
来源:互联网 发布:大足区广电网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 20:56

1. 希尔排序

1.1 希尔排序(ShellSort)的名字源于他的发现者Donald Shell,该算法是冲破二次时间屏障的第一批算法之一。希尔排序使用一个序列h1,h2,..,ht,叫做增量排序(increment sequence)。只要h1=1,任何增量序列都是可行的。一个重要性知识,一个h[k]-排序的数据(后面将是h[k-1]-排序)保持它的h[k]-排序性。h[k]排序的一般做法是,对h[k]个独立的子数组执行一次插入排序

1.2 增量序列一般认为h1=1 ;h[i+1]=3h[i] +1比较合适

1.3 希尔排序的核心是利用h个分割位置将数组分为多个子数组。可以根据3个不同的特征改进。





template<class T>void shellSort(T a[], int n){int i, j, k, leap;int increment[20];//Create an appropriate number of increments hfor (leap = 1, i = 0; leap < n; i++){increment[i] = leap;leap = 3 * leap + 1;}//loop on the number of different increments hfor (i--; i >= 0; i--){leap = increment[i];//loop on the subarrays h-sorted for (j = leap; j < n; j++){//insertion sort for subarray containing every if (a[j - leap]>a[j]){T temp = a[j];for (k = j; a[k - leap]>temp&&k >=leap; k -= leap)a[k] = a[k - leap];a[k] = temp;}}}}

2. 堆排序 

2.1 堆是具有以下两个属性的二叉树:




template<class T>void heapSort(T a[], int n){for (int i = n / 2 - 1; i >= 0; --i)//create the heapmoveDown(a, i, n - 1);for (int i = n - 1; i >= 1; --i){swap(a[0], a[i]);//move the largest item to a[i]moveDown(a, 0, i - 1);//restore the heap property}}template<class T>void moveDown(T a[], int first, int last){int i = 2 * first + 1;while (i < last){if (i + 1 < last&&//first has two children(2*first+1 and 2*first+2)a[i] < a[i + 1])//and the second is larger than the firsti++;if (a[i] <= a[first])//the heap property isn't violated by data[first]break;swap(a[first], a[i]);//if necessaryfirst = i;//swap child and parenti = 2 * first + 1;//and move down}}

3. 快速排序 

3.1 分治策略(divide-and-conquer)




template<class T>void quickSort(T a[], int l,int r){if (l < r){swap(a[l], a[(l + r) / 2]);int i = l, j = r;T x = a[i];while (i < j){while (i < j&&a[j] > x)// 从右向左找第一个小于x的数 j--;if (i < j)a[i++] = a[j];while (i < j&&a[i] < x)// 从左向右找第一个大于等于x的数  i++;if (i < j)a[j--] = a[i];}a[i] = x;quickSort(a, l, i - 1);//递归调用quickSort(a, i + 1, r);}}

4. 归并排序 

4.1 归并排序的主要过程是将多个已经排好序的子数组合并成一个排好序的数组。然而,这个子数组必须先排好序,具体方法是合并更小的、已排好序的子数组。当子数组的元素少于两个时,将数组一分为二的过程就会停止。这个算法本身也是递归的。


template<class T>void Merge(T a[], int first, int mid, int last, T temp[]){int i = first, j = mid + 1;int m = mid, n = last;int k = 0;while (i <= m&&j <= n){if (a[i] <= a[j])temp[k++] = a[i++];elsetemp[k++] = a[j++];}while (i <= m)temp[k++] = a[i++];while (j <= n)temp[k++] = a[j++];for (i = 0; i < k; i++)a[first + i] = temp[i];}template<class T>void mSort(T a[], int first, int last, int temp[]){if (first < last){int mid = (first + last) / 2;mSort(a, first, mid, temp);//左边有序mSort(a, mid + 1, last, temp);<span style="white-space:pre"></span>//右边有序Merge(a, first, mid, last, temp);//将两个合并}}template<class T>bool mergeSort(T a[], int n){T *p = new T[n];if (p == nullptr)return false;mSort(a, 0, n - 1, p);delete[]p;return true;}

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