
来源:互联网 发布:怎样学好plc编程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 19:07
  • 之前在进行软件包编译的时候使用的是单线方式,rpm包构建的速度较慢,现软脚本修改为多线程版本,具实代码如下。
#!/bin/env pythonimport commands, os, reimport Queueimport threading__author__ = 'dollboy'def get_file_list(dirs, file_list):    #define the function to search all the file in the dir    new_dir = dirs    if os.path.isfile(dirs):        file_list.append(dirs)    elif os.path.isdir(dirs):        for s in os.listdir(dirs):            new_dir = os.path.join(dirs, s)            get_file_list(new_dir, file_list)    return file_list#get require list from the errmsgdef get_req_list(errmsg):    fir_pos = errmsg.index('\n')    fir_pos = fir_pos + 1    all_req_str = errmsg[fir_pos:]    req_list_bf = all_req_str.split('\n')    req_list = []    for tmp in req_list_bf:        tmp_list = re.findall(r'[a-zA-z]', tmp)        pos = tmp.index(tmp_list[0])        tmp = tmp[pos:]        pos = tmp.index(' ')        tmp = tmp[:pos]        try:            pos = tmp.index('(')            tmp = tmp[:pos]            req_list.append(tmp)        except:            req_list.append(tmp)    return req_list#install require functiondef install_req(req_list):    print "yum install the require start:\n"    for tmp in req_list:        print tmp + "\n"        yum_str = "yum install " + tmp + " -y"        (status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(yum_str)        if status == 0:            print "install " + tmp + " success!\n"        else:            print " install " + tmp + " failed!\n"            return -1    print "install all \n"    return 0#move file to a placedef move_file_to(files, dirs):    mv_str = 'mv ' + files + ' ' + dirs    (status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(mv_str)    if status == 0:        print "move file success:" + files + "\n"i = 0count = 0lists = []flag = 0#mylock = threading.RLock()lock_yum = threading.RLock()spec_dir = '/root/rpmbuild/SPECS'q = Queue.Queue(0)lists = get_file_list(spec_dir, [])count = len(lists)class RpmThread(threading.Thread):    def __init__(self, name):        threading.Thread.__init__(self)        self.t_name = name    def run(self):        global i        global count        c = 0        while True:            mylock.acquire()            if i < count and i != -1:                c = i                i = i + 1            else:                c = -1                i = -1                mylock.release()            mylock.release()            if c == -1:                break            e = lists[c]            print 'this is the ' + str(self.c) + "'s spec file\n"            build_str = "rpmbuild -bb " + e            (status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(build_str)            if status == 0:                print "Build " + e + " success!\n"                move_file_to(e, '/opt/success_spec/')            else:                try:                    flags = output.index('Failed build dependencies')                    if flags < 0:                        print "other err\n"                        move_file_to(e, '/opt/err_spec/')                    else:                        output = output[flag:]                        req_list = get_req_list(output)                        lock_yum.acquire()                        ret = install_req(req_list)                        lock_yum.release()                        if ret == 0:                            (status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(build_str)                            if status == 0:                                print "Build " + e + " success!\n"                                move_file_to(e, '/opt/success_spec/')                            else:                                move_file_to(e, '/opt/err_spec/')                        else:                            move_file_to(e, '/opt/err_spec/')                except:                    move_file_to(e, '/opt/err_spec/')#create for threads to run the rpm build taskthread1 = RpmThread('A')thread2 = RpmThread('B')thread3 = RpmThread('C')thread4 = RpmThread('D')thread1.start()thread2.start()thread3.start()thread4.start()
  • 目前在进行有些软件包的依赖无法安装,还存在着一些问题,正在修改。
  • 无法自定义软件包安装成功及失败之后的spec文件的重新定向输出。
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