[读书笔记] The.Way.To.Go

来源:互联网 发布:dede上传网站源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 06:39

By January 2008 Ken Thompson had started working on a compiler to explore the ideas of the design; it produced C as output.

这本书的序言写道:  Code less, compile quicker, execute faster => have more fun! golang 是如何做到以上各点的?

code less:

compile quicker:

execute faster:

go 那些像动态语言? 那些像静态语言?

相比与C, C++ 编译速度是如何提高的? (compilation & linked to machine code)

if struct is value type, why we can use filed name to reference internal value?

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