Logistic Regression

来源:互联网 发布:ktv歌曲下载软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 23:41
  • why named logistic regression? (cause losigtic function)
  • what is the model?
  • how to solve the minimal/maximal problem?

2-class problem

this logistic (sigmoid) makes probability lies in 0~1

// also lies in 0~1

in all,


假定我们已经学到了最优的θ,那么分类的实现是计算P(1|x,θ), if >0.5, then p1p>1; if <0.5, then p1p<1




then gradient descent could be applied to solve the MLE problem.

Multi-class problem

give the constrain the probability of different class:

m equals to the class number and wRd×m, where d is the dimension of feature vector x.
P(y(i)=1|x,w)=exp(w(i)Tx)mj=1exp(w(j)Tx)for i1,...,m

The cost function is

SMLR - Sparse multinomial Logistic Regression

In total m classes, input vector/feature is d-dimensional,
the weight vector for one of the classes need not be estimated. Without loss of generality, we thus set w(m)=0 and the only parameters to be learned are the weight vectors w(i) for i1,,m1. For the remainder of the paper, we use w to denote the (d(m-1))-dimensional vector of parameters to be learned.

for ordinary softmax regression (also named as multinomial logistic regression-MLR), the probability that x belongs to class i is written as:

P(y(i)=1|x,w)=exp(w(i)Tx)mj=1exp(w(j)Tx)for i1,...,m

, where n is the total number of samples.

where n is the number of samples, m is the number of classes.

Besides on, add sparsity constraints to the cost function,


In SMLR, p(w)exp(λ||w||1)

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