python eventlet模块

来源:互联网 发布:襄阳蓝芯软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 23:08

python eventlet模块


def _func_on_containers(logger, conf, concurrency_key, func, **kwargs):    """Run a function on each container with concurrency."""    bench = Bench(logger, conf, [])    pool = eventlet.GreenPool(int(getattr(conf, concurrency_key)))    for container in conf.containers:        pool.spawn_n(func, bench.url, bench.token, container, **kwargs)    pool.waitall()
eventlet模块内函数def spawn_n(self, function, *args, **kwargs):        """Create a greenthread to run the *function*, the same as        :meth:`spawn`.  The difference is that :meth:`spawn_n` returns        None; the results of *function* are not retrievable.        """        # if reentering an empty pool, don't try to wait on a coroutine freeing        # itself -- instead, just execute in the current coroutine        current = greenthread.getcurrent()        if self.sem.locked() and current in self.coroutines_running:            self._spawn_n_impl(function, args, kwargs, None)        else:            self.sem.acquire()            g = greenthread.spawn_n(                self._spawn_n_impl,                function, args, kwargs, True)            if not self.coroutines_running:                self.no_coros_running = event.Event()            self.coroutines_running.add(g)def waitall(self):        """Waits until all greenthreads in the pool are finished working."""        assert greenthread.getcurrent() not in self.coroutines_running, \            "Calling waitall() from within one of the " \            "GreenPool's greenthreads will never terminate."        if self.running():            self.no_coros_running.wait()def spawn(func, *args, **kwargs):    """Create a greenthread to run ``func(*args, **kwargs)``.  Returns a    :class:`GreenThread` object which you can use to get the results of the    call.    Execution control returns immediately to the caller; the created greenthread    is merely scheduled to be run at the next available opportunity.    Use :func:`spawn_after` to  arrange for greenthreads to be spawned    after a finite delay.    """    hub = hubs.get_hub()    g = GreenThread(hub.greenlet)    hub.schedule_call_global(0, g.switch, func, args, kwargs)    return gdef spawn_n(func, *args, **kwargs):    """Same as :func:`spawn`, but returns a ``greenlet`` object from    which it is not possible to retrieve either a return value or    whether it raised any exceptions.  This is faster than    :func:`spawn`; it is fastest if there are no keyword arguments.    If an exception is raised in the function, spawn_n prints a stack    trace; the print can be disabled by calling    :func:`eventlet.debug.hub_exceptions` with False.    """    return _spawn_n(0, func, args, kwargs)[1]
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