从Essential Matrix估计R,T

来源:互联网 发布:java web 反编译 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 16:53

clccleart=rand(3,1)R=rodrigues(rand(3,1))T=[0 -t(3) t(2);    t(3) 0 -t(1);    -t(2) t(1) 0];E=T*R[U,S,V]=svd(E);disp('S?=?diag(1,1,0)')SW=[0 -1 0;    1 0 0;    0 0 1];P1=[U*W*V' U(:,3)]P2=[U*W'*V' U(:,3)]disp('check R..')norm(U*W*V'-R)norm(U*W'*V'-R)disp('check t..')norm(U(:,3) - t/norm(t))norm(- U(:,3) - t/norm(t))

Decomposing the Essential matrix using Horn and Eigen 

void DecomposeEssentialUsingHorn90(double _E[9], double _R1[9], double _R2[9], double _t1[3], double _t2[3]) {    //from : http://people.csail.mit.edu/bkph/articles/Essential.pdf    using namespace Eigen;     Matrix3d E = Map<Matrix<double,3,3,RowMajor> >(_E);    Matrix3d EEt = E * E.transpose();    Vector3d e0e1 = E.col(0).cross(E.col(1)),e1e2 = E.col(1).cross(E.col(2)),e2e0 = E.col(2).cross(E.col(2));    Vector3d b1,b2; #if 1    //Method 1    Matrix3d bbt = 0.5 * EEt.trace() * Matrix3d::Identity() - EEt; //Horn90 (12)    Vector3d bbt_diag = bbt.diagonal();    if (bbt_diag(0) > bbt_diag(1) && bbt_diag(0) > bbt_diag(2)) {        b1 = bbt.row(0) / sqrt(bbt_diag(0));        b2 = -b1;    } else if (bbt_diag(1) > bbt_diag(0) && bbt_diag(1) > bbt_diag(2)) {        b1 = bbt.row(1) / sqrt(bbt_diag(1));        b2 = -b1;    } else {        b1 = bbt.row(2) / sqrt(bbt_diag(2));        b2 = -b1;    }#else    //Method 2    if (e0e1.norm() > e1e2.norm() && e0e1.norm() > e2e0.norm()) {        b1 = e0e1.normalized() * sqrt(0.5 * EEt.trace()); //Horn90 (18)        b2 = -b1;    } else if (e1e2.norm() > e0e1.norm() && e1e2.norm() > e2e0.norm()) {        b1 = e1e2.normalized() * sqrt(0.5 * EEt.trace()); //Horn90 (18)        b2 = -b1;    } else {        b1 = e2e0.normalized() * sqrt(0.5 * EEt.trace()); //Horn90 (18)        b2 = -b1;    }#endif         //Horn90 (19)    Matrix3d cofactors; cofactors.col(0) = e1e2; cofactors.col(1) = e2e0; cofactors.col(2) = e0e1;    cofactors.transposeInPlace();         //B = [b]_x , see Horn90 (6) and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_product#Conversion_to_matrix_multiplication    Matrix3d B1; B1 <<    0,-b1(2),b1(1),                        b1(2),0,-b1(0),                        -b1(1),b1(0),0;    Matrix3d B2; B2 <<    0,-b2(2),b2(1),                        b2(2),0,-b2(0),                        -b2(1),b2(0),0;     Map<Matrix<double,3,3,RowMajor> > R1(_R1),R2(_R2);     //Horn90 (24)    R2 = (cofactors.transpose() - B1*E) / b1.dot(b1);    R1 = (cofactors.transpose() - B2*E) / b2.dot(b2);    Map<Vector3d> t1(_t1),t2(_t2);     t1 = b2; t2 = b1;         cout << "Horn90 provided " << endl << R1 << endl << "and" << endl << R2 << endl;}



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