POJ 3243 Clever Y (求X^Y mod Z = K)

来源:互联网 发布:java中求最大公约数 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/12 08:35
Clever Y
Time Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 7301 Accepted: 1807


Little Y finds there is a very interesting formula in mathematics:

XY mod Z = K

Given X, Y, Z, we all know how to figure outK fast. However, given X, Z, K, could you figure outY fast?


Input data consists of no more than 20 test cases. For each test case, there would be only one line containing 3 integersX, Z, K (0 ≤ X, Z, K ≤ 109).
Input file ends with 3 zeros separated by spaces.


For each test case output one line. Write "No Solution" (without quotes) if you cannot find a feasibleY (0 ≤ Y < Z). Otherwise output the minimum Y you find.

Sample Input

5 58 332 4 30 0 0

Sample Output

9No Solution


#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include<math.h>#include <iostream>#include<stdlib.h>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;#define CC(m ,what) memset(m , what , sizeof(m))typedef __int64 LL ;LL A, B ,C ;const int NN = 99991 ;bool hash[NN] ;int idx[NN] , val[NN] ;void insert(int id , LL vv){    LL v = vv % NN ;    while( hash[v] && val[v]!=vv)    {        v++ ;        if(v == NN) v-=NN ;    }    if( !hash[v] )    {        hash[v] = 1;        val[v] = vv ;        idx[v] = id ;    }}int find(LL vv){    LL v = vv % NN ;    while( hash[v] && val[v]!=vv)    {        v++ ;        if(v == NN) v-=NN ;    }    if( !hash[v] )  return -1;    return idx[v] ;}void ex_gcd(LL a , LL b , LL& x , LL& y){    if(b == 0)    {        x = 1 ;        y = 0 ;        return ;    }    ex_gcd(b , a%b , x, y) ;    LL t = x ;    x = y;    y = t - a/b*y ;}LL gcd(LL a,LL b){    while( a%b != 0)    {        LL c = a ;        a = b ;        b = c % b ;    }    return b ;}LL baby_step(LL A, LL B , LL C){    LL ans = 1 ;    for(LL i=0; i<=50; i++)    {        if(ans == B)    return i ;        ans = ans * A % C ;    }    LL tmp , d = 0 ;    LL D = 1 % C ;    while( (tmp=gcd(A,C)) != 1 )    {        if(B % tmp) return -1 ;        d++ ;        B/=tmp ;        C/=tmp ;        D = D*A/tmp%C ;    }    CC( hash , 0) ;    CC( idx, -1) ;    CC(val , -1) ;    LL M = ceil( sqrt(C*1.0) ) ;    LL rr = 1 ;    for(int i=0; i<M; i++)    {        insert(i, rr) ;        rr = rr * A % C ;    }    LL x, y ;    for(int i=0; i<M; i++)    {        ex_gcd(D, C , x, y) ;        LL r = x * B % C;        r = (r % C + C) % C ;        int jj = find( r ) ;        if(jj != -1)        {            return  LL(i)*M + LL(jj) + d ;        }        D = D * rr % C ;    }    return -1 ;}int main(){    while(scanf("%I64d %I64d %I64d",&A,&C,&B) == 3)    {        if(A+B+C == 0 ) break ;        LL res = baby_step(A,B,C) ;  //A%C==B;        if( res == -1 )        {            printf("No Solution\n");            continue ;        }        printf("%I64d\n",res);    }    return 0 ;}

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