
来源:互联网 发布:大师兄 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 04:25



#ifndef __THREAD_H#define __THREAD_H#include <vector>#include <string>#include <pthread.h>using namespace std;/** * 执行任务的类,设置任务数据并执行 */class CTask{protected:string m_strTaskName;  /** 任务的名称 */void* m_ptrData;       /** 要执行的任务的具体数据 */public:CTask(){}CTask(string taskName){m_strTaskName = taskName;m_ptrData = NULL;}virtual int Run()= 0;void SetData(void* data);    /** 设置任务数据 */public:virtual ~CTask(){}};/** * 线程池管理类的实现 */class CThreadPool{private:static vector<CTask*> m_vecTaskList;     /** 任务列表 */staticbool shutdown;                    /** 线程退出标志 */         int m_iThreadNum;                     /** 线程池中启动的线程数 */pthread_t*pthread_id;static pthread_mutex_t m_pthreadMutex;    /** 线程同步锁 */static pthread_cond_t m_pthreadCond;      /** 线程同步的条件变量 */protected:static void* ThreadFunc(void * threadData); /** 新线程的线程回调函数 */static int MoveToIdle(pthread_t tid);       /** 线程执行结束后,把自己放入到空闲线程中 */static int MoveToBusy(pthread_t tid);       /** 移入到忙碌线程中去 */int Create();          /** 创建线程池中的线程 */public:CThreadPool(int threadNum = 10);int AddTask(CTask *task);      /** 把任务添加到任务队列中 */int StopAll();                 /** 使线程池中的线程退出 */int getTaskSize();             /** 获取当前任务队列中的任务数 */};#endif



#include "Thread.h"#include <iostream>void CTask::SetData(void * data){m_ptrData = data;}vector<CTask*> CThreadPool::m_vecTaskList;         //任务列表bool CThreadPool::shutdown = false;pthread_mutex_t CThreadPool::m_pthreadMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; pthread_cond_t CThreadPool::m_pthreadCond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;/** * 线程池管理类构造函数 */CThreadPool::CThreadPool(int threadNum){this->m_iThreadNum = threadNum;cout << "I will create " << threadNum << " threads" << endl;Create();}/** * 线程回调函数 */void* CThreadPool::ThreadFunc(void* threadData){pthread_t tid = pthread_self();while (1){pthread_mutex_lock(&m_pthreadMutex);while (m_vecTaskList.size() == 0 && !shutdown){pthread_cond_wait(&m_pthreadCond, &m_pthreadMutex);}if (shutdown){pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_pthreadMutex);printf("thread %lu will exit/n", pthread_self());pthread_exit(NULL);}printf("tid %lu run/n", tid);vector<CTask*>::iterator iter = m_vecTaskList.begin();/*** 取出一个任务并处理之*/CTask* task = *iter;if (iter != m_vecTaskList.end()){task = *iter;m_vecTaskList.erase(iter);}pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_pthreadMutex);  task->Run(); /** 执行任务 */printf("tid:%lu idle/n", tid);}return (void*)0;}/** * 往任务队列里边添加任务并发出线程同步信号 */int CThreadPool::AddTask(CTask *task){pthread_mutex_lock(&m_pthreadMutex);this->m_vecTaskList.push_back(task);pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_pthreadMutex);pthread_cond_signal(&m_pthreadCond);return 0;}/** * 创建线程 */int CThreadPool::Create(){pthread_id = (pthread_t*)malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * m_iThreadNum);for(int i = 0; i < m_iThreadNum; i++){pthread_create(&pthread_id[i], NULL, ThreadFunc, NULL);}return 0;}/** * 停止所有线程 */int CThreadPool::StopAll(){/** 避免重复调用 */if (shutdown){return -1;}printf("Now I will end all threads!!/n");/** 唤醒所有等待线程,线程池要销毁了 */shutdown = true;    pthread_cond_broadcast(&m_pthreadCond);        /** 阻塞等待线程退出,否则就成僵尸了 */    for (int i = 0; i < m_iThreadNum; i++)    {    pthread_join(pthread_id[i], NULL);    }free(pthread_id);pthread_id = NULL; /** 销毁条件变量和互斥体 */ pthread_mutex_destroy(&m_pthreadMutex);    pthread_cond_destroy(&m_pthreadCond);    return 0;}/** * 获取当前队列中任务数 */int CThreadPool::getTaskSize(){return m_vecTaskList.size();}


#include "Thread.h"#include <iostream>class CMyTask: public CTask{public:CMyTask(){}inline int Run(){printf("%s/n", (char*)this->m_ptrData);sleep(10);return 0;}};int main(){CMyTask taskObj;char szTmp[] = "this is the first thread running";taskObj.SetData((void*)szTmp);CThreadPool threadPool(10);for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++){threadPool.AddTask(&taskObj);}while(1){printf("there are still %d tasks need to handle/n", threadPool.getTaskSize());if (threadPool.getTaskSize() == 0){if (threadPool.StopAll() == -1){printf("Now I will exit from main/n");exit(0);}}sleep(2);}return 0;}


CC := g++TARGET := threadpoolINCLUDE := -I./LIBS := -lpthread # C++语言编译参数CXXFLAGS := -g -Wall -D_REENTRANT # C预处理参数# CPPFLAGS := OBJECTS := test.o Thread.o $(TARGET): $(OBJECTS) $(CC) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS) $(LIBS) # $@表示所有目标集%.o:%.cpp $(CC) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) $< -o $@ .PHONY : cleanclean: -rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(TARGET)


I will create 10 threadsthere are still 10 tasks need to handletid 3086535568 runthis is the first thread runningtid 3084434320 runthis is the first thread runningtid 3082333072 runthis is the first thread runningtid 3080231824 runthis is the first thread runningtid 3078130576 runthis is the first thread runningtid 3076029328 runthis is the first thread runningtid 3073928080 runthis is the first thread runningtid 3071826832 runthis is the first thread runningtid 3069725584 runthis is the first thread runningtid 3067624336 runthis is the first thread runningthere are still 0 tasks need to handleNow I will end all threads!!tid:3086535568 idletid:3078130576 idlethread 3078130576 will exittid:3076029328 idlethread 3076029328 will exittid:3073928080 idlethread 3073928080 will exittid:3071826832 idlethread 3071826832 will exittid:3069725584 idlethread 3069725584 will exittid:3067624336 idlethread 3067624336 will exittid:3084434320 idlethread 3084434320 will exitthread 3086535568 will exittid:3082333072 idlethread 3082333072 will exittid:3080231824 idlethread 3080231824 will exitthere are still 0 tasks need to handleNow I will exit from main

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