
来源:互联网 发布:java web get post 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 16:58
  • Source Code
    // Exponentiation.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define MAX_INTEGER 49#define MAX_DECIMAL 101const int zero[200] = { 0 };class longnumber{public:int upperbound, lowerbound;int integer[MAX_INTEGER];int decimal[MAX_DECIMAL];bool isinteger;//构造函数longnumber() : upperbound(0), lowerbound(0), isinteger(false){memcpy(integer, zero, MAX_INTEGER*sizeof(int));memcpy(decimal, zero, MAX_DECIMAL*sizeof(int));}~longnumber() {upperbound = 0;lowerbound = 0;isinteger = false;memcpy(integer, zero, MAX_INTEGER*sizeof(int));memcpy(decimal, zero, MAX_DECIMAL*sizeof(int));}void setDecimal(int i, int a){this->decimal[i] = a;}void setInteger(int i, int a){this->integer[i] = a;}void setUpperbound(){int i;for (i = MAX_INTEGER - 1; integer[i] == 0 && i >= 0; i--);if (integer[i] != 0){upperbound = i + 1;}else{upperbound = i;}}void setLowerbound(){int i;for (i = MAX_DECIMAL - 1; decimal[i] == 0 && i>0; i--);lowerbound = i;}int getUpperbound(){return this->upperbound;}int getLowerbound(){return this->lowerbound;}void isInteger(bool f){isinteger = (lowerbound == 0);}//大数乘法longnumber operator *(longnumber &rhs){longnumber temp;        //存放结果int i, j, tempres;       //tempres为临时相乘结果for (i = -this->lowerbound; i <= this->upperbound; i++){for (j = -rhs.lowerbound; j <= rhs.upperbound; j++){tempres = *getpos(this, i) * *getpos(&rhs, j);*getpos(&temp, i + j) += tempres % 10;*getpos(&temp, i + j + 1) = *getpos(&temp, i + j + 1) + tempres / 10 + *getpos(&temp, i + j) / 10;*getpos(&temp, i + j) %= 10;*getpos(&temp, i + j + 2) += *getpos(&temp, i + j + 1) / 10;*getpos(&temp, i + j + 1) %= 10;}}temp.setUpperbound();temp.setLowerbound();return temp;}//a为10的幂位数,范围为(...3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3...),返回指向大数ln的整数部分integer[]、或小数部分decimal[]的int的指针static int* getpos(longnumber *ln, int a){int* p;if (a >= 0){p = ln->integer + a;return p;}else{p = ln->decimal - a;return p;}}void out(){int i;for (i = upperbound - 1; i >= 0; i--){printf("%d", integer[i]);}if(lowerbound!=0)printf(".");for (i = 1; i <= lowerbound; i++){printf("%d", decimal[i]);}putchar('\n');}private:};int main(int argc, char* argv[]){char input[5];int i, j, n;char* pChar;longnumber a, res;while (scanf("%s %d", input, &n) == 2){char* pDot = strchr(input, '.');for (i = 0, pChar = pDot - 1; pChar >= input; i++, pChar--){a.setInteger(i, *pChar - 48);};a.setUpperbound();for (j = 1, pChar = pDot + 1; pChar <= (input + strlen(input) - 1); j++, pChar++){a.setDecimal(j, *pChar - 48);}a.setLowerbound();res = a;for (i = 1; i < n; i++){res = res * a;}res.out();a.~longnumber();res.~longnumber();}return 0;}
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