矩阵链乘法问题描述(Matrix-chain multiplication)

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矩阵链乘法问题描述(Matrix-chain multiplication)

flyfish 2015-9-13
Matrix-chain multiplication:We are given a sequence(chain)<A1,A2,...,An> or n matices to be multiplied,and we wish to compute the product A1,A2...An

英 [‘mʌltɪplaɪ] 美 [‘mʌltɪplaɪ]
vt. 乘;使增加;使繁殖;使相乘
vi. 乘;繁殖;增加
过去式 multiplied
过去分词 multiplied
现在分词 multiplying

We can evaluate the express using the stand algorithm for multiplying paires of matrices as a subroutine once we have parenthesized it to resolve all ambiguities in how the matrices are multiplied together.

英 [pə’renθɪsaɪz] 美 [pə’rɛnθə,saɪz]
vt. 加插入语于…;将…加上括弧
过去式 parenthesized
过去分词 parenthesized
现在分词 parenthesizing

英 [æmbɪ’gjuːɪtɪ] 美 [,æmbɪ’ɡjuəti]
n. 含糊;不明确;暧昧;模棱两可的话
复数 ambiguities

if the chain of matrices is <A1,A2,A3,A4>,then we can fully parenthesized the product A1A2A3A4 in five distinct ways:


We can multiple tow metrices A and B only if they are compatible:the number of colums of A must equal the number of rows of B.

if A is a p*q matrix and
B is a q*r matrix,
the resulting matrix C is a p*r matrix

如果按照(A1A2)A3次序计算,那么需要10x100x5 + 10x5x50 = 7500次乘法运算;
如果按照A1(A2A3)次序计算,那么需要100x5x50 + 10x100x50 = 75000次乘法运算;因此按照第一种次序计算要快10倍。
consider the problem of chain<A1A2A3> of three matrices,Suppose that the dimensions of the matrices are 10x100,100x5,and 5x50,

respectively,If we multiply according to the parenthesization((A1A2)A3),we perform 10x100x5=5000 scalar multiplications to compute the 10x5 matrix product A1A2 , plus another 10 x 5 x50 = 2500 scalar multiplications to multiply this matrix by A3 , for a total of 7500 scalar multiplications.

英 [rɪ’spektɪv] 美 [rɪ’spɛktɪv]
adj. 分别的,各自的
英 [rɪ’spektɪvlɪ] 美 [rɪ’spɛktɪvli]
adv. 分别地;各自地,独自地

If instead we multiply according to the parenthesization(A1(A2A3)) we perform 100 x 5 x 50 = 25,000 scalar multiplications to compute the 100 x 50 matrix product A2A3 , plus another 10 x 100 x 50 = 50,000 scalar multiplications to multiply A1 by this matrix, for a total of 75,000 scalar multiplications. Thus, computing the product according tothe first parenthesization is 10 times faster.

假设矩阵 A B
A 2行3列
B 3行2列




2*3*2 理解为2行 每行中一个元素需要3个乘,一共2列
A1A2 结果是10行5列 每个元素100个乘.
A1A2 的结果 乘以 A3 结果是10行50列 每个元素5个乘.
所以是10x100x5 + 10x5x50 = 7500


We state the matrix-chain multiplication problem as follows: given a chain<A1A2A3> of n matrices, where for i=1,2,3,4…..,n matrix Ai has dimension Pi1×Pi , fully parenthesize the product A1A2A3.....An in a way that minimizes the number of scalar multiplications.

Note that in the matrix-chain multiplication problem, we are not actually multiplying matrices. Our goal is only to determine an order for multiplying matrices that has the lowest cost。

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