hive 建表例子

来源:互联网 发布:山西省软件开发企业 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 22:17

1.creating normal nohive tables

hive>create table pokes (foo int,bar string) row format delimited fields termiated by ' ' stored as textfile;

creates a table called pokes with two columns,the first being an integer and the other a string

load data:load data  local inpath "/root/Downloads/hive_big" overwrite into table pokes ;

验证:hive>select * from pokes;--能查出数据 证明导入数据成功

hive>create table invites (foo int,bar string ) partitioned by(ds string) row format delimited fields terminated by ' ' stored as textfile;

creates a table called invites with two columns and apartition column called ds ,the partition column is a virtual column ,it is not part of the data itself but is derived from the partition that a particular dataset is loaded into.

load data:load data local inpath '/root/Downloads/hive_big' overwrite into table invites;


load data local inpath '/root/Downloads/hive_big' overwrite into  table my_invites partition (ds='20151104') ;

验证:select *  from invites; 有数据证明导入数据成功

2.create external hive table

hive>create external table my_hive(foo int ,bar string) row format delimited fields terminated by ' ' stored as textfile;

hive>load data inpath '/input/data/hive_big' overwrite into table my_hive;

验证:select * from my_hive 有数据证明导入成功

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