sicily 1177. Take Your Vitamins

来源:互联网 发布:java开源加密工具 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 07:38

1177. Take Your Vitamins


Time Limit: 1 secs, Memory Limit: 32 MB


Write a program to help prepare these nutritional labels by computing that percentage from the information on the amount present in one serving and the amount constituting the minimum daily requirement.


Input consists of one or more lines, each of the form:


where A is the amount of a vitamin/mineral present in one serving of the food product,U is the units in which A is measured,R is the minimum daily requirement for that vitamin/mineral, measured in the same units asA , and V is the name of that vitamin/mineral.A and R will be floating point numbers.U will be a string of alphabetic characters withno embedded spaces. V will be a string of characters,possibly including spaces. A , U , R , andV will be separated from one another by exactly one space, andV is terminated by the end of the input line. End of the input is signaled by a line in whichA is negative.


For each line of input data, your program should determine the percentage of the recommended daily requirement being provided for that vitamin/mineral. If it is at least1% , your program should print a line of the form

V A U P %

where V , A , andU are the quantities from the input, and P is the percentage of the minimum daily requirement represented by the amountA .

V should be printed left-justified on the line.A should be printed with 1 digit precision, andP with zero digits precision.V , A , U , and P should be separated by one space each.

After the last such line, your program should print a line stating

Provides no significant amount of:
followed by a list of the names of all vitamins/minerals which are provided as less than1% of the minimum daily requirement. These should be printed one name per line, in the order they occurred within the input.

Sample Input

3500.0 iu 5000.0 Vitamin A 60.0 mg 60.0 Vitamin C 0.15 g 25.0 Fiber 109. mg 990. Phosphorus 0.0 mg 1000.0 Calcium 25.0 mg 20.0 Niacin -1.0 x 0.0 x

Sample Output

Vitamin A 3500.0 iu 70% Vitamin C 60.0 mg 100% Phosphorus 109.0 mg 11% Niacin 25.0 mg 125% Provides no significant amount of: Fiber Calcium





#include <iostream>#include <sstream>#include <iomanip>struct Vita {  std::string name;  double take;  std::string units;  double percent;};double todouble(std::string str) {  std::stringstream s(str);  double value;  s >> value;  return value;}int main(){  std::string _take, _units, _need, _name;  double took, _percent;  std::string line;  Vita vitamins[1000];  int count = 0;  std::string notok = "";  while (getline(std::cin, line)) {    _take = _units = _need = _name = "";    int index;    for (index=0; line[index]!=' '; ++index)      _take = _take + line[index];    _take = _take + '0';    took = todouble(_take);    if (took < 0)      break;    for (index++; line[index]!=' '; ++index)      _units = _units + line[index];    for (index++; line[index]!=' '; ++index)      _need = _need + line[index];    _need = _need + '0';    for (index++; index!=line.length(); ++index)      _name = _name + line[index];    _percent = took / todouble(_need);    if (_percent < 0.01) {      notok = notok + _name + '\n';    } else {      vitamins[count].name = _name;      vitamins[count].take = took;      vitamins[count].units = _units;      vitamins[count].percent = _percent;      count++;    }  }  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {    std::cout << vitamins[i].name << " "                    << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << vitamins[i].take << " "                    << vitamins[i].units << " "                   << std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << vitamins[i].percent*100                   << "%" << std::endl;  }  std::cout << "Provides no significant amount of:" << std::endl << notok;}

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