hadoop 自学指南五之MapReduce工作机制

来源:互联网 发布:windows移动中心在哪 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 17:41


从源码的角度剖析MapReduce 作业的工作机制

二、MapReduce 执行流程



客户端: 提交MapReduce 作业

JobTracker: 初始化作业、分配作业。与TaskTracker通信


HDFS: 保存数据


JobClient 调用submitJob()方法实现如下 :

JobClient 会先调作JobSubmissionProtocol 定义的submitJob()方法,submitJob() 实际 调用submitJobInternal(job)方法

public   RunningJob submitJobInternal(final JobConf job                               ) throws FileNotFoundException,                                         ClassNotFoundException,                                        InterruptedException,                                        IOException {    /*     * configure the command line options correctly on the submitting dfs     */    return ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<RunningJob>() {      public RunningJob run() throws FileNotFoundException,       ClassNotFoundException,      InterruptedException,      IOException{        JobConf jobCopy = job;        Path jobStagingArea = JobSubmissionFiles.getStagingDir(JobClient.this,            jobCopy);
<span style="white-space:pre"></span>//从JobTracker 得到当前任务ID        JobID jobId = jobSubmitClient.getNewJobId();<span style="white-space:pre"></span>
<span style="white-space:pre"></span>//根据jobID生成目录
        Path submitJobDir = new Path(jobStagingArea, jobId.toString());        jobCopy.set("mapreduce.job.dir", submitJobDir.toString());        JobStatus status = null;        try {          populateTokenCache(jobCopy, jobCopy.getCredentials());          copyAndConfigureFiles(jobCopy, submitJobDir);          // 获取路径令牌          TokenCache.obtainTokensForNamenodes(jobCopy.getCredentials(),                                              new Path [] {submitJobDir},                                              jobCopy);          Path submitJobFile = JobSubmissionFiles.getJobConfPath(submitJobDir);          int reduces = jobCopy.getNumReduceTasks();          InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost();          if (ip != null) {            job.setJobSubmitHostAddress(ip.getHostAddress());            job.setJobSubmitHostName(ip.getHostName());          }          JobContext context = new JobContext(jobCopy, jobId);          // Check the output specification          if (reduces == 0 ? jobCopy.getUseNewMapper() :             jobCopy.getUseNewReducer()) {            org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.OutputFormat<?,?> output =              ReflectionUtils.newInstance(context.getOutputFormatClass(),                  jobCopy);            output.checkOutputSpecs(context);          } else {            jobCopy.getOutputFormat().checkOutputSpecs(fs, jobCopy);          }                    jobCopy = (JobConf)context.getConfiguration();          // 为job生成splits分块          FileSystem fs = submitJobDir.getFileSystem(jobCopy);          LOG.debug("Creating splits at " + fs.makeQualified(submitJobDir));          int maps = writeSplits(context, submitJobDir);          jobCopy.setNumMapTasks(maps);          // write "queue admins of the queue to which job is being submitted"          // to job file.          String queue = jobCopy.getQueueName();          AccessControlList acl = jobSubmitClient.getQueueAdmins(queue);          jobCopy.set(QueueManager.toFullPropertyName(queue,              QueueACL.ADMINISTER_JOBS.getAclName()), acl.getACLString());          // Write job file to JobTracker's fs                  FSDataOutputStream out =             FileSystem.create(fs, submitJobFile,                new FsPermission(JobSubmissionFiles.JOB_FILE_PERMISSION));          // removing jobtoken referrals before copying the jobconf to HDFS          // as the tasks don't need this setting, actually they may break          // because of it if present as the referral will point to a          // different job.          TokenCache.cleanUpTokenReferral(jobCopy);          try {            jobCopy.writeXml(out);          } finally {            out.close();          }          //          // Now, actually submit the job (using the submit name)          //          printTokens(jobId, jobCopy.getCredentials());          status = jobSubmitClient.submitJob(              jobId, submitJobDir.toString(), jobCopy.getCredentials());          JobProfile prof = jobSubmitClient.getJobProfile(jobId);          if (status != null && prof != null) {            return new NetworkedJob(status, prof, jobSubmitClient);          } else {            throw new IOException("Could not launch job");          }        } finally {          if (status == null) {            LOG.info("Cleaning up the staging area " + submitJobDir);            if (fs != null && submitJobDir != null)              fs.delete(submitJobDir, true);          }        }      }    });  }

1、调用JobTracker 对象获取作业id




5、调用JobTracker 的submitJob()提交作业


JobTracker 会调用内部的TaskScheduler 

   // Create the scheduler    Class<? extends TaskScheduler> schedulerClass      = conf.getClass("mapred.jobtracker.taskScheduler",          JobQueueTaskScheduler.class, TaskScheduler.class);

默认的方法为in a queue in priority order (FIFO by default).

public synchronized void initTasks()   throws IOException, KillInterruptedException, UnknownHostException {    // Only for tests    if (!jobtracker.getConf().getBoolean(JT_JOB_INIT_EXCEPTION_OVERRIDE, false)         &&        getJobConf().getBoolean(JOB_INIT_EXCEPTION, false)) {        waitForInitWaitLockForTests();    }        if (tasksInited || isComplete()) {      return;    }    synchronized(jobInitKillStatus){      if(jobInitKillStatus.killed || jobInitKillStatus.initStarted) {        return;      }      jobInitKillStatus.initStarted = true;    }


TaskTrack 和JobTracker 通信,TaskTracker 中transmitHerartBeat()方法 

/**   * The periodic heartbeat mechanism between the {@link TaskTracker} and   * the {@link JobTracker}.   *    * The {@link JobTracker} processes the status information sent by the    * {@link TaskTracker} and responds with instructions to start/stop    * tasks or jobs, and also 'reset' instructions during contingencies.    */  public synchronized HeartbeatResponse heartbeat(TaskTrackerStatus status,                                                   boolean restarted,                                                  boolean initialContact,                                                  boolean acceptNewTasks,                                                   short responseId)     throws IOException {    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {      LOG.debug("Got heartbeat from: " + status.getTrackerName() +                 " (restarted: " + restarted +                 " initialContact: " + initialContact +                 " acceptNewTasks: " + acceptNewTasks + ")" +                " with responseId: " + responseId);    }



TaskTracker 申请到任务,从hdfs复制数据,启动任务launchTaskForJob(TaskInProgress tip, JobConf jobConf, rjob)

/**     * Kick off the task execution     */    public synchronized void launchTask(RunningJob rjob) throws IOException {      if (this.taskStatus.getRunState() == TaskStatus.State.UNASSIGNED ||          this.taskStatus.getRunState() == TaskStatus.State.FAILED_UNCLEAN ||          this.taskStatus.getRunState() == TaskStatus.State.KILLED_UNCLEAN) {        localizeTask(task);        if (this.taskStatus.getRunState() == TaskStatus.State.UNASSIGNED) {          this.taskStatus.setRunState(TaskStatus.State.RUNNING);        }        setTaskRunner(task.createRunner(TaskTracker.this, this, rjob));        this.runner.start();        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();        this.taskStatus.setStartTime(now);        this.lastProgressReport = now;      } else {        LOG.info("Not launching task: " + task.getTaskID() +             " since it's state is " + this.taskStatus.getRunState());      }    }



TaskReporter 向TaskTracker报告任务状态与进度

@Override  public void run(final JobConf job, final TaskUmbilicalProtocol umbilical)     throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException {    this.umbilical = umbilical;    // start thread that will handle communication with parent    TaskReporter reporter = new TaskReporter(getProgress(), umbilical,        jvmContext);    reporter.startCommunicationThread();    boolean useNewApi = job.getUseNewMapper();    initialize(job, getJobID(), reporter, useNewApi);


公平调度器(Fair Scheduler)

容量调度器(Capacity Scheduler Guide)

四、MapReduce 配置与调优



try {        boolean kvfull;        do {          if (sortSpillException != null) {            throw (IOException)new IOException("Spill failed"                ).initCause(sortSpillException);          }          // sufficient acct space          kvfull = kvnext == kvstart;          final boolean kvsoftlimit = ((kvnext > kvend)              ? kvnext - kvend > softRecordLimit              : kvend - kvnext <= kvoffsets.length - softRecordLimit);          if (kvstart == kvend && kvsoftlimit) {            LOG.info("Spilling map output: record full = " + kvsoftlimit);            startSpill();          }          if (kvfull) {            try {              while (kvstart != kvend) {                reporter.progress();                spillDone.await();              }            } catch (InterruptedException e) {              throw (IOException)new IOException(                  "Collector interrupted while waiting for the writer"                  ).initCause(e);            }          }        } while (kvfull);      } finally {        spillLock.unlock();      }



配置:io.sort.facotor  控制一次合并多少流,默认为10

指定combiner 就会在输出文件到写到磁盘之前运行,使map输出更紧凑



 boolean isLocal = "local".equals(job.get("mapred.job.tracker", "local"));    if (!isLocal) {      reduceCopier = new ReduceCopier(umbilical, job, reporter);      if (!reduceCopier.fetchOutputs()) {        if(reduceCopier.mergeThrowable instanceof FSError) {          throw (FSError)reduceCopier.mergeThrowable;        }        throw new IOException("Task: " + getTaskID() +             " - The reduce copier failed", reduceCopier.mergeThrowable);      }    }    copyPhase.complete();                         // copy is already complete    setPhase(TaskStatus.Phase.SORT);    statusUpdate(umbilical);    final FileSystem rfs = FileSystem.getLocal(job).getRaw();    RawKeyValueIterator rIter = isLocal      ? Merger.merge(job, rfs, job.getMapOutputKeyClass(),          job.getMapOutputValueClass(), codec, getMapFiles(rfs, true),          !conf.getKeepFailedTaskFiles(), job.getInt("io.sort.factor", 100),          new Path(getTaskID().toString()), job.getOutputKeyComparator(),          reporter, spilledRecordsCounter, null)      : reduceCopier.createKVIterator(job, rfs, reporter);            // free up the data structures    mapOutputFilesOnDisk.clear();        sortPhase.complete();                         // sort is complete    setPhase(TaskStatus.Phase.REDUCE);     statusUpdate(umbilical);    Class keyClass = job.getMapOutputKeyClass();    Class valueClass = job.getMapOutputValueClass();    RawComparator comparator = job.getOutputValueGroupingComparator();    if (useNewApi) {      runNewReducer(job, umbilical, reporter, rIter, comparator,                     keyClass, valueClass);    } else {      runOldReducer(job, umbilical, reporter, rIter, comparator,                     keyClass, valueClass);    }    done(umbilical, reporter);

每个Map的时间完成的时间 不同,因些只要有一个任务完成,reduce任务就开始复制任务


设置mapred.reduce.parallel.copies (默认为5)改为reduce 并行复制线程



Reduce 端:


mapred.child.java.opts  运行map任务与reduce任务jvm

io.sort.* map端的参数属性,尽可能减少溢出写的次数

io.sort.mb 增加io.sort.mb 的值

mapred.inmem.merge.threashold 设置为0

mapred.job.reduce.input.buffer.percent 1.0或者更低

io.file.buffer.size 增加这个值



开启skipping mode         

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