
来源:互联网 发布:魅影传说坐骑进阶数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 21:11

While skimming his phone directory in 1982, Albert Wilansky, a mathematician of Lehigh University,noticed that the telephone number of his brother-in-law H. Smith had the following peculiar property: The sum of the digits of that number was equal to the sum of the digits of the prime factors of that number. Got it? Smith’s telephone number was 493-7775. This number can be written as the product of its prime factors in the following way:
4937775= 3*5*5*65837

The sum of all digits of the telephone number is 4+9+3+7+7+7+5= 42,and the sum of the digits of its prime factors is equally 3+5+5+6+5+8+3+7=42. Wilansky was so amazed by his discovery that he named this kind of numbers after his brother-in-law: Smith numbers.
As this observation is also true for every prime number, Wilansky decided later that a (simple and unsophisticated) prime number is not worth being a Smith number, so he excluded them from the definition.
Wilansky published an article about Smith numbers in the Two Year College Mathematics Journal and was able to present a whole collection of different Smith numbers: For example, 9985 is a Smith number and so is 6036. However,Wilansky was not able to find a Smith number that was larger than the telephone number of his brother-in-law. It is your task to find Smith numbers that are larger than 4937775!

The input file consists of a sequence of positive integers, one integer per line. Each integer will have at most 8 digits. The input is terminated by a line containing the number 0.

For every number n > 0 in the input, you are to compute the smallest Smith number which is larger than n,and print it on a line by itself. You can assume that such a number exists.

Sample Input


Sample Output


package 第二周;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Scanner;public class Main1002 {    public static long getSumPrimeFacters(int n){//获得质因子的和        long sum=0,temp=0,nn=n;          for(long i=2;i*i<=n;++i)          {              if(nn%i==0)                  temp=getM(i);              while(nn%i==0)              {                  sum+=temp;                  nn/=i;              }          }          if(nn==n)              return -1;          if(nn!=1)                   sum+=getM(nn);          return sum;         }    public static int cut(int k) {// 分治法思想,如果是素数,就返回sum,否则,就将该数分成两部分,再来求各部分的质因子的sum        int sum = 0;        if (isSu(k))            sum = getM(k);        else {            for (int i = (int) Math.sqrt(k + 0.5); i > 1; i--)                if (k % i == 0)                    sum = cut(i) + cut(k / i);        }        return sum;    }    public static boolean isSu(int n) {//判断是否为素数        boolean a = true;        if (n == 2) {            return true;        }        for (int i = 2; i <= (int) Math.sqrt(n); i++) {            if (n % i == 0) {                return false;            }        }        return a;    }    public static int getF(int n) {        int sum = 0;        int i = 2;        while (true)         {            if (n % i == 0) {                sum += getM(i);                if (isSu(n /= i)) {                    break;                }            } else {                i++;            }        }        return sum += getM(n);    }    public static int getM(long i) {//各位之和        int sum = 0;        while (i != 0) {            sum += i % 10;            i = i / 10;        }        return sum;    }    public static int getSum(ArrayList<Integer> arr) {//获得动态数组digits之和        int sum = 0;        for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {            if (arr.get(i) < 10) {                sum += arr.get(i);            } else {                sum += getM(arr.get(i));            }        }        return sum;    }    public static ArrayList<Integer> getSu(int n) {//将每个质因子存到动态数组中        ArrayList<Integer> arr = new ArrayList();        for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {            if (n % i == 0 && isSu(i)) {                arr.add(i);                n = n / i;                i = 2;                if (isSu(n)) {                    arr.add(n);                    break;                }            }        }        return arr;    }    public static void main(String args[]) {        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);        while (true) {            int n = sc.nextInt();            if (n <= 0) {                break;            }            for(int i = n+1;;i++){                if(!isSu(i)&&getM(i)==getSumPrimeFacters(i)){                    System.out.println(i);                    break;                }            }        }    }}
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