增量mysql 校验程序

来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu 无法进入桌面 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 07:10
cd /root/checkv_date=`date +%Y-%m-%d`echo $v_datesed -i s/v_date/$v_date/g query.scrcat query.scr  | while read table strdoperl unload_master.pl  "$table"  "$str"perl unload_slave.pl  "$table" "$str"var1=`sum  master-$table.TXT | awk '{print $1}'`var2=`sum  slave-$table.TXT | awk '{print $1}'`echo \$var1 is $var1echo \$var2 is $var2          if [ "$var1" -eq "$var2" ]             then              perl  sms.pl "master $table sum is $var1 || slave $table sum is $var2"             else             perl  sms.pl "Warning--master $table sum is $var1 || slave $table sum is $var2"        fidonecp -r -f .query.scr query.scr 2.slave:/root/check# cat query.scr Client              lastLoginTime >=timestamp'v_date 00:00:00' and  lastLoginTime <=timestamp'v_date 23:59:59'  order by lastLoginTime descClientSignIn        lastVisitTime  >=timestamp'v_date 00:00:00'  and lastVisitTime  <=timestamp'v_date 23:59:59'  order by lastVisitTime descClientRechargeOrder updatedTime  >=timestamp'v_date 00:00:00'  and updatedTime  <=timestamp'v_date 23:59:59'  order by updatedTime desc3.#!/usr/bin/perl use DBI;$db_name='zjzc';$ip='x.x.x.x';$user="xx";$passwd="xx";$dbh="";$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=$db_name;host=$ip;port=3306",$user,$passwd) or die "can't connect to database ". DBI-errstr;$UNLOAD_SRC_DBCONN = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=$db_name;host=$ip;port=3306",$user,$passwd) or die "can't connect to database ". DBI-errstr;   if ( $#ARGV < 1 ){        print "please input your table name and query condition!\n";                exit(-1);                    }my $table_name= "$ARGV[0]"; my $str= "$ARGV[1]"; my $hostSql = qq{SELECT column_name  from information_schema.columns where table_schema='$db_name' and  table_name='$table_name'};my $DW_DATA_DT ="";my $datafile="master-$table_name.TXT";use HTTP::Date qw(time2iso str2time time2iso time2isoz);my @lstRlst1;my @lstRlst;my ($COLUMN_NAME);my $selStmt = $dbh->prepare($hostSql);$selStmt->execute();$selStmt->bind_col(1, \$COLUMN_NAME);;$selStmt->execute();while( $selStmt->fetch() ){  print "$COLUMN_NAME\n";push  (@lstRlst1 ,$COLUMN_NAME);  }  $selStmt->finish;  $dbh->disconnect;my @lstRlst =  (@lstRlst1);###########################################=================全局变量区==========================#if ($#ARGV <0){        print "请输入一个表名参数";        exit(-1);    }sub printlog{  my ($LogInfo)= @_;  my $CurrTime = time2iso(time());                   # 当前时间  if(!defined($LogInfo) ){$LogInfo="";}  my $StrLog="【${CurrTime}】 \t ${LogInfo} \n";     print $StrLog;  #print LOGFILE $StrLog;  }  my $exportOracleSql="SELECT ";  #数据导出的sqlfor (my $m=0;$m<@lstRlst + 0 ;$m++){ if  ($m != @lstRlst + 0 - 1){  $exportOracleSql = "$exportOracleSql trim($lstRlst[$m])".", "}else{$exportOracleSql = "$exportOracleSql trim($lstRlst[$m])"}print "$exportOracleSql\n";}my $exportOracleSql="$exportOracleSql from $db_name.$table_name where $str";print "$exportOracleSql\n";sub Exportdata{        printlog "开始导出数据!";    my $exportsql=$exportOracleSql;    if($exportsql eq "error"){    return -1;    }     $stmt=$UNLOAD_SRC_DBCONN->prepare($exportsql);    unless ($stmt){printlog "\n执行prepare SQL语句出错:\n";printlog $DBI::errstr;return -1;}       $stmt->execute;if ($UNLOAD_SRC_DBCONN->err) {printlog "\n执行SQL语句出错:\n"; printlog $DBI::errstr;return -1;}     my $row=0;     my $size=0;     my $curtime;               my $writeflagsql;     my $tmpstr="";     $row=0;     my $m=0;               open(DATAFILE,">", $datafile) || die (print "Open DATA file failed!!!\n");     while(my $Rows = $stmt->fetchrow_arrayref){     $m=0;     $tmpstr="";     foreach(@$Rows){     $tmpstr=$tmpstr.$Rows->[$m]."|";     $m++;     }     print DATAFILE $tmpstr.$DW_DATA_DT."\n";     $row++;     if(($row%10000) == 0){     printlog "已导出数据$row条!";     }              }             $stmt->finish;        #print FLAGFILE $datafile,"\n";        #print FLAGFILE $row,"\n";        close(DATAFILE);        #  close(FLAGFILE);        $curtime=time2iso(time());          printlog "数据已成功导出!";          printlog "一共导出数据${row}条";                          return 1;}Exportdata

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