
来源:互联网 发布:coap协议默认的端口号 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 23:36







public boolean BFSearch() throws IOException {        // 将搜索过程写入D://BFSearchDialog.txt        String filePath = "BFSearchDialog.txt";        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(filePath));                         // *************************************                JigsawNode beginnode = getBeginJNode();                openList.add(beginnode);                isCompleted = false;                // 判断广搜结束条件                while (!openList.isEmpty()) {                  // 判断是否到达目标状态                  JigsawNode root = openList.firstElement();                  currentJNode = root;                  if (getCurrentJNode().equals(getEndJNode())) {                     isCompleted = true;                     break;          }                  // 访问openList的第一个节点,将相邻的 且未被访问的(在closeList中找不到)的节点加入openList                          Vector<JigsawNode> neighbornodes =  new Vector<JigsawNode>();                  neighbornodes  = findFollowJNodes(root);                  openList.addAll(neighbornodes);                  openList.removeElementAt(0);                  closeList.add(root);                   searchedNodesNum++;        }                 if (isCompleted) {                   calSolutionPath();                }                 // *************************************         this.printResult(pw);        pw.close();        System.out.println("Record into " + filePath);        return isCompleted;    }







public boolean ASearch() throws IOException{        // 将搜索过程写入ASearchDialog.txt        String filePath = "ASearchDialog.txt";        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(filePath));                 // 访问节点数大于25000个则认为搜索失败        int maxNodesNum = 25000;                   // 用以存放某一节点的邻接节点        Vector<JigsawNode> followJNodes = new Vector<JigsawNode>();                  // 重置求解完成标记为false        isCompleted = false;                            // (1)将起始节点放入openList中        this.sortedInsertOpenList(this.beginJNode);                 // (2) 如果openList为空,或者访问节点数大于maxNodesNum个,则搜索失败,问题无解;否则循环直到求解成功        while (this.openList.isEmpty() != true && searchedNodesNum <= maxNodesNum) {                         // (2-1)访问openList的第一个节点N,置为当前节点currentJNode            //      若currentJNode为目标节点,则搜索成功,设置完成标记isCompleted为true,计算解路径,退出。            this.currentJNode = this.openList.elementAt(0);            if (this.currentJNode.equals(this.endJNode)){                isCompleted = true;                this.calSolutionPath();                break;            }                         // (2-2)从openList中删除节点N,并将其放入closeList中,表示以访问节点                        this.openList.removeElementAt(0);            this.closeList.addElement(this.currentJNode);            searchedNodesNum++;                             // 记录并显示搜索过程                pw.println("Searching.....Number of searched nodes:" + this.closeList.size() + "   Current state:" + this.currentJNode.toString());                System.out.println("Searching.....Number of searched nodes:" + this.closeList.size() + "   Current state:" + this.currentJNode.toString());                         // (2-3)寻找所有与currentJNode邻接且未曾被访问的节点,将它们按代价估值从小到大排序插入openList中            followJNodes = this.findFollowJNodes(this.currentJNode);            while (!followJNodes.isEmpty()) {                this.sortedInsertOpenList(followJNodes.elementAt(0));                followJNodes.removeElementAt(0);            }        }                 this.printResult(pw);   // 记录搜索结果        pw.close();            // 关闭输出文件        System.out.println("Record into " + filePath);        return isCompleted;    }         /* 计算并修改状态节点jNode的代价估计值:f(n)=s(n)。     * s(n)代表后续节点不正确的数码个数     * @param jNode - 要计算代价估计值的节点;此函数会改变该节点的estimatedValue属性值。     */               private void estimateValue(JigsawNode jNode) {                int fn = 0;        // 后续节点不正确的数码个数                int s = 0;                  // 所有 放错位的数码与其正确位置的距离 之和                int errordis = 0;                 // 所有 放错位的数码 个数                int errornum = 0;                int index;                // 空格的索引下标                int spaceindex = 0;                // 该Node的数组                int[] nodestate = jNode.getNodesState();        int dimension = JigsawNode.getDimension();        for(index =1 ; index<dimension*dimension; index++){            if(nodestate[index]+1!=nodestate[index+1]) {                s++;                         }        }                for (index =1 ; index<dimension*dimension; index++) {                      if(index !=  nodestate[spaceindex] && nodestate[index]  !=  index)                      {                          errornum++;                         //  求解曼哈顿距离                         // 当前坐标                          int cx, cy, dx,dy;                           cx = (index - 1) / dimension;                           cy = (index -1 ) % dimension;                           dx = (nodestate[index] - 1) / dimension;                           dy = (nodestate[index] -1) %  dimension;                           errordis =  errordis+Math.abs(dx-cx) + Math.abs(dy-cy);                      }                                }                fn = 2*s + errordis + errornum;        jNode.setEstimatedValue(fn);    }

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