用 Flora_Pac.py 生成自动翻墙的 pac 文件

来源:互联网 发布:ip地址定位软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 17:53
#!/usr/bin/env python## Flora_Pac by @leaskh# www.leaskh.com, i@leaskh.com## based on chnroutes project (by Numb.Majority@gmail.com)#import reimport urllib2import argparseimport mathdef generate_pac(proxy):    results  = fetch_ip_data()    pacfile  = 'flora_pac.pac'    rfile    = open(pacfile, 'w')    strLines = (        "// Flora_Pac by @leaskh"        "\n// www.leaskh.com, i@leaskh.com"        "\n"        "\nfunction FindProxyForURL(url, host)"        "\n{"        "\n"        "\n    var list = ["    )    intLines = 0    for ip,mask,_ in results:        if intLines > 0:            strLines = strLines + ','        intLines = intLines + 1        strLines = strLines + "\n        ['%s', '%s']"%(ip, mask)    strLines = strLines + (        "\n    ];"        "\n"        "\n    var ip = dnsResolve(host);"        "\n"        "\n    for (var i in list) {"        "\n        if (isInNet(ip, list[i][0], list[i][1])) {"        "\n            return 'DIRECT';"        "\n        }"        "\n    }"        "\n"        "\n    return '%s';"        "\n"        "\n}"        "\n"%(proxy)    )    rfile.write(strLines)    rfile.close()    print ("Rules: %d items.\n"           "Usage: Use the newly created %s as your web browser's automatic "           "proxy configuration (.pac) file."%(intLines, pacfile))def fetch_ip_data():    #fetch data from apnic    print "Fetching data from apnic.net, it might take a few minutes, please wait..."    url=r'http://ftp.apnic.net/apnic/stats/apnic/delegated-apnic-latest'    data=urllib2.urlopen(url).read()    cnregex=re.compile(r'apnic\|cn\|ipv4\|[0-9\.]+\|[0-9]+\|[0-9]+\|a.*',re.IGNORECASE)    cndata=cnregex.findall(data)    results=[]    for item in cndata:        unit_items=item.split('|')        starting_ip=unit_items[3]        num_ip=int(unit_items[4])        imask=0xffffffff^(num_ip-1)        #convert to string        imask=hex(imask)[2:]        mask=[0]*4        mask[0]=imask[0:2]        mask[1]=imask[2:4]        mask[2]=imask[4:6]        mask[3]=imask[6:8]        #convert str to int        mask=[ int(i,16 ) for i in mask]        mask="%d.%d.%d.%d"%tuple(mask)        #mask in *nix format        mask2=32-int(math.log(num_ip,2))        results.append((starting_ip,mask,mask2))    return resultsif __name__=='__main__':    parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate proxy auto-config rules.")    parser.add_argument('-x', '--proxy',                        dest = 'proxy',                        default = 'SOCKS',                        nargs = '?',                        help = "Proxy Server, examples: "                               "SOCKS; "                               "SOCKS5; "                               "PROXY")    args = parser.parse_args()    generate_pac(args.proxy)

####### 获得帮助:$ python flora_pac.py -husage: flora_pac.py [-h] [-x [PROXY]]Generate proxy auto-config rules.optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -x [PROXY], --proxy [PROXY]                        Proxy Server, examples:                            SOCKS;                            SOCKS5;                            PROXY 生成 pac 文件,国外 IP 通过代理 SOCKS 代理 访问:$ python flora_pac.py -x 'SOCKS'Fetching data from apnic.net, it might take a few minutes, please wait...Rules: 3460 items.Usage: Use the newly created flora_pac.pac as your web browser's automatic proxy configuration (.pac) file.####### 生成 pac 文件,国外 IP 通过代理 HTTP 代理 访问:$ python flora_pac.py -x 'PROXY'Fetching data from apnic.net, it might take a few minutes, please wait...Rules: 3460 items.Usage: Use the newly created flora_pac.pac as your web browser's automatic proxy configuration (.pac) file.

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