
来源:互联网 发布:食品包装设计软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 01:50

1. 功能


2. 原理解析

   show: 主要使用shell脚本来调用sub_file,对sub_file的输出文件读取,使用xxd命令来实现对读取内容的处理以16进制的形式显示。

3. 实现脚本

3.1 sub_file

#!/usr/bin/env python# author: caft# email: Filename: sub_file# Function: get a sub_file from the specified fileimport osimport sysimport getoptimport statdef usage():    print 'Usage: get a sub_file from the specified file'    print 'sub_file <-f file_from> <-t file_to> <-o offset> <-l length> [-h help]'def sub_file(file_from, file_to, offset, length):    base = [10, 16]    try:        if isinstance(offset, str):            offset = long(offset, base['0x' in offset])        if isinstance(length, str):            length = long(length, base['0x' in length])    except Exception, err:        print 'error: %s' % str(err)        return -1    rfd = 0    wfd = 1    try:        rfd =, os.O_RDONLY)        wfd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0644)        f_stat = os.stat(file_from)        # st_size will be 0 if file_from is a device.        if stat.S_ISREG(f_stat.st_mode):            if f_stat.st_size > 0:                if offset > f_stat.st_size:                    offset = 0                elif offset < 0: # means to get file content from tail.                    offset = f_stat.st_size + offset            length = min(f_stat.st_size - offset, length)        else:            offset = 0            length = 0        os.lseek(rfd, max(offset, 0), 0)        while length > 0:            rlen = min(4096, length)            buf =, rlen)            assert rlen == os.write(wfd, buf)            length -= rlen    except Exception, err:        print 'error: %s' % str(err)        return -1    finally:        os.close(rfd)        os.close(wfd)    return 0def parse_args(args):    if len(args) == 0:        usage()        sys.exit(0)    opts = ()    file_from = ''    file_to = ''    offset = 0    length = 0    try:        opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'f:t:o:l:h')    except getopt.GetoptError, err:        print 'error:', str(err)        sys.exit(-1)    if len(args) > 0 or len(opts) != 4:        usage()        sys.exit(-1)    for option, value in opts:        if option == '-f':            file_from = value        elif option == '-t':            file_to = value        elif option == '-o':            offset = value        elif option == '-l':            length = value        '''elif option == '-h': #unused            usage()            sys.exit(0)'''    return (file_from, file_to, offset, length)if __name__ == '__main__':    ret = sub_file(*parse_args(sys.argv[1:]))    sys.exit(ret)

3.2 show

#!/usr/bin/env sh# author: caft# email: Filename: show# Function: show the text in hex from the specified filefunction usage(){    echo 'Usage: show the text in hex from the specified file'    echo 'show <-n file> <-o offset> <-l length> [-h help]'}if [ $# -ne 6 ]then    usage;    exit 0fifile_from=''offset=0length=0while getopts n:o:l:h OPTIONdo    case $OPTION    in        n) file_from=$OPTARG;;        o)  let "offset = $OPTARG" 2>/dev/null            if [ $? -ne 0 ]            then                if [[ "$OPTARG" != "0" && "$OPTARG" != "0x0"                   && "$OPTARG" != "-0" && "$OPTARG" != "-0x0" ]]                then                    echo 'error input:' $OPTARG                    exit -1                fi            fi;;        l)  let "length = $OPTARG" 2>/dev/null            if [ $? -ne 0 ]            then                if [[ "$OPTARG" != "0" && "$OPTARG" != "0x0" ]]                then                    echo 'error input:' $OPTARG                    exit -1                fi            fi;;        h) usage; # unused            exit 0;;        ?) exit -1;;    esacdoneargc=$[ $# + 1 ]if [ $OPTIND != $argc ]then    usage;    exit -1fiif [ $length -eq 0 ]then    exit 0elif [ $length -lt 0 ]then    echo 'error length is negative!'    exit -1fifile_to=".~tmp_for_${file_from////_}" # replace '/' with '_'if [ ! -f $file_to ]then    touch $file_toelse    echo 'error:' \'$file_to\' 'is existed.'    exit -1fisub_file "-f" "$file_from" "-t" "$file_to" "-o" $offset "-l" $lengthif [ $? -eq 0 ]then    xxd $file_tofirm -f $file_to

4. 使用方法

4.1 sub_file的使用

4.2 show的使用

   另外,对于show而言,-o 和 -l 参数均可为一个简单的不含括号计算表达式,但当计算结果为0时,可能会报错,因为计算过程是使用shell中的 let 工具来完成的。

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