【bzoj4064】[Cerc2012]The Dragon and the knights

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝集市c店免费活动 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 04:00

  啊……还有……又忘记不能加time(0)了 T_T
  其实是交了两次才A的= =

#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;#define rep(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<=b;i++)#define per(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i>=b;i--)#define shl(x) (1ull << (x))#define pii pair<ull , ull>#define mp make_pair#define maxn 107#define maxm 50003inline int rd() {    char c = getchar() ;    while (!isdigit(c) && c != '-') c = getchar();    int x = 0 , f = 1;    if (c == '-') f = -1 ; else x = c - '0';    while (isdigit(c = getchar())) x = x * 10 + c - '0';    return x * f;}template<class T>inline void upmax(T&a , T b) { if (a < b) a = b ; }typedef unsigned long long ull;typedef int arr_int[maxm];typedef double arr_db[maxm];const double eps = 1e-4;arr_db A , B , C , X , Y;pii h[maxm];int tot , n , m;int mx;inline int rnd() {    return (rand() << 16) | rand();}int fcmp(double a , double b) {    if (fabs(a - b) <= eps) return -1;    if (a < b - eps) return 0;    return 1;}bool banana(int i , int j) {    return fcmp(A[i] * B[j] , A[j] * B[i]) != -1;}double f(int i , double x , double y) {    return A[i] * x + B[i] * y + C[i];}bool on_line(double x , double y) {    rep (i , 1 , n)        if (fcmp(f(i , x , y) , 0) == -1)            return 1;    return 0;}bool seg_banana(int i , int x1 , int y1 , int x2 , int y2) {    if (!banana(0 , i)) return 0;    return f(i , x1 , y1) * f(i , x2 , y2) <= eps;}void input() {    n = rd() , m = rd() , mx = 0;    tot = n + 1;    rep (i , 1 , n) {        A[i] = rd() , B[i] = rd() , C[i] = rd();        rep (j , 1 , i - 1) if (banana(i , j))            tot ++;    }    rep (i , 1 , m) X[i] = rd() , Y[i] = rd() , upmax(mx , (int) max(abs(X[i]) , abs(Y[i])));}void solve() {    double x = rnd() , y = rnd();    while (on_line(x , y)) x = rnd() % mx , y = rnd() % mx;    rep (i , 1 , m) {        h[i] = mp(0 , 0);        A[0] = Y[i] - y , B[0] = x - X[i] , C[0] = X[i] * y - x * Y[i];        rep (j , 1 , n) if (seg_banana(j , x , y , X[i] , Y[i])) {            if (j >= 50) h[i].first |= shl(j - 50);            else h[i].second |= shl(j - 1);        }    }    sort(h + 1 , h + m + 1);    int t = unique(h + 1 , h + m + 1) - h - 1;    puts(t >= tot ? "PROTECTED" : "VULNERABLE");}int main() {    per (T , rd() , 1) {        input();        solve();    }    return 0;}
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