Item-Based Recommendations with Hadoop

来源:互联网 发布:php中str_replace函数 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 21:44

Mahout在MapReduce上实现了Item-Based Collaborative Filtering,这里我尝试运行一下。
1. 安装Hadoop
2. 从下载Mahout并解压
3. 准备数据
下载1 Million MovieLens Dataset,解压得到ratings.dat,用

sed 's/::\([0-9]\{1,\}\)::\([0-9]\{1\}\)::[0-9]\{1,\}$/,\1,\2/' ratings.dat

4. 运行
mahout recommenditembased -s SIMILARITY_LOGLIKELIHOOD -i /path/to/input/file -o /path/to/desired/output -n 25

MAHOUT-JOB: /home/laxe/apple/mahout/mahout-examples-0.11.0-job.jarJob-Specific Options:--input (-i) input Path to job input directory.--output (-o) output The directory pathname for output.--numRecommendations (-n) numRecommendations Number of recommendations per user.--usersFile usersFile File of users to recommend for.--itemsFile itemsFile File of items to recommend for.--filterFile (-f) filterFile File containing comma-separated userID,itemID pairs. Used to exclude the item from the recommendations for that user(optional).--userItemFile (-uif) userItemFile File containing comma-separated userID,itemID pairs(optional). Used to include only these items into recommendations. Cannot be used together with usersFile or itemsFile.--booleanData (-b) booleanData Treat input as without prefvalues.--maxPrefsPerUser (-mxp) maxPrefsPerUser Maximum number of preferences considered per user in final recommendation phase.--minPrefsPerUser (-mp) minPrefsPerUser Ignore users with less preferences than this in the similarity computation (default: 1).--maxSimilaritiesPerItem (-m) maxSimilaritiesPerItem Maximum number of similarities considered per item.--maxPrefsInItemSimilarity (-mpiis) maxPrefsInItemSimilarity Max number of preferences to consider per user or item in the item similarity computation phase, users or items with more preferences will be sampled down(default: 500).--similarityClassname (-s) similarityClassname Name of distributed similarity measures class to instantiate,alternatively use one of the predefined similarities([SIMILARITY_COOCCURRENCE, SIMILARITY_LOGLIKELIHOOD, SIMILARITY_TANIMOTO_COEFFICIENT, SIMILARITY_CITY_BLOCK, SIMILARITY_COSINE, SIMILARITY_PEARSON_CORRELATION, SIMILARITY_EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE])--threshold (-tr) threshold Discard item pairs with a similarity value below this.--outputPathForSimilarityMatrix (-opfsm) outputPathForSimilarityMatrix Write the items imilarity matrix to this path(optional).--randomSeed randomSeed Use this seed for sampling.--sequencefileOutput Write the output into a Sequence File instead of a text file.--help (-h) Print out help.--tempDir tempDir Intermediate output directory.--startPhase startPhase First phase to run.--endPhase endPhase Last phase to run specify HDFS directories while running on hadoop; else specify local file system directories.

Introduction to Item-Based Recommendations with Hadoop

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