[leetcode-164]Maximum Gap(c)

来源:互联网 发布:hi3531编程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 14:20

Given an unsorted array, find the maximum difference between the successive elements in its sorted form.

Try to solve it in linear time/space.

Return 0 if the array contains less than 2 elements.

You may assume all elements in the array are non-negative integers and fit in the 32-bit signed integer range.

Special thanks to @porker2008 for adding this problem and creating all test cases.

这里会发生碰撞,(在真正排序时,还需要再桶内进行二次排序,然后再整合,但是我们这里没关系,因为一个桶内的元素的差<\gapBucket)。而我们所求的max gap一定要大于这里的gap,为啥?
反证法:如果最大的gap小于gapBucket,那么gap*(N-1)<\gapBucket*(N-1) = max-min;


#define max(a,b) ((a>b)?a:b)#define min(a,b) ((a<b)?a:b)class Solution {public:    int maximumGap(vector<int>& nums) {        int n = nums.size();        if(n<2)            return 0;        vector<int> maxBucket(n,INT_MIN);        vector<int> minBucket(n,INT_MAX);        int min = nums[0],max = nums[0];        for(int i = 1;i<n;i++){            if(nums[i]<min)                min = nums[i];            else if(nums[i]>max)                max = nums[i];        }        double gap = (double)(max-min)/(n-1);        for(int i = 0;i<n;i++){            int index = (int)((nums[i]-min)/gap);            maxBucket[index] = max(maxBucket[index],nums[i]);            minBucket[index] = min(minBucket[index],nums[i]);        }        //查找有效的gap between buckets        int res = 0;        int prevMax = -1;        int prevMin = -1;        for(int i = 0;i<n;i++){           if(maxBucket[i]<0)                continue;            if(prevMax>0){                int gap = minBucket[i]-prevMax;                if(gap>res)                    res = gap;            }            prevMax = maxBucket[i];            prevMin = minBucket[i];        }        return res;    }};
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