[Wireshark]Sniffing with Wireshark(or tshark) as a Non-Root User on CentOS

来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu停止当前命令 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 19:42

This HOWTO is referencing the article written by Stretch

Filesystem Capabilities

What are filesystem capabilities? From the man page:
The manual goes on to list over two dozen distinct POSIX capabilities which individual executables may be granted. For sniffing, we’re interested in two specifically:

CAP_NET_ADMIN - Allow various network-related operations (e.g., setting privileged socket options, enabling multicasting, interface configuration, modifying routing tables).CAP_NET_RAW - Permit use of RAW and PACKET sockets.

CAP_NET_ADMIN allows us to set an interface to promiscuous mode, and CAP_NET_RAW permits raw access to an interface for capturing directly off the wire. These capabilities are assigned using the setcap utility.

Enabling Non-root Capture

Step 1: Install setcap

First, we’ll need to install the setcap executable if it hasn’t been already. We’ll use this to set granular capabilities on Wireshark’s dumpcap executable.

On CentOS, setcap is part of libcap

As root, check if setcap is installed:

[root@localhost ~]# rpm -lq libcap/lib64/libcap.so.2/lib64/libcap.so.2.16/lib64/security/pam_cap.so/usr/sbin/capsh/usr/sbin/getcap/usr/sbin/getpcaps/usr/sbin/setcap/usr/share/doc/libcap-2.16/usr/share/doc/libcap-2.16/License/usr/share/doc/libcap-2.16/capability.notes/usr/share/man/man1/capsh.1.gz/usr/share/man/man8/getcap.8.gz/usr/share/man/man8/setcap.8.gz

If it is not installed, use yum install libcap to install it.

Step 2: Create a Wireshark Group (Optional)

Since the application we’ll be granting heightened capabilities can by default be executed by all users, you may wish to add a designated group for the Wireshark family of utilities (and similar applications) and restrict their execution to users within that group. However, this step isn’t strictly necessary.

As root, check if group wiresharkalready exists.

[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/group | grep wireshark

If not (where web is the user you want to run wireshark):

groupadd wiresharkusermod -a -G wireshark web

We assign the dumpcap executable to this group instead of Wireshark itself, as dumpcap is responsible for all the low-level capture work. Changing its mode to 750 ensures only users belonging to its group can execute the file.

chgrp wireshark /usr/sbin/dumpcapchmod 750 /usr/sbin/dumpcap

Step 3: Grant Capabilities

Granting capabilities with setcap is a simple matter:

setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip /usr/sbin/dumpcap

In case you’re wondering, that =eip bit after the capabilities list grants them in the effective, inheritable, and permitted bitmaps, respectively. A more thorough explanation is provided in section 2 of this FAQ.

To verify our change, we can use getcap:

[root@localhost ~]# getcap /usr/sbin/dumpcap/usr/sbin/dumpcap = cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw+eip

Start and stop packet capture with tshark

Now, log in as web, type tshark -D to list the interfaces.

To start capturing, use tshark -i eth0 -w /tmp/test.pcap to capture traffic on eth0 and save it to /tmp/test.pcap

To stop capturing, use killall tshark. It will flush all the packets in the buffer to /tmp/test.pcap and gracefully stop the tshark process.

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