emacs - Prelude

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Prelude by bbatsov

cd %appdata%/.emacs.d
git clone git://github.com/bbatsov/prelude.git

Getting to know Prelude

Certainly the best way to understand how Prelude enhances the default Emacs experience is to perusePrelude's source code (which is obviously written in Emacs Lisp). Understanding the code is not necessary of course. Prelude includes a prelude-mode minor Emacs mode which collects some of the additional functionality added by Prelude. It also adds an additional keymap that binds many of those extensions to keybindings.



KeybindingDescriptionC-M-hKill the previous word(backward-kill-word). (as in Bash/Zsh)C-x \align-regexpC-+Increase font size(text-scale-increase).C--Decrease font size(text-scale-decrease).C-x OGo back to previous window (the inverse of other-window (C-x o)).C-^Join two lines into one(prelude-top-join-line).C-x pStart proced (manage processes from Emacs; works only in Linux).C-x mStart eshell.C-x M-mStart your default shell.C-x C-mAlias for M-x.C-h ARun apropos (search in all Emacs symbols).M-/Run hippie-expand (a replacement for the default dabbrev-expand).C-x C-bOpen ibuffer (a replacement for the default buffer-list).F11Make the window full screen.F12Toggle the Emacs menu bar.C-x gOpen Magit's status buffer.C-=Run expand-region (incremental text selection).C-aRun prelude-move-beginning-of-line. Read this for details.

Prelude Mode

KeybindingDescriptionC-c oOpen the currently visited file with an external program.C-c gSearch in Google for the thing under point (or an interactive query).C-c GSearch in GitHub for the thing under point (or an interactive query).C-c ySearch in YouTube for the thing under point (or an interactive query).C-S-RET or M-oInsert an empty line above the current line and indent it properlyS-RET or M-OInsert an empty line and indent it properly (as in most IDEs).C-S-up or M-S-upMove the current line or region up.C-S-down or M-S-downMove the current line or region down.C-c nFix indentation in buffer and strip whitespace.C-c fOpen recently visited file.C-M-\Indent region (if selected) or the entire buffer.C-c uOpen URL in your default browser.C-c eEval a bit of Emacs Lisp code and replace it with its result.C-c sSwap two active windows.C-c dDuplicate the current line (or region).C-c M-dDuplicate and comment the current line (or region).C-c rRename the currently visited file and buffer.C-c tOpen a terminal emulator (ansi-term).C-c kKill all open buffers except the one you're currently in.C-c hOpen Helm (a useful means of navigating your buffers and project files).C-c +Increment integer at point.C-c -Decrement integer at point.Super-rRecent filesSuper-xExpand regionSuper-jJoin linesSuper-kKill whole lineSuper-m mMagit statusSuper-m lMagit logSuper-m fMagit file logSuper-m bMagit blame modeSuper-oOpen line above current line
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