C++plus 4.13

来源:互联网 发布:查看当前进程 linux 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 02:46






What is your first name? Betty Sue

What is your last name? Yewe

What letter grade do you deserve? B

What is your age? 22

Name: Yewe , Betty Sue

Grade : C

Age: 22


#include <iostream>void Person();using namespace std;int main() {    Person();    return 0;}void Person(){    const int size = 20;    char FiName[size];    char LaName[size];    char Gre;    int Age;    cout<<"What is your first name? ";    cin.get(FiName,size).get();    cout <<"What is your last name? ";    cin.get(LaName,size).get();    cout <<"What letter grade do you deserve? ";    cin >> Gre;    cout <<"What is your age? ";    cin >> Age;    cout << "Name: "<<LaName<<" , "<< FiName<<endl;    Gre++;    cout << "Grade : "<< Gre<<endl;    cout << "Age:"<<Age <<endl;}


#include <iostream>void Person();using namespace std;int main() {    Person();    return 0;}void Person(){    string Name;    string Dessert;    cout <<"Enter your name: \n";    getline(cin,Name);    cout<<"Enter your favorite dessert: \n";    getline(cin,Dessert);    cout <<"I have delicious "<< Dessert <<" for you ,"<< Name <<".\n"<<endl;}


Enter your first name: Flip

Enter your last name: Fleming

Here's the information in a single string : Fleming,Flip




#include <iostream>void Person();using namespace std;int main() {    Person();    return 0;}void Person(){    const int Size = 20;    char factor[Size] =" , ";    char FiName[Size];    char LaName[Size];    cout <<"Enter your first name: ";    cin.get(FiName,Size).get();    cout <<"Enter your last name: ";    cin.get(LaName,Size).get();    strcat(LaName,factor);    strcat(LaName,FiName);    cout <<"Here's the information in a single string : "<< LaName <<endl;}


Enter your first name: Flip

Enter your last name: Fleming

Here's the information in a single string : Fleming,Flip

#include <iostream>void Person();using namespace std;int main() {    Person();    return 0;}void Person(){    string FiName;    string LaName;    cout <<"Enter your first name: ";    getline(cin,FiName);    cout <<"Enter your last name: ";    getline(cin,LaName);    LaName+=", "+FiName;    cout <<"Here's the information in a single string : "<< LaName <<endl;}

这里需要注意的是。LaName+=","+" "+FiName;不能酱紫写哦。具体为啥QwQ我也不知道。等我知道了来填坑。

5、结构CandyBar包含3个成员。第一个成员存储了糖块的品牌。第二个成员存储糖块的重量(可以有小数),第三个成员存储了糖块的卡路里含量(整数)。请编写一个程序,声明这个结构。创建一个名为snack的CandyBar变量,并将其成员初始化为"Mocha Munch"、2.3和350。初始化应在声明snack时进行。最后,程序显示snack变量的内容。

#include <iostream>struct CandyBar{    char Brand[20];    float Weight;    int Cal;};using namespace std;int main() {    CandyBar snack={            "Mocha Munch",            2.3,            350    };    cout <<"The Candy's name is "<<snack.Brand<<", it weight is "<<snack.Weight<<", it cal is "<<snack.Cal<<endl;    return 0;}


#include <iostream>struct CandyBar{    char Brand[20];    float Weight;    int Cal;};using namespace std;int main() {    CandyBar snack[3]={            {"Mocha Munch", 2.3, 350},            {"Suuuu Moope", 4.9, 450},            {"Hallo World", 8.0, 670}    };    cout <<"The First Candy's name is "<<snack[0].Brand<<", it weight is "<<snack[0].Weight<<", it cal is "<<snack[0].Cal<<endl;    cout <<"The Second Candy's name is "<<snack[1].Brand<<", it weight is "<<snack[1].Weight<<", it cal is "<<snack[1].Cal<<endl;    cout <<"The Third Candy's name is "<<snack[2].Brand<<", it weight is "<<snack[2].Weight<<", it cal is "<<snack[2].Cal<<endl;    return 0;}

7、William Wingate从事披萨饼分析服务,对于每个披萨饼,他都需要记录下列信息:





#include <iostream>#include <string>struct Pizza{    char Brand[50];    float Weight;    float Diameter;}pizzas;using namespace std;int main() {    cout<<"Enter Pizza's Brand: ";    cin.get(pizzas.Brand,50);    cout <<"Enter Pizza's Diameter: ";    cin >> pizzas.Diameter;    cout <<"Enter Pizza's Weight: ";    cin >> pizzas.Weight;    cout <<"This Pizza's Brand is "<< pizzas.Brand<<" Diameter is "<<pizzas.Diameter<<" Weight is "<<pizzas.Weight;    return 0;}


#include <iostream>#include <string>struct Pizza {    char Brand[50];    float Weight;    float Diameter;};using namespace std;int main() {    Pizza *pizzas =  new Pizza;    cout<<"Enter Pizza's Brand: ";    cin.get(pizzas->Brand,50);    cout <<"Enter Pizza's Diameter: ";    cin >> pizzas->Diameter;    cout <<"Enter Pizza's Weight: ";    cin >> pizzas->Weight;    cout <<"This Pizza's Brand is "<< pizzas->Brand<<" Diameter is "<<pizzas->Diameter<<" Weight is "<<pizzas->Weight;    return 0;}


#include <iostream>struct CandyBar{    char Brand[20];    float Weight;    int Cal;};using namespace std;int main() {    CandyBar *snack = new CandyBar[3]{            {"Mocha Munch", 2.3, 350},            {"Suuuu Moope", 4.9, 450},            {"Hallo World", 8.0, 670}    };    cout <<"The First Candy's name is "<<snack[0].Brand<<", it weight is "<<snack[0].Weight<<", it cal is "<<snack[0].Cal<<endl;    cout <<"The Second Candy's name is "<<snack[1].Brand<<", it weight is "<<snack[1].Weight<<", it cal is "<<snack[1].Cal<<endl;    cout <<"The Third Candy's name is "<<snack[2].Brand<<", it weight is "<<snack[2].Weight<<", it cal is "<<snack[2].Cal<<endl;    return 0;}



#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main() {    int size;    float total;    cout <<"Enter your Test times: ";    cin >>size;    float *Student = new float[size];    cout <<"Enter your 40m every time test grade:";    //先分次录入成绩    for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) {        cin >> Student[j];    }    //遍历成绩,并将所有成绩相加在一起    for (int i = 0; i <size ; ++i) {        total+=Student[i];    }    cout <<"Your average grade is "<<total/size<<endl;    delete []Student;    return 0;}


#include <iostream>#include <array>using namespace std;int main() {    float total;    std::array<float ,3> Student{};    cout <<"Enter your 40m every time test grade:";    //先分次录入成绩    for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {        cin >> Student[j];    }    //遍历成绩,并将所有成绩相加在一起    for (int i = 0; i <3 ; ++i) {        total+=Student[i];    }    cout <<"Your average grade is "<<total/3<<endl;    return 0;}

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