C++ 链表实现通讯录 (关于获取鼠标句柄后,清屏不能再次获取)

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝上买东西怎样付款 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 03:08

<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"></span><span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span style="font-size:14px;">1.头文件</span></span>

#pragma once#include<string>#include"Node.h"#include"cls.h"#include"Interface.h"#include<iostream>#include"List.h"#include"io.h"#include<algorithm>#include"mouse.h"class Address{public:Address();static List list;static int falg;int static falg2;int static falg3;void  newlinkman();void  initialize();void  over();void  FindLinkman();void  Linkman(int);void  ModLinkman(int);void  print();void  DeleteLinkman(int );void  Delete_Linkman();private:int static Pos;int static PosDelete;string static Xinxi;HANDLE hStdout;Interface face;Mouse mouse;Cls cl;IO file;};
<pre name="code" class="cpp">#include"mouse.h"class Cls{public:void cls(HANDLE hConsole);};

#pragma once#include"mouse.h"#include"List.h"#include<iostream>using namespace std;class Interface{public:void showface(List list);};

#pragma once#include<iostream>#include<fstream>#include<istream>#include"List.h"#include"node.h"using namespace std;class IO{public:void in(const string &str, List &list);void out(const string &str,List &list);};
#include<iostream>#include <windows.h> #include<algorithm>using namespace std;class List{public:List();void AddNode(Node *);void Print();void PrintNode(int);void Print_Node(int);void ModNode(int,int,string);void Find(string);int FindNode(string,int);void L_sort();void DeleteNode(int);void clean();Node *head;Node *end;int Pos;int Find_Pos;};

#pragma once#include <windows.h>  #include <stdio.h>  using namespace std;class  Mouse{public:int shubiao();};
#pragma once#include<iostream>#include<string>using namespace std;class Node{public:string name;string number;string address;string sex;string age;Node *next;bool operator<(Node *n){if (this->name < n->name)return 1;elsereturn 0;}};


<pre name="code" class="cpp">#include"Address_book.h"#include<conio.h>#include<iostream>Address::Address(){hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);}void Address::print(){cl.cls(hStdout);list.L_sort();face.showface(list);}void Address::Linkman(int n){if (falg == 0 || falg2 == 1){cl.cls(hStdout);falg = 2;Pos = n;list.Print_Node(Pos);cout << "返回主界面" << endl;mouse.shubiao();}if (falg == 1||falg2 ==2){cl.cls(hStdout);falg = 2;Pos = n;list.Print_Node(list.FindNode(Xinxi,Pos));cout << "返回主界面" << endl;mouse.shubiao();}}void Address::ModLinkman(int n){if (falg2 != 2){string str;cl.cls(hStdout);if (n == 0){cout << "请输入你要修改的姓名:";cin >> str;}if (n == 1){cout << "请输入你要修改的年龄:";cin >> str;}if (n == 2){cout << "请输入你要修改的性别:";cin >> str;}if (n == 3){cout << "请输入你要修改的电话:";cin >> str;}if (n == 4){cout << "请输入你要修改的地址:";cin >> str;}list.ModNode(Pos, n, str);Linkman(Pos);}if (falg2 == 2){string str;cl.cls(hStdout);if (n == 0){cout << "请输入你要修改的姓名:";cin >> str;}if (n == 1){cout << "请输入你要修改的年龄:";cin >> str;}if (n == 2){cout << "请输入你要修改的性别:";cin >> str;}if (n == 3){cout << "请输入你要修改的电话:";cin >> str;}if (n == 4){cout << "请输入你要修改的地址:";cin >> str;}list.ModNode(list.FindNode(Xinxi,Pos),n, str);Linkman(Pos);}}void Address::initialize(){file.out("address.txt", list);face.showface(list);mouse.shubiao();}List Address::list;int Address::falg = 0;int Address::falg3 = 0;int Address::Pos = 0;string Address::Xinxi = "";int Address::falg2 = 0;void Address::newlinkman(){Node * node;node = new Node();//system("cls");cl.cls(hStdout);cout << "请输入联系人姓名:";cin >> node->name;cout << "请输入联系人年龄:";cin >> node->age;cout << "请输入联系人性别:";cin >> node->sex;cout << "请输入联系人电话:";cin >> node->number;cout << "请输入联系人地址:";cin >> node->address;list.AddNode(node);cl.cls(hStdout);//system("cls");face.showface(list);}void Address::FindLinkman(){falg = 1;cl.cls(hStdout);cout << "请输入你要查到的联系人的信息:";cin >> Xinxi;falg3 = 1;list.Find(Xinxi);cout << "返回通讯录主界面"<<endl;mouse.shubiao();}void Address::over(){file.in("address.txt", list);}int Address::PosDelete = 0;void Address::DeleteLinkman(int n){cl.cls(hStdout);falg = 3;PosDelete = n;cout << "确定删除此联系人?" << endl;cout << "   是     否" << endl;}void Address::Delete_Linkman(){if (!falg3){list.DeleteNode(PosDelete);falg = 0;print();}if (falg3){//int a = list.FindNode(Xinxi, PosDelete+1);list.DeleteNode(list.FindNode(Xinxi,PosDelete+1));falg = 0;falg3 = 0;print();}}
#include"cls.h"#include <windows.h>void Cls::cls(HANDLE hConsole){COORD coordScreen = { 0, 0 };    // home for the cursor DWORD cCharsWritten;CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi;DWORD dwConSize;// Get the number of character cells in the current buffer. if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &csbi)){return;}dwConSize = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y;// Fill the entire screen with blanks.if (!FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hConsole,        // Handle to console screen buffer (TCHAR) ' ',     // Character to write to the bufferdwConSize,       // Number of cells to write coordScreen,     // Coordinates of first cell &cCharsWritten))// Receive number of characters written{return;}// Get the current text attribute.if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &csbi)){return;}// Set the buffer's attributes accordingly.if (!FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hConsole,         // Handle to console screen buffer csbi.wAttributes, // Character attributes to usedwConSize,        // Number of cells to set attribute coordScreen,      // Coordinates of first cell &cCharsWritten)) // Receive number of characters written{return;}// Put the cursor at its home coordinates.SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, coordScreen);}
#include"Interface.h"void Interface::showface(List list){cout <<"菜单: "<< "新建联系人" <<"   "<<"搜索联系人"<<"   退出"<<endl;for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++){cout << "*-*";}cout << endl;list.Print();}
<pre name="code" class="cpp">#include"io.h"void IO::in(const string &str, List &list){ofstream file(str,ios::out);Node *p;for (p = list.head->next; !p == NULL; p = p->next){if (p->next == NULL){file << p->name << endl << p->sex << endl << p->age << endl << p->number << endl << p->address;}else{file << p->name << endl << p->sex << endl << p->age << endl << p->number << endl << p->address << endl;}}file.close();}void IO::out(const string &str, List &list){ifstream file(str);file.seekg(0, ios::beg);Node *p;while (!file.eof()){p = new Node;getline(file, p->name);getline(file, p->sex);getline(file, p->age);getline(file, p->number);getline(file, p->address);list.AddNode(p);}}
<pre name="code" class="cpp">#include"List.h"List::List(){head = new Node;head->name = "";head->sex = "";head->number = "";head->address = "";head->next=NULL;Pos = 0;Find_Pos = 0;}void List::AddNode(Node* node){Node *p = head;while (!p->next == NULL){p = p->next;}p->next = node;end = p->next;Pos++;L_sort();}void List::Print(){Node *p = head->next;while (!p == NULL){cout << p->name << " " << p->age << " " << p->sex << " " << p->number << " " << p->address << endl;p = p->next;}}void List::PrintNode(int n){int pos = 0;Node *p = head;while (pos < n){p = p->next;pos++;}cout << p->name << " " << p->sex << " " << p->age << " " << p->number << " " << p->address << endl;}void List::L_sort(){Node* p = head->next;Node* p_pre = p;//bool flag = false;   //用于标记是否有交换,当数组有序的时候,提高判断效率while (p_pre->next != NULL){string temp = p_pre->name;p = p->next;while (p){if (temp <= (p->name)){p = p->next;continue;}else{string temp_change1;temp_change1 = p->name;p->name = p_pre->name;p_pre->name = temp_change1;string temp_change2;temp_change1 = p->age;p->age = p_pre->age;p_pre->age = temp_change1;string temp_change3;temp_change1 = p->sex;p->sex = p_pre->sex;p_pre->sex = temp_change1;string temp_change4;temp_change1 = p->number;p->number = p_pre->number;p_pre->number = temp_change1;string temp_change5;temp_change1 = p->address;p->address = p_pre->address;p_pre->address = temp_change1;p = p->next;//flag = true;}}p_pre = p_pre->next;p = p_pre;}}void List::clean(){Node *s;Node *p = head->next;while (p != NULL){s = p;p = p->next;delete s;}}void List::Find(string str){Node *p = head->next;int pos = 1;Find_Pos = 0;while (!p == NULL){bool key = false;if (p->name.find(str) != string::npos)key = true;if (p->sex.find(str) != string::npos)key = true;if (p->age.find(str) != string::npos)key = true;if (p->number.find(str) != string::npos)key = true;if (p->address.find(str) != string::npos)key = true;if (key){PrintNode(pos);Find_Pos++;}p = p->next;pos++;}}int List::FindNode(string str,int n){Node *p = head->next;int iINum = 1;int pos = 0;while (pos != n){if (p->name.find(str) != string::npos)pos++;if (p->sex.find(str) != string::npos)pos++;if (p->age.find(str) != string::npos)pos++;if (p->number.find(str) != string::npos)pos++;if (p->address.find(str) != string::npos)pos++;iINum++;p = p->next;}return iINum-1;}void List::Print_Node(int n){int pos = 1;Node * p = head->next;while (pos < n){p = p->next;pos++;}cout << "姓名:" << p->name<<endl;cout << "年龄: " << p->age << endl;cout << "性别:" << p->sex << endl;cout << "电话号:" << p->number << endl;cout << "地址: " << p->address << endl;}void List::ModNode(int n,int falg,string str){int pos = 1;Node * p = head->next;while (pos < n){p = p->next;pos++;}if (falg == 0){p->name = str;}if (falg == 1){p->age = str;}if (falg == 2){p->sex = str;}if (falg == 3){p->number = str;}if (falg == 4){p->address = str;}}void List::DeleteNode(int n){int pos = 1;Node * p = head->next;if (n != 1){while (pos < n - 1){p = p->next;pos++;}Node *s = p->next;p->next = s->next;delete s;}else{p = head;Node *s = p->next;p->next = s->next;delete s;}}
<pre name="code" class="cpp">#include"mouse.h"#include"Address_book.h"int Mouse::shubiao(){Address a;// 获取标准输入输出设备句柄  HANDLE hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);HANDLE hIn = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO bInfo;INPUT_RECORDmouseRec;DWORDres;COORDcrPos, crHome = { 0, 0 };//printf("[Cursor Position] X: %2lu  Y: %2lu\n", 0, 0);// 初始状态while (1){ReadConsoleInput(hIn, &mouseRec, 1, &res);if (mouseRec.EventType == MOUSE_EVENT){if (mouseRec.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState == FROM_LEFT_1ST_BUTTON_PRESSED){if (mouseRec.Event.MouseEvent.dwEventFlags == DOUBLE_CLICK){//if (a.falg==0)    //break;// 左键双击 退出循环}}crPos = mouseRec.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition;GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hOut, &bInfo);SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOut, crHome);//printf("[Cursor Position] X: %2lu  Y: %2lu", crPos.X, crPos.Y);SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOut, bInfo.dwCursorPosition);switch (mouseRec.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState){case FROM_LEFT_1ST_BUTTON_PRESSED:// 左键 if (a.falg == 0){if (crPos.Y==0){if (6 <= crPos.X&&crPos.X <= 16){a.newlinkman();}if (20 <= crPos.X&&crPos.X <= 29){a.FindLinkman();}if (30 <= crPos.X&&crPos.X <= 36)return 0;break;}else if (1 <= crPos.Y&&crPos.Y <= a.list.Pos + 1){a.falg2 = 1;a.Linkman(crPos.Y - 1);}}else if (a.falg==1){if (crPos.Y == a.list.Find_Pos + 1){a.print();a.falg = 0;}else if (crPos.Y >= 1 && crPos.Y <= a.list.Find_Pos){a.falg2 = 2;a.Linkman(crPos.Y);}}else if (a.falg == 2){if (crPos.Y == 5){a.print();a.falg = 0;a.falg2 = 0;}else if (0 <= crPos.Y&&crPos.Y <= 4){a.ModLinkman(crPos.Y);}}else if (a.falg == 3){if (crPos.Y == 1){if (3 <= crPos.X&&crPos.X <= 4)a.Delete_Linkman();if (9 <= crPos.X&&crPos.X <= 11){a.print();a.falg = 0;a.falg2 = 0;}}}break;case RIGHTMOST_BUTTON_PRESSED:if (a.falg == 0){if (1 <= crPos.Y&&crPos.Y <= a.list.Pos + 1){a.DeleteLinkman(crPos.Y - 1);}}if (a.falg == 1){if (1 <= crPos.Y&&crPos.Y <= a.list.Find_Pos){a.DeleteLinkman(crPos.Y - 1);}}//FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hOut, 'a', 1, crPos, &res);break;default:break;}}}    CloseHandle(hOut);  // 关闭标准输出设备句柄  CloseHandle(hIn);   // 关闭标准输入设备句柄  return 0;}

<pre name="code" class="cpp">#include"Address_book.h"int main(){Address a;a.initialize();a.over();}
是清屏 system('cls')

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