android 中的Uri

来源:互联网 发布:莱恩打碟软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 23:42



前言:关于Uri网上相关的例子还是很多的,但是结合source code来讲解的很少,个人还是习惯性根据source code 总结一下。


一、source code(frameworks/base/core/java/android/net/

public abstract class Uri implements Parcelable, Comparable<Uri> {    private Uri() {}    public abstract boolean isHierarchical();    public boolean isOpaque() {        return !isHierarchical();    }    public abstract boolean isRelative();    public boolean isAbsolute() {        return !isRelative();    }    public abstract String getScheme();    public abstract String getSchemeSpecificPart();    public abstract String getEncodedSchemeSpecificPart();    public abstract String getAuthority();    public abstract String getEncodedAuthority();    public abstract String getUserInfo();    public abstract String getEncodedUserInfo();    public abstract String getHost();    public abstract int getPort();    public abstract String getPath();    public abstract String getEncodedPath();    public abstract String getQuery();    public abstract String getEncodedQuery();    public abstract String getFragment();    public abstract String getEncodedFragment();    public abstract List<String> getPathSegments();    public abstract String getLastPathSegment();    public boolean equals(Object o) {        if (!(o instanceof Uri)) {            return false;        }        Uri other = (Uri) o;        return toString().equals(other.toString());    }    public int hashCode() {        return toString().hashCode();    }    public int compareTo(Uri other) {        return toString().compareTo(other.toString());    }    public abstract String toString();    public String toSafeString() {        String scheme = getScheme();        String ssp = getSchemeSpecificPart();        if (scheme != null) {            if (scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("tel") || scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("sip")                    || scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("sms") || scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("smsto")                    || scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("mailto")) {                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(64);                builder.append(scheme);                builder.append(':');                if (ssp != null) {                    for (int i=0; i<ssp.length(); i++) {                        char c = ssp.charAt(i);                        if (c == '-' || c == '@' || c == '.') {                            builder.append(c);                        } else {                            builder.append('x');                        }                    }                }                return builder.toString();            }        }        // Not a sensitive scheme, but let's still be conservative about        // the data we include -- only the ssp, not the query params or        // fragment, because those can often have sensitive info.        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(64);        if (scheme != null) {            builder.append(scheme);            builder.append(':');        }        if (ssp != null) {            builder.append(ssp);        }        return builder.toString();    }    public abstract Builder buildUpon();    /** Index of a component which was not found. */    private final static int NOT_FOUND = -1;    /** Placeholder value for an index which hasn't been calculated yet. */    private final static int NOT_CALCULATED = -2;    private static final String NOT_HIERARCHICAL            = "This isn't a hierarchical URI.";    /** Default encoding. */    private static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = "UTF-8";    /**     * Creates a Uri which parses the given encoded URI string.     *     * @param uriString an RFC 2396-compliant, encoded URI     * @throws NullPointerException if uriString is null     * @return Uri for this given uri string     */    public static Uri parse(String uriString) {        return new StringUri(uriString);    }    /**     * Creates a Uri from a file. The URI has the form     * "file://<absolute path>". Encodes path characters with the exception of     * '/'.     *     * <p>Example: "file:///tmp/android.txt"     *     * @throws NullPointerException if file is null     * @return a Uri for the given file     */    public static Uri fromFile(File file) {        if (file == null) {            throw new NullPointerException("file");        }        PathPart path = PathPart.fromDecoded(file.getAbsolutePath());        return new HierarchicalUri(                "file", Part.EMPTY, path, Part.NULL, Part.NULL);    }        ......    }



The "four main components" of a hierarchical URI consist of    <scheme>://<authority><path>?<query>
就是说hierarchical 格式的Uri分为四部分:

1)scheme:访问资源的命名机制,通过这个可以获悉Uri 的具体资源存在形式,如http、content、file、market等

2)authority:存放资源的主机名,例如Provider 里面会对资源进行操作、存放,这个时候Provider就需要指出authority。

对于Provider 具体可以看一下:《Android基础总结之八:ContentProvider详解

authority 应该是scheme:// 之后到第一次出现 ‘/’ 或‘?’ 或‘#’之间的string

3)path:authority之后第一个 ‘/’ 开始到 ‘?’ 或 ‘#’ 之前的string(包含'/')

4)query:'?' 号之后 '#' 号之前的string


#打开一个网页打开地图并定位到一个点geo:52.76,-79.0342#拨打电话tel:10086#播放音频文件file:///sdcard/download/everything.mp3#打开发邮件界面寻找某个应用market://search?q=pname:pkg_name#路径规划 .com/maps?f=d&saddr=startLat%20startLng&daddr=endLat%20endLng&hl=en



2)getSchemeSpecificPart :这里出现了ssp 概念,从这里可以将Uri 重新格式化为:

[scheme:]schemeSpecificPart[#fragment]  ([...]表示可选) 


详细的可以看一下source code:

for (int i = 0; i < bytesLength; i++) {    encoded.append('%');    encoded.append(HEX_DIGITS[(bytes[i] & 0xf0) >> 4]);    encoded.append(HEX_DIGITS[bytes[i] & 0xf]);}

String encode(String s, String allow)




    public boolean isAbsolute() {        return !isRelative();    }


   /**     * Returns true if this URI is hierarchical like "".     * Absolute URIs are hierarchical if the scheme-specific part starts with     * a '/'. Relative URIs are always hierarchical.     */    public abstract boolean isHierarchical();    /**     * Returns true if this URI is opaque like "". The     * scheme-specific part of an opaque URI cannot start with a '/'.     */    public boolean isOpaque() {        return !isHierarchical();    }

通过注释可以大概理解两api 的意义:

如果ssp开头是 ‘/’,那么就是hierarchical,如果不是就是opaque。

当然,通过source code也能够确定的:

public boolean isHierarchical() {    int ssi = findSchemeSeparator();    if (ssi == NOT_FOUND) {        // All relative URIs are hierarchical.        return true;    }    if (uriString.length() == ssi + 1) {        // No ssp.        return false;    }    // If the ssp starts with a '/', this is hierarchical.    return uriString.charAt(ssi + 1) == '/';}

1)getHost:authority 中 ‘@’ 之后到 ‘:’ 之前的string

2)getPort:authority 中 ‘:’ 之后的 integer



    public static Uri parse(String uriString) {        return new StringUri(uriString);    }
    public static Uri fromFile(File file) {        if (file == null) {            throw new NullPointerException("file");        }        PathPart path = PathPart.fromDecoded(file.getAbsolutePath());        return new HierarchicalUri(                "file", Part.EMPTY, path, Part.NULL, Part.NULL);    }
显然是在这里new 出来了,返回的类型都是Uri,可以确定StringUri 和 HierarchicalUri都是Uri的子类了。


根据之前的解释可以清楚知道Uri 的格式:


1)scheme 就是第一个 ‘:’ 之前的部分,没有的就返回null

2)ssp:authority + path + query


ssp 语法:[//aurhority][path][?query]

authority 也可能包含了userinfo + host  + port


3)fragment:第一次出现 ‘#’ 之后的string

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