
来源:互联网 发布:android源码的使用 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 00:45




//本段代码引自编程之美int MaxSum(int* A, int n){ int maximum = -INF; int sum=0;   for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ for(int j = i; j < n; j++){  for(int k = i; k <= j; k++)  {   sum += A[k];  } if(sum > maximum) maximum = sum; sum=0;} } return maximum;} 


void max_sub_array(int count, int* a){    int sum = a[0], t = 0;    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)    {        if (t < 0)        {            t = a[i];        }        else        {            t += a[i];        }        if (sum < t)            sum = t;    }    printf("The max is %d\n", sum);}void main(){    int count, *p;    printf("please input the count :");    scanf_s("%d", &count);    p = (int *)malloc(count * 2);    printf("\nplease input the number to be sorted : \n");    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)    {        scanf_s("%d", p+i);    }    max_sub_array(count, p);    system("pause");}



  • 完全在子数组A[low,mid]中,即low<=i<=j<=mid。
  • 完全在子数组A{mid+1,high]中,即mid+1<=i<=j<=high。
  • 跨越在了两个子数组之间,low<=i<=mid<=j<=high。


int max_sub_array(int from, int to, int* a){    int max = 0;    int left_max, right_max, mid_max;    int mid_to_left_max = 0, mid_to_right_max = 0;    int mid_to_left_sum = 0, mid_to_right_sum = 0;    int mid = (to + from) / 2;    if (from == to)    {        if (a[from] > 0)            return a[from];        else            return 0;    }    //对问题进行分解,左边和右边分开求解最大和    left_max = max_sub_array(from, mid, a);    right_max = max_sub_array(mid+1, to, a);    //对横跨中间的最大和进行处理    for (int i = mid; i >= from;i--)    {        mid_to_left_sum += a[i];        if (mid_to_left_max < mid_to_left_sum)            mid_to_left_max = mid_to_left_sum;    }    for (int i = mid + 1; i <= to; i++)    {        mid_to_right_sum += a[i];        if (mid_to_right_max < mid_to_right_sum)            mid_to_right_max = mid_to_right_sum;    }    //将求解出的三种情况下的最大和作比较,取最大的返回    mid_max = mid_to_left_max + mid_to_right_max;    max = left_max;    if (max < right_max)        max = right_max;    if (max < mid_max)        max = mid_max;    return max;}void main(){    int count, *p;    printf("please input the count :");    scanf_s("%d", &count);    p = (int *)malloc(count * 2);    printf("\nplease input the number to be sorted : \n");    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)    {        scanf_s("%d", p+i);    }    printf("The max is : %d.\n", max_sub_array(0, count - 1, p));    system("pause");}
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