Python Regular Expression

来源:互联网 发布:阿里云 储值卡 余额 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/26 12:56

Regular expression in Python



Matches the beginning of a line


Matches the end of the line


Matches any character


matches whitespace


matches any non-whitespace


repeats a character 0 or more times


repeats a character 0 or more times(non-greedy)


repeats a character 1 or more times


repeats a character 1 or more times(non-greedy)


matches a single character in the listed set


matches a single character not in the listed set


the set of characters can include a range


indicates where string extraction is to start


indicates where string extraction is to end


Greedy Matching

import re

x='From: Using the :character'

y=re.findall('^F.+:', x)

print (y)


['From: Using the :']


import re

x='From: Using the :character'

y=re.findall('^F.*:', x)

print (y)


['From: Using the :']


NON-Greedy Matching

import re

x='From: Using the :character'

y=re.findall('^F.+?:', x)

print (y)




import re

x='From: Using the :character'

y=re.findall('^F.*:', x)

print (y)




说明:在字符串'From:Using the :character' 中, 有两个: 号存在。 当要匹配以F开头,以: 号结尾的字符串时,GreedyMatching 会以Greedy 为原则找到尽可能长的匹配字符串。 而NON-Greedy Matching 不会像Greedy 那样去找尽可能长的串。

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