CHIP8 Emulator(2)——动手做!

来源:互联网 发布:6数字域名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 12:39




  • mychip8.c CHIP8实现的核心代码
  • mychip8.h CHIP8的相关定义
  • main.c 利用GLUT实现图形/输入等逻辑



//变量声明unsigned char Gfx[64*32];   //chip8显存unsigned char V[16]; //16个寄存器,V0~VF unsigned char Memory[4096]; //4K内存unsigned short int I; //地址寄存器unsigned short int Pc; //程序指针unsigned short int Stack[16];//栈unsigned short int Sp; //栈指针unsigned char Keyboard[16];//16个键值unsigned short int Opcode; //操作码unsigned char Delaytimer;//延时定时器unsigned char Soundtimer;//声音定时器unsigned char DrawFlag; //绘图标识



void InitializeChip8(); //CHIP8初始化void HandleOpcode();    //操作码处理,核心部分int  LoadApp(const char *filename); //加载应用(游戏)

void InitializeChip8()



void InitializeChip8(){    unsigned int i;    for(i=0;i<15;i++)    {        V[i] = 0;       //寄存器清零        Stack[i] = 0;   //栈清零        Keyboard[i] = 0;//按键清零      }    for(i=0;i<4095;i++)        Memory[i] = 0;  //内存清零    for(i=0; i<2048; ++i)        Gfx[i] = 0;     //显存清零    I = 0;              //地址寄存器清零    Sp = 0;             //栈指针清零    Pc = 0x200;         //PC指针指向程序开始的地方    Opcode = 0;         //操作码清零    Delaytimer = 0;     //定时器清零    Soundtimer = 0;    DrawFlag = 1;   //绘画标识为真    srand(time(NULL)); //产生随机数种子,后面一个操作码要用到}


void HandleOpcode()



void HandleOpcode(){    int i;    Opcode = Memory[Pc] << 8 | Memory[Pc+1]; //取操作码,高位在低地址    switch(Opcode & 0xF000)    {    case 0x0000:        switch(Opcode & 0x000F)        {        case 0x0000:    //Clears the screen.            for(i=0; i<2048; i++)                Gfx[i] = 0x0;            DrawFlag = 1;            Pc += 2;            break;        case 0x000E:    //Returns from a subroutine.            Sp -= 1;            Pc = Stack[Sp];            Pc += 2; //Important!            break;        default:            printf ("Unknown Opcode [0x0000]: 0x%X\n", Opcode);         }        break;    case 0x1000: // Jumps to address NNN.        Pc = Opcode & 0x0FFF;        break;    case 0x2000: //Calls subroutine at NNN.        Stack[Sp] = Pc;        Sp++;        Pc = Opcode & 0x0FFF;        break;    case 0x3000: //Skips the next instruction if VX equals NN.        if( V[(Opcode&0x0F00) >> 8] == (Opcode&0x00FF))            Pc += 4;        else            Pc += 2;        break;    case 0x4000: // Skips the next instruction if VX doesn't equal NN.        if( V[(Opcode&0x0F00) >> 8] != (Opcode&0x00FF))            Pc += 4;        else            Pc += 2;        break;    case 0x5000: //Skips the next instruction if VX equals VY.        if( V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] == V[(Opcode&0x00F0)>>4])            Pc += 4;        else            Pc += 2;        break;    case 0x6000: //Sets VX to NN.        V[(Opcode&0x0F00) >> 8] = Opcode & 0xFF;        Pc += 2;        break;    case 0x7000:    //  Adds NN to VX.        V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] += Opcode & 0xFF;        Pc += 2;        break;    case 0x8000:            switch(Opcode & 0x000F)        {        case 0x0000:    //  Sets VX to the value of VY.            V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] = V[(Opcode&0x00F0)>>4];            Pc += 2;            break;        case 0x0001:    //Sets VX to VX or VY.            V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] |= V[(Opcode&0x00F0)>>4];            Pc += 2;            break;        case 0x0002:    //Sets VX to VX and VY.            V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] &= V[(Opcode&0x00F0)>>4];            Pc += 2;            break;        case 0x0003:    //  Sets VX to VX xor VY.            V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] ^= V[(Opcode&0x00F0)>>4];            Pc += 2;            break;        case 0x0004:    //Adds VY to VX. VF is set to 1 when there's a carry, and to 0 when there isn't.            if (V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] + V[(Opcode&0x00F0)>>4] > 255)                V[15] = 1;            else                V[15] = 0;            V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] += V[(Opcode&0x00F0)>>4];            Pc += 2;            break;        case 0x0005:    //  VY is subtracted from VX. VF is set to 0 when there's a borrow, and 1 when there isn't.            if(V[(Opcode & 0x00F0) >> 4] > V[(Opcode & 0x0F00) >> 8])                 V[15] = 0;            else                V[15] = 1;            V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] -= V[(Opcode&0x00F0)>>4];            Pc += 2;            break;        case 0x0006:    //  Shifts VX right by one. VF is set to the value of the least significant bit of VX before the shift            V[15] = V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] & 0x0001;            V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] >>= 1;                Pc += 2;            break;        case 0x0007:    //  Sets VX to VY minus VX. VF is set to 0 when there's a borrow, and 1 when there isn't.            if(V[(Opcode & 0x0F00) >> 8] > V[(Opcode & 0x00F0) >> 4])                V[15] = 0;            else                V[15] = 1;            V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] = V[(Opcode&0x00F0)>>4] - V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8];            Pc += 2;            break;        case 0x000E:    //Shifts VX left by one. VF is set to the value of the most significant bit of VX before the shift.            V[15] = V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] >> 7;            V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] <<= 1;                Pc += 2;            break;        default:            printf ("Unknown Opcode [0x8000]: 0x%X\n", Opcode);        }        break;    case 0x9000:    //  Skips the next instruction if VX doesn't equal VY.        if (V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] != V[(Opcode&0x00F0)>>4] )            Pc += 4;        else            Pc += 2;        break;    case 0xA000:    //Sets I to the address NNN.        I = Opcode & 0x0FFF;        Pc += 2;        break;    case 0xB000:    //  Jumps to the address NNN plus V0.        Pc = V[0] + (Opcode & 0x0FFF);        break;    case 0xC000:    //Sets VX to a random number, masked by NN.        V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] = (rand() % 0xFF) & (Opcode & 0xFF); //random        Pc += 2;        break;    case 0xD000:    //  Sprites stored in memory at location in index register (I), maximum 8bits wide. Wraps around the screen. If when drawn, clears a pixel, register VF is set to 1 otherwise it is zero. All drawing is XOR drawing (i.e. it toggles the screen pixels)    {        unsigned short x = V[(Opcode & 0x0F00) >> 8];        unsigned short y = V[(Opcode & 0x00F0) >> 4];        unsigned short height = Opcode & 0x000F;        unsigned short pixel;        unsigned int yline, xline;        V[15] = 0;        for (yline = 0; yline < height; yline++)        {            pixel = Memory[I + yline];            for(xline = 0; xline < 8; xline++)            {                if((pixel & (0x80 >> xline)) != 0)                {                    if(Gfx[(x + xline + ((y + yline) * 64))] == 1)                    {                        V[0xF] = 1;                                                        }                    Gfx[x + xline + ((y + yline) * 64)] ^= 1;                }            }        }        DrawFlag = 1;        Pc += 2;    }    break;    case 0xE000:        switch(Opcode & 0x00FF)        {        case 0x009E:    //  Skips the next instruction if the key stored in VX is pressed.            if(Keyboard[V[(Opcode & 0x0F00) >> 8]]!= 0)                Pc += 4;            else                Pc += 2;            break;        case 0x00A1:    //Skips the next instruction if the key stored in VX isn't pressed.            if(Keyboard[V[(Opcode & 0x0F00) >> 8]] == 0)                Pc += 4;            else                Pc += 2;            break;        default:            printf ("Unknown Opcode [0xE000]: 0x%X\n", Opcode);        }        break;    case 0xF000:            switch(Opcode & 0xFF)        {        case 0x07:  //Sets VX to the value of the delay timer.            V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] = Delaytimer;            Pc += 2;            break;        case 0x0A:  //A key press is awaited, and then stored in VX.        {            unsigned char keyPress = 0;            for(i = 0; i < 16; ++i)            {                if(Keyboard[i] != 0)                {                    V[(Opcode & 0x0F00) >> 8] = i;                    keyPress = 1;                }            }            if(!keyPress)                                       return;            Pc += 2;        }        break;        case 0x15:  //Sets the delay timer to VX.            Delaytimer = V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8];            Pc += 2;            break;        case 0x18:  //  Sets the sound timer to VX.            Soundtimer = V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8];            Pc += 2;            break;        case 0x1E:  //Adds VX to I            if(I + V[(Opcode & 0x0F00) >> 8] > 0xFFF)                   V[15] = 1;            else                V[15] = 0;            I += V[(Opcode&0x0F00) >> 8];            Pc += 2;            break;        case 0x29:  //Sets I to the location of the sprite for the character in VX. Characters 0-F (in hexadecimal) are represented by a 4x5 font            I = V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] * 0x5;            Pc += 2;            break;        case 0x33:  //  Stores the Binary-coded decimal representation of VX, with the most significant of three digits at the address in I, the middle digit at I plus 1, and the least significant digit at I plus 2. (In other words, take the decimal representation of VX, place the hundreds digit in memory at location in I, the tens digit at location I+1, and the ones digit at location I+2.)            Memory[I] = V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] / 100;            Memory[I+1] = V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] / 10 % 10;            Memory[I+2] = (V[(Opcode&0x0F00)>>8] % 100) % 10;            Pc += 2;            break;        case 0x55:  //  Stores V0 to VX in memory starting at address I            for(i=0; i<((Opcode&0x0F00)>>8); i++)            {                Memory[I+i] = V[i];            }            I += ((Opcode & 0x0F00) >> 8) + 1;            Pc += 2;            break;        case 0x65:  //  Fills V0 to VX with values from memory starting at address I            for(i=0; i<((Opcode&0x0F00)>>8); i++)            {                V[i] = Memory[I+i];            }            I += ((Opcode & 0x0F00) >> 8) + 1;            Pc += 2;            break;        default:                    printf ("Unknown Opcode [0xF000]: 0x%X\n", Opcode);        }        break;        default:            printf ("Unknown Opcode: 0x%X\n", Opcode);    }    if(Delaytimer > 0)        --Delaytimer;    if(Soundtimer > 0)    {        if(Soundtimer == 1)            printf("BEEP!\n");        --Soundtimer;    }   }


  • 不要忘了PC指针的增加
  • 因为用到了switch-case语句,所以不要忘了break和default.
  • 比较难理解的操作码可能就是0xDXYN,事关绘图。操作码说明如下:

Sprites stored in memory at location in index register (I), maximum
8bits wide. Wraps around the screen. If when drawn, clears a pixel,
register VF is set to 1 otherwise it is zero. All drawing is XOR
drawing (i.e. it toggles the screen pixels)


int LoadApp(const char *filename)



int LoadApp(const char *filename){    long lSize;    char *buffer=NULL;    FILE *pFile =NULL;    size_t result;    int i;    InitializeChip8();      pFile = fopen(filename, "rb");    if (pFile == NULL)    {        fputs ("File error", stderr);    }    fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END);//移动指针到文件末尾    lSize = ftell(pFile);//获得文件大小    rewind(pFile);//移动指针到文件开头    printf("Filesize: %d\n", (int)lSize);    buffer = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*lSize);    if (buffer == NULL)    {        fputs ("Memory error", stderr);         return 0;    }    // Copy the file into the buffer    result = fread (buffer, 1, lSize, pFile);    if (result != lSize)     {        fputs("Reading error",stderr);         return 0;    }    // Copy buffer to Chip8 memory    if((4096-512) > lSize)    {        for(i = 0; i < lSize; ++i)            Memory[i + 512] = buffer[i];    }    else        printf("Error: ROM too big for memory");    fclose(pFile);    free(buffer);    return 1;}


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