Hackthissite Basic-Writeup

来源:互联网 发布:对阿里云的理解 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 06:29

Recently , I just writeup some simple CTF at www.hackthissite.org

The Basic Missions Writeup:

        lookup the source of the page
        when you looked up the source , you might realize ...
        just remenber ,there is no password file ...
        lookup the source of the page , you will find a password.php , just open it.
        lookup the source , you will find the password could be mailed to someone's E-mail
        So , just change the E-mail address into yours ...
        The same as 4th.
        the top one function , is to encrypet the word , you can just have a try .
        the encrypetion is :    the No.X word will be add X-1
        eg.    123 => 135
        Notice , this is Mentioned as : the system is Unix
        Unix command will be used :   
            ;ls -a
        And the password file shown
        Notice , this web is made by  PHP
        The php script command might work :
        <!--#exe cmd = "ls .."-->
        And the password file shown
        the same as 8th.
        But the 8th page will be used .
        <!--#exe cmd = "ls ../../9"-->
        It might be difficult at the first ;   
        lookup your cookies , you will find one named with '10' , yes , that's it !
        all you need to do , is changing the vaule into 'yes'
        Here is the javascript to achieve it .
        Refresh the page at some times , you will find the name of the song always be changed ;
        Then you could test whether there is any other page.
        When you input "index.php";
        There is an authentication page .
        So , in the same way there might be some other files .
        Take some try :
        /a  /b  /c  /e
        and you will find a way with /e
        ( Search the song you may find , all of the songs are singed by one person : Elton John )
        follow the folder and you will find /e/l/t/o/n/
        and you might think there must be some files which are Hidden !!
        try to input '.'
        there is a PHP script , it hides two files :
        DaAnswer.*  .htaccess
        The answer is in .htaccess
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