
来源:互联网 发布:电子数据调查分析师 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/17 12:18


    典型的Activity切换动画包括:activityOpenEnterAnimation,activityOpenExitAnimation,taskOpenEnterAnimation, taskCloseExitAnimation, wallpaperOpenEnterAnimation, wallpaperCloseEnterAnimation典型的窗口动画包括:windowEnterAnimation,windowExitAnimation。






    AMS调用WMS.setAppVisibility()设置Activity可见性。一般情况下在一次Activity切换过程中会有两个Activity的可见性发生变化,pre Activity变为不可见,next Activity变为可见。这个函数有两条逻辑:①前面已经调用WMS.prepareAppTransition()设置了Activity切换动画类型,那么将可见Activity加入mOpeningApps,不可见Activity加入mClosingApps,同时调用AppWindowToken.sendAppVisibilityToClients()通知应用窗口可见性变化。mOpeningApps、mClosingApps这两个变量就是为Activity切换动画而存在的,将在后面用到;②没有调用过WMS.prepareAppTransition(),那么直接调用WMS.setTokenVisibilityLocked(),这个函数将在第11步中分析。
    public void setAppVisibility(IBinder token, boolean visible) {        ......        synchronized(mWindowMap) {            wtoken = findAppWindowToken(token);            ......            // If we are preparing an app transition, then delay changing            // the visibility of this token until we execute that transition.            if (okToDisplay() && mAppTransition.isTransitionSet()) {                ......                wtoken.inPendingTransaction = true;                if (visible) {                    mOpeningApps.add(wtoken);          //将可见Activity加到mOpeningApps中;                    wtoken.startingMoved = false;                    wtoken.mEnteringAnimation = true;                    // If the token is currently hidden (should be the                    // common case), then we need to set up to wait for                    // its windows to be ready.                    if (wtoken.hidden) {                        wtoken.allDrawn = false;                        wtoken.deferClearAllDrawn = false;                        wtoken.waitingToShow = true;                        if (wtoken.clientHidden) {                            // In the case where we are making an app visible                            // but holding off for a transition, we still need                            // to tell the client to make its windows visible so                            // they get drawn.  Otherwise, we will wait on                            // performing the transition until all windows have                            // been drawn, they never will be, and we are sad.                            wtoken.clientHidden = false;                            wtoken.sendAppVisibilityToClients();        //这个调用就是通知应用窗口可见性变化;                        }                    }                } else {                    mClosingApps.add(wtoken);              //不可见Activity加到mClosingApps中;                    wtoken.mEnteringAnimation = false;                }                ......                return;            }            ......            setTokenVisibilityLocked(wtoken, null, visible, AppTransition.TRANSIT_UNSET,true, wtoken.voiceInteraction);        }    }

    这个函数就是通知上层应用窗口可见性发生变化。如果next Activity是冷启动,那么该函数并不能通知next Activity的窗口变为可见,因为此时该函数调用时,next Activity的窗口还没add到WMS中来。

    next Activity被Resume起来后,添加窗口、measure、layout、draw等一系列操作完成后便会调用WMS.finishDrawingWindow()来通知WMS,该窗口已经绘制好了,可以开始做动画了。WMS.finishDrawingWindow()会调用WindowStateAnimator.finishDrawingLocked()更新窗口状态mDrawState为COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING。同时还会调用requestTraversalLocked()来触发一次界面刷新函数performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLockedInner()调用。


    performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLockedInner()函数中,对于窗口堆栈中有Surface的窗口均会调用WindowStateAnimator.commitFinishDrawingLocked(),该函数将窗口状态为COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING或READY_TO_SHOW的窗口,全部更新到READY_TO_SHOW状态。将状态从第五中中的COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING更新到READY_TO_SHOW,WindowState.isDrawnLw()便会返回true,代表窗口已经是绘制完成状态。w.isDrawnLw()返回为true,那么才有updateAllDrawn = true,接着才会触发调用第九步中的WMS.updateAllDrawnLocked()函数,将AppWindowToken.allDrawn置为true。
    boolean commitFinishDrawingLocked() {        if (DEBUG_STARTING_WINDOW &&                mWin.mAttrs.type == WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_STARTING) {            Slog.i(TAG, "commitFinishDrawingLocked: " + mWin + " cur mDrawState="                    + drawStateToString());        }        if (mDrawState != COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING && mDrawState != READY_TO_SHOW) {            return false;        }        if (DEBUG_SURFACE_TRACE || DEBUG_ANIM) {            Slog.i(TAG, "commitFinishDrawingLocked: mDrawState=READY_TO_SHOW " + mSurfaceControl);        }        mDrawState = READY_TO_SHOW;           //将窗口状态为COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING或READY_TO_SHOW更新到READY_TO_SHOW;        final AppWindowToken atoken = mWin.mAppToken;        if (atoken == null || atoken.allDrawn || mWin.mAttrs.type == TYPE_APPLICATION_STARTING) {            return performShowLocked();         //对于Activity切换这种场景,此时该条件无法满足,故不会调用。        }        return false;    }

                            if (w != atoken.startingWindow) {                                if (!atoken.mAppAnimator.freezingScreen || !w.mAppFreezing) {                                    atoken.numInterestingWindows++;      //计算属于该AppWindowToken的窗口总数;                                    if (w.isDrawnLw()) {                                        atoken.numDrawnWindows++;        //计算已经绘制完成的窗口总数;                                        if (DEBUG_VISIBILITY || DEBUG_ORIENTATION) Slog.v(TAG,                                                "tokenMayBeDrawn: " + atoken                                                + " freezingScreen=" + atoken.mAppAnimator.freezingScreen                                                + " mAppFreezing=" + w.mAppFreezing);                                        updateAllDrawn = true;                                    }                                }

    private void updateAllDrawnLocked(DisplayContent displayContent) {        // See if any windows have been drawn, so they (and others        // associated with them) can now be shown.        ArrayList<TaskStack> stacks = displayContent.getStacks();        for (int stackNdx = stacks.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) {            final ArrayList<Task> tasks = stacks.get(stackNdx).getTasks();            for (int taskNdx = tasks.size() - 1; taskNdx >= 0; --taskNdx) {                final AppTokenList tokens = tasks.get(taskNdx).mAppTokens;                for (int tokenNdx = tokens.size() - 1; tokenNdx >= 0; --tokenNdx) {                    final AppWindowToken wtoken = tokens.get(tokenNdx);                    if (!wtoken.allDrawn) {                        int numInteresting = wtoken.numInterestingWindows;                        if (numInteresting > 0 && wtoken.numDrawnWindows >= numInteresting) {    //绘制完成窗口总数>=窗口总数,就代表属于该AppWindowToken的所有窗口均已绘制完成;                            if (DEBUG_VISIBILITY) Slog.v(TAG,                                    "allDrawn: " + wtoken                                    + " interesting=" + numInteresting                                    + " drawn=" + wtoken.numDrawnWindows);                            wtoken.allDrawn = true;                         //将allDrawn置为true;                            // Force an additional layout pass where WindowStateAnimator#                            // commitFinishDrawingLocked() will call performShowLocked().                            displayContent.layoutNeeded = true;                            mH.obtainMessage(H.NOTIFY_ACTIVITY_DRAWN, wtoken.token).sendToTarget();                        }                    }                }            }        }    }

    public int handleAppTransitionReadyLocked(WindowList windows) {        int changes = 0;        int i;        int appsCount = mOpeningApps.size();        boolean goodToGo = true;        if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG,                "Checking " + appsCount + " opening apps (frozen="                + mDisplayFrozen + " timeout="                + mAppTransition.isTimeout() + ")...");        if (!mAppTransition.isTimeout()) {            for (i = 0; i < appsCount && goodToGo; i++) {                AppWindowToken wtoken = mOpeningApps.valueAt(i);                if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG,                        "Check opening app=" + wtoken + ": allDrawn="                        + wtoken.allDrawn + " startingDisplayed="                        + wtoken.startingDisplayed + " startingMoved="                        + wtoken.startingMoved);                if (!wtoken.allDrawn && !wtoken.startingDisplayed                        && !wtoken.startingMoved) {         //wtoken.allDrawn=true,goodToGo才不会被置为false,下面的逻辑才能继续执行;                    goodToGo = false;                }            }            if (goodToGo && isWallpaperVisible(mWallpaperTarget)) {   //如果壁纸需要可见,但是壁纸此时是不可见状态,那么就需要等待壁纸绘制完成。。。才能继续执行下面的Activity切换动画选择逻辑;                boolean wallpaperGoodToGo = true;                for (int curTokenIndex = mWallpaperTokens.size() - 1;                        curTokenIndex >= 0 && wallpaperGoodToGo; curTokenIndex--) {                    WindowToken token = mWallpaperTokens.get(curTokenIndex);                    for (int curWallpaperIndex = - 1; curWallpaperIndex >= 0;                            curWallpaperIndex--) {                        WindowState wallpaper =;                        if (wallpaper.mWallpaperVisible && !wallpaper.isDrawnLw()) {                            // We've told this wallpaper to be visible, but it is not drawn yet                            wallpaperGoodToGo = false;                            if (mWallpaperDrawState != WALLPAPER_DRAW_TIMEOUT) {                                // wait for this wallpaper until it is drawn or timeout                                goodToGo = false;                            }                            if (mWallpaperDrawState == WALLPAPER_DRAW_NORMAL) {                                mWallpaperDrawState = WALLPAPER_DRAW_PENDING;                                mH.removeMessages(H.WALLPAPER_DRAW_PENDING_TIMEOUT);                                mH.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(H.WALLPAPER_DRAW_PENDING_TIMEOUT,                                        WALLPAPER_DRAW_PENDING_TIMEOUT_DURATION);                            }                            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS || DEBUG_WALLPAPER) Slog.v(TAG,                                    "Wallpaper should be visible but has not been drawn yet. " +                                    "mWallpaperDrawState=" + mWallpaperDrawState);                            break;                        }                    }                }                if (wallpaperGoodToGo) {                    mWallpaperDrawState = WALLPAPER_DRAW_NORMAL;                    mH.removeMessages(H.WALLPAPER_DRAW_PENDING_TIMEOUT);                }            }        }        if (goodToGo) {            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG, "**** GOOD TO GO");            int transit = mAppTransition.getAppTransition();        //取出第一步中设置的Activity切换动画类型;            if (mSkipAppTransitionAnimation) {                      //如果设置了StartingWindow窗口,那么就忽略第一步中设置的Activity切换动画类型;                transit = AppTransition.TRANSIT_UNSET;            }            mSkipAppTransitionAnimation = false;            mNoAnimationNotifyOnTransitionFinished.clear();            mH.removeMessages(H.APP_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT);           //移除超时;            rebuildAppWindowListLocked();                          //窗口堆栈顺序重排,偶现Activity窗口显示在launcher图标之下就可能就是窗口堆栈顺序没有重排导致,Android4.4就有该问题。            // if wallpaper is animating in or out set oldWallpaper to null else to wallpaper            WindowState oldWallpaper =                    mWallpaperTarget != null && mWallpaperTarget.mWinAnimator.isAnimating()                        && !mWallpaperTarget.mWinAnimator.isDummyAnimation()                    ? null : mWallpaperTarget;                   //oldWallpaper指向null或mWallpaperTarget            mInnerFields.mWallpaperMayChange = false;            // The top-most window will supply the layout params,            // and we will determine it below.            LayoutParams animLp = null;            int bestAnimLayer = -1;            boolean fullscreenAnim = false;            boolean voiceInteraction = false;            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG,                    "New wallpaper target=" + mWallpaperTarget                    + ", oldWallpaper=" + oldWallpaper                    + ", lower target=" + mLowerWallpaperTarget                    + ", upper target=" + mUpperWallpaperTarget);            boolean openingAppHasWallpaper = false;            boolean closingAppHasWallpaper = false;            final AppWindowToken lowerWallpaperAppToken;            final AppWindowToken upperWallpaperAppToken;            if (mLowerWallpaperTarget == null) {                lowerWallpaperAppToken = upperWallpaperAppToken = null;            } else {                lowerWallpaperAppToken = mLowerWallpaperTarget.mAppToken;                upperWallpaperAppToken = mUpperWallpaperTarget.mAppToken;            }            // Do a first pass through the tokens for two                   // things:            // (1) Determine if both the closing and opening            // app token sets are wallpaper targets, in which            // case special animations are needed            // (since the wallpaper needs to stay static            // behind them).            // (2) Find the layout params of the top-most            // application window in the tokens, which is            // what will control the animation theme.            final int closingAppsCount = mClosingApps.size();            appsCount = closingAppsCount + mOpeningApps.size();            for (i = 0; i < appsCount; i++) {         //这个for循环主要干两件事情,第一事判断closing and opening APP token是否是壁纸目标窗口;第二件事是找到最顶部(全屏窗口)的Activity窗口,取得窗口属性mAttrs的值,其实这个地方有四种情况:全屏Activity-->全屏Activity、全屏Activity-->非全屏Activity、非全屏Activity-->全屏Activity、非全屏Activity-->非全屏Activity,这四种情况使得animLp值会有所差异;                final AppWindowToken wtoken;                if (i < closingAppsCount) {                    wtoken = mClosingApps.valueAt(i);                    if (wtoken == lowerWallpaperAppToken || wtoken == upperWallpaperAppToken) {                        closingAppHasWallpaper = true;                    }                } else {                    wtoken = mOpeningApps.valueAt(i - closingAppsCount);                    if (wtoken == lowerWallpaperAppToken || wtoken == upperWallpaperAppToken) {                        openingAppHasWallpaper = true;                    }                }                voiceInteraction |= wtoken.voiceInteraction;                if (wtoken.appFullscreen) {                    WindowState ws = wtoken.findMainWindow();                    if (ws != null) {                        animLp = ws.mAttrs;                        bestAnimLayer = ws.mLayer;                        fullscreenAnim = true;                    }                } else if (!fullscreenAnim) {                    WindowState ws = wtoken.findMainWindow();                    if (ws != null) {                        if (ws.mLayer > bestAnimLayer) {                            animLp = ws.mAttrs;                            bestAnimLayer = ws.mLayer;                        }                    }                }            }            mAnimateWallpaperWithTarget = false;            if (closingAppHasWallpaper && openingAppHasWallpaper) {      //下面这段逻辑都是根据壁纸目标窗口的各种情况重新设置指定的transit值;                if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG, "Wallpaper animation!");                switch (transit) {                    case AppTransition.TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_OPEN:                    case AppTransition.TRANSIT_TASK_OPEN:                    case AppTransition.TRANSIT_TASK_TO_FRONT:                        transit = AppTransition.TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_INTRA_OPEN;                        break;                    case AppTransition.TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_CLOSE:                    case AppTransition.TRANSIT_TASK_CLOSE:                    case AppTransition.TRANSIT_TASK_TO_BACK:                        transit = AppTransition.TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_INTRA_CLOSE;                        break;                }                if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG,                        "New transit: " + AppTransition.appTransitionToString(transit));            } else if ((oldWallpaper != null) && !mOpeningApps.isEmpty()                    && !mOpeningApps.contains(oldWallpaper.mAppToken)) {                // We are transitioning from an activity with                // a wallpaper to one without.                transit = AppTransition.TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_CLOSE;                if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG,                        "New transit away from wallpaper: "                        + AppTransition.appTransitionToString(transit));            } else if (mWallpaperTarget != null && mWallpaperTarget.isVisibleLw()) {                // We are transitioning from an activity without                // a wallpaper to now showing the wallpaper                transit = AppTransition.TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_OPEN;                if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG,                        "New transit into wallpaper: "                        + AppTransition.appTransitionToString(transit));            } else {                mAnimateWallpaperWithTarget = true;            }            // If all closing windows are obscured, then there is            // no need to do an animation.  This is the case, for            // example, when this transition is being done behind            // the lock screen.            if (!mPolicy.allowAppAnimationsLw()) {                if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG,                        "Animations disallowed by keyguard or dream.");                animLp = null;            }            AppWindowToken topOpeningApp = null;            AppWindowToken topClosingApp = null;            int topOpeningLayer = 0;            int topClosingLayer = 0;            // Process all applications animating in place            if (transit == AppTransition.TRANSIT_TASK_IN_PLACE) {       //如果transit == AppTransition.TRANSIT_TASK_IN_PLACE,这段逻辑不知道是干啥的。。。                // Find the focused window                final WindowState win =                        findFocusedWindowLocked(getDefaultDisplayContentLocked());                if (win != null) {                    final AppWindowToken wtoken = win.mAppToken;                    final AppWindowAnimator appAnimator = wtoken.mAppAnimator;                    if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG, "Now animating app in place " + wtoken);                    appAnimator.clearThumbnail();                    appAnimator.animation = null;                    updateTokenInPlaceLocked(wtoken, transit);                    wtoken.updateReportedVisibilityLocked();                    appAnimator.mAllAppWinAnimators.clear();                    final int N = wtoken.allAppWindows.size();                    for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {                        appAnimator.mAllAppWinAnimators.add(wtoken.allAppWindows.get(j).mWinAnimator);                    }                    mAnimator.mAppWindowAnimating |= appAnimator.isAnimating();                    mAnimator.mAnimating |= appAnimator.showAllWindowsLocked();                }            }            appsCount = mOpeningApps.size();            for (i = 0; i < appsCount; i++) {           //这个for循环主要干两件事:①调用setTokenVisibilityLocked()设置Activity切换动画;②寻找topOpeningApp值;                AppWindowToken wtoken = mOpeningApps.valueAt(i);                final AppWindowAnimator appAnimator = wtoken.mAppAnimator;                if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG, "Now opening app" + wtoken);                if (!appAnimator.usingTransferredAnimation) {                    appAnimator.clearThumbnail();                    appAnimator.animation = null;                }                wtoken.inPendingTransaction = false;                if (!setTokenVisibilityLocked(              //setTokenVisibilityLocked()函数主要依据第2,3,4,6个参数来决定加载哪个动画;                        wtoken, animLp, true, transit, false, voiceInteraction)){                    // This token isn't going to be animating. Add it to the list of tokens to                    // be notified of app transition complete since the notification will not be                    // sent be the app window animator.                    mNoAnimationNotifyOnTransitionFinished.add(wtoken.token);                }                wtoken.updateReportedVisibilityLocked();                wtoken.waitingToShow = false;                appAnimator.mAllAppWinAnimators.clear();                final int windowsCount = wtoken.allAppWindows.size();                for (int j = 0; j < windowsCount; j++) {                    appAnimator.mAllAppWinAnimators.add(wtoken.allAppWindows.get(j).mWinAnimator);                }                mAnimator.mAnimating |= appAnimator.showAllWindowsLocked();        //将Activity窗口状态从READY_TO_SHOW更新到HAS_DRAWN.该函数会调用WindowStateAnimator.performShowLocked().可能有细心的人发现了WindowStateAnimator.performShowLocked()函数会调用WindowStateAnimator.applyEnterAnimationLocked()设置窗口动画,但实际上是无法加载出Animation的,读者可将日志开关打开,然后在日志中搜索关键字“applyAnimation: win=”,查看Activity窗口的“a=”是否为null。对于非Activity窗口,WindowStateAnimator.applyEnterAnimationLocked()是可以为其加载出一个Animation的,当然得系统或窗口指定资源样式才行。现在可以总结出:对于Activity窗口是不可能在WindowStateAnimator.applyEnterAnimationLocked()成功设置一个窗口动画的,非Activity窗口才可以,比如PopupWindow、startingWindow、StatusBar、输入法窗口等。                mAnimator.mAppWindowAnimating |= appAnimator.isAnimating();                if (animLp != null) {                    int layer = -1;                    for (int j = 0; j <; j++) {                        WindowState win =;                        if (win.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer > layer) {                            layer = win.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer;                        }                    }                    if (topOpeningApp == null || layer > topOpeningLayer) {                        topOpeningApp = wtoken;                        topOpeningLayer = layer;                    }                }            }            appsCount = mClosingApps.size();            for (i = 0; i < appsCount; i++) {    //这个for循环主要干两件事:①调用setTokenVisibilityLocked()设置Activity切换动画;②寻找topClosingApp值;                AppWindowToken wtoken = mClosingApps.valueAt(i);                final AppWindowAnimator appAnimator = wtoken.mAppAnimator;                if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG, "Now closing app " + wtoken);                appAnimator.clearThumbnail();                appAnimator.animation = null;                wtoken.inPendingTransaction = false;                setTokenVisibilityLocked(wtoken, animLp, false, transit, false, voiceInteraction);                wtoken.updateReportedVisibilityLocked();                // Force the allDrawn flag, because we want to start                // this guy's animations regardless of whether it's                // gotten drawn.                wtoken.allDrawn = true;                wtoken.deferClearAllDrawn = false;                // Ensure that apps that are mid-starting are also scheduled to have their                // starting windows removed after the animation is complete                if (wtoken.startingWindow != null && !wtoken.startingWindow.mExiting) {                    scheduleRemoveStartingWindowLocked(wtoken);                }                mAnimator.mAppWindowAnimating |= appAnimator.isAnimating();                if (animLp != null) {                    int layer = -1;                    for (int j = 0; j <; j++) {                        WindowState win =;                        if (win.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer > layer) {                            layer = win.mWinAnimator.mAnimLayer;                        }                    }                    if (topClosingApp == null || layer > topClosingLayer) {                        topClosingApp = wtoken;                        topClosingLayer = layer;                    }                }            }            AppWindowAnimator openingAppAnimator = (topOpeningApp == null) ? null :                    topOpeningApp.mAppAnimator;            AppWindowAnimator closingAppAnimator = (topClosingApp == null) ? null :                    topClosingApp.mAppAnimator;            Bitmap nextAppTransitionThumbnail = mAppTransition.getNextAppTransitionThumbnail();      //上层应用调用了WMS.overridePendingAppTransitionAspectScaledThumb()或WMS.overridePendingAppTransitionThumb()进行覆盖Activity切换动画,下面这段代码就是这个覆盖动画逻辑处理;            if (nextAppTransitionThumbnail != null                    && openingAppAnimator != null && openingAppAnimator.animation != null &&                    nextAppTransitionThumbnail.getConfig() != Config.ALPHA_8) {                // This thumbnail animation is very special, we need to have                // an extra surface with the thumbnail included with the animation.                Rect dirty = new Rect(0, 0, nextAppTransitionThumbnail.getWidth(),                        nextAppTransitionThumbnail.getHeight());                try {                    // TODO(multi-display): support other displays                    final DisplayContent displayContent = getDefaultDisplayContentLocked();                    final Display display = displayContent.getDisplay();                    final DisplayInfo displayInfo = displayContent.getDisplayInfo();                    // Create a new surface for the thumbnail                    SurfaceControl surfaceControl = new SurfaceControl(mFxSession,                            "thumbnail anim", dirty.width(), dirty.height(),                            PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT, SurfaceControl.HIDDEN);                    surfaceControl.setLayerStack(display.getLayerStack());                    if (SHOW_TRANSACTIONS) {                        Slog.i(TAG, "  THUMBNAIL " + surfaceControl + ": CREATE");                    }                    // Draw the thumbnail onto the surface                    Surface drawSurface = new Surface();                    drawSurface.copyFrom(surfaceControl);                    Canvas c = drawSurface.lockCanvas(dirty);                    c.drawBitmap(nextAppTransitionThumbnail, 0, 0, null);                    drawSurface.unlockCanvasAndPost(c);                    drawSurface.release();                    // Get the thumbnail animation                    Animation anim;                    if (mAppTransition.isNextThumbnailTransitionAspectScaled()) {                        // For the new aspect-scaled transition, we want it to always show                        // above the animating opening/closing window, and we want to                        // synchronize its thumbnail surface with the surface for the                        // open/close animation (only on the way down)                        anim = mAppTransition.createThumbnailAspectScaleAnimationLocked(                                displayInfo.appWidth, displayInfo.appHeight,                                displayInfo.logicalWidth, transit);                        openingAppAnimator.thumbnailForceAboveLayer = Math.max(topOpeningLayer,                                topClosingLayer);                        openingAppAnimator.deferThumbnailDestruction =                                !mAppTransition.isNextThumbnailTransitionScaleUp();                    } else {                        anim = mAppTransition.createThumbnailScaleAnimationLocked(                                displayInfo.appWidth, displayInfo.appHeight, transit);                    }                    anim.restrictDuration(MAX_ANIMATION_DURATION);                    anim.scaleCurrentDuration(getTransitionAnimationScaleLocked());                    openingAppAnimator.thumbnail = surfaceControl;                    openingAppAnimator.thumbnailLayer = topOpeningLayer;                    openingAppAnimator.thumbnailAnimation = anim;                    openingAppAnimator.thumbnailX = mAppTransition.getStartingX();                    openingAppAnimator.thumbnailY = mAppTransition.getStartingY();                } catch (OutOfResourcesException e) {                    Slog.e(TAG, "Can't allocate thumbnail/Canvas surface w=" + dirty.width()                            + " h=" + dirty.height(), e);                    openingAppAnimator.clearThumbnail();                }            }            mAppTransition.goodToGo(openingAppAnimator, closingAppAnimator);            mAppTransition.postAnimationCallback();            mAppTransition.clear();            mOpeningApps.clear();            mClosingApps.clear();            // This has changed the visibility of windows, so perform            // a new layout to get them all up-to-date.            changes |= WindowManagerPolicy.FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_LAYOUT                    | WindowManagerPolicy.FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_CONFIG;            getDefaultDisplayContentLocked().layoutNeeded = true;            // TODO(multidisplay): IMEs are only supported on the default display.            if (windows == getDefaultWindowListLocked()                    && !moveInputMethodWindowsIfNeededLocked(true)) {                assignLayersLocked(windows);            }            updateFocusedWindowLocked(UPDATE_FOCUS_PLACING_SURFACES, true /*updateInputWindows*/);            mFocusMayChange = false;            notifyActivityDrawnForKeyguard();        }        return changes;    }

    boolean setTokenVisibilityLocked(AppWindowToken wtoken, WindowManager.LayoutParams lp,            boolean visible, int transit, boolean performLayout, boolean isVoiceInteraction) {        boolean delayed = false;        if (wtoken.clientHidden == visible) {      //AppWindowToken.clientHidden保存着上层应用Activity窗口的可见性,通过AppWindowToken.sendAppVisibilityToClients()来通知上层应用窗口可见性。            wtoken.clientHidden = !visible;            wtoken.sendAppVisibilityToClients();        }        wtoken.willBeHidden = false;        // Allow for state changes and animation to be applied if token is transitioning        // visibility state or the token was marked as hidden and is exiting before we had a chance        // to play the transition animation.        if (wtoken.hidden == visible || (wtoken.hidden && wtoken.mIsExiting)) {       //只有APPWindowToken.hidden的可见性切换时才进行重置其值及设置Activity切换动画或设置窗口动画;            boolean changed = false;            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(                TAG, "Changing app " + wtoken + " hidden=" + wtoken.hidden                + " performLayout=" + performLayout);            boolean runningAppAnimation = false;     //该变量用来确定是否设置了Activity切换动画,后面根据这个值来确定是否需要设置窗口动画;            if (transit != AppTransition.TRANSIT_UNSET) {    //如果transit != AppTransition.TRANSIT_UNSET表示指定了Activity切换动画,那么调用WMS.applyAnimationLocked()来加载Activity切换动画,同时把runningAppAnimation置为true,这样下面遍历窗口的时候便不会设置窗口动画;                if (wtoken.mAppAnimator.animation == AppWindowAnimator.sDummyAnimation) {                    wtoken.mAppAnimator.animation = null;                }                if (applyAnimationLocked(wtoken, lp, transit, visible, isVoiceInteraction)) {    //加载Activity切换动画,第十二步中会分析这个函数;                    delayed = runningAppAnimation = true;                }                WindowState window = wtoken.findMainWindow();                //TODO (multidisplay): Magnification is supported only for the default display.                if (window != null && mAccessibilityController != null                        && window.getDisplayId() == Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {                    mAccessibilityController.onAppWindowTransitionLocked(window, transit);                }                changed = true;            }            final int windowsCount = wtoken.allAppWindows.size();            for (int i = 0; i < windowsCount; i++) {     //for循环遍历属于该APPWindowToken的所有窗口,一般情况下只有一个.                WindowState win = wtoken.allAppWindows.get(i);                if (win == wtoken.startingWindow) {      //过滤startingWindow;                    continue;                }                //Slog.i(TAG, "Window " + win + ": vis=" + win.isVisible());                //win.dump("  ");                if (visible) {            //如果该APPWindowToken要切换为可见,并且所属的窗口当前是不可见状态,并且没有设置Activity切换动画,才设置窗口进入动画;                    if (!win.isVisibleNow()) {                                 if (!runningAppAnimation) {                            win.mWinAnimator.applyAnimationLocked(                                    WindowManagerPolicy.TRANSIT_ENTER, true);      //WindowStateAnimator.applyAnimationLocked()函数分析见第二部分;                            //TODO (multidisplay): Magnification is supported only for the default                            if (mAccessibilityController != null                                    && win.getDisplayId() == Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {                                mAccessibilityController.onWindowTransitionLocked(win,                                        WindowManagerPolicy.TRANSIT_ENTER);                            }                        }                        changed = true;                        final DisplayContent displayContent = win.getDisplayContent();                        if (displayContent != null) {                            displayContent.layoutNeeded = true;                        }                    }                } else if (win.isVisibleNow()) {   //如果该APPWindowToken要切换为不可见,并且所属的窗口当前是可见状态,并且没有设置Activity切换动画,才设置窗口退出动画;                    if (!runningAppAnimation) {                        win.mWinAnimator.applyAnimationLocked(                                WindowManagerPolicy.TRANSIT_EXIT, false);                        //TODO (multidisplay): Magnification is supported only for the default                        if (mAccessibilityController != null                                && win.getDisplayId() == Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {                            mAccessibilityController.onWindowTransitionLocked(win,                                    WindowManagerPolicy.TRANSIT_EXIT);                        }                    }                    changed = true;                    final DisplayContent displayContent = win.getDisplayContent();                    if (displayContent != null) {                        displayContent.layoutNeeded = true;                    }                }            }            wtoken.hidden = wtoken.hiddenRequested = !visible;        //设置APPWindowToken.hidden值;            if (!visible) {                unsetAppFreezingScreenLocked(wtoken, true, true);            } else {                // If we are being set visible, and the starting window is                // not yet displayed, then make sure it doesn't get displayed.                WindowState swin = wtoken.startingWindow;                if (swin != null && !swin.isDrawnLw()) {      //如果该APPWindowToken设为可见时,此时如果startingWindow还没显示,那么就无需显示startingWindow了,即将mPolicyVisibility置为false;                    swin.mPolicyVisibility = false;                    swin.mPolicyVisibilityAfterAnim = false;                 }            }            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS) Slog.v(TAG, "setTokenVisibilityLocked: " + wtoken                      + ": hidden=" + wtoken.hidden + " hiddenRequested="                      + wtoken.hiddenRequested);            if (changed) {           //changed=true代表上面有窗口可见性更改,那么就要更新输入法窗口在堆栈中的位置了;                mInputMonitor.setUpdateInputWindowsNeededLw();                if (performLayout) {                    updateFocusedWindowLocked(UPDATE_FOCUS_WILL_PLACE_SURFACES,                            false /*updateInputWindows*/);                    performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLocked();                }                mInputMonitor.updateInputWindowsLw(false /*force*/);      //将窗口堆栈信息更新到Input中去;            }        }        if (wtoken.mAppAnimator.animation != null) {            delayed = true;        }        for (int i = wtoken.allAppWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0 && !delayed; i--) {            if (wtoken.allAppWindows.get(i).mWinAnimator.isWindowAnimating()) {                delayed = true;            }        }        return delayed;    }

    private boolean applyAnimationLocked(AppWindowToken atoken,            WindowManager.LayoutParams lp, int transit, boolean enter, boolean isVoiceInteraction) {        // Only apply an animation if the display isn't frozen.  If it is        // frozen, there is no reason to animate and it can cause strange        // artifacts when we unfreeze the display if some different animation        // is running.        if (okToDisplay()) {            DisplayInfo displayInfo = getDefaultDisplayInfoLocked();            final int width = displayInfo.appWidth;            final int height = displayInfo.appHeight;            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS || DEBUG_ANIM) Slog.v(TAG,                    "applyAnimation: atoken=" + atoken);            // Determine the visible rect to calculate the thumbnail clip            WindowState win = atoken.findMainWindow();            Rect containingFrame = new Rect(0, 0, width, height);            Rect contentInsets = new Rect();            Rect appFrame = new Rect(0, 0, width, height);            if (win != null && win.isFullscreen(width, height)) {  //只有窗口大于等于屏幕时,才会使用窗口的mContainingFrame、mContentInsets、mFrame值,这三个值会作为AppTransition.loadAnimation()的参数;                // For fullscreen windows use the window frames and insets to set the thumbnail                // clip. For none-fullscreen windows we use the app display region so the clip                // isn't affected by the window insets.                containingFrame.set(win.mContainingFrame);                contentInsets.set(win.mContentInsets);                appFrame.set(win.mFrame);            }            if (atoken.mLaunchTaskBehind) {                // Differentiate the two animations. This one which is briefly on the screen                // gets the !enter animation, and the other activity which remains on the                // screen gets the enter animation. Both appear in the mOpeningApps set.                enter = false;            }            Animation a = mAppTransition.loadAnimation(lp, transit, enter, width, height,                    mCurConfiguration.orientation, containingFrame, contentInsets, appFrame,                    isVoiceInteraction);       //调用AppTransition.loadAnimation(),每个参数均会影响具体加载哪个动画,将在第十三步分析该函数;            if (a != null) {                if (DEBUG_ANIM) {                    RuntimeException e = null;                    if (!HIDE_STACK_CRAWLS) {                        e = new RuntimeException();                        e.fillInStackTrace();                    }                    Slog.v(TAG, "Loaded animation " + a + " for " + atoken, e);                }                atoken.mAppAnimator.setAnimation(a, width, height,      //将前面加载的Animation设置到AppTransition中去;                        mAppTransition.canSkipFirstFrame());                }        } else {            atoken.mAppAnimator.clearAnimation();        }        return atoken.mAppAnimator.animation != null;          //如果成功设置Activity切换动画,那么该函数返回true;    }


    AppTransition.loadAnimation()函数就是根据mNextAppTransitionType、transit、enter、isVoiceInteraction来决定出一个animAttr值,然后调用loadAnimationRes()或loadAnimationAttr()或其他创建Animation接口来加载一个Animation出来。现在很多应用使用startActivity(Intent intent, Bundle options)时在options参数中携带了自定义动画来取代系统默认Activity切换动画,那究竟是如何做到替换系统默认Activity切换动画的呢?秘密在于startActivity时,AMS会主动根据options携带的动画类型type,调用WMS.overridePendingAppTransition()等接口来覆盖Activity默认切换动画,当然上层应用也可直接调用WMS.overridePendingAppTransition()来覆盖Activity默认切换动画,关于startActivity()携带自定义Activity切换动画这个流程在文章第四部分会简单分析。
    Animation loadAnimation(WindowManager.LayoutParams lp, int transit, boolean enter,            int appWidth, int appHeight, int orientation, Rect containingFrame, Rect contentInsets,            Rect appFrame, boolean isVoiceInteraction) {        Animation a;        if (isVoiceInteraction && (transit == TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_OPEN                || transit == TRANSIT_TASK_OPEN                || transit == TRANSIT_TASK_TO_FRONT)) {                  //语音交互相关;            a = loadAnimationRes(lp, enter                    ?                    :;            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS || DEBUG_ANIM) Slog.v(TAG,                    "applyAnimation voice:"                    + " anim=" + a + " transit=" + appTransitionToString(transit)                    + " isEntrance=" + enter + " Callers=" + Debug.getCallers(3));        } else if (isVoiceInteraction && (transit == TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_CLOSE                || transit == TRANSIT_TASK_CLOSE                || transit == TRANSIT_TASK_TO_BACK)) {                      //语音交互相关;            a = loadAnimationRes(lp, enter                    ?                    :;            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS || DEBUG_ANIM) Slog.v(TAG,                    "applyAnimation voice:"                    + " anim=" + a + " transit=" + appTransitionToString(transit)                    + " isEntrance=" + enter + " Callers=" + Debug.getCallers(3));        } else if (mNextAppTransitionType == NEXT_TRANSIT_TYPE_CUSTOM) {          //调用过overridePendingAppTransition()接口设置动画。使用startActivity()携带ActivityOptions.ANIM_CUSTOM自定义Activity切换动画就是走这个逻辑的;            a = loadAnimationRes(mNextAppTransitionPackage, enter ?                    mNextAppTransitionEnter : mNextAppTransitionExit);            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS || DEBUG_ANIM) Slog.v(TAG,                    "applyAnimation:"                    + " anim=" + a + " nextAppTransition=ANIM_CUSTOM"                    + " transit=" + appTransitionToString(transit) + " isEntrance=" + enter                    + " Callers=" + Debug.getCallers(3));        } else if (mNextAppTransitionType == NEXT_TRANSIT_TYPE_CUSTOM_IN_PLACE) {   //调用过overrideInPlaceAppTransition()接口设置动画;            a = loadAnimationRes(mNextAppTransitionPackage, mNextAppTransitionInPlace);            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS || DEBUG_ANIM) Slog.v(TAG,                    "applyAnimation:"                    + " anim=" + a + " nextAppTransition=ANIM_CUSTOM_IN_PLACE"                    + " transit=" + appTransitionToString(transit)                    + " Callers=" + Debug.getCallers(3));        } else if (mNextAppTransitionType == NEXT_TRANSIT_TYPE_CLIP_REVEAL) {            a = createClipRevealAnimationLocked(transit, enter, appFrame);            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS || DEBUG_ANIM) Slog.v(TAG,                    "applyAnimation:"                            + " anim=" + a + " nextAppTransition=ANIM_CLIP_REVEAL"                            + " Callers=" + Debug.getCallers(3));        } else if (mNextAppTransitionType == NEXT_TRANSIT_TYPE_SCALE_UP) {           //调用过overridePendingAppTransitionScaleUp()接口设置动画;            a = createScaleUpAnimationLocked(transit, enter, appWidth, appHeight);            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS || DEBUG_ANIM) Slog.v(TAG,                    "applyAnimation:"                    + " anim=" + a + " nextAppTransition=ANIM_SCALE_UP"                    + " transit=" + appTransitionToString(transit) + " isEntrance=" + enter                    + " Callers=" + Debug.getCallers(3));        } else if (mNextAppTransitionType == NEXT_TRANSIT_TYPE_THUMBNAIL_SCALE_UP ||                mNextAppTransitionType == NEXT_TRANSIT_TYPE_THUMBNAIL_SCALE_DOWN) {        //调用过overridePendingAppTransitionThumb()接口设置动画;            mNextAppTransitionScaleUp =                    (mNextAppTransitionType == NEXT_TRANSIT_TYPE_THUMBNAIL_SCALE_UP);            a = createThumbnailEnterExitAnimationLocked(getThumbnailTransitionState(enter),                    appWidth, appHeight, transit);            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS || DEBUG_ANIM) {                String animName = mNextAppTransitionScaleUp ?                        "ANIM_THUMBNAIL_SCALE_UP" : "ANIM_THUMBNAIL_SCALE_DOWN";                Slog.v(TAG, "applyAnimation:"                        + " anim=" + a + " nextAppTransition=" + animName                        + " transit=" + appTransitionToString(transit) + " isEntrance=" + enter                        + " Callers=" + Debug.getCallers(3));            }        } else if (mNextAppTransitionType == NEXT_TRANSIT_TYPE_THUMBNAIL_ASPECT_SCALE_UP ||                mNextAppTransitionType == NEXT_TRANSIT_TYPE_THUMBNAIL_ASPECT_SCALE_DOWN) {       //调用过overridePendingAppTransitionAspectScaledThumb()接口设置动画;            mNextAppTransitionScaleUp =                    (mNextAppTransitionType == NEXT_TRANSIT_TYPE_THUMBNAIL_ASPECT_SCALE_UP);            a = createAspectScaledThumbnailEnterExitAnimationLocked(                    getThumbnailTransitionState(enter), appWidth, appHeight, orientation,                    transit, containingFrame, contentInsets);            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS || DEBUG_ANIM) {                String animName = mNextAppTransitionScaleUp ?                        "ANIM_THUMBNAIL_ASPECT_SCALE_UP" : "ANIM_THUMBNAIL_ASPECT_SCALE_DOWN";                Slog.v(TAG, "applyAnimation:"                        + " anim=" + a + " nextAppTransition=" + animName                        + " transit=" + appTransitionToString(transit) + " isEntrance=" + enter                        + " Callers=" + Debug.getCallers(3));            }        } else {                  //这个就是普通Activity切换动画选择逻辑啦,根据transit、enter组合计算出一个animAttr值;            int animAttr = 0;            switch (transit) {                case TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_OPEN:                    animAttr = enter                            ? WindowAnimation_activityOpenEnterAnimation                            : WindowAnimation_activityOpenExitAnimation;                    break;                case TRANSIT_ACTIVITY_CLOSE:                    animAttr = enter                            ? WindowAnimation_activityCloseEnterAnimation                            : WindowAnimation_activityCloseExitAnimation;                    break;                case TRANSIT_TASK_OPEN:                    animAttr = enter                            ? WindowAnimation_taskOpenEnterAnimation                            : WindowAnimation_taskOpenExitAnimation;                    break;                case TRANSIT_TASK_CLOSE:                    animAttr = enter                            ? WindowAnimation_taskCloseEnterAnimation                            : WindowAnimation_taskCloseExitAnimation;                    break;                case TRANSIT_TASK_TO_FRONT:                    animAttr = enter                            ? WindowAnimation_taskToFrontEnterAnimation                            : WindowAnimation_taskToFrontExitAnimation;                    break;                case TRANSIT_TASK_TO_BACK:                    animAttr = enter                            ? WindowAnimation_taskToBackEnterAnimation                            : WindowAnimation_taskToBackExitAnimation;                    break;                case TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_OPEN:                    animAttr = enter                            ? WindowAnimation_wallpaperOpenEnterAnimation                            : WindowAnimation_wallpaperOpenExitAnimation;                    break;                case TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_CLOSE:                    animAttr = enter                            ? WindowAnimation_wallpaperCloseEnterAnimation                            : WindowAnimation_wallpaperCloseExitAnimation;                    break;                case TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_INTRA_OPEN:                    animAttr = enter                            ? WindowAnimation_wallpaperIntraOpenEnterAnimation                            : WindowAnimation_wallpaperIntraOpenExitAnimation;                    break;                case TRANSIT_WALLPAPER_INTRA_CLOSE:                    animAttr = enter                            ? WindowAnimation_wallpaperIntraCloseEnterAnimation                            : WindowAnimation_wallpaperIntraCloseExitAnimation;                    break;                case TRANSIT_TASK_OPEN_BEHIND:                    animAttr = enter                            ? WindowAnimation_launchTaskBehindSourceAnimation                            : WindowAnimation_launchTaskBehindTargetAnimation;            }            a = animAttr != 0 ? loadAnimationAttr(lp, animAttr) : null;       //调用loadAnimationAttr()加载动画;            if (DEBUG_APP_TRANSITIONS || DEBUG_ANIM) Slog.v(TAG,                    "applyAnimation:"                    + " anim=" + a                    + " animAttr=0x" + Integer.toHexString(animAttr)                    + " transit=" + appTransitionToString(transit) + " isEntrance=" + enter                    + " Callers=" + Debug.getCallers(3));        }        return a;    }
    Animation loadAnimationAttr(WindowManager.LayoutParams lp, int animAttr) {        int anim = 0;        Context context = mContext;        if (animAttr >= 0) {            AttributeCache.Entry ent = getCachedAnimations(lp);            if (ent != null) {                context = ent.context;                anim = ent.array.getResourceId(animAttr, 0);            }        }        if (anim != 0) {            return AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, anim);        }        return null;    }




    WindowStateAnimator.applyAnimationLocked()函数对于Activity窗口来说并不会为其设置一个窗口动画,而对于非Activity窗口来说其窗口动画设置就是在这个函数中完成的,关于这一点已经在上面第一部分中的第十步WMS.handleAppTransitionReadyLocked()函数分析中讲的非常详细了,在此不多说。而对于非Activity窗口,比如popupwindow,可通过setAnimationStyle(int id)方法设置一个指定的样式窗口动画,样式如下:
<style name="popwin_anim_style">     <item name="android:windowEnterAnimation">@anim/menushow</item>     <item name="android:windowExitAnimation">@anim/menuhide</item></style>

    boolean applyAnimationLocked(int transit, boolean isEntrance) {        if ((mLocalAnimating && mAnimationIsEntrance == isEntrance)                || mKeyguardGoingAwayAnimation) {          //mLocalAnimating=true表示该窗口正在做动画。如果该窗口将要设置的动画(进入或退出)当前已经正在做,那么直接返回。            // If we are trying to apply an animation, but already running            // an animation of the same type, then just leave that one alone.            // If we are in a keyguard exit animation, and the window should animate away, modify            // keyguard exit animation such that it also fades out.            if (mAnimation != null && mKeyguardGoingAwayAnimation                    && transit == WindowManagerPolicy.TRANSIT_PREVIEW_DONE) {                applyFadeoutDuringKeyguardExitAnimation();            }            return true;        }        // Only apply an animation if the display isn't frozen.  If it is        // frozen, there is no reason to animate and it can cause strange        // artifacts when we unfreeze the display if some different animation        // is running.        if (mService.okToDisplay()) {            int anim = mPolicy.selectAnimationLw(mWin, transit);  //调用PhoneWindowManager.selectAnimationLw(),如果该窗口是StatusBar、NavigationBar或startingWindow,那么该函数会返回一个指定的动画资源id;            int attr = -1;            Animation a = null;            if (anim != 0) {                      a = anim != -1 ? AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(mContext, anim) : null;            } else {                        switch (transit) {                //根据transit值选择对应的样式id;                    case WindowManagerPolicy.TRANSIT_ENTER:                        attr =;                        break;                    case WindowManagerPolicy.TRANSIT_EXIT:                        attr =;                        break;                    case WindowManagerPolicy.TRANSIT_SHOW:                        attr =;                        break;                    case WindowManagerPolicy.TRANSIT_HIDE:                        attr =;                        break;                }                if (attr >= 0) {                    a = mService.mAppTransition.loadAnimationAttr(mWin.mAttrs, attr);    //调用AppTransition.loadAnimationAttr()加载Animation;                }            }            if (WindowManagerService.DEBUG_ANIM) Slog.v(TAG,                    "applyAnimation: win=" + this                    + " anim=" + anim + " attr=0x" + Integer.toHexString(attr)                    + " a=" + a                    + " transit=" + transit                    + " isEntrance=" + isEntrance + " Callers " + Debug.getCallers(3));            if (a != null) {                     //对于Activity窗口,a=null,对于非Activity窗口,如果指定了窗口动画,那么a!=null;                if (WindowManagerService.DEBUG_ANIM) {                    RuntimeException e = null;                    if (!WindowManagerService.HIDE_STACK_CRAWLS) {                        e = new RuntimeException();                        e.fillInStackTrace();                    }                    Slog.v(TAG, "Loaded animation " + a + " for " + this, e);                }                setAnimation(a);              //将Animation设置到WindowStateAnimator.mAnimation中;                mAnimationIsEntrance = isEntrance;            }        } else {            clearAnimation();        }        return mAnimation != null;    }

at android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact(



    void scheduleAnimationLocked() {        if (!mAnimationScheduled) {            mAnimationScheduled = true;            mChoreographer.postFrameCallback(mAnimator.mAnimationFrameCallback);      //mAnimationFrameCallback是一个Choreographer.FrameCallback对象,在WindowAnimator类构造函数中赋值;        }    }

    WindowAnimator(final WindowManagerService service) {        mService = service;        mContext = service.mContext;        mPolicy = service.mPolicy;        mAnimationFrameCallback = new Choreographer.FrameCallback() {            public void doFrame(long frameTimeNs) {                synchronized (mService.mWindowMap) {                    mService.mAnimationScheduled = false;                    animateLocked(frameTimeNs);                                        //调用父类animateLocked()函数;                }            }        };    }

    private void animateLocked(long frameTimeNs) {        if (!mInitialized) {               //对于默认显示设备准备好后,该mInitialized就会一直为true;            return;        }        mCurrentTime = frameTimeNs / TimeUtils.NANOS_PER_MS;         //将时间从纳秒折算成毫秒;        mBulkUpdateParams = SET_ORIENTATION_CHANGE_COMPLETE;        boolean wasAnimating = mAnimating;        mAnimating = false;                                      //将mAnimating和mAppWindowAnimating重置为false。mAnimating是理解动画框架的关键,如果这一帧动画执行完成发现仍需接着执行下一帧动画,那么mAnimating就会被置为true。mAppWindowAnimating是AndroidM新增的一个变量,用来完善handleAnimatingStoppedAndTransitionLocked()被调用逻辑,AndroidM之前的版本在窗口做完动画也会触发调用handleAnimatingStoppedAndTransitionLocked(),AndroidM变成了只有在Activity切换动画完成时才会触发调用handleAnimatingStoppedAndTransitionLocked()。mAppWindowAnimating会在handleAppTransitionReadyLocked()中设置Activity切换动画时就置为true。        mAppWindowAnimating = false;        if (WindowManagerService.DEBUG_WINDOW_TRACE) {            Slog.i(TAG, "!!! animate: entry time=" + mCurrentTime);        }        if (WindowManagerService.SHOW_TRANSACTIONS) Slog.i(                TAG, ">>> OPEN TRANSACTION animateLocked");        SurfaceControl.openTransaction();          //打开一次跟SurfaceFlinger的事务传输,待后面调用SurfaceControl.closeTransaction()时,会将这中间所有对surface的设置一次性传递给SurfaceFlinger,这样达到减少频繁进程间通信带来的损耗。        SurfaceControl.setAnimationTransaction();        try {            final int numDisplays = mDisplayContentsAnimators.size();            for (int i = 0; i < numDisplays; i++) {        //所有动画的计算就在这个for循环中,实际上这个只会循环一次,除非有多个显示设备。                final int displayId = mDisplayContentsAnimators.keyAt(i);                updateAppWindowsLocked(displayId);          //计算Activity切换动画Transformation值;                DisplayContentsAnimator displayAnimator = mDisplayContentsAnimators.valueAt(i);                final ScreenRotationAnimation screenRotationAnimation =                        displayAnimator.mScreenRotationAnimation;                if (screenRotationAnimation != null && screenRotationAnimation.isAnimating()) {                    if (screenRotationAnimation.stepAnimationLocked(mCurrentTime)) {       //计算转屏动画Transformation值;                        mAnimating = true;                    } else {                        mBulkUpdateParams |= SET_UPDATE_ROTATION;                        screenRotationAnimation.kill();                        displayAnimator.mScreenRotationAnimation = null;                        //TODO (multidisplay): Accessibility supported only for the default display.                        if (mService.mAccessibilityController != null                                && displayId == Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {                            // We just finished rotation animation which means we did not                            // anounce the rotation and waited for it to end, announce now.                            mService.mAccessibilityController.onRotationChangedLocked(                                    mService.getDefaultDisplayContentLocked(), mService.mRotation);                        }                    }                }                // Update animations of all applications, including those                // associated with exiting/removed apps                updateWindowsLocked(displayId);                    //计算窗口动画Transformation值;                updateWallpaperLocked(displayId);                final WindowList windows = mService.getWindowListLocked(displayId);                final int N = windows.size();                for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {//遍历所有窗口,根据Transformation值,计算更新窗口的surface属性;                    windows.get(j).mWinAnimator.prepareSurfaceLocked(true);                 }            }            for (int i = 0; i < numDisplays; i++) {                final int displayId = mDisplayContentsAnimators.keyAt(i);                testTokenMayBeDrawnLocked(displayId);                final ScreenRotationAnimation screenRotationAnimation =                        mDisplayContentsAnimators.valueAt(i).mScreenRotationAnimation;                if (screenRotationAnimation != null) {                    screenRotationAnimation.updateSurfacesInTransaction();                }                mAnimating |= mService.getDisplayContentLocked(displayId).animateDimLayers();                //TODO (multidisplay): Magnification is supported only for the default display.                if (mService.mAccessibilityController != null                        && displayId == Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {                    mService.mAccessibilityController.drawMagnifiedRegionBorderIfNeededLocked();                }            }            if (mAnimating) {                     //如果动画仍未结束,那么触发执行下一帧动画;                mService.scheduleAnimationLocked();            }            mService.setFocusedStackLayer();            if (mService.mWatermark != null) {                mService.mWatermark.drawIfNeeded();         //如果打开了水印,重绘水印;            }        } catch (RuntimeException e) {  , "Unhandled exception in Window Manager", e);        } finally {            SurfaceControl.closeTransaction();            if (WindowManagerService.SHOW_TRANSACTIONS) Slog.i(                    TAG, "<<< CLOSE TRANSACTION animateLocked");        }        boolean hasPendingLayoutChanges = false;        final int numDisplays = mService.mDisplayContents.size();        for (int displayNdx = 0; displayNdx < numDisplays; ++displayNdx) {            final DisplayContent displayContent = mService.mDisplayContents.valueAt(displayNdx);            final int pendingChanges = getPendingLayoutChanges(displayContent.getDisplayId());            if ((pendingChanges & WindowManagerPolicy.FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_WALLPAPER) != 0) {                mBulkUpdateParams |= SET_WALLPAPER_ACTION_PENDING;            }            if (pendingChanges != 0) {                hasPendingLayoutChanges = true;            }        }        boolean doRequest = false;        if (mBulkUpdateParams != 0) {            doRequest = mService.copyAnimToLayoutParamsLocked();        }        if (hasPendingLayoutChanges || doRequest) {            mService.requestTraversalLocked();        }        if (!mAnimating && wasAnimating) {            mService.requestTraversalLocked();        }        if (WindowManagerService.DEBUG_WINDOW_TRACE) {            Slog.i(TAG, "!!! animate: exit mAnimating=" + mAnimating                + " mBulkUpdateParams=" + Integer.toHexString(mBulkUpdateParams)                + " mPendingLayoutChanges(DEFAULT_DISPLAY)="                + Integer.toHexString(getPendingLayoutChanges(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY)));        }    }

    private void updateAppWindowsLocked(int displayId) {        ArrayList<TaskStack> stacks = mService.getDisplayContentLocked(displayId).getStacks();        for (int stackNdx = stacks.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) {       //for循环遍历所有Stack,我们知道在AMS中一个ActivityStack对应WMS中一个TaskStack,目前只有两个Stack;            final TaskStack stack = stacks.get(stackNdx);            final ArrayList<Task> tasks = stack.getTasks();            for (int taskNdx = tasks.size() - 1; taskNdx >= 0; --taskNdx) {       //for循环遍历Stack中所有Task;                final AppTokenList tokens = tasks.get(taskNdx).mAppTokens;                for (int tokenNdx = tokens.size() - 1; tokenNdx >= 0; --tokenNdx) {                    final AppWindowAnimator appAnimator = tokens.get(tokenNdx).mAppAnimator;                    appAnimator.wasAnimating = appAnimator.animating;                    if (appAnimator.stepAnimationLocked(mCurrentTime, displayId)) {    //调用AppWindowAnimator.stepAnimationLocked(),如果还有下一帧动画,那么函数返回true,该函数根据时间和插值器计算并更新AppWindowAnimator.transformation值;                        appAnimator.animating = true;                        mAnimating = mAppWindowAnimating = true;                    } else if (appAnimator.wasAnimating) {                        // stopped animating, do one more pass through the layout                        setAppLayoutChanges(appAnimator,                                WindowManagerPolicy.FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_WALLPAPER,                                "appToken " + appAnimator.mAppToken + " done", displayId);                        if (WindowManagerService.DEBUG_ANIM) Slog.v(TAG,                                "updateWindowsApps...: done animating " + appAnimator.mAppToken);                    }                }            }            final AppTokenList exitingAppTokens = stack.mExitingAppTokens;       //mExitingAppTokens中保存着延迟remove的AppWindowToken,为啥要延迟remove,因为需要一个退出动画或已经设置了一个退出动画;            final int exitingCount = exitingAppTokens.size();            for (int i = 0; i < exitingCount; i++) {                final AppWindowAnimator appAnimator = exitingAppTokens.get(i).mAppAnimator;                appAnimator.wasAnimating = appAnimator.animating;                if (appAnimator.stepAnimationLocked(mCurrentTime, displayId)) {      //调用AppWindowAnimator.stepAnimationLocked();                    mAnimating = mAppWindowAnimating = true;                } else if (appAnimator.wasAnimating) {                    // stopped animating, do one more pass through the layout                    setAppLayoutChanges(appAnimator, WindowManagerPolicy.FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_WALLPAPER,                        "exiting appToken " + appAnimator.mAppToken + " done", displayId);                    if (WindowManagerService.DEBUG_ANIM) Slog.v(TAG,                            "updateWindowsApps...: done animating exiting " + appAnimator.mAppToken);                }            }        }    }


    private void updateWindowsLocked(final int displayId) {        ++mAnimTransactionSequence;        final WindowList windows = mService.getWindowListLocked(displayId);        if (mKeyguardGoingAway) {          //mKeyguardGoingAway=true表示keyguard正在退出,那么对于窗口privateFlags & PRIVATE_FLAG_KEYGUARD!= 0窗口设置一个退出动画;            for (int i = windows.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {                WindowState win = windows.get(i);                if (!mPolicy.isKeyguardHostWindow(win.mAttrs)) {                    continue;                }                final WindowStateAnimator winAnimator = win.mWinAnimator;                if ((win.mAttrs.privateFlags & PRIVATE_FLAG_KEYGUARD) != 0) {                    if (!winAnimator.mAnimating) {                        if (DEBUG_KEYGUARD) Slog.d(TAG,                                "updateWindowsLocked: creating delay animation");                        // Create a new animation to delay until keyguard is gone on its own.                        winAnimator.mAnimation = new AlphaAnimation(1.0f, 1.0f);                        winAnimator.mAnimation.setDuration(KEYGUARD_ANIM_TIMEOUT_MS);                        winAnimator.mAnimationIsEntrance = false;                        winAnimator.mAnimationStartTime = -1;                        winAnimator.mKeyguardGoingAwayAnimation = true;                    }                } else {                    if (DEBUG_KEYGUARD) Slog.d(TAG,                            "updateWindowsLocked: StatusBar is no longer keyguard");                    mKeyguardGoingAway = false;                    winAnimator.clearAnimation();                }                break;            }        }        mForceHiding = KEYGUARD_NOT_SHOWN;        boolean wallpaperInUnForceHiding = false;        boolean startingInUnForceHiding = false;        ArrayList<WindowStateAnimator> unForceHiding = null;        WindowState wallpaper = null;        for (int i = windows.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {      //for循环遍历堆栈中所有窗口;            WindowState win = windows.get(i);            WindowStateAnimator winAnimator = win.mWinAnimator;            final int flags = win.mAttrs.flags;            boolean canBeForceHidden = mPolicy.canBeForceHidden(win, win.mAttrs);     //canBeForceHidden()对于TYPE_STATUS_BAR、TYPE_WALLPAPER等窗口返回false,对于其他类型窗口如位于TYPE_STATUS_BAR之下的,那么返回true;            boolean shouldBeForceHidden = shouldForceHide(win);                       //shouldForceHide()返回true表示keyguard是显示状态,并且win必须被隐藏;            if (winAnimator.mSurfaceControl != null) {                final boolean wasAnimating = winAnimator.mWasAnimating;                final boolean nowAnimating = winAnimator.stepAnimationLocked(mCurrentTime);     //根据时间计算窗口动画Transition值,返回值为true表示还有下一帧动画,按理说该函数到这里就行了,为毛还有下面这一堆逻辑,下面来看下这些是干嘛的;                winAnimator.mWasAnimating = nowAnimating;                mAnimating |= nowAnimating;                boolean appWindowAnimating = winAnimator.mAppAnimator != null                        && winAnimator.mAppAnimator.animating;                boolean wasAppWindowAnimating = winAnimator.mAppAnimator != null                        && winAnimator.mAppAnimator.wasAnimating;                boolean anyAnimating = appWindowAnimating || nowAnimating;          //当前是否正在做Activity切换动画或窗口动画;                boolean anyWasAnimating = wasAppWindowAnimating || wasAnimating;    //前一次动画逻辑计算时,该Activity或窗口是否在做动画;                try {                                if (anyAnimating && !anyWasAnimating) {                          //根据anyAnimating和anyWasAnimating组合判断当前是动画开始还是动画结束,进而通知上层应用窗口,这个是AndroidM新增的接口,非常棒的接口,AndroidM终于把动画这一块逻辑理清楚了。                        win.mClient.onAnimationStarted(winAnimator.mAnimatingMove ? -1                                : winAnimator.mKeyguardGoingAwayAnimation ? 1                                : 0);                    } else if (!anyAnimating && anyWasAnimating) {                        win.mClient.onAnimationStopped();                    }                } catch (RemoteException e) {                    Slog.w(TAG, "Failed to dispatch window animation state change.", e);                }                if (WindowManagerService.DEBUG_WALLPAPER) {                    Slog.v(TAG, win + ": wasAnimating=" + wasAnimating +                            ", nowAnimating=" + nowAnimating);                }                if (wasAnimating && !winAnimator.mAnimating && mService.mWallpaperTarget == win) {   //对于窗口动画结束时,如果该窗口是壁纸目标窗口,那么给pendingLayoutChanges加上FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_WALLPAPER;                    mBulkUpdateParams |= SET_WALLPAPER_MAY_CHANGE;                    setPendingLayoutChanges(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY,                            WindowManagerPolicy.FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_WALLPAPER);                                 if (WindowManagerService.DEBUG_LAYOUT_REPEATS) {                        mService.debugLayoutRepeats("updateWindowsAndWallpaperLocked 2",                                getPendingLayoutChanges(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY));                    }                }                //下面这些逻辑主要计算在keyguard状态下各种窗口可见性逻辑,及设置keyguard退出动画之类的,在此不细分析,省略;                ........

    public void prepareSurfaceLocked(final boolean recoveringMemory) {        final WindowState w = mWin;        if (mSurfaceControl == null) {               //对于没有Surface的窗口直接return,也就是说下面那些计算窗口surface显示相关的逻辑只针对有Surface的窗口;            if (w.mOrientationChanging) {                if (DEBUG_ORIENTATION) {                    Slog.v(TAG, "Orientation change skips hidden " + w);                }                w.mOrientationChanging = false;            }            return;        }        boolean displayed = false;        computeShownFrameLocked();    //调用computeShownFrameLocked()计算Surface的mShownAlpha、mShownFrame,及缩放矩阵[mDsDx,mDtDx,mDsDy,mDtDy];        setSurfaceBoundariesLocked(recoveringMemory);    //这个函数更新Surface的起始位置、大小、偏移缩放矩阵、clipRect区域。        if (mIsWallpaper && !mWin.mWallpaperVisible) {            // Wallpaper is no longer visible and there is no wp target => hide it.            hide();        } else if (w.mAttachedHidden || !w.isOnScreen()) {            hide();            mService.hideWallpapersLocked(w);            // If we are waiting for this window to handle an            // orientation change, well, it is hidden, so            // doesn't really matter.  Note that this does            // introduce a potential glitch if the window            // becomes unhidden before it has drawn for the            // new orientation.            if (w.mOrientationChanging) {                w.mOrientationChanging = false;                if (DEBUG_ORIENTATION) Slog.v(TAG,                        "Orientation change skips hidden " + w);            }        } else if (mLastLayer != mAnimLayer                || mLastAlpha != mShownAlpha                || mLastDsDx != mDsDx                || mLastDtDx != mDtDx                || mLastDsDy != mDsDy                || mLastDtDy != mDtDy                || w.mLastHScale != w.mHScale                || w.mLastVScale != w.mVScale                || mLastHidden) {            displayed = true;            mLastAlpha = mShownAlpha;            mLastLayer = mAnimLayer;            mLastDsDx = mDsDx;            mLastDtDx = mDtDx;            mLastDsDy = mDsDy;            mLastDtDy = mDtDy;            w.mLastHScale = w.mHScale;            w.mLastVScale = w.mVScale;            if (WindowManagerService.SHOW_TRANSACTIONS) WindowManagerService.logSurface(w,                    "alpha=" + mShownAlpha + " layer=" + mAnimLayer                    + " matrix=[" + mDsDx + "*" + w.mHScale                    + "," + mDtDx + "*" + w.mVScale                    + "][" + mDsDy + "*" + w.mHScale                    + "," + mDtDy + "*" + w.mVScale + "]", null);            if (mSurfaceControl != null) {        //更新surface的Alpha、Layer高度、2阶偏移缩放矩阵;                try {                    mSurfaceAlpha = mShownAlpha;                    mSurfaceControl.setAlpha(mShownAlpha);                    mSurfaceLayer = mAnimLayer;                    mSurfaceControl.setLayer(mAnimLayer);                    mSurfaceControl.setMatrix(                            mDsDx * w.mHScale, mDtDx * w.mVScale,                            mDsDy * w.mHScale, mDtDy * w.mVScale);                    if (mLastHidden && mDrawState == HAS_DRAWN) {        //前一次状态是隐藏,并且绘制状态是HAS_DRAWN绘制完成状态,那么调用showSurfaceRobustlyLocked()将窗口正真显示出来;                        if (WindowManagerService.SHOW_TRANSACTIONS) WindowManagerService.logSurface(w,                                "SHOW (performLayout)", null);                        if (WindowManagerService.DEBUG_VISIBILITY) Slog.v(TAG, "Showing " + w                                + " during relayout");                        if (showSurfaceRobustlyLocked()) {                            mLastHidden = false;                            if (mIsWallpaper) {                                mService.dispatchWallpaperVisibility(w, true);                            }                            // This draw means the difference between unique content and mirroring.                            // Run another pass through performLayout to set mHasContent in the                            // LogicalDisplay.                            mAnimator.setPendingLayoutChanges(w.getDisplayId(),                                    WindowManagerPolicy.FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_ANIM);                        } else {                            w.mOrientationChanging = false;                        }                    }                    if (mSurfaceControl != null) {                        w.mToken.hasVisible = true;                    }                } catch (RuntimeException e) {                    Slog.w(TAG, "Error updating surface in " + w, e);                    if (!recoveringMemory) {                        mService.reclaimSomeSurfaceMemoryLocked(this, "update", true);                    }                }            }        } else {            if (DEBUG_ANIM && isAnimating()) {                Slog.v(TAG, "prepareSurface: No changes in animation for " + this);            }            displayed = true;        }        if (displayed) {            if (w.mOrientationChanging) {                if (!w.isDrawnLw()) {                    mAnimator.mBulkUpdateParams &= ~SET_ORIENTATION_CHANGE_COMPLETE;                    mAnimator.mLastWindowFreezeSource = w;                    if (DEBUG_ORIENTATION) Slog.v(TAG,                            "Orientation continue waiting for draw in " + w);                } else {                    w.mOrientationChanging = false;                    if (DEBUG_ORIENTATION) Slog.v(TAG, "Orientation change complete in " + w);                }            }            w.mToken.hasVisible = true;        }    }

    void computeShownFrameLocked() {        final boolean selfTransformation = mHasLocalTransformation;    //mHasLocalTransformation=true表示在准备或正在做窗口动画;        Transformation attachedTransformation =                (mAttachedWinAnimator != null && mAttachedWinAnimator.mHasLocalTransformation)                ? mAttachedWinAnimator.mTransformation : null;          //如果该窗口有父窗口,那么取得父窗口的Transformation值;        Transformation appTransformation = (mAppAnimator != null && mAppAnimator.hasTransformation)                ? mAppAnimator.transformation : null;                    //hasTransformation=true表示在准备货正在做Activity切换动画;        // Wallpapers are animated based on the "real" window they        // are currently targeting.        final WindowState wallpaperTarget = mService.mWallpaperTarget;        if (mIsWallpaper && wallpaperTarget != null && mService.mAnimateWallpaperWithTarget) {   //这个逻辑基本上不会走,因为wallpaperTarget != null和mService.mAnimateWallpaperWithTarget基本不可能同时满足;            final WindowStateAnimator wallpaperAnimator = wallpaperTarget.mWinAnimator;            if (wallpaperAnimator.mHasLocalTransformation &&                    wallpaperAnimator.mAnimation != null &&                    !wallpaperAnimator.mAnimation.getDetachWallpaper()) {                attachedTransformation = wallpaperAnimator.mTransformation;                if (WindowManagerService.DEBUG_WALLPAPER && attachedTransformation != null) {                    Slog.v(TAG, "WP target attached xform: " + attachedTransformation);                }            }            final AppWindowAnimator wpAppAnimator = wallpaperTarget.mAppToken == null ?                    null : wallpaperTarget.mAppToken.mAppAnimator;                if (wpAppAnimator != null && wpAppAnimator.hasTransformation                    && wpAppAnimator.animation != null                    && !wpAppAnimator.animation.getDetachWallpaper()) {                appTransformation = wpAppAnimator.transformation;                if (WindowManagerService.DEBUG_WALLPAPER && appTransformation != null) {                    Slog.v(TAG, "WP target app xform: " + appTransformation);                }            }        }        final int displayId = mWin.getDisplayId();        final ScreenRotationAnimation screenRotationAnimation =                mAnimator.getScreenRotationAnimationLocked(displayId);        final boolean screenAnimation =                screenRotationAnimation != null && screenRotationAnimation.isAnimating();        if (selfTransformation || attachedTransformation != null                || appTransformation != null || screenAnimation) {      //如果正在做窗口动画、父窗口有窗口动画、Activity切换动画、转屏动画中一种,那么需更新Surface属性。这个地方有个坑,为毛执行转屏动画时,无关窗口的Surface也被强制改了。            // cache often used attributes locally            final Rect frame = mWin.mFrame;            final float tmpFloats[] = mService.mTmpFloats;            final Matrix tmpMatrix = mWin.mTmpMatrix;            //下面这大段逻辑是根据转屏动画、窗口动画、父窗口动画、Activity切换动画计算一个tmpMatrix临时矩阵值;            // Compute the desired transformation.            if (screenAnimation && screenRotationAnimation.isRotating()) {                // If we are doing a screen animation, the global rotation                // applied to windows can result in windows that are carefully                // aligned with each other to slightly separate, allowing you                // to see what is behind them.  An unsightly mess.  This...                // thing...  magically makes it call good: scale each window                // slightly (two pixels larger in each dimension, from the                // window's center).                final float w = frame.width();                final float h = frame.height();                if (w>=1 && h>=1) {                    tmpMatrix.setScale(1 + 2/w, 1 + 2/h, w/2, h/2);                } else {                    tmpMatrix.reset();                }            } else {                tmpMatrix.reset();            }            tmpMatrix.postScale(mWin.mGlobalScale, mWin.mGlobalScale);            if (selfTransformation) {                tmpMatrix.postConcat(mTransformation.getMatrix());            }            tmpMatrix.postTranslate(frame.left + mWin.mXOffset, + mWin.mYOffset);            if (attachedTransformation != null) {                tmpMatrix.postConcat(attachedTransformation.getMatrix());            }            if (appTransformation != null) {                tmpMatrix.postConcat(appTransformation.getMatrix());            }            if (screenAnimation) {                tmpMatrix.postConcat(screenRotationAnimation.getEnterTransformation().getMatrix());            }            //TODO (multidisplay): Magnification is supported only for the default display.            if (mService.mAccessibilityController != null && displayId == Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {                MagnificationSpec spec = mService.mAccessibilityController                        .getMagnificationSpecForWindowLocked(mWin);                if (spec != null && !spec.isNop()) {                    tmpMatrix.postScale(spec.scale, spec.scale);                    tmpMatrix.postTranslate(spec.offsetX, spec.offsetY);                }            }            // "convert" it into SurfaceFlinger's format            // (a 2x2 matrix + an offset)            // Here we must not transform the position of the surface            // since it is already included in the transformation.            //Slog.i(TAG, "Transform: " + matrix);            mHaveMatrix = true;            tmpMatrix.getValues(tmpFloats);            mDsDx = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_X];   //将tmpMatrix矩阵值分别保存在mDsDx、mDtDx、mDsDy、mDtDy中;            mDtDx = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_Y];            mDsDy = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_X];            mDtDy = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_Y];            float x = tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_X];    //(x,y)表示窗口在X、Y轴起始位置;            float y = tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];            int w = frame.width();            int h = frame.height();            mWin.mShownFrame.set(x, y, x+w, y+h);            // Now set the alpha...  but because our current hardware            // can't do alpha transformation on a non-opaque surface,            // turn it off if we are running an animation that is also            // transforming since it is more important to have that            // animation be smooth.            mShownAlpha = mAlpha;            mHasClipRect = false;            if (!mService.mLimitedAlphaCompositing                    || (!PixelFormat.formatHasAlpha(mWin.mAttrs.format)                    || (mWin.isIdentityMatrix(mDsDx, mDtDx, mDsDy, mDtDy)                            && x == frame.left && y == {       //将转屏动画、窗口动画、父窗口动画、Activity切换动画的Alpha值apply到mShownAlpha上;                //Slog.i(TAG, "Applying alpha transform");                if (selfTransformation) {                    mShownAlpha *= mTransformation.getAlpha();                }                if (attachedTransformation != null) {                    mShownAlpha *= attachedTransformation.getAlpha();                }                if (appTransformation != null) {                    mShownAlpha *= appTransformation.getAlpha();                    if (appTransformation.hasClipRect()) {                        mClipRect.set(appTransformation.getClipRect());                        if (mWin.mHScale > 0) {                            mClipRect.left /= mWin.mHScale;                            mClipRect.right /= mWin.mHScale;                        }                        if (mWin.mVScale > 0) {                   /= mWin.mVScale;                            mClipRect.bottom /= mWin.mVScale;                        }                        mHasClipRect = true;                    }                }                if (screenAnimation) {                    mShownAlpha *= screenRotationAnimation.getEnterTransformation().getAlpha();                }            } else {                //Slog.i(TAG, "Not applying alpha transform");            }            if ((DEBUG_SURFACE_TRACE || WindowManagerService.localLOGV)                    && (mShownAlpha == 1.0 || mShownAlpha == 0.0)) Slog.v(                    TAG, "computeShownFrameLocked: Animating " + this + " mAlpha=" + mAlpha                    + " self=" + (selfTransformation ? mTransformation.getAlpha() : "null")                    + " attached=" + (attachedTransformation == null ?                            "null" : attachedTransformation.getAlpha())                    + " app=" + (appTransformation == null ? "null" : appTransformation.getAlpha())                    + " screen=" + (screenAnimation ?                            screenRotationAnimation.getEnterTransformation().getAlpha() : "null"));            return;              //注意这个return,有动画时在此返回;        } else if (mIsWallpaper && mService.mInnerFields.mWallpaperActionPending) {            return;        }        //下面这些逻辑都是无动画时会走的逻辑;        if (WindowManagerService.localLOGV) Slog.v(                TAG, "computeShownFrameLocked: " + this +                " not attached, mAlpha=" + mAlpha);        MagnificationSpec spec = null;        //TODO (multidisplay): Magnification is supported only for the default display.        if (mService.mAccessibilityController != null && displayId == Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {            spec = mService.mAccessibilityController.getMagnificationSpecForWindowLocked(mWin);        }        if (spec != null) {            //如果开启了系统访问控制,那么就会使用预设好的属性,一般情况这个是关闭的;            final Rect frame = mWin.mFrame;            final float tmpFloats[] = mService.mTmpFloats;            final Matrix tmpMatrix = mWin.mTmpMatrix;            tmpMatrix.setScale(mWin.mGlobalScale, mWin.mGlobalScale);            tmpMatrix.postTranslate(frame.left + mWin.mXOffset, + mWin.mYOffset);            if (spec != null && !spec.isNop()) {                tmpMatrix.postScale(spec.scale, spec.scale);                tmpMatrix.postTranslate(spec.offsetX, spec.offsetY);            }            tmpMatrix.getValues(tmpFloats);            mHaveMatrix = true;            mDsDx = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_X];            mDtDx = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_Y];            mDsDy = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_X];            mDtDy = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_Y];            float x = tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_X];            float y = tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];            int w = frame.width();            int h = frame.height();            mWin.mShownFrame.set(x, y, x + w, y + h);            mShownAlpha = mAlpha;        } else {                       //没有动画,并且没有开启系统访问控制,那么就使用如下逻辑设定这些属性值;            mWin.mShownFrame.set(mWin.mFrame);            if (mWin.mXOffset != 0 || mWin.mYOffset != 0) {                mWin.mShownFrame.offset(mWin.mXOffset, mWin.mYOffset);            }            mShownAlpha = mAlpha;            mHaveMatrix = false;            mDsDx = mWin.mGlobalScale;            mDtDx = 0;            mDsDy = 0;            mDtDy = mWin.mGlobalScale;        }    }

    void setSurfaceBoundariesLocked(final boolean recoveringMemory) {        final WindowState w = mWin;        int width;        int height;        if ((w.mAttrs.flags & LayoutParams.FLAG_SCALED) != 0) {   //目前只有SurfaceView设了这个flag;            // for a scaled surface, we always want the requested            // size.            width  = w.mRequestedWidth;            height = w.mRequestedHeight;        } else {            width = w.mCompatFrame.width();            height = w.mCompatFrame.height();        }        // Something is wrong and SurfaceFlinger will not like this,        // try to revert to sane values        if (width < 1) {            width = 1;        }        if (height < 1) {            height = 1;        }        float left = w.mShownFrame.left;           float top =;        // Adjust for surface insets.        final LayoutParams attrs = w.getAttrs();        final int displayId = w.getDisplayId();        float scale = 1.0f;        // Magnification is supported only for the default display.        if (mService.mAccessibilityController != null && displayId == Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {            MagnificationSpec spec =                    mService.mAccessibilityController.getMagnificationSpecForWindowLocked(w);            if (spec != null && !spec.isNop()) {                scale = spec.scale;            }        }        //mShownFrame的X、Y轴起始值和mCompatFrame的宽高还需加上一个LayoutParams.surfaceInsets矫正值;        width += scale * (attrs.surfaceInsets.left + attrs.surfaceInsets.right);          height += scale * ( + attrs.surfaceInsets.bottom);        left -= scale * attrs.surfaceInsets.left;        top -= scale *;        final boolean surfaceMoved = mSurfaceX != left || mSurfaceY != top;        if (surfaceMoved) {        //起始位置有偏移;            mSurfaceX = left;            mSurfaceY = top;            try {                if (WindowManagerService.SHOW_TRANSACTIONS) WindowManagerService.logSurface(w,                        "POS " + left + ", " + top, null);                mSurfaceControl.setPosition(left, top);      //更新surface的起始位置;            } catch (RuntimeException e) {                Slog.w(TAG, "Error positioning surface of " + w                        + " pos=(" + left + "," + top + ")", e);                if (!recoveringMemory) {                    mService.reclaimSomeSurfaceMemoryLocked(this, "position", true);                }            }        }        final boolean surfaceResized = mSurfaceW != width || mSurfaceH != height;        if (surfaceResized) {       //surface大小有更改;            mSurfaceW = width;            mSurfaceH = height;            mSurfaceResized = true;            try {                if (WindowManagerService.SHOW_TRANSACTIONS) WindowManagerService.logSurface(w,                        "SIZE " + width + "x" + height, null);                mSurfaceControl.setSize(width, height);      //设置surface大小;                mSurfaceControl.setMatrix(                        mDsDx * w.mHScale, mDtDx * w.mVScale,                        mDsDy * w.mHScale, mDtDy * w.mVScale);      //设置surface的2阶偏移缩放矩阵。这个矩阵是如何用的?就是用这个二阶矩阵乘以(x,y)这个一阶矩阵,得出的坐标位置就是最终显示的坐标位置;                mAnimator.setPendingLayoutChanges(w.getDisplayId(),                        WindowManagerPolicy.FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_WALLPAPER);                if ((w.mAttrs.flags & LayoutParams.FLAG_DIM_BEHIND) != 0) {                    final TaskStack stack = w.getStack();                    if (stack != null) {                        stack.startDimmingIfNeeded(this);                    }                }            } catch (RuntimeException e) {                // If something goes wrong with the surface (such                // as running out of memory), don't take down the                // entire system.                Slog.e(TAG, "Error resizing surface of " + w                        + " size=(" + width + "x" + height + ")", e);                if (!recoveringMemory) {                    mService.reclaimSomeSurfaceMemoryLocked(this, "size", true);                }            }        }        updateSurfaceWindowCrop(recoveringMemory);       //调用updateSurfaceWindowCrop()设置surface的窗口切割区域,什么是窗口切割区域clipRect,比如图库中放大显示一张图片,这张图片大小大过屏幕尺寸,用户看到的区域就是切割区域大小,为啥要切割,因为用户看不到的区域没必要合成显示,SurfaceFlinger会根据这个clipRect区域进行合成;该函数调用SurfaceControl.setWindowCrop()来设置窗口clipRect区域。    }




    ①首先打开WMS中所有日志开关,对于MTK平台,使用“adb shell dumpsys window -d enable a”便可打开WMS的日志开关。

    ②抓取日志,在日志中搜索“Setting animation in”关键字,定位到目标窗口日志行,再向上翻日志查到最近的“applyAnimation:”、“Loading animations: picked package=”和“Loading animations:”关键字;

    ③“Loading animations:”关键字
    如果关键字是“Loading animations: layout params pkg=”,那么resId取自某个窗口的WindowManager.LayoutParams.windowAnimations值(可通过“adb shell dumpsys window w”打印窗口的属性查看究竟是哪个窗口的LayoutParams.windowAnimations值)。如果((resId&0xFF000000) == 0x01000000)为true,那么资源取自系统自带,否则取自应用程序。

    如果关键字是"Loading animations: package=" ,那么该资源resId是应用程序调用overrideInPlaceAppTransition()或overridePendingAppTransition()接口传进来的,该resId自然取自应用程序。

    ③“Loading animations: picked package=”关键字
    关键字后面接的就是这个动画资源来自哪里。如果"package = android"那这个可能是不准的,需要自己用((resId&0xFF000000) == 0x01000000)公式来算比较靠谱;如果package = 应用包名,那么资源就取自应用程序。

    关键字可以判断出这个动画是什么类型的:如果后面接的是“win=”,那么就是窗口动画;如果后面接的是" anim=",那么就是Activity切换动画,对于Activity切换动画,这条日志可以推出更多的信息,比如transit值等;

10-16 08:40:27.149   825   917 V AppTransition: Loading animations: package=com.meizu.flyme.launcher resId=0xa04004010-16 08:40:27.149   825   917 V AppTransition: Loading animations: picked package=com.meizu.flyme.launcher      //关键字“Loading animations: picked package=”10-16 08:40:27.149   825   917 I AppTransition:  id = a040040 overlayId = 010-16 08:40:27.151   825   917 V AppTransition: applyAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@11689517 nextAppTransition=ANIM_CUSTOM transit=12 isEntrance=true 10-16 08:40:27.151   825   917 V WindowManager: Loaded animation android.view.animation.AnimationSet@11689517 for AppWindowToken{1281e4b token=Token{234d731a ActivityRecord{1c78edc5 u0 t106}}}10-16 08:40:27.151   825   917 V WindowManager: java.lang.RuntimeException10-16 08:40:27.151   825   917 V WindowManager: at 08:40:27.151   825   917 V WindowManager: at 08:40:27.151   825   917 V WindowManager: at 08:40:27.151   825   917 V WindowManager: at 08:40:27.151   825   917 V WindowManager: at 08:40:27.151   825   917 V WindowManager: at 08:40:27.151   825   917 V WindowManager: at$700( 08:40:27.151   825   917 V WindowManager: at$H.handleMessage( 08:40:27.151   825   917 V WindowManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 08:40:27.151   825   917 V WindowManager: at android.os.Looper.loop( 08:40:27.151   825   917 V WindowManager: at 08:40:27.151   825   917 V WindowManager: at        //“Setting animation in”关键字10-16 08:40:27.151   825   917 V AppWindowAnimator: Setting animation in AppWindowToken{1281e4b token=Token{234d731a ActivityRecord{1c78edc5 u0 t106}}}: android.view.animation.AnimationSet@11689517 wxh=1080x1920 isVisible=true10-16 08:40:27.151   825   917 V AppWindowAnimator: Updating layer Window{1e5b3c6c u0 Starting}: 22015

10-16 16:48:12.874   825  1863 V AppTransition: Loading animations: layout params resId=0x7f0e008710-16 16:48:12.874   825  1863 V AppTransition: Loading animations: picked 16:48:12.874   825  1863 I AppTransition:  id = 7f050018 overlayId = 010-16 16:48:12.875   825  1863 V WindowStateAnimator: applyAnimation: win=WindowStateAnimator{8c23690 PopupWindow:2d5ab621} anim=0 attr=0x1 a=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@8928a66 transit=2 isEntrance=false Callers 10-16 16:48:12.875   825  1863 V WindowStateAnimator: Loaded animation android.view.animation.AnimationSet@8928a66 for WindowStateAnimator{8c23690 PopupWindow:2d5ab621}10-16 16:48:12.875   825  1863 V WindowStateAnimator: java.lang.RuntimeException10-16 16:48:12.875   825  1863 V WindowStateAnimator: at 16:48:12.875   825  1863 V WindowStateAnimator: at 16:48:12.875   825  1863 V WindowStateAnimator: at 16:48:12.875   825  1863 V WindowStateAnimator: at 16:48:12.875   825  1863 V WindowStateAnimator: at android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact( 16:48:12.875   825  1863 V WindowStateAnimator: at 16:48:12.875   825  1863 V WindowStateAnimator: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 16:48:12.875   825  1863 V WindowStateAnimator: Setting animation in WindowStateAnimator{8c23690 PopupWindow:2d5ab621}: android.view.animation.AnimationSet@8928a66

10-16 16:58:18.414   825   917 V AppTransition: Loading animations: layout params pkg=android resId=0xa1000d410-16 16:58:18.414   825   917 V AppTransition: Loading animations: picked package=android10-16 16:58:18.414   825   917 I AppTransition:  id = a04002d overlayId = 010-16 16:58:18.415   825   917 V AppTransition: applyAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@185fc32b animAttr=0x4 transit=6 isEntrance=true 10-16 16:58:18.416   825   917 V WindowManager: Loaded animation android.view.animation.AnimationSet@185fc32b for AppWindowToken{3583ca17 token=Token{987e96 ActivityRecord{233b49b1 u0 android/ t109}}}10-16 16:58:18.416   825   917 V WindowManager: java.lang.RuntimeException10-16 16:58:18.416   825   917 V WindowManager: at 16:58:18.416   825   917 V WindowManager: at 16:58:18.416   825   917 V WindowManager: at 16:58:18.416   825   917 V WindowManager: at 16:58:18.416   825   917 V WindowManager: at 16:58:18.416   825   917 V WindowManager: at 16:58:18.416   825   917 V WindowManager: at$700( 16:58:18.416   825   917 V WindowManager: at$H.handleMessage( 16:58:18.416   825   917 V WindowManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 16:58:18.416   825   917 V WindowManager: at android.os.Looper.loop( 16:58:18.416   825   917 V WindowManager: at 16:58:18.416   825   917 V WindowManager: at 16:58:18.416   825   917 V AppWindowAnimator: Setting animation in AppWindowToken{3583ca17 token=Token{987e96 ActivityRecord{233b49b1 u0 android/ t109}}}: android.view.animation.AnimationSet@185fc32b wxh=1080x1920 isVisible=true

0 0