
来源:互联网 发布:数据泄露是什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 08:51

POJ 2318(叉积判左右)






/** @author FreeWifi_novicer* language : C++/C*/#include<cstdio>#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<cstdlib>#include<cmath>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#include<map>#include<set>#include<vector>#include<queue>using namespace std;#define clr( x , y ) memset(x,y,sizeof(x))#define cls( x ) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))#define mp make_pair#define pb push_backtypedef long long lint;typedef long long ll;typedef long long LL;const double eps(1e-6) ;const int maxn = 5050 ;struct Point{    int x , y ;    Point( int x = 0 , int y = 0 ) : x(x) , y(y){} ;} ;typedef Point Vector ;int det( Vector a , Vector b ){    return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x ;}int u[maxn] , l[maxn] ;int cnt[maxn] ;int main(){  //freopen("input.txt","r",stdin);    int n , m ;    int x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ;    while( cin >> n >> m >> x1 >> y1 >> x2 >> y2 && n ){        cls( cnt ) ; cls( u ) ; cls( l ) ;        for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ){            scanf( "%d%d" , u+i , l+i ) ;        }        u[n] = l[n] = x2 ;        for( int i = 0 ; i < m ; i++ ){            int X , Y ;            scanf( "%d%d" , &X , &Y ) ;            int pos ;            int L = 0 , R = n ;            while( L <= R ){                int M = ( L + R ) >> 1 ;                if( det( Vector( u[M] - X , y1 - Y ) , Vector( l[M] - X , y2 - Y ) ) < 0 ){                    pos = M ;                    R = M - 1 ;                }                else                    L = M + 1 ;            }            cnt[pos] ++ ;        }        for( int i = 0 ; i <= n ; i++ ){            printf( "%d: %d\n" , i , cnt[i] ) ;        }        puts("");    }    return 0;}

POJ 2398(叉积判左右)






/** @author FreeWifi_novicer* language : C++/C*/#include<cstdio>#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<cstdlib>#include<cmath>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#include<map>#include<set>#include<vector>#include<queue>using namespace std;#define clr( x , y ) memset(x,y,sizeof(x))#define cls( x ) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))#define mp make_pair#define pb push_backtypedef long long lint;typedef long long ll;typedef long long LL;const double eps(1e-6) ;const int maxn = 5050 ;struct Point{    int x , y ;    Point( int x = 0 , int y = 0 ) : x(x) , y(y){} ;} ;typedef Point Vector ;int det( Vector a , Vector b ){    return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x ;}int u[maxn] , l[maxn] ;int cnt[maxn] ;map<int,int>ms;int main(){  //freopen("input.txt","r",stdin);    int n , m ;    int x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ;    while( cin >> n >> m >> x1 >> y1 >> x2 >> y2 && n ){        ms.clear() ;        cls( cnt ) ; cls( u ) ; cls( l ) ;        for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ){            scanf( "%d%d" , u+i , l+i ) ;        }        sort( u , u+n ) ;        sort( l , l+n ) ;        u[n] = l[n] = x2 ;        for( int i = 0 ; i < m ; i++ ){            int X , Y ;            scanf( "%d%d" , &X , &Y ) ;            int pos ;            int L = 0 , R = n ;            while( L <= R ){                int M = ( L + R ) >> 1 ;                if( det( Vector( u[M] - X , y1 - Y ) , Vector( l[M] - X , y2 - Y ) ) < 0 ){                    pos = M ;                    R = M - 1 ;                }                else                    L = M + 1 ;            }            cnt[pos] ++ ;        }        for( int i = 0 ; i <= n ; i++ ){            ms[cnt[i]] ++ ;        }        map<int,int>::iterator it = ms.begin() ;        puts("Box");        for( ; it != ms.end() ; it++ ){            if( it->first > 0 )                printf("%d: %d\n", it->first , it->second ) ;        }    }    return 0;}

POJ 3304 Segments (判断线段直线相交)









/* * @author FreeWifi_novicer * language : C++/C */#include<cstdio>#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<cstdlib>#include<cmath>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#include<map>#include<set>#include<vector>#include<queue>using namespace std;#define clr( x , y ) memset(x,y,sizeof(x))#define cls( x ) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))#define mp make_pair#define pb push_backtypedef long long lint;typedef long long ll;typedef long long LL;const double eps(1e-10) ;const int maxn = 100 + 5 ;struct Point{    double x , y ;    Point( double x = 0 , double y = 0 ) : x(x) , y(y) {}};typedef Point Vector ; Vector operator - ( Point a , Point b ){    return Vector( a.x - b.x , a.y - b.y ) ;}double det( Vector a , Vector b ){    return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x ;}int dcmp( double x ){    if( fabs(x) < eps ) return 0 ;    return ( x < 0 )? -1 : 1 ;}int segLineCross( Point a1 , Point a2 , Point b1 , Point b2 ){      int d1 = dcmp( det( a2 - a1 , b1 - a1 ) );    int d2 = dcmp( det( a2 - a1 , b2 - a1 ) );    //cout << d1 << ' ' << d2 << endl ;    if( (d1^d2) == -2 )         return 0 ;      if( d1 == 0 || d2 == 0 )          return 1 ;      return -1 ;  }Point p[maxn << 2] ;bool check( Point a , Point b , int n ){    if( dcmp( a.x - b.x ) == 0 && dcmp( a.y - b.y ) == 0 )        return false ;    for( int i = 1 ; i < 2 * n ; i += 2 ){        if( segLineCross( a , b , p[i] , p[i+1] ) == -1 )            return false ;    }    return true ;}bool work( int n ){    for( int i = 1 ; i < 2 * n ; i++ ){        for( int j = i + 1 ; j <= 2 * n ; j++ ){            if( check( p[i] , p[j] , n ) )                return true ;        }    }    return false ;}int main(){      //freopen("input.txt","r",stdin);    int t ; cin >> t ;    while( t-- ){        int n ; cin >> n ;        for( int i = 1 ; i <= 2 * n ; i++ ){            cin >> p[i].x >> p[i].y ;        }        if( work( n ) )            puts( "Yes!" ) ;        else            puts( "No!" ) ;    }    return 0;}

POJ 1029 Intersecting Lines(直线相交)






/** @author FreeWifi_novicer* language : C++/C*/#include<cstdio>#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<cstdlib>#include<cmath>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#include<map>#include<set>#include<vector>#include<queue>using namespace std;#define clr( x , y ) memset(x,y,sizeof(x))#define cls( x ) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))#define mp make_pair#define pb push_backtypedef long long lint;typedef long long ll;typedef long long LL;const double pi = acos( -1.0 ) ;const double eps = 1e-8 ;inline double sqr( double x ) { return x * x ; } inline int cmp( double x ){    if( fabs(x) < eps ) return 0 ;    if( x > 0 ) return 1 ;    return -1 ;}struct Point{    double x , y ;    Point(){} ;    Point( double a , double b ):x(a) , y(b){}    void input(){        scanf( "%lf%lf" , &x , &y ) ;    }    double norm(){        return sqrt( sqr( x ) + sqr( y ) ) ;    }    friend Point operator + ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( a.x + b.x , a.y + b.y ) ; }    friend Point operator - ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( a.x - b.x , a.y - b.y ) ; }    friend Point operator * ( const Point &a , const double &b ) { return Point( a.x * b , a.y * b ) ; }    friend Point operator * ( const double &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( b.x * a , b.y * a ) ; }    friend Point operator / ( const Point &a , const double &b ) { return Point( a.x / b , a.y / b ) ; }    friend bool operator == ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return cmp( a.x - b.x ) == 0 && cmp( a.y - b.y ) == 0 ; }};typedef Point Vector ;double dot( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y ; }double det( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x ; }double dist( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return ( a - b ).norm() ; }struct Line{    Point a , b ;    Line(){}    Line( Point x , Point y ): a(x) , b(y){}};bool parallel( Line a , Line b ){    return !cmp( det( a.a - a.b , b.a - b.b ) ) ;}bool line_make_point( Line a , Line b , Point &res ){    if( parallel( a , b ) ) return false ;    double s1 = det( a.a - b.a , b.b - b.a ) ;    double s2 = det( a.b - b.a , b.b - b.a ) ;    res = ( s1 * a.b - s2 * a.a ) / ( s1 - s2 ) ;    return true ;}double dis_to_line( Point P , Point A , Point B ){    Vector v1 = B - A , v2 = P - A ;    return fabs( det( v1 , v2 ) ) / v1.norm() ;}int main(){  //freopen("input.txt","r",stdin);    int n ; cin >> n ;    puts("INTERSECTING LINES OUTPUT") ;    while( n-- ){        Point a1 , b1 , a2 , b2 ;        a1.input() ;        b1.input() ;        a2.input() ;        b2.input() ;        Line l1( a1 , b1 ) , l2( a2 , b2 ) ;        Point res ;        if( parallel( l1 , l2 ) && !cmp(dis_to_line( l1.a , l2.a , l2.b )) )            puts( "LINE" ) ;        else if( parallel( l1 , l2 ) && cmp(dis_to_line( l1.a , l2.a , l2.b )) )            puts( "NONE" ) ;        else if( line_make_point( l1 , l2 , res ) ){            printf( "POINT %.2f %.2f\n" , res.x , res.y ) ;        }    }    puts( "END OF OUTPUT" ) ;    return 0;}

POJ 1556 The Doors(线段相交判定 + 最短路)




可以算出,总共有4 * n+2个端点,其中包括入口与出口,以及3 * n条障碍线段,那么我们求出来所有点之间的距离,建立邻接矩阵,跑一遍flyod,dijkstra或者spfa都行,总之求出入口到出口的最短路即可。



/** @author FreeWifi_novicer* language : C++/C*/#include<cstdio>#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<cstdlib>#include<cmath>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#include<map>#include<set>#include<vector>#include<queue>using namespace std;#define clr( x , y ) memset(x,y,sizeof(x))#define cls( x ) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))#define mp make_pair#define pb push_backtypedef long long lint;typedef long long ll;typedef long long LL;const double inf = 10000000 ;const double pi = acos( -1.0 ) ;const double eps = 1e-8 ;inline double sqr( double x ) { return x * x ; } inline int cmp( double x ){    if( fabs(x) < eps ) return 0 ;    if( x > 0 ) return 1 ;    return -1 ;}struct Point{    double x , y ;    Point(){} ;    Point( double a , double b ):x(a) , y(b){}    void input(){        scanf( "%lf%lf" , &x , &y ) ;    }    double norm(){        return sqrt( sqr( x ) + sqr( y ) ) ;    }    friend Point operator + ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( a.x + b.x , a.y + b.y ) ; }    friend Point operator - ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( a.x - b.x , a.y - b.y ) ; }    friend Point operator * ( const Point &a , const double &b ) { return Point( a.x * b , a.y * b ) ; }    friend Point operator * ( const double &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( b.x * a , b.y * a ) ; }    friend Point operator / ( const Point &a , const double &b ) { return Point( a.x / b , a.y / b ) ; }    friend bool operator == ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return cmp( a.x - b.x ) == 0 && cmp( a.y - b.y ) == 0 ; }};typedef Point Vector ;double dot( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y ; }double det( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x ; }double dist( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return ( a - b ).norm() ; }struct Line{    Point a , b ;    Line(){}    Line( Point x , Point y ): a(x) , b(y){}};bool segment_inter( Point a1 , Point a2 , Point b1 , Point b2 ){    double c1 = det( a2 - a1 , b1 - a1 ) , c2 = det( a2 - a1 , b2 - a1 ) ,            c3 = det( b2 - b1 , a1 - b1 ) , c4 = det( b2 - b1 , a2 - b1 ) ;    bool tmp = ( ( cmp( c1 ) * cmp( c2 ) < 0 ) && ( cmp( c3 ) * cmp( c4 ) < 0 ) );    return tmp ;}const int maxn = 205 ;vector<Point> pt;vector<Line> L;bool v[maxn] ;double G[maxn][maxn] ;double dis[maxn] ;void build( int n ){    for( int i = 0 ; i < 4 * n + 2 ; i++ ){        for( int j = 0 ; j < 4 * n + 2 ; j++ ){            bool ok = true ;            for( int k = 0 ; k < 3 * n ; k++ ){                if( segment_inter( pt[i] , pt[j] , L[k].a , L[k].b ) ){                    ok = false ;                    break ;                }            }            if( ok )                G[i+1][j+1] = dist( pt[i] , pt[j] ) ;            else                G[i+1][j+1] = (double)inf ;        }    }}double dijkstra( int n ){    for( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++ ) dis[i] = G[1][i] ;    dis[1] = 0 ;    cls( v ) ;    for( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++ ){        int mark = 1 ;        double mindis = (double)inf ;        for( int j = 1 ; j <= n ; j++ ){            if( !v[j] && dis[j] < mindis ){                mindis = dis[j] ;                mark = j ;            }        }        v[mark] = 1 ;        for( int j = 1 ; j <= n ; j++ )            if( !v[j] && G[mark][j] < inf )                dis[j] = min( dis[j] , dis[mark] + G[mark][j] ) ;    }    return dis[n] ;}int main(){  //freopen("input.txt","r",stdin);    int n ;    while( cin >> n && n > -1 ){        pt.clear() ;        L.clear() ;        Point p( 0.0 , 5.0 ) ;        pt.pb(p) ;        for( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++ ){            double x , y1 , y2 , y3 , y4 ;            scanf( "%lf%lf%lf%lf%lf" , &x , &y1 , &y2 , &y3 , &y4 ) ;            Point p1( x , y1 ) , p2( x , y2 ) , p3( x , y3 ) , p4( x , y4 ) ;            pt.pb( p1 ) ;             pt.pb( p2 ) ;             pt.pb( p3 ) ;             pt.pb( p4 ) ;             L.pb( Line( Point( x , 0.0 ) , p1 ) ) ;            L.pb( Line( p2 , p3 ) ) ;            L.pb( Line( p4 , Point( x , 10.0 ) ) ) ;        }        pt.pb( Point( 10.0 , 5.0 ) ) ;        build(n) ;        double ans = dijkstra( 4*n + 2 ) ;        printf( "%.2f\n" , ans ) ;    }    return 0;}

POJ 1696 Space Ant(极角排序)




Alt text




/** @author FreeWifi_novicer* language : C++/C*/#include<cstdio>#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<cstdlib>#include<cmath>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#include<map>#include<set>#include<vector>#include<queue>using namespace std;#define clr( x , y ) memset(x,y,sizeof(x))#define cls( x ) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))#define mp make_pair#define pb push_backtypedef long long lint;typedef long long ll;typedef long long LL;const double pi = acos( -1.0 ) ;const double eps = 1e-8 ;inline double sqr( double x ) { return x * x ; } inline int cmp( double x ){    if( fabs(x) < eps ) return 0 ;    if( x > 0 ) return 1 ;    return -1 ;}struct Point{    double x , y ;    Point(){} ;    Point( double a , double b ):x(a) , y(b){}    void input(){        scanf( "%lf%lf" , &x , &y ) ;    }    double norm(){        return sqrt( sqr( x ) + sqr( y ) ) ;    }    friend Point operator + ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( a.x + b.x , a.y + b.y ) ; }    friend Point operator - ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( a.x - b.x , a.y - b.y ) ; }    friend Point operator * ( const Point &a , const double &b ) { return Point( a.x * b , a.y * b ) ; }    friend Point operator * ( const double &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( b.x * a , b.y * a ) ; }    friend Point operator / ( const Point &a , const double &b ) { return Point( a.x / b , a.y / b ) ; }    friend bool operator == ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return cmp( a.x - b.x ) == 0 && cmp( a.y - b.y ) == 0 ; }};typedef Point Vector ;double dot( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y ; }double det( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x ; }double dist( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return ( a - b ).norm() ; }const int maxn = 55 ;int pos ;struct Poi{    Point p ;    int no ;}last ;vector<Poi> p ;int res[maxn] ;bool acmp( const Poi &a , const Poi &b ){    int tmp = cmp( det( a.p - last.p , b.p - last.p ) ) ;    if( tmp != 0 ) return tmp > 0 ;    return dist( a.p , last.p ) < dist( b.p ,last.p ) ;}bool lowcmp( const Poi &a , const Poi &b ){    if( a.p.y != b.p.y ) return a.p.y < b.p.y ;    return a.p.x < b.p.x ;}int main(){    //freopen("input.txt","r",stdin);    int t ; cin >> t ;    while( t -- ){        int n ; cin >> n ;        for( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++ ){            Poi t ;            cin >> t.no >> t.p.x >> t.p.y ;            p.pb( t ) ;        }        sort( p.begin() , p.end() , lowcmp ) ;        vector<Poi>::iterator it = p.begin() ;        last = *it ;        p.erase( p.begin() ) ;        printf( "%d %d" , n , last.no ) ;        for( int i = 1 ; i < n ; i++ ){            sort( p.begin() , p.end() , acmp ) ;            it = p.begin() ;            last = *it ;            p.erase( p.begin() ) ;            printf( " %d" , last.no ) ;        }        puts("") ;    }    return 0;}

POJ1066 Treasure Hunt(线段相交)




ps.注意n = 0 .


/* * @author FreeWifi_novicer * language : C++/C */#include<cstdio>#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<cstdlib>#include<cmath>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#include<map>#include<set>#include<vector>#include<queue>using namespace std;#define clr( x , y ) memset(x,y,sizeof(x))#define cls( x ) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))#define mp make_pair#define pb push_backtypedef long long lint;typedef long long ll;typedef long long LL;const double pi = acos( -1.0 ) ;const double eps = 1e-8 ;inline double sqr( double x ) { return x * x ; } inline int cmp( double x ){    if( fabs(x) < eps ) return 0 ;    if( x > 0 ) return 1 ;    return -1 ;}struct Point{    double x , y ;    Point(){} ;    Point( double a , double b ):x(a) , y(b){}    void input(){        scanf( "%lf%lf" , &x , &y ) ;    }    double norm(){        return sqrt( sqr( x ) + sqr( y ) ) ;    }    friend Point operator + ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( a.x + b.x , a.y + b.y ) ; }    friend Point operator - ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( a.x - b.x , a.y - b.y ) ; }    friend Point operator * ( const Point &a , const double &b ) { return Point( a.x * b , a.y * b ) ; }    friend Point operator * ( const double &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( b.x * a , b.y * a ) ; }    friend Point operator / ( const Point &a , const double &b ) { return Point( a.x / b , a.y / b ) ; }    friend bool operator == ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return cmp( a.x - b.x ) == 0 && cmp( a.y - b.y ) == 0 ; }};typedef Point Vector ;double dot( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y ; }double det( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x ; }double dist( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return ( a - b ).norm() ; }struct Line{    Point a , b ;    Line(){}    Line( Point x , Point y ): a(x) , b(y){}};bool segment_inter( Point a1 , Point a2 , Point b1 , Point b2 ){    double c1 = det( a2 - a1 , b1 - a1 ) , c2 = det( a2 - a1 , b2 - a1 ) ,            c3 = det( b2 - b1 , a1 - b1 ) , c4 = det( b2 - b1 , a2 - b1 ) ;    return cmp( c1 ) * cmp( c2 ) < 0 && cmp( c3 ) * cmp( c4 ) < 0 ;}const int maxn = 35 ;Line L[maxn] ;int main(){    //freopen("input.txt","r",stdin);    int n ;     while( cin >> n ){        for( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++ ){            L[i].a.input() ;            L[i].b.input() ;        }        Point p ;        p.input() ;        if( !n ){            printf( "Number of doors = 1\n" ) ;            continue ;        }        int cnt = 0 ;        int ans = 1000000 ;        for( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++ ){            cnt = 0 ;            for( int j = 1 ; j <= n ; j++ ){                if( segment_inter( L[i].a , p , L[j].a , L[j].b ) ) cnt++ ;            }            ans = min( ans , cnt ) ;            cnt = 0 ;            for( int j = 1 ; j <= n ; j++ ){                if( segment_inter( L[i].b , p , L[j].a , L[j].b ) ) cnt++ ;            }            ans = min( ans , cnt ) ;        }        ans ++ ;        cout << "Number of doors = " << ans << endl ;    }    return 0;}

POJ 2826 An Easy Problem?!(分类讨论,灵活运用叉积)




68.22 191.66 257.23 104.97
140.25 33.53 56.71 302.58


/* * @author FreeWifi_novicer * language : C++/C */#include<cstdio>#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<cstdlib>#include<cmath>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#include<map>#include<set>#include<vector>#include<queue>using namespace std;#define clr( x , y ) memset(x,y,sizeof(x))#define cls( x ) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))#define mp make_pair#define pb push_backtypedef long long lint;typedef long long ll;typedef long long LL;const double pi = acos( -1.0 ) ;const double eps = 1e-8 ;inline double sqr( double x ) { return x * x ; } inline int cmp( double x ){    if( fabs(x) < eps ) return 0 ;    if( x > 0 ) return 1 ;    return -1 ;}struct Point{    double x , y ;    Point(){} ;    Point( double a , double b ):x(a) , y(b){}    void input(){        scanf( "%lf%lf" , &x , &y ) ;    }    double norm(){        return sqrt( sqr( x ) + sqr( y ) ) ;    }    friend Point operator + ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( a.x + b.x , a.y + b.y ) ; }    friend Point operator - ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( a.x - b.x , a.y - b.y ) ; }    friend Point operator * ( const Point &a , const double &b ) { return Point( a.x * b , a.y * b ) ; }    friend Point operator * ( const double &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( b.x * a , b.y * a ) ; }    friend Point operator / ( const Point &a , const double &b ) { return Point( a.x / b , a.y / b ) ; }    friend bool operator == ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return cmp( a.x - b.x ) == 0 && cmp( a.y - b.y ) == 0 ; }};typedef Point Vector ;double dot( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y ; }double det( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x ; }double dist( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return ( a - b ).norm() ; }struct Line{    Point a , b ;    Line(){}    Line( Point x , Point y ): a(x) , b(y){}};Point line_make_point( Line a , Line b ){    double s1 = det( a.a - b.a , b.b - b.a ) ;    double s2 = det( a.b - b.a , b.b - b.a ) ;    Point res = ( s1 * a.b - s2 * a.a ) / ( s1 - s2 ) ;    return res ;}bool segment_inter( Point a1 , Point a2 , Point b1 , Point b2 ){    double c1 = det( a2 - a1 , b1 - a1 ) , c2 = det( a2 - a1 , b2 - a1 ) ,            c3 = det( b2 - b1 , a1 - b1 ) , c4 = det( b2 - b1 , a2 - b1 ) ;    return cmp( c1 ) * cmp( c2 ) <= 0 && cmp( c3 ) * cmp( c4 ) <= 0 ;}int main(){    //freopen("my.in","r",stdin);    //freopen("my.out","w+",stdout);    //freopen("input.txt","r",stdin);    int t ; cin >> t ;    while( t-- ){        Line b1 , b2 ;        b1.a.input() ; b1.b.input() ;        if( b1.b.y < b1.a.y ) swap( b1.a , b1.b ) ;        b2.a.input() ; b2.b.input() ;        if( b2.b.y < b2.a.y ) swap( b2.a , b2.b ) ;        if( b1.b.x > b2.b.x ) swap( b1 , b2 ) ;        if( !segment_inter( b1.a , b1.b , b2.a , b2.b ) ){            printf( "0.00\n" ) ;            continue ;        }        double ans ;        Point p = line_make_point( b1 , b2 ) ;        if( b1.b.y < b2.b.y ){            Line h1( b1.b , Point( b1.b.x , b1.b.y + 1000000 ) ) ;            if( segment_inter( h1.a , h1.b , p , b2.b ) ){                printf( "0.00\n" ) ;                continue ;            }            else{                if( cmp( det( b1.b - p , b2.b - p ) ) > 0 ){                    Line h2( b2.b , Point( b2.b.x , b2.b.y - 1000000 ) ) ;                    Point pp = line_make_point( h2 , b1 ) ;                    ans = fabs( det( b2.b - p , pp - p ) / 2.0 ) ;                }                else if( cmp( det( b1.b - p , b2.b - p ) ) < 0 ){                    Line h3( b1.b , Point( b1.b.x + 1000000 , b1.b.y ) ) ;                    Point pp = line_make_point( h3 , b2 ) ;                    ans = fabs( det( b1.b - p , pp - p ) / 2.0 ) ;                }                else{                    printf( "0.00\n" ) ;                    continue ;                }            }        }        else if( b1.b.y > b2.b.y ){            Line h1( b2.b , Point( b2.b.x , b2.b.y + 1000000 ) ) ;            if( segment_inter( h1.a , h1.b , p , b1.b ) ){                printf( "0.00\n" ) ;                continue ;            }            else{            if( cmp( det( b1.b - p , b2.b - p ) ) > 0 ){                Line h2( b2.b , Point( b2.b.x , b2.b.y - 1000000 ) ) ;                Point pp = line_make_point( h2 , b1 ) ;                ans = fabs( det( b2.b - p , pp - p ) / 2.0 ) ;            }            else if( cmp( det( b1.b - p , b2.b - p ) ) < 0 ){                Line h3( b2.b , Point( b2.b.x - 1000000 , b2.b.y ) ) ;                Point pp = line_make_point( h3 , b1 ) ;                ans = fabs( det( b2.b - p , pp - p ) / 2.0 ) ;            }            else{                printf( "0.00\n" ) ;                continue ;            }        }        }        else if( cmp( b1.b.y - b2.b.y ) == 0 ){            ans = fabs( det( b2.b - p , b1.b - p ) / 2.0 ) ;        }        if( ans > 0 - eps )            printf( "%.2f\n" , ans + eps ) ;        else{            printf( "%.2f\n" , 0.00 + eps ) ;        }    }    return 0;}

POJ 1410 Intersection(线段相交的种种情况)





  1. 线段与四条边相交,包括端点相交
  2. 线段在矩形内
  3. 线段与四条边重叠共线或首尾相接


0 18 8 12 1 1 11 11 -> F
9 7 9 2 4 3 9 6 -> T


/** @author FreeWifi_novicer* language : C++/C*/#include<cstdio>#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<cstdlib>#include<cmath>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#include<map>#include<set>#include<vector>#include<queue>using namespace std;#define clr( x , y ) memset(x,y,sizeof(x))#define cls( x ) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))#define mp make_pair#define pb push_backtypedef long long lint;typedef long long ll;typedef long long LL;const double pi = acos( -1.0 ) ;const double eps = 1e-8 ;inline double sqr( double x ) { return x * x ; } inline int cmp( double x ){    if( fabs(x) < eps ) return 0 ;    if( x > 0 ) return 1 ;    return -1 ;}struct Point{    double x , y ;    Point(){} ;    Point( double a , double b ):x(a) , y(b){}    void input(){        scanf( "%lf%lf" , &x , &y ) ;    }    double norm(){        return sqrt( sqr( x ) + sqr( y ) ) ;    }    friend Point operator + ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( a.x + b.x , a.y + b.y ) ; }    friend Point operator - ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( a.x - b.x , a.y - b.y ) ; }    friend Point operator * ( const Point &a , const double &b ) { return Point( a.x * b , a.y * b ) ; }    friend Point operator * ( const double &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( b.x * a , b.y * a ) ; }    friend Point operator / ( const Point &a , const double &b ) { return Point( a.x / b , a.y / b ) ; }    friend bool operator == ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return cmp( a.x - b.x ) == 0 && cmp( a.y - b.y ) == 0 ; }};typedef Point Vector ;double dot( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y ; }double det( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x ; }double dist( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return ( a - b ).norm() ; }struct Line{    Point a , b ;    Line(){}    Line( Point x , Point y ): a(x) , b(y){}};bool Onsegment( Point p , Point s , Point t ){    return cmp( det( p - s , t - s ) ) == 0 && cmp( dot( p - s , p - t ) ) <= 0 ;}bool parallel( Line a , Line b ){    return !cmp( det( a.a - a.b , b.a - b.b ) ) ;}bool segment_inter( Point a1 , Point a2 , Point b1 , Point b2 ){    double c1 = det( a2 - a1 , b1 - a1 ) , c2 = det( a2 - a1 , b2 - a1 ) ,            c3 = det( b2 - b1 , a1 - b1 ) , c4 = det( b2 - b1 , a2 - b1 ) ;    return cmp( c1 ) * cmp( c2 ) < 0 && cmp( c3 ) * cmp( c4 ) < 0 ;}int main(){  //freopen("input.txt","r",stdin);    int t ; cin >> t ;    while( t-- ){        Line s ;        s.a.input() ; s.b.input() ;        Point top , bot ;        top.input() ; bot.input() ;        if( bot.x < top.x ){            swap( bot.x , top.x ) ;        }        if( bot.y > top.y ){            swap( bot.y , top.y ) ;        }        Line r1( top , Point( top.x , bot.y ) ) , r2( Point( bot.x , top.y ) , bot ) ;        Line r3( top , Point( bot.x , top.y ) ) , r4( Point( top.x , bot.y ) , bot ) ;        bool ok = false ;        if( segment_inter( r1.a , r1.b , s.a , s.b ) )            ok = true ;        if( segment_inter( r2.a , r2.b , s.a , s.b ) )            ok = true ;        if( segment_inter( r3.a , r3.b , s.a , s.b ) )            ok = true ;        if( segment_inter( r4.a , r4.b , s.a , s.b ) )            ok = true ;        if( Onsegment( s.a , r1.a , r1.b ) || Onsegment( s.b , r1.a , r1.b ) )            ok = true ;        if( Onsegment( s.a , r2.a , r2.b ) || Onsegment( s.b , r2.a , r2.b ) )            ok = true ;        if( Onsegment( s.a , r3.a , r3.b ) || Onsegment( s.b , r3.a , r3.b ) )            ok = true ;        if( Onsegment( s.a , r4.a , r4.b ) || Onsegment( s.b , r4.a , r4.b ) )            ok = true ;        if( parallel( s , r1 ) && s.a.x == r1.a.x ){            if( s.a.y >= min( r1.a.y , r1.b.y ) &&  s.a.y <= max( r1.a.y , r1.b.y ) )                ok = true ;            if( s.b.y >= min( r1.a.y , r1.b.y ) &&  s.b.y <= max( r1.a.y , r1.b.y ) )                ok = true ;            if( s.a.y <= min( r1.a.y , r1.b.y ) &&  s.b.y >= max( r1.a.y , r1.b.y ) )                ok = true ;            if( s.b.y <= min( r1.a.y , r1.b.y ) &&  s.a.y >= max( r1.a.y , r1.b.y ) )                ok = true ;        }        if( parallel( s , r2 ) && s.a.x == r2.a.x ){            if( s.a.y >= min( r2.a.y , r2.b.y ) &&  s.a.y <= max( r2.a.y , r2.b.y ) )                ok = true ;            if( s.b.y >= min( r2.a.y , r2.b.y ) &&  s.b.y <= max( r2.a.y , r2.b.y ) )                ok = true ;            if( s.a.y <= min( r2.a.y , r2.b.y ) &&  s.b.y >= max( r2.a.y , r2.b.y ) )                ok = true ;            if( s.b.y <= min( r2.a.y , r2.b.y ) &&  s.a.y >= max( r2.a.y , r2.b.y ) )                ok = true ;        }        if( parallel( s , r3 ) && s.a.y == r3.a.y ){            if( s.a.x >= min( r3.a.x , r3.b.x ) &&  s.a.x <= max( r3.a.x , r3.b.x ) )                ok = true ;            if( s.b.x >= min( r3.a.x , r3.b.x ) &&  s.b.x <= max( r3.a.x , r3.b.x ) )                ok = true ;            if( s.a.x <= min( r3.a.x , r3.b.x ) &&  s.b.x >= max( r3.a.x , r3.b.x ) )                ok = true ;            if( s.b.x <= min( r3.a.x , r3.b.x ) &&  s.a.x >= max( r3.a.x , r3.b.x ) )                ok = true ;        }        if( parallel( s , r4 ) && s.a.y == r4.a.y ){            if( s.a.x >= min( r4.a.x , r4.b.x ) &&  s.a.x <= max( r4.a.x , r4.b.x ) )                ok = true ;            if( s.b.x >= min( r4.a.x , r4.b.x ) &&  s.b.x <= max( r4.a.x , r4.b.x ) )                ok = true ;            if( s.a.x <= min( r4.a.x , r4.b.x ) &&  s.b.x >= max( r4.a.x , r4.b.x ) )                ok = true ;            if( s.b.x <= min( r4.a.x , r4.b.x ) &&  s.a.x >= max( r4.a.x , r4.b.x ) )                ok = true ;        }        if( top.x <= min( s.a.x , s.b.x )                 && top.y >= max( s.a.y , s.b.y )                 && bot.y <= min( s.a.y , s.b.y )                 && bot.x >= max( s.a.x , s.b.x ) )            ok = true ;        if( ok )            puts( "T" ) ;        else            puts( "F" ) ;    }    return 0;}

POJ 2074 Line of Sight(直线交点+区间并)






/* * @author FreeWifi_novicer * language : C++/C */#include<cstdio>#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<cstdlib>#include<cmath>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#include<map>#include<set>#include<vector>#include<queue>using namespace std;#define clr( x , y ) memset(x,y,sizeof(x))#define cls( x ) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))#define mp make_pair#define pb push_backtypedef long long lint;typedef long long ll;typedef long long LL;const double pi = acos( -1.0 ) ;const double eps = 1e-8 ;inline double sqr( double x ) { return x * x ; } inline int cmp( double x ){    if( fabs(x) < eps ) return 0 ;    if( x > 0 ) return 1 ;    return -1 ;}struct Point{    double x , y ;    Point(){} ;    Point( double a , double b ):x(a) , y(b){}    void input(){        scanf( "%lf%lf" , &x , &y ) ;    }    double norm(){        return sqrt( sqr( x ) + sqr( y ) ) ;    }    friend Point operator + ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( a.x + b.x , a.y + b.y ) ; }    friend Point operator - ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( a.x - b.x , a.y - b.y ) ; }    friend Point operator * ( const Point &a , const double &b ) { return Point( a.x * b , a.y * b ) ; }    friend Point operator * ( const double &a , const Point &b ) { return Point( b.x * a , b.y * a ) ; }    friend Point operator / ( const Point &a , const double &b ) { return Point( a.x / b , a.y / b ) ; }    friend bool operator == ( const Point &a , const Point &b ) { return cmp( a.x - b.x ) == 0 && cmp( a.y - b.y ) == 0 ; }};typedef Point Vector ;double dot( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y ; }double det( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x ; }double dist( const Point &a , const Point &b ){ return ( a - b ).norm() ; }struct Line{    Point a , b ;    Line(){}    Line( Point x , Point y ): a(x) , b(y){}};Point line_make_point( Line a , Line b ){    double s1 = det( a.a - b.a , b.b - b.a ) ;    double s2 = det( a.b - b.a , b.b - b.a ) ;    Point res = ( s1 * a.b - s2 * a.a ) / ( s1 - s2 ) ;    return res ;}bool cmp1( Line l1 , Line l2 ){    if( cmp( l1.a.x - l2.a.x ) != 0 )        return l1.a.x < l2.a.x ;    return l1.b.x < l2.b.x ;}vector<Line>light ;int main(){    //freopen("input.txt","r",stdin);    double x1 , x2 , y ;    while( cin >> x1 >> x2 >> y ){        if( !x1 && !x2 && !y ) break ;        light.clear() ;        if( x1 > x2 ) swap( x1 , x2 ) ;        Line h( Point( x1 , y ) , Point( x2 , y ) ) ;        cin >> x1 >> x2 >> y ;        Line l( Point( x1 , y ) , Point( x2 , y ) ) ;        int n ;        cin >> n ;        if( n == 0 ){            printf( "%.2f\n" , x2 - x1 ) ;            continue ;        }        for( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++ ){            scanf( "%lf%lf%lf" , &x1 , &x2 , &y ) ;            if( y > h.a.y - eps || y < l.a.y + eps ) continue ;            if( x1 > x2 ) swap( x1 , x2 ) ;            Line H( Point( x1 , y ) , Point( x2 , y ) ) ;            Point p1 = line_make_point( Line( h.a , H.b ) , l ) ;            if( p1.x < l.a.x ) p1.x = l.a.x ;            if( p1.x > l.b.x ) p1.x = l.b.x ;            Point p2 = line_make_point( Line( h.b , H.a ) , l ) ;            if( p2.x < l.a.x ) p2.x = l.a.x ;            if( p2.x > l.b.x ) p2.x = l.b.x ;            if( cmp( p1.x - p2.x ) == 0 ) continue ;            else{                light.pb( Line( p2 , p1 ) ) ;            }        }        sort( light.begin() , light.end() , cmp1 ) ;        int s = light.size() ;        if( light.empty() ){            printf( "%.2f\n" , l.b.x - l.a.x ) ;            continue ;        }        double ans = 0 , last = 0 ;         for( int i = 0 ; i < s ; i++ ){            if( light[i].a.x > last ){                ans = max( ans , light[i].a.x - last ) ;                last = light[i].b.x ;            }            else {                last = max( last , light[i].b.x ) ;            }        }        ans = max( ans , l.b.x - last ) ;        if( !cmp( ans ) )            puts( "No View" ) ;        else            printf( "%.2f\n" , ans ) ;    }    return 0;}
0 0
热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 孩子字写得难看怎么办 孩子上一年级不认识字怎么办 二年级孩子语文差怎么办 孩子二年级语文成绩差怎么办 孩子小学二年级语文差怎么办 二年级孩子语文理解能力差怎么办 深圳租房被坑了怎么办 小鸣单车押金退不了怎么办 联想台式一体机忘记密码怎么办 ps直线工具变成箭头了怎么办 笔记本图形处理速度慢怎么办 微信语音发不出去怎么办 ps里的图层锁定怎么办 ps图层丢失了怎么办 PS标题画面太小怎么办 轮胎蹭掉一块皮怎么办 吃香蕉吃的胃难受怎么办 qq糖卡在喉咙里怎么办 头发上粘到了qq糖怎么办 老房子土墙掉土怎么办 速写画的太慢怎么办 艺术生文化课没过线怎么办 5岁儿童坐飞机忘带证件怎么办 儿童坐飞机没带证件怎么办 儿童坐飞机没带户口本怎么办 儿童坐飞机没有带户口本怎么办 刚打蜡的车下雨怎么办 飞机票不能退票不能改签怎么办 深圳航空买机票姓名错了怎么办 大众cc打不着火怎么办 手上扎了仙人掌刺怎么办 pscs5界面字体太小怎么办 儿童做飞机没带户口本怎么办 黑户口想做飞机怎么办 宝宝坐飞机忘记带证件怎么办 值机柜台关闭了怎么办 值机迟到几分钟怎么办 婴儿坐飞机没带证件怎么办 飞机票买了一天降价1000怎么办 社保卡磁性没了怎么办 社保卡民族错了怎么办