
来源:互联网 发布:龙门铣床的编程好编码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 17:54
#include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <sys/types.h>  #include <sys/socket.h>  #include <sys/un.h>  #include <unistd.h>  #include <netinet/in.h>  #include <arpa/inet.h>#include <error.h>#include <errno.h>#include <string>#include <list>#define DEBUGS  inline char* memstr(void *buf , int size  , void * need , int needsize){    char *p=(char*) buf;    int index = 0 ;    while(index < size)    {        if((size-index) < needsize )        {            return NULL;        }        if( memcmp(p,need,needsize) == 0 ) //find the right buffer(need)        {        //  printf("find,index=%d\n",index);            return p;        }        else        {            ++p;            index++;        }    }    return NULL;}class BaseHandler{    public:    BaseHandler()    {}    virtual ~BaseHandler()    {}    public:    virtual int hander( void * data ,  int size ) =0;    void config(const char *p )    {        strFileName= p;    }    protected :    std::string strFileName ; };class MagReader :public BaseHandler{    public:    typedef struct _msg_data_    {        void *p;        int size ;         _msg_data_( void * a , int b )        {            p =malloc(b);            memcpy(p , a , b ) ;             size = b ;         }        ~_msg_data_()        {            if(p)            free(p);        }    }MSG,*P_MSG;    public:    MagReader()    {}    ~MagReader()    {        for( std::list<P_MSG>::iterator it =m_list.begin() ; it!=m_list.end() ;it++ )        {            delete (*it) ;         }    }    public:    int hander( void * data ,  int size )    {        P_MSG buf =  new MSG( data ,size ) ;         m_list.push_back(buf);#ifdef DEBUGS           char *p_=(char*)data ;         for( int  i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)        {            printf("%c" , p_[i]) ;        }        printf("\n") ; #endif    }    private:    std::list<P_MSG> m_list ; };class FileWriter:public BaseHandler{    public:    FileWriter():fp(NULL) , bopened(false)    {    }    ~FileWriter()    {        if(fp)        {            fclose(fp) ;            fp = NULL ;            bopened = false ;         }    }    public:    int hander( void * data ,  int size  )     {         if(bopened)         {             this->write(data, size ) ;         }         else         {             this->open(strFileName.c_str() ) ;              this->write(data, size ) ;         }    }    public:    const int open(const char * filename)    {        fp=fopen(filename,"w+") ;        bopened=true;    }    const int write( void * buffer  , int buffer_size = 1 )    {            fwrite(buffer , buffer_size , 1 ,fp ) ;             return 0;    }    private:    FILE *fp;    bool bopened; };class Factory{    public:    static BaseHandler* object( int type )    {        switch(type)        {            case 0:            return new MagReader();            break;            case 1:            return new FileWriter();            break;            default:            break;        }        return NULL ;    }};typedef int socket_t ;class FileTransport{    private:    FileTransport();    ~FileTransport();    public:    static FileTransport* instance();    static void release() ;    public:    const int Init( char *ServerIP,  int Serverport ) ;    const int OpenCusor( char *mesh , char*sql) ;     const int Fetch( ) ;    const int Fetch2( ) ;    const int Fetch3( ) ;    void Close() ;    void setfile(const char * p) ;     private:    socket_t fd ;    static FileTransport* m_pFileTransport ;     BaseHandler* handler;    std::string strFileName ; } ;FileTransport* FileTransport::m_pFileTransport=NULL;FileTransport::FileTransport(){    fd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);    handler = NULL ;}FileTransport::~FileTransport(){    this->Close() ;     if(handler)    {        delete handler;        handler=NULL;    }}void FileTransport::setfile(const char * p) {    strFileName=p;}FileTransport* FileTransport::instance(){    if(m_pFileTransport == NULL )    {        m_pFileTransport=new FileTransport();    }    return m_pFileTransport;}void FileTransport::release(){    if(m_pFileTransport)    {        delete m_pFileTransport ;     }}//连接服务器const int FileTransport::Init( char *ServerIP,  int Serverport ) {    struct sockaddr_in address;    address.sin_family = AF_INET;    address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ServerIP);      address.sin_port = htons(Serverport);      int uiLen = sizeof(address);     int ret = connect( fd ,(struct sockaddr *)&address,uiLen );    if(ret != 0 )    {        printf("connect failed") ;         return -1;    }}void FileTransport::Close() {    ::close(fd);} const int FileTransport::OpenCusor( char *mesh , char*sql)  {    char ch[1024] = {0};    char *p = ch ;    strcpy( p, mesh ) ;     p+= strlen(mesh) ;     strcpy( p," " ) ;    p+= 1 ;     strcpy( p,sql ) ;    int idatasize = strlen(ch);    printf("data is [%s],size=%d\n",ch,idatasize ) ;     ::send(fd,&idatasize,sizeof(int) , 0 ) ;     ::send(fd,ch,idatasize ,0);    char chm ={0};    ::recv( fd , &chm , 1 , 0   ) ;    printf("chm=%d\n" , chm ) ;  }//provide a method to prevent tcp pollution.//the process hanged up to  wait the timing when the Protocol_Header  is found in the // recv tcp streams . // in anthor words , if the process is waked up , means that recv the right character //we wanted . by the way , continue to handler the next stream is allowed .  #if 1const int FileTransport::Fetch3( ) {#define Protocol_Header 0xFDF4#define Protocol_Tail 0xFDF5#define ReadIOCacheSize 2   /***不需要字节对齐***/    #pragma pack(1)    struct headers    {        //unsigned int a ;         unsigned short head ;         unsigned char type;        unsigned int length;    };    #pragma pack()    #pragma pack(1)    struct tail    {        unsigned char check;        unsigned short tail;    };    #pragma pack()    struct headers obj ;     memset(&obj,  0x00 ,sizeof(obj) ) ;     char *pHead=(char*)malloc( obj.head)   ;    char *pHead_Walk = pHead ;    char *pHead_End = pHead_Walk+(sizeof(obj.head) -1 ) ;     while(1)    {        unsigned char ch;        ::recv(fd,&ch,1,0 ) ;         if( pHead_Walk <   pHead_End )         {            memcpy(pHead_Walk , &ch , 1 )  ;            ++pHead_Walk;        }        else// equal        {            memcpy(pHead_Walk , &ch , 1 )  ;            unsigned short s = 0 ;            memcpy(&s , pHead , sizeof(s) ) ;            if( s == Protocol_Header )//find the right character position            {                obj.head = s ;                 break;            }            else            {                pHead_Walk=pHead;            }        }    }    if(pHead)    {        free(pHead) ;     }    printf("start get type and length\n");    char *pBuf = (char*)(&obj) ;     pBuf += sizeof(obj.head) ;//skip the head     char *pBuf_Walk = pBuf ;     int iReadHead_Reset = 0 ;     while(iReadHead_Reset<(sizeof(obj) - sizeof(obj.head)  ))    {        char chBuf[ 1024 ] ={0} ;          int size = ::recv(fd,chBuf, ( sizeof(obj) - sizeof(obj.head) ) ,0 )  ;         memcpy(pBuf_Walk ,chBuf ,size  ) ;         pBuf_Walk += size ;         iReadHead_Reset+=size ;     }    printf("type=%d,   length=%d\n" , obj.type, obj.length ) ;     handler = Factory::object(obj.type) ;    if(!handler)    {        printf("tyep[%d] is error\n" , obj.type )  ;        return -1;     }    handler->config(strFileName.c_str());    char buf[ReadIOCacheSize]={0};    int bufreaded = 0 ;     /*查找匹配的正文.每次读取当前剩余的字节数与ReadIOCacheSize的最小值*/    do    {        int sizeEach=(ReadIOCacheSize>( obj.length -bufreaded ) )?( ( obj.length -bufreaded ) ):(ReadIOCacheSize);        memset(buf,0x00 ,sizeof(buf) ) ;         int ret = recv( fd , buf , sizeEach , 0   ) ;         #ifdef WIN32         if(ret == SOCKET_ERROR)        {            return -1;        }        #else        if(ret == EAGAIN)        {            return -1;        }           #endif        bufreaded+=ret;        handler->hander(buf ,ret ) ;         printf("[%d receieved]%s\n",ret,buf) ;     }while(bufreaded < obj.length  ) ;     //检查包的结尾    struct tail otail;    memset( &otail , 0x00 , sizeof(otail) ) ;    char *ptail = (char*)&otail ;     char *otail_Walk  = ptail ;     int inReadTail  =  0  ;     while( inReadTail < sizeof(otail) )    {        char tmp[sizeof(otail) ] = {0} ;        int ret = ::recv(fd,tmp,sizeof(otail),0);        #ifdef WIN32         if(ret == SOCKET_ERROR)        {            return -1;        }        #else        if(ret == EAGAIN)        {            return -1;        }           #endif        memcpy(otail_Walk,tmp ,ret  ) ;         inReadTail+=ret;        otail_Walk+=ret;    }    #if  0     char tmp[1024] = {0} ;     while(1)    {        memset(tmp,0x00 , sizeof(tmp) ) ;         int ret = ::recv(fd,tmp,sizeof(otail),0);        #ifdef WIN32         if(ret == SOCKET_ERROR)        {            return -1;        }        #else        if(ret == EAGAIN)        {            return -1;        }           #endif        if(ret ==  sizeof(otail))        {            break ;         }        else        {            continue  ;         }    }    memcpy(&otail , tmp , sizeof(otail)  ) ;    #endif    printf("tail=%d\n" , otail.tail) ;     if( otail.tail != Protocol_Tail )    {        printf("receive error tail[%d]\n" ,otail.tail ) ;         sleep(10000) ;         return -1;    }    return 0;     //.........}#endifconst int FileTransport::Fetch2( ) {#define Protocol_Header 0xFDF4#define Protocol_Tail 0xFDF5#define ReadIOCacheSize 2   /***不需要字节对齐***/    #pragma pack(1)    struct headers    {        //unsigned int a ;         unsigned short head ;         unsigned char type;        unsigned int length;    };    #pragma pack()    #pragma pack(1)    struct tail    {        unsigned char check;        unsigned short tail;    };    #pragma pack()/*查找匹配的头*/    struct headers oheaders;    memset(&oheaders,0x00,sizeof(oheaders) ) ;      printf("sizeof struct headers = %d\n" , sizeof( oheaders ) );     while(1)    {        char ch[1024]={0} ;          int ret = recv(fd,ch,sizeof(oheaders),0);        if(ret == 0 )        {            printf("server has close this session\n" ) ;             return -1;        }        #ifdef WIN32         if(ret == SOCKET_ERROR)        {            return -1;        }        #else        if(ret == EAGAIN)        {            return -1;        }           #endif        printf("recv size=%d\n" , ret) ;          memcpy(&oheaders,ch , sizeof(oheaders));         printf("oheaders.type=%d,oheaders.head=%d,oheaders.length=%d\n",oheaders.type,oheaders.head,oheaders.length);         if(oheaders.head==Protocol_Header)         {             break;         }         else         {             printf("receive error head\n") ;              return -1;          }    }    /***在这里根据type选择创建的类型 0Msg文言 1 文件输出***/    handler = Factory::object(oheaders.type) ;    if(!handler)    {        printf("tyep[%d] is error\n" , oheaders.type )  ;        return -1;     }    handler->config(strFileName.c_str());    char buf[ReadIOCacheSize]={0};    int bufreaded = 0 ;     /*查找匹配的正文.每次读取当前剩余的字节数与ReadIOCacheSize的最小值*/    do    {        int sizeEach=(ReadIOCacheSize>( oheaders.length -bufreaded ) )?( ( oheaders.length -bufreaded ) ):(ReadIOCacheSize);        memset(buf,0x00 ,sizeof(buf) ) ;         int ret = recv( fd , buf , sizeEach , 0   ) ;         #ifdef WIN32         if(ret == SOCKET_ERROR)        {            return -1;        }        #else        if(ret == EAGAIN)        {            return -1;        }           #endif        bufreaded+=ret;        handler->hander(buf ,ret ) ;         //printf("[%d receieved]%s\n",ret,buf) ;     }while(bufreaded < oheaders.length  ) ;     //检查包的结尾    struct tail otail;    memset( &otail , 0x00 , sizeof(otail) ) ;    char tmp[1024] = {0} ;     recv(fd,tmp,sizeof(otail),0);    memcpy(&otail , tmp , sizeof(otail)  ) ;    printf("tail=%d\n" , otail.tail) ;     if( otail.tail != Protocol_Tail )    {        printf("receive error tail\n") ;         return -1;    }}int main( int argc ,char ** argv){    FileTransport*p = FileTransport::instance();    p->setfile(argv[3]);    p->Init(argv[1] ,atoi(argv[2]) ) ;     p->OpenCusor("1122222" ,"select * from aaaaaaa" ) ;     int i = p->Fetch3();    return i ; }
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