
来源:互联网 发布:windows网络编程pdf 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 11:15



每一个对象都有SendMessage,BroadcastMessage,SendMessageUpwards 三个发送消息的方法!



参数                   类型                                                  说明
methodName        string                                  The name of the method to call.    // 方法名称
value                      object                                 An optional parameter value to pass to the called method.    //方法参数
options                 SendMessageOptions        Should an error be raised if the method doesn't exist on the target object?  //如果方法不存在 
                                                                           是否生成错误信息  dontRequireReceiver不生成错误信息,RequireReceiver 生成错误信息

SendMessage 查找的方法是在自身当中去查找

SendMessageUpwards 查找的方法是在自身和父类中去查找,如果父类还有父类,继续查找,直到找到根节点为止

BroadcastMessage 查找的方法是在自身和子类中去查找,如果子类还有子类,继续查找,直到没有任何子类


NGUITools类里面有一个重载的静态方法:Broadcast (代码如下),这个静态方法的作用就是遍历所有的对象,找到要执行的方法,然后执行对象的SendMessage方法!但是这个方法的效率不高,FindObjectsOfType这个方法肯定耗时间,因为我们项目中的对象肯定很多,这无疑是浪费时间,for循环更是耗时间,再说有可能遍历到没有此方法的对象,做无用功!我们最好的办法就是只执行那些我们需要的某些对象去执行某一方法,而不是遍历所有对象,却不管他有没有此方法,所以我们得寻求好的解决方法,请转到 6

public class NotificationCenter    {        static Hashtable notificationTable = new Hashtable();        public static void AddGameObject(GameObject tmpObject, string methodname, object tmpparam)        {            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodname))            {                Debug.Log("方法名字为null");                return;            }            //使用list 是可能同一个方法有多个脚本或者对象,这个list里面可能会存储多个 notification            if (!notificationTable.ContainsKey(methodname))            {                //如果不存在                Notification notification = new Notification(tmpObject, tmpparam);                List<Notification> list = new List<Notification>();                list.Add(notification);                notificationTable[methodname] = list;            }            else            {                List<Notification> notifiList = (List<Notification>)notificationTable[methodname];                if (notifiList.Find(a => a.gameObject == tmpObject) == null)                {                    Notification notification = new Notification(tmpObject, tmpparam);                    notifiList.Add(notification);                    notificationTable[methodname] = notifiList;                }            }        }        public static void RemoveGameObject(GameObject tmpObject, string methodname)        {            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodname))            {                Debug.Log("方法名字null");                return;            }            List<Notification> notifyList = (List<Notification>)notificationTable[methodname];            if (notifyList != null)            {                if (notifyList.Find(a => a.gameObject == tmpObject) != null)                {                    notifyList.RemoveAll(a => a.gameObject == tmpObject);                    notificationTable[methodname] = notifyList;                }                if (notifyList.Count == 0)                    notificationTable.Remove(methodname);            }        }        public static void ExecuteMethod(string methodname)        {            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodname))            {                Debug.Log("方法名为空");                return;            }            List<Notification> notifyList = (List<Notification>)notificationTable[methodname];            if (notifyList != null)            {                foreach (Notification fication in notifyList)                {                    fication.gameObject.SendMessage(methodname, fication.param, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);                }            }        }        class Notification        {            public GameObject gameObject;            public object param;            public Notification(GameObject notiObject, object notiParam)            {                gameObject = notiObject;                param = notiParam;            }        }    }


public class DelegateNotificationCenter    {        static Hashtable notificationTable = new Hashtable();        public delegate void MyFunc(object[] obj);        public static void AddGameObjec(GameObject tmpObject, string flag, MyFunc tmpFunc, object[] tmpParam)        {            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(flag))            {                Debug.Log("方法名字为null");                return;            }            if (!notificationTable.ContainsKey(flag))            {                //不存在,则创建                DelegateNotification notification = new DelegateNotification(tmpObject, tmpFunc, tmpParam);                List<DelegateNotification> notifyList = new List<DelegateNotification>();                notifyList.Add(notification);                notificationTable[flag] = notifyList;            }            else            {                List<DelegateNotification> notifyList = (List<DelegateNotification>)notificationTable[flag];                if (notifyList.Find(a => a.gameObject == tmpObject) == null)                {                     //表示list里面没有这个对象                    DelegateNotification notification = new DelegateNotification(tmpObject, tmpFunc, tmpParam);                    notifyList.Add(notification);                }            }        }        public static void RemoveGameObject(GameObject tmpObject,string flag)        {            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(flag))            {                Debug.Log("flag为空");                return;            }            if (notificationTable.ContainsKey(flag))            {                List<DelegateNotification> notifyList = (List<DelegateNotification>)notificationTable[flag];                if (notifyList.Find(a => a.gameObject == tmpObject) != null)                {                     //如果存在                    notifyList.RemoveAll(a => a.gameObject == tmpObject);                }                if (notifyList.Count == 0)                    notificationTable.Remove(flag);                else                    notificationTable[flag] = notifyList;            }        }        public static void ExecuteMehod(string flag)        {            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(flag))            {                return;            }            List<DelegateNotification> notifyList = (List<DelegateNotification>)notificationTable[flag];            if (notifyList.Count > 0)            {                foreach (DelegateNotification notification in notifyList)                {                    notification.func(notification.param);                }            }        }        class DelegateNotification        {            public GameObject gameObject;            public MyFunc func;            public object[] param;            public DelegateNotification(GameObject tmpObject, MyFunc tmpFunc, object[] tmpParam)            {                gameObject = tmpObject;                func = tmpFunc;                param = tmpParam;            }        }    }

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