【原创】windows 进程管理

来源:互联网 发布:基因检测 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 01:35

【原创】windows 进程管理

pc 平台进程管理方法:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click    Dim TargetName As String = "ibmdict" '存储进程名为文本型,注:进程名不加扩展名    Dim TargetKill() As Process = Process.GetProcessesByName(TargetName) '从进程名获取进程    Dim TargetPath As String '存储进程路径为文本型    If TargetKill.Length > 0 Then    '判断进程名的数量,如果同名进程数量在2个以上,用For循环关闭进程。        For i = 0 To TargetKill.Length - 1            TargetPath = TargetKill(i).MainModule.FileName            TargetKill(i).Kill()        Next    ElseIf TargetKill.Length = 0 Then '判断进程名的数量,没有发现进程直接弹窗。不需要的,可直接删掉该If子句        MsgBox("没有发现进程!")        Exit Sub    End If    MsgBox("已终止" & TargetKill.Length & "个进程") '弹窗提示已终止多少个进程 End Sub



using System;using System.Linq;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;using System.Collections;namespace SmartDeviceProject1{    public partial class Form1 : Form    {        public Form1()        {            InitializeComponent();        }        static void Massin(string[] args)        {            if (args.Length == 0)            {                Console.WriteLine("Please enter the process name.");                return;            }            string processName = args[0].ToUpper() ;            if (processName.Contains(".EXE") == false) processName += ".EXE";            Process[] processes = Process.GetProcesses();            foreach (Process proc in processes)            {                if (proc.ProcessName.ToUpper() == processName)                {                    proc.Kill();                    MessageBox .Show (processName+" was killed.");                    break;                }            }        }        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            string[] exe = { "notepad++" };            exe[0] = textBox1.Text.ToString();            Massin(exe);        }        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            Process[] processes = Process.GetProcesses();            listBox1.Items.Clear();            foreach (Process proc in processes)            {                listBox1.Items.Add(proc.ProcessName);            }        }        private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)        {           textBox1 .Text =  listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString();        }    }        #region PROCESSENTRY32 implementation        //        typedef struct tagPROCESSENTRY32         //        {         //            DWORD dwSize;         //            DWORD cntUsage;         //            DWORD th32ProcessID;         //            DWORD th32DefaultHeapID;         //            DWORD th32ModuleID;         //            DWORD cntThreads;         //            DWORD th32ParentProcessID;         //            LONG pcPriClassBase;         //            DWORD dwFlags;         //            TCHAR szExeFile[MAX_PATH];         //            DWORD th32MemoryBase;        //            DWORD th32AccessKey;        //        } PROCESSENTRY32;        public  class PROCESSENTRY32        {            // constants for structure definition            private const int SizeOffset = 0;            private const int UsageOffset = 4;            private const int ProcessIDOffset = 8;            private const int DefaultHeapIDOffset = 12;            private const int ModuleIDOffset = 16;            private const int ThreadsOffset = 20;            private const int ParentProcessIDOffset = 24;            private const int PriClassBaseOffset = 28;            private const int dwFlagsOffset = 32;            private const int ExeFileOffset = 36;            private const int MemoryBaseOffset = 556;            private const int AccessKeyOffset = 560;            private const int Size = 564;            private const int MAX_PATH = 260;            // data members            public uint dwSize;            public uint cntUsage;            public uint th32ProcessID;            public uint th32DefaultHeapID;            public uint th32ModuleID;            public uint cntThreads;            public uint th32ParentProcessID;            public long pcPriClassBase;            public uint dwFlags;            public string szExeFile;            public uint th32MemoryBase;            public uint th32AccessKey;            //Default constructor            public PROCESSENTRY32()            {            }            // create a PROCESSENTRY instance based on a byte array                    public PROCESSENTRY32(byte[] aData)            {                dwSize = GetUInt(aData, SizeOffset);                cntUsage = GetUInt(aData, UsageOffset);                th32ProcessID = GetUInt(aData, ProcessIDOffset);                th32DefaultHeapID = GetUInt(aData, DefaultHeapIDOffset);                th32ModuleID = GetUInt(aData, ModuleIDOffset);                cntThreads = GetUInt(aData, ThreadsOffset);                th32ParentProcessID = GetUInt(aData, ParentProcessIDOffset);                pcPriClassBase = (long)GetUInt(aData, PriClassBaseOffset);                dwFlags = GetUInt(aData, dwFlagsOffset);                szExeFile = GetString(aData, ExeFileOffset, MAX_PATH);                th32MemoryBase = GetUInt(aData, MemoryBaseOffset);                th32AccessKey = GetUInt(aData, AccessKeyOffset);            }            #region Helper conversion functions            // utility:  get a uint from the byte array            private static uint GetUInt(byte[] aData, int Offset)            {                return BitConverter.ToUInt32(aData, Offset);            }            // utility:  set a uint int the byte array            private static void SetUInt(byte[] aData, int Offset, int Value)            {                byte[] buint = BitConverter.GetBytes(Value);                Buffer.BlockCopy(buint, 0, aData, Offset, buint.Length);            }            // utility:  get a ushort from the byte array            private static ushort GetUShort(byte[] aData, int Offset)            {                return BitConverter.ToUInt16(aData, Offset);            }            // utility:  set a ushort int the byte array            private static void SetUShort(byte[] aData, int Offset, int Value)            {                byte[] bushort = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)Value);                Buffer.BlockCopy(bushort, 0, aData, Offset, bushort.Length);            }            // utility:  get a unicode string from the byte array            private static string GetString(byte[] aData, int Offset, int Length)            {                String sReturn = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(aData, Offset, Length);                return sReturn;            }            // utility:  set a unicode string in the byte array            private static void SetString(byte[] aData, int Offset, string Value)            {                byte[] arr = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Value);                Buffer.BlockCopy(arr, 0, aData, Offset, arr.Length);            }            #endregion            // create an initialized data array            public byte[] ToByteArray()            {                byte[] aData;                aData = new byte[Size];                //set the Size member                SetUInt(aData, SizeOffset, Size);                return aData;            }            public string Name            {                get                {                    return szExeFile.Substring(0, szExeFile.IndexOf('\0'));                }            }            public ulong PID            {                get                {                    return th32ProcessID;                }            }            public ulong BaseAddress            {                get                {                    return th32MemoryBase;                }            }            public ulong ThreadCount            {                get                {                    return cntThreads;                }            }        }        #endregion    #region Process class    /// <summary>    /// Summary description for Process.    /// </summary>    public class Process    {        private const int TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS = 0x00000002;        [DllImport("toolhelp.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(uint flags, uint processid);        [DllImport("toolhelp.dll")]        public static extern int CloseToolhelp32Snapshot(IntPtr handle);        [DllImport("toolhelp.dll")]        public static extern int Process32First(IntPtr handle, byte[] pe);        [DllImport("toolhelp.dll")]        public static extern int Process32Next(IntPtr handle, byte[] pe);        [DllImport("coredll.dll")]        private static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(int flags, bool fInherit, int PID);        private const int PROCESS_TERMINATE = 1;        [DllImport("coredll.dll")]        private static extern bool TerminateProcess(IntPtr hProcess, uint ExitCode);        [DllImport("coredll.dll")]        private static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr handle);        private const int INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1;        private string processName;        private IntPtr handle;        private int threadCount;        private int baseAddress;        //default constructor        public Process()        {        }        private Process(IntPtr id, string procname, int threadcount, int baseaddress)        {            handle = id;            processName = procname;            threadCount = threadcount;            baseAddress = baseaddress;        }        //ToString implementation for ListBox binding        public override string ToString()        {            return processName;        }        public int BaseAddress        {            get            {                return baseAddress;            }        }        public int ThreadCount        {            get            {                return threadCount;            }        }        public IntPtr Handle        {            get            {                return handle;            }        }        public string ProcessName        {            get            {                return processName;            }        }        public int BaseAddess        {            get            {                return baseAddress;            }        }        public void Kill()        {            IntPtr hProcess;            hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, false, (int)handle);            if (hProcess != (IntPtr)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)            {                bool bRet;                bRet = TerminateProcess(hProcess, 0);                CloseHandle(hProcess);            }        }        public static Process[] GetProcesses()        {            ArrayList procList = new ArrayList();            IntPtr handle = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);            if ((int)handle > 0)            {                try                {                    PROCESSENTRY32 peCurrent;                    PROCESSENTRY32 pe32 = new PROCESSENTRY32();                    //Get byte array to pass to the API calls                    byte[] peBytes = pe32.ToByteArray();                    //Get the first process                    int retval = Process32First(handle, peBytes);                    while (retval == 1)                    {                        //Convert bytes to the class                        peCurrent = new PROCESSENTRY32(peBytes);                        //New instance                        Process proc = new Process(new IntPtr((int)peCurrent.PID), peCurrent.Name, (int)peCurrent.ThreadCount, (int)peCurrent.BaseAddress);                        procList.Add(proc);                        retval = Process32Next(handle, peBytes);                    }                }                catch (Exception ex)                {                    throw new Exception("Exception: " + ex.Message);                }                //Close handle                CloseToolhelp32Snapshot(handle);                return (Process[])procList.ToArray(typeof(Process));            }            else            {                throw new Exception("Unable to create snapshot");            }        }    }#endregion}  
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