建堆的算法复杂度分析 O(n)

来源:互联网 发布:数据脱敏 指导 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 17:48
template<class T> inline void MaxHeap<T>::make_heap(vector<T> & v) {      if (heap_.size() != 0)          heap_.clear();      heap_ = v;        // start with last parent, and reheapify_down back to root      for (int i = parent(v.size() - 1); i >= 0; i--)          reheapify_down(i);        v = heap_;  }  

template<class T> inline void MaxHeap<T>::reheapify_down(int i) {      if (heap_.empty())          return;        int current = i, max = i;      int left = 1, right = 2;      int size = heap_.size();        do {          current = max;          left = left_child(current);          right = right_child(current);          if (left < size && heap_[left] > heap_[current])              max = left;          if (right < size && heap_[right] > heap_[max])              max = right;          if (max != current)              swap(heap_[current], heap_[max]);      } while (max != current);  }  



1. 一棵拥有n个节点的平衡二叉树,树高 h 约为 lg n 。

2. 树的第 i 层 最多有节点 2^i 个。注意,第 i 层的高度为 i + 1。如第0层的高度为1,拥有1个根节点。



则,所有操作总和为     S = 2^(h-1)*0 + 2^(h-2)*1 + 2^(h-3) * 2 + ... + 2^1*(h-2) + 2^0*(h-1)        ----- (1)

把(1)式乘以2,再减去(1)式, 可得

S = 2^(h-1) + 2^(h-2) + ... + 2^1 - 2^0*(h-1)  = 2(1-2^(h-1))/(1-2) - (h-1) = 2^h - h- 1      ---- (2)

把h = lg n 代入 (2)式, 得 S = n - lgn - 1 <= n   (n >=1)

故而, 建堆复杂度为O(n) 。

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