the VM.    restart                 Gracefully reboot the VM.    poweroff                Forcefully power off the VM (might corrupt disk image).    reset                   Forcefully power cycle the VM (might corrupt disk image).    delete|destroy          Delete boot2docker VM and its disk image.    config|cfg              Show selected profile file settings.    info                    Display detailed information of VM.    ip                      Display the IP address of the VM's Host-only network.    status                  Display current state of VM.    download                Download boot2docker ISO image.    upgrade                 Upgrade the boot2docker ISO image (if vm is running it will be stopped and started).    version                 Display version information.Options:      --basevmdk="": Path to VMDK to use as base for persistent partition      --dhcp=true: enable VirtualBox host-only network DHCP.      --dhcpip= VirtualBox host-only network DHCP server address.  -s, --disksize=20000: boot2docker disk image size (in MB).      --dockerport=2375: host Docker port (forward to port 2375 in VM).      --hostip= VirtualBox host-only network IP address.      --iso="/Users/patrick/.boot2docker/boot2docker.iso": path to boot2docker ISO image.      --lowerip= VirtualBox host-only network DHCP lower bound.  -m, --memory=2048: virtual machine memory size (in MB).      --netmask=ffffff00: VirtualBox host-only network mask.      --serial=false: try serial console to get IP address (experimental)      --serialfile="": path to the serial socket/pipe.      --ssh="ssh": path to SSH client utility.      --ssh-keygen="ssh-keygen": path to ssh-keygen utility.      --sshkey="/Users/patrick/.ssh/id_boot2docker": path to SSH key to use.      --sshport=2022: host SSH port (forward to port 22 in VM).      --upperip= VirtualBox host-only network DHCP upper bound.      --vbm="VBoxManage": path to VirtualBox management utility.  -v, --verbose=false: display verbose command invocations.      --vm="boot2docker-vm": virtual machine name.
  1. 查看docker version
    Ξ ~ → docker version    Client version: 1.1.2    Client API version: 1.13    Go version (client): go1.3    Git commit (client): d84a070    Server version: 1.2.0    Server API version: 1.14    Go version (server): go1.3.1    Git commit (server): fa7b24f
  1. 用SSH来连接虚拟主机
    boot2docker ssh    # 如果ssh key is generated,可以直接连接docker    # User: docker    # Pwd:  tcuser
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