
来源:互联网 发布:呼和浩特软件招聘信息 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 18:34




  • 相对CGAL的功能强大和庞大(包含大量计算几何算法的实现),Openmesh显得更加小巧轻量化,它更专注在三维网格数据结构的表示,


  • 同样是在实现上大量依赖模版类,但是Openmesh源代码的可读性更好些(很大程度上也因为它的小巧,CGAL实现文件太多了,层次结构复杂),
  • Openmesh设计的一个亮点是用户可以在程序运行时动态为网格添加属性和删除属性

template <class Mesh> class SmootherT{public:   typedef typename Mesh::Point            cog_t;  typedef OpenMesh::VPropHandleT< cog_t > Property_cog; public:   // construct with a given mesh  SmootherT(Mesh& _mesh)     : mesh_(_mesh)  {     mesh_.add_property( cog_ );  }   ~SmootherT()  {    mesh_.remove_property( cog_ );  } // smooth mesh _iterations times  void smooth(unsigned int _iterations)  {    for (unsigned int i=0; i < _iterations; ++i)    {      std::for_each(mesh_.vertices_begin(),                     mesh_.vertices_end(),                     ComputeCOG(mesh_, cog_));       std::for_each(mesh_.vertices_begin(),                     mesh_.vertices_end(),                     SetCOG(mesh_, cog_));    }  } private:   //--- private classes ---   class ComputeCOG  {  public:    ComputeCOG(Mesh& _mesh, Property_cog& _cog)       : mesh_(_mesh), cog_(_cog)    {}     void operator()(typename Mesh::Vertex& _v)    {      typename Mesh::VertexHandle      vh( mesh_.handle(_v) );      typename Mesh::VertexVertexIter  vv_it;      typename Mesh::Scalar            valence(0.0);, vh) = typename Mesh::Point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);       for (vv_it=mesh_.vv_iter(vh); vv_it; ++vv_it)      {, vh) += mesh_.point( vv_it );        ++valence;      }, mesh_.handle(_v) ) /= valence;    }   private:    Mesh&         mesh_;    Property_cog& cog_;  };   class SetCOG  {  public:    SetCOG(Mesh& _mesh, Property_cog& _cog)       : mesh_(_mesh), cog_(_cog)    {}     void operator()(typename Mesh::Vertex& _v)    {      typename Mesh::VertexHandle vh(mesh_.handle(_v));       if (!mesh_.is_boundary(vh))        mesh_.set_point( vh,, vh) );    }   private:     Mesh&         mesh_;    Property_cog& cog_;  };  //--- private elements ---   Mesh&        mesh_;  Property_cog cog_;};


// smoothing mesh argv[1] times  SmootherT<MyMesh> smoother(mesh);  smoother.smooth(atoi(argv[1]));


  mesh.request_face_normals(); // let the mesh update the normals   mesh.update_normals(); // dispose the face normals, as we don't need them anymore不需要面法向了就去掉它   mesh.release_face_normals();


  • CGAL的网格模型数据结构部分(半边数据结构)的架构。










#include <CGAL/Simple_cartesian.h>#include <CGAL/Polyhedron_3.h>#include <iostream>typedef CGAL::Simple_cartesian<double>     Kernel;typedef Kernel::Point_3                    Point_3;typedef CGAL::Polyhedron_3<Kernel>         Polyhedron;typedef Polyhedron::Vertex_iterator        Vertex_iterator;int main() {    Point_3 p( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);    Point_3 q( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);    Point_3 r( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);    Point_3 s( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);    Polyhedron P;    P.make_tetrahedron( p, q, r, s);    CGAL::set_ascii_mode( std::cout);    for ( Vertex_iterator v = P.vertices_begin(); v != P.vertices_end(); ++v)        std::cout << v->point() << std::endl;    return 0;}


typedef CGAL::Polyhedron_3< Traits,                             CGAL::Polyhedron_items_3,                             CGAL::HalfedgeDS_default>      Polyhedron;
#include <CGAL/Cartesian.h>#include <CGAL/HalfedgeDS_vector.h>#include <CGAL/Polyhedron_3.h>#include <iostream>typedef CGAL::Cartesian<double>                        Kernel; //CGAL用Traits(Kernel)表示采用的数据精度类型如这里的Cartesian<double> 
typedef Kernel::Point_3                                Point_3;typedef CGAL::Polyhedron_3< Kernel,                            CGAL::Polyhedron_items_3,                            CGAL::HalfedgeDS_vector>   Polyhedron;  //使用基于vector实现的半边结构int main() {    Point_3 p( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);    Point_3 q( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);    Point_3 r( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);    Point_3 s( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);    Polyhedron P;    // alternative constructor: Polyhedron P(4,12,4);    P.make_tetrahedron( p, q, r, s);    CGAL::set_ascii_mode( std::cout);    std::copy( P.points_begin(), P.points_end(),       std::ostream_iterator<Point_3>( std::cout, "\n"));    return 0;}
#include <CGAL/Simple_cartesian.h>#include <CGAL/IO/Color.h>#include <CGAL/Polyhedron_3.h>// A face type with a color member variable.template <class Refs>struct My_face : public CGAL::HalfedgeDS_face_base<Refs> {    CGAL::Color color;};// An items type using my face.struct My_items : public CGAL::Polyhedron_items_3 {    template <class Refs, class Traits>    struct Face_wrapper {        typedef My_face<Refs> Face;    };};typedef CGAL::Simple_cartesian<double>        Kernel;typedef CGAL::Polyhedron_3<Kernel, My_items>  Polyhedron;typedef Polyhedron::Halfedge_handle           Halfedge_handle;int main() {    Polyhedron P;    Halfedge_handle h = P.make_tetrahedron();    h->facet()->color = CGAL::RED;    return 0;}



  • openmesh,的设计

    • 考虑能够提供动态存储管理的基于array存储的网格。
    • 考虑提供普通的半边网格结构,和特殊的三角网格半边结构(更快,专为三角网格优化)
    • 考虑能够兼容诸如quad tree的网格表示方法,用以实现快速的细分。也可定义其它的kernal以便实现诸如允许非流形存在的网格结构。
  • Openmesh中的接口:


  • Face Type


  • Kernal(WELL当前版本的OPENMESH只提供基于ARRAY(std::vector)的kernal,当然kernal还是可选)

       选择采用double linked list 还是 array作为底层的存储方式?container

  • Traits




        以及修改坐标的数据类型如double , float,三维坐标还是二维坐标。



  • 使用默认的网格结构

           使用默认的普通网格,array based

      typedef OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT<>  MyMesh;
      使用默认的三角网格,array based
      typedef OpenMesh::TriMesh_ArrayKernelT<>  MyMesh;
  • 用户自定义自己的traits
// Define my personal traitsstruct MyTraits : OpenMesh::DefaultTraits{  // Let Point and Normal be a vector of doubles  typedef OpenMesh::Vec3d Point;   //Point的类型被定义为3维double类型  typedef OpenMesh::Vec3d Normal;   // Already defined in OpenMesh::DefaultTraits  // HalfedgeAttributes( OpenMesh::Attributes::PrevHalfedge );  // Uncomment next line to disable attribute PrevHalfedge  // HalfedgeAttributes( OpenMesh::Attributes::None );  //  // or  //  // HalfedgeAttributes( 0 );}; #endif // Define my mesh with the new traits!typedef OpenMesh::TriMesh_ArrayKernelT<MyTraits>  MyMesh; // ------------------------------------------------------------------ main ----   MyMesh mesh;   // Just make sure that point element type is double  if ( typeid( OpenMesh::vector_traits<MyMesh::Point>::value_type )        != typeid(double) )  {    std::cerr << "Ouch! ERROR! Data type is wrong!\n";    return 1;  }//另外一个例子
struct MyTraits : public OpenMesh::DefaultTraits{  // store barycenter of neighbors in this member  VertexTraits  {  private:    Point  cog_;  public:    VertexT() : cog_( Point(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ) { }    const Point& cog() const { return cog_; }    void set_cog(const Point& _p) { cog_ = _p; }  };};#endiftypedef OpenMesh::TriMesh_ArrayKernelT<MyTraits>  MyMesh;typedef OpenMesh::TriMesh_ArrayKernelT<>          MyMesh2;
      template <class Base> class VertexT: public Base



Since the handle types depend on the containers used by the mesh
kernel (e.g. a VertexHandle may be a Vertex* or an int), the
kernel itself depends on the mesh items (in order to construct the
handle types), and the items require the handles (a vertex must store
a halfedge handle), we have to use template forward declarations
to get “safe” handle types (see [7]). Using this technique, the item
types know each other and their respective handle types, thereby
avoiding to use and cast void pointers. This also enables us to use
the handles types in the traits classes, e.g. if the face type should
contain a vertex handle。




As we have seen, we use a custom–tailored mesh for each application.
All these meshes will be different C++ types. If we want
to design algorithms operating on all of these mesh types, we either
have to derive all meshes from a common virtual base class, or do
it the STL way and use generic programming methods. Since virtual
functions / classes lead to a certain overhead in space and time,
we have chosen the generic approach: every algorithm gets the type
Mesh in form of a template parameter.



/// Definition of mesh items for use in the ArrayKernelstruct ArrayItems{  //------------------------------------------------------ internal vertex type  /// The vertex item  class Vertex  {    friend class ArrayKernel;    HalfedgeHandle  halfedge_handle_;  };  //---------------------------------------------------- internal halfedge type#ifndef DOXY_IGNORE_THIS  class Halfedge_without_prev  {    friend class ArrayKernel;    FaceHandle      face_handle_;    VertexHandle    vertex_handle_;    HalfedgeHandle  next_halfedge_handle_;  };#endif#ifndef DOXY_IGNORE_THIS  class Halfedge_with_prev : public Halfedge_without_prev  {    friend class ArrayKernel;    HalfedgeHandle  prev_halfedge_handle_;  };#endif  //TODO: should be selected with config.h define  typedef Halfedge_with_prev                Halfedge;  typedef GenProg::Bool2Type<true>          HasPrevHalfedge;  //-------------------------------------------------------- internal edge type#ifndef DOXY_IGNORE_THIS  class Edge  {    friend class ArrayKernel;    Halfedge  halfedges_[2];  };#endif  //-------------------------------------------------------- internal face type#ifndef DOXY_IGNORE_THIS  class Face  {    friend class ArrayKernel;    HalfedgeHandle  halfedge_handle_;  };};



class BaseHandle;
/// Handle for a vertex entitystruct VertexHandle : public BaseHandle{  explicit VertexHandle(int _idx=-1) : BaseHandle(_idx) {}};/// Handle for a halfedge entitystruct HalfedgeHandle : public BaseHandle{  explicit HalfedgeHandle(int _idx=-1) : BaseHandle(_idx) {}};/// Handle for a edge entitystruct EdgeHandle : public BaseHandle{  explicit EdgeHandle(int _idx=-1) : BaseHandle(_idx) {}};/// Handle for a face entitystruct FaceHandle : public BaseHandle{  explicit FaceHandle(int _idx=-1) : BaseHandle(_idx) {}};

class ArrayKernel : public BaseKernel, public ArrayItems{public:  // handles  typedef OpenMesh::VertexHandle            VertexHandle;  typedef OpenMesh::HalfedgeHandle          HalfedgeHandle;  typedef OpenMesh::EdgeHandle              EdgeHandle;  typedef OpenMesh::FaceHandle              FaceHandle;  typedef Attributes::StatusInfo            StatusInfo;  typedef VPropHandleT<StatusInfo>          VertexStatusPropertyHandle;  typedef HPropHandleT<StatusInfo>          HalfedgeStatusPropertyHandle;  typedef EPropHandleT<StatusInfo>          EdgeStatusPropertyHandle;  typedef FPropHandleT<StatusInfo>          FaceStatusPropertyHandle;
  HalfedgeHandle opposite_halfedge_handle(HalfedgeHandle _heh) const  { return HalfedgeHandle((_heh.idx() & 1) ? _heh.idx()-1 : _heh.idx()+1); } 
private:  // iterators  typedef std::vector<Vertex>                VertexContainer;  typedef std::vector<Edge>                  EdgeContainer;  typedef std::vector<Face>                  FaceContainer;  typedef VertexContainer::iterator          KernelVertexIter;  typedef VertexContainer::const_iterator    KernelConstVertexIter;  typedef EdgeContainer::iterator            KernelEdgeIter;  typedef EdgeContainer::const_iterator      KernelConstEdgeIter;  typedef FaceContainer::iterator            KernelFaceIter;  typedef FaceContainer::const_iterator      KernelConstFaceIter;  typedef std::vector<uint>                  BitMaskContainer;  KernelVertexIter      vertices_begin()        { return vertices_.begin(); }  KernelConstVertexIter vertices_begin() const  { return vertices_.begin(); }  KernelVertexIter      vertices_end()          { return vertices_.end(); }  KernelConstVertexIter vertices_end() const    { return vertices_.end(); }  KernelEdgeIter        edges_begin()           { return edges_.begin(); }  KernelConstEdgeIter   edges_begin() const     { return edges_.begin(); }  KernelEdgeIter        edges_end()             { return edges_.end(); }  KernelConstEdgeIter   edges_end() const       { return edges_.end(); }  KernelFaceIter        faces_begin()           { return faces_.begin(); }  KernelConstFaceIter   faces_begin() const     { return faces_.begin(); }  KernelFaceIter        faces_end()             { return faces_.end(); }  KernelConstFaceIter   faces_end() const       { return faces_.end(); }private:  VertexContainer                           vertices_;  EdgeContainer                             edges_;  FaceContainer                             faces_;



事实上当前版本的OPENMESH的顶点,边,面的基本结构非常简单,就是相关的handle,而handle类型也是定死了的。 不存在模板循环依赖技术,与CGAL不同。


所以访问的时候是用的MESH::Kernal的方法如, vh) += mesh_.point( vv_it ); ,mesh_根据vh找到数组中



所以用户用traits自定义属性如cog_或者动态添加cog_本质上和自己定义一个 cog[vertex_num]数组差不多,只不过openmesh封装了实现,提供统一方便的接口,

看上去似乎就像是给vertex本身加了个cog_域。, vh)还是反映了实际的存储情况。

但是问题是如果要提供基于list的mesh kernal呢,当前的架构似乎不能支持list吧?



MyMesh::VertexIter          v_it
v_it->cog()         //旧版本
//新版本要用>cog()//看了一版本变化说明,似乎是说因为MS不支持模版的前置循环声明好像,不得已为之的。 / valence);

下面是02年的修改声明。应该就是因为这个原因,就把顶点,边,面定死了,不过看CGAL应该是支持的啊,奇怪:)现在的MS VC8应该肯定支持的。

Removed cyclic dependency between items and kernel, because MS VC++ cannot handle the resulting template forward declaration :-(.

Therefore the Base::Refs class, given for the traits classes, no longer provides the types \c Vertex, \c Halfedge, \c Edge, and \c Face.

It now only provides all handle types, the point and the scalar type.


struct MyTraits : public OpenMesh::DefaultTraits{  // store barycenter of neighbors in this member  VertexTraits  {  private:    Point  cog_;  public:    VertexT() : cog_( Point(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ) { }    const Point& cog() const { return cog_; }    void set_cog(const Point& _p) { cog_ = _p; }  };};#endiftypedef OpenMesh::TriMesh_ArrayKernelT<MyTraits>  MyMesh; //下面就可以MyMesh mesh;使用这个mesh了。




struct DefaultTraits{  /// The default coordinate type is OpenMesh::Vec3f.  typedef Vec3f  Point;  /// The default normal type is OpenMesh::Vec3f.  typedef Vec3f  Normal;  …#ifndef DOXY_IGNORE_THIS  VertexTraits    {};  HalfedgeTraits  {};  EdgeTraits      {};  FaceTraits      {};#endif  VertexAttributes(0);  …

先不管 Atrtributes,我们就看VertexTraits,


/// Macro for defining the vertex traits. See \ref mesh_type.#define VertexTraits \  template <class Base, class Refs> struct VertexT : public Base   //其余Tratis 如face,halfedge的一样的方式处理
struct MyTraits : public OpenMesh::DefaultTraits{  template <class Base, class Refs> struct VertexT : public Base  {    int some_additional_index;  };};


The template argument Base provides access to the mesh handles and to the Point and Scalar type by its member class Refs. 
Adding a MyMesh::FaceHandle to the vertex class can therefore be implemented like this:
下面显示如何给顶点添加面handle属性。struct MyTraits : public OpenMesh::DefaultTraits {  VertexTraits  {    int some_additional_index;    typename Base::Refs::FaceHandle my_face_handle;  };};
下面再看typedef OpenMesh::TriMesh_ArrayKernelT<MyTraits> MyMesh;意味着什么呢?




template <class Traits = DefaultTraits>
class TriMesh_ArrayKernelT
  : public TriMesh_ArrayKernel_GeneratorT<Traits>::Mesh

template <class Traits>
struct TriMesh_ArrayKernel_GeneratorT
  typedef FinalMeshItemsT<Traits, true>               MeshItems;
  typedef AttribKernelT<MeshItems, TriConnectivity>  AttribKernel;
  typedef TriMeshT<AttribKernel>                      Mesh;  //其实就是最终使用的mesh类型


代码所表示的正是如上图所示的继承关系。OPENMESH大量利用 template<class Base> class Derived: public Base的继承模式。

1. The BaseKernel defines the basic operations on properties like add/remove/access.
2. Next the AttribKernelT adds the standard properties all associated methods.
3. Finally the ArrayKernelT provides the methods to add/remove/access the mesh items vertices, (half-)edges, and faces. The base class is passed as a template parameter, since depending on the underlying storage type the AttribKernel might change.

1. The PolyMeshT inherits from the kernel and provide all necessary methods to work with polygonal meshes.
2. Finally we derive TriMeshT from PolyMeshT to have an specialization for triangle meshes.


FinalMeshItemsT<Traits, true>               MeshItems;
template <class Traits, bool IsTriMesh>struct FinalMeshItemsT{  struct Refs  {    typedef typename Traits::Point            Point;                 //所以用户提供的MyTraits可能会改变Point的类型    typedef typename vector_traits<Point>::value_type Scalar;    …    typedef OpenMesh::VertexHandle            VertexHandle;
  };  //--- export Refs types ---  typedef typename Refs::Point           Point;
  class ITraits  {};
    typedef typename Traits::template VertexT<ITraits, Refs>      VertexData;     //这里用到了VertexT(可能由用户修改提供)  typedef typename Traits::template HalfedgeT<ITraits, Refs>    HalfedgeData;  …
};} // namespace OpenMesh


AttribKernelT<MeshItems, TriConnectivity>  AttribKernel;通过继承Connectivity继承TriConnectivity->PolyConnectivity->ArrayKernel->BaseKernel + ArrayItems

template <class MeshItems, class Connectivity>class AttribKernelT : public Connectivity       // class TriConnectivity : public PolyConnectivity
{                                               //class PolyConnectivity : public ArrayKernel
public:  //---------------------------------------------------------------- item types  typedef typename Connectivity::Vertex     Vertex;  typedef typename Connectivity::Halfedge   Halfedge;  typedef typename Connectivity::Edge       Edge;  typedef typename Connectivity::Face       Face;  typedef typename MeshItems::Point         Point;  typedef typename MeshItems::Normal        Normal;  …  typedef typename MeshItems::VertexData    VertexData;  typedef typename MeshItems::HalfedgeData  HalfedgeData;  typedef typename MeshItems::EdgeData      EdgeData;  typedef typename MeshItems::FaceData      FaceData;  typedef AttribKernelT<MeshItems,Connectivity>  AttribKernel;  enum Attribs  {    VAttribs = MeshItems::VAttribs,    HAttribs = MeshItems::HAttribs,    EAttribs = MeshItems::EAttribs,    FAttribs = MeshItems::FAttribs  };  typedef VPropHandleT<VertexData>              DataVPropHandle;      typedef HPropHandleT<HalfedgeData>            DataHPropHandle;  typedef EPropHandleT<EdgeData>                DataEPropHandle;  typedef FPropHandleT<FaceData>                DataFPropHandle;public:  //-------------------------------------------------- constructor / destructor  AttribKernelT()  : refcount_vnormals_(0),    refcount_vcolors_(0),    …
   {    add_property( points_, "v:points" );    if (VAttribs & Attributes::Normal)      request_vertex_normals();    …    //FIXME: data properties might actually cost storage even    //if there are no data traits??    add_property(data_vpph_);    add_property(data_fpph_);    add_property(data_hpph_);    add_property(data_epph_);  }  virtual ~AttribKernelT()  {    // should remove properties, but this will be done in    // BaseKernel's destructor anyway...  }  /** Assignment from another mesh of \em another type.      \note All that's copied is connectivity and vertex positions.      All other information (like e.g. attributes or additional      elements from traits classes) is not copied.      \note If you want to copy all information, including *custom* properties,      use PolyMeshT::operator=() instead.      TODO: version which copies standard properties specified by the user  */  template <class _AttribKernel>  void assign(const _AttribKernel& _other)  {    assign_connectivity(_other);    for (typename Connectivity::VertexIter v_it = Connectivity::vertices_begin();         v_it != Connectivity::vertices_end(); ++v_it)    {//assumes Point constructor supports cast from _AttribKernel::Point      set_point(v_it, (Point)_other.point(v_it));    }  }  …  //------------------------------------------------ request / alloc properties  void request_vertex_normals()  {    if (!refcount_vnormals_++)      add_property( vertex_normals_, "v:normals" );  }  …  //------------------------------------------------- release / free properties  void release_vertex_normals()  {    if ((refcount_vnormals_ > 0) && (! --refcount_vnormals_))      remove_property(vertex_normals_);  }
  ….  //---------------------------------------------- dynamic check for properties  bool has_vertex_normals()       const { return vertex_normals_.is_valid();      }
  public:  typedef VPropHandleT<Point>               PointsPropertyHandle;  typedef VPropHandleT<Normal>              VertexNormalsPropertyHandle;  …public:  //standard vertex properties  PointsPropertyHandle                      points_pph() const  { return points_; }  …  VertexData&                               data(VertexHandle _vh)  { return property(data_vpph_, _vh); }  …private:  //standard vertex properties  PointsPropertyHandle                      points_;  VertexNormalsPropertyHandle               vertex_normals_;  …
  //data properties handles  DataVPropHandle                           data_vpph_;  DataHPropHandle                           data_hpph_;  DataEPropHandle                           data_epph_;  DataFPropHandle                           data_fpph_;

关于add_property在class BaseKernel中。

template <class T>void add_property( VPropHandleT<T>& _ph, const std::string& _name="<vprop>"){  _ph = VPropHandleT<T>( vprops_.add(T(), _name) );  vprops_.resize(n_vertices());         //in BaseKernel  PropertyContainer  vprops_;}



class ArrayKernel : public BaseKernel, public ArrayItems{public:   // handles  typedef OpenMesh::VertexHandle            VertexHandle;  typedef OpenMesh::HalfedgeHandle          HalfedgeHandle;  typedef OpenMesh::EdgeHandle              EdgeHandle;  typedef OpenMesh::FaceHandle              FaceHandle;
  typedef std::vector<Vertex>                VertexContainer;
Vertex& vertex(VertexHandle _vh)
  return vertices_[_vh.idx()];
VertexContainer                           vertices_;
  EdgeContainer                             edges_;
  FaceContainer                             faces_;
class BaseKernel{private:   PropertyContainer  vprops_;  PropertyContainer  hprops_;  PropertyContainer  eprops_;  PropertyContainer  fprops_;  PropertyContainer  mprops_;};


TriMeshT<AttribKernel>                      Mesh;

template <class Kernel>class TriMeshT : public PolyMeshT<Kernel>{public:  // self  typedef TriMeshT<Kernel>                      This;  typedef PolyMeshT<Kernel>                     PolyMesh;
  //--- items ---  typedef typename PolyMesh::Scalar             Scalar;  typedef typename PolyMesh::Point              Point;  …  //--- handles ---  typedef typename PolyMesh::VertexHandle       VertexHandle;  typedef typename PolyMesh::HalfedgeHandle     HalfedgeHandle;  typedef typename PolyMesh::EdgeHandle         EdgeHandle;  typedef typename PolyMesh::FaceHandle         FaceHandle;  //--- iterators ---  typedef typename PolyMesh::VertexIter         VertexIter;  …  //--- circulators ---  typedef typename PolyMesh::VertexVertexIter         VertexVertexIter;  …

template <class Kernel>
class PolyMeshT : public Kernel 


看一下具体执行Mesh mesh;的时候构造函数的调用,其中PorpertyContainer是BaseKernel类的一个成员变量被初始化,其余都是代表类的默认初始化。可以看出类的层次关系。

(gdb) bt
#0  new_allocator (this=0xbfc56563) at /usr/include/c++/4.2/ext/new_allocator.h:68
#1  0xb7f4f07b in allocator (this=0xbfc56563) at /usr/include/c++/4.2/bits/allocator.h:100
#2  0xb7f50a81 in PropertyContainer (this=0xbfc566ac) at /home/allen/study/OpenMesh/src/OpenMesh/Core/../../OpenMesh/Core/Utils/PropertyContainer.hh:66
#3  0xb7f56a76 in BaseKernel (this=0xbfc566a8) at /home/allen/study/OpenMesh/src/OpenMesh/Core/../../OpenMesh/Core/Mesh/BaseKernel.hh:95
#4  0xb7f4ce46 in ArrayKernel (this=0xbfc566a8) at /home/allen/study/OpenMesh/src/OpenMesh/Core/Mesh/
#5  0x0805854f in PolyConnectivity (this=0xbfc566a8) at ../../../../src/OpenMesh/Core/Mesh/PolyConnectivity.hh:164
#6  0x0805856d in TriConnectivity (this=0xbfc566a8) at ../../../../src/OpenMesh/Core/Mesh/TriConnectivity.hh:55
#7  0x08061720 in AttribKernelT (this=0xbfc566a8) at ../../../../src/OpenMesh/Core/Mesh/AttribKernelT.hh:124
#8  0x08061c21 in PolyMeshT (this=0xbfc566a8) at ../../../../src/OpenMesh/Core/Mesh/PolyMeshT.hh:181
#9  0x08061c3f in TriMeshT (this=0xbfc566a8) at ../../../../src/OpenMesh/Core/Mesh/TriMeshT.hh:164
#10 0x08061c5d in TriMesh_ArrayKernelT (this=0xbfc566a8) at ../../../../src/OpenMesh/Core/Mesh/TriMesh_ArrayKernelT.hh:93
#11 0x080503fa in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfc56934) at




template <class T>
typename VPropHandleT<T>::reference
property(VPropHandleT<T> _ph, VertexHandle _vh) {

vprops_是PropertyContainer类型的,v_it) += mesh.point( vv_it );

调用 property(cogs,v_it)    ->调用[v_it.idx()]

  template <class T> PropertyT<T>& property(BasePropHandleT<T> _h)
    assert(_h.idx() >= 0 && _h.idx() < (int)properties_.size());
    assert(properties_[_h.idx()] != NULL);
    return *static_cast  <PropertyT<T>*> (properties_[_h.idx()]);
    PropertyT<T>* p = dynamic_cast<PropertyT<T>*>(properties_[_h.idx()]);
    assert(p != NULL);
    return *p;





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