玩转四旋翼无人机(DJI SDK LIB)

来源:互联网 发布:照片转换卡通软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/13 01:32


typedef struct{    signed short yaw_angle;    signed short roll_angle;    signed short pitch_angle;    struct    {        unsigned char base : 1;        unsigned char yaw_cmd_ignore : 1;        unsigned char roll_cmd_ignore : 1;        unsigned char pitch_cmd_ignore : 1;        unsigned char reserve : 4;    }ctrl_byte;    unsigned char duration;}gimbal_custom_control_angle_t;

解释这里使用了bit field方法,为C++11内容,如下:
Declares a class data member with explicit size, in bits. Adjacent bit field members may be packed to share and straddle the individual bytes.
A bit field declaration is a class data member declaration which uses the following declarator:

identifier(optional) attr(optional) : size (1)

The type of the bit field is introduced by the decl-specifier-seq of the declaration syntax.

  1. attr(C++11) - optional sequence of any number of attributes
  2. identifier - the name of the bit field that is being declared. The
    name is optional: nameless bit fields introduce the specified number
    of bits of padding
  3. size - an integral constant expression with a
    value greater or equal to zero. When greater than zero, this is the
    number of bits that this bit field will occupy. The value zero is
    only allowed for nameless bitfields and has special meaning: it
    specifies that the next bit field in the class definition will begin
    at an allocation unit’s boundary.
typedef struct{    signed short yaw_angle_rate;    signed short roll_angle_rate;    signed short pitch_angle_rate;    struct    {        unsigned char reserve : 7;        unsigned char ctrl_switch : 1;//decide increment mode or absolute mode    }ctrl_byte;}gimbal_custom_speed_t;/* *struct of api contrl */typedef struct{    fp32 q0;    fp32 q1;    fp32 q2;    fp32 q3;}api_quaternion_data_t;//四元数typedef struct{    fp32 x;    fp32 y;    fp32 z;}api_common_data_t;//三维坐标/* *struct of vellocity data */typedef struct{    fp32 x;    fp32 y;    fp32 z;    unsigned char health_flag         :1;    unsigned char feedback_sensor_id  :4;    unsigned char reserve             :3;}api_vel_data_t;

当且仅当GPS信号正常(health_flag >=3)时,才可以使用水平*位置控制(HORI_POS)相关的控制指令
- 当GPS信号正常(health_flag >=3),或者Gudiance系统正常工作(连接安装正确)时,可以使用水平速度控制(HORI_VEL)相关的控制指令

typedef struct{    fp64 lati;    fp64 longti;    fp32 alti;    fp32 height;    unsigned char health_flag;}api_pos_data_t;typedef struct{    signed short roll;    signed short pitch;    signed short yaw;    signed short throttle;    signed short mode;    signed short gear;}api_rc_data_t;typedef struct{    signed short x;    signed short y;    signed short z;}api_mag_data_t;typedef struct{    unsigned char cur_ctrl_dev_in_navi_mode   :3;/*0->rc  1->app  2->serial*/    unsigned char serial_req_status           :1;/*1->opensd  0->close*/    unsigned char reserved                    :4;}api_ctrl_info_data_t;typedef struct{    unsigned int time_stamp;    api_quaternion_data_t q;    api_common_data_t a;    api_vel_data_t v;    api_common_data_t w;    api_pos_data_t pos;    api_mag_data_t mag;    api_rc_data_t rc;    api_common_data_t gimbal;    unsigned char status;    unsigned char battery_remaining_capacity;    api_ctrl_info_data_t ctrl_info;    uint8_t obtained_control;     uint8_t activation;}sdk_std_msg_t;



/* Take off */DJI_Pro_Status_Ctrl(4,NULL);/* Land */DJI_Pro_Status_Ctrl(6,NULL);/* Return to home */DJI_Pro_Status_Ctrl(1,NULL);



api_quaternion_data_t quat;






#define C_EARTH (double) 6378137.0/* From GPS to Ground */{    double dlati = lati-origin_lati;    double dlongti= longti-origin_longti;    double x = dlati * C_EARTH;    double y = dlongti * C_EARTH * cos(lati / 2.0 + origin_lati / 2.0);}


将姿态四元数换算成Body系下的roll, pitch, yaw的弧度值。

    api_quaternion_data_t q;    DJI_Pro_Get_Quaternion(&q);    float roll  = atan2(2.0 * (q.q3 * q.q2 + q.q0 * q.q1) , 1.0 - 2.0 * (q.q1 * q.q1 + q.q2 * q.q2));    float pitch = asin(2.0 * (q.q2 * q.q0 - q.q3 * q.q1));    float yaw   = atan2(2.0 * (q.q3 * q.q0 + q.q1 * q.q2) , - 1.0 + 2.0 * (q.q0 * q.q0 + q.q1 * q.q1));


由于飞控接受的最大控制频率为50 Hz,因此为保证控制效果,offset的计算频率应至少大于50 Hz。

void update_offset(){    offset_x = target_x - current_x;    offset_y = target_y - current_y;}/* Command thread */attitude_data_t user_ctrl_data;/* HORI_POS|VERT_VEL|YAW_RATE|HORI_GROUND_FRAME|YAW_GROUND_FRAME */user_ctrl_data.ctrl_flag = 0x88;user_ctrl_data.thr_z = 0;user_ctrl_data.yaw = 0;while(1)                                            {    update_offset();    if (/*offset is small enough*/)        break;    user_ctrl_data.roll_or_x = offset_x;    user_ctrl_data.pitch_or_y = offset_y;    DJI_Pro_Attitude_Control(&user_ctrl_data);    usleep(20000);                                  /* 50 Hz */}

* This method is responsible for testing atttitude
static void * DJI_Sample_Atti_Ctrl_Thread_Func(void *arg)
int i;
attitude_data_t user_ctrl_data;

/* takeoff */DJI_Pro_Status_Ctrl(4,0);sleep(8);/* attitude control, go up */for(i = 0; i < 100; i ++){    user_ctrl_data.ctrl_flag = 0x40;    user_ctrl_data.roll_or_x = 0;    user_ctrl_data.pitch_or_y = 0;    if(i < 90)        user_ctrl_data.thr_z = 2.0;    else        user_ctrl_data.thr_z = 0.0;    user_ctrl_data.yaw = 0;    DJI_Pro_Attitude_Control(&user_ctrl_data);    usleep(20000);    }sleep(1);for(i = 0; i < 200; i ++){    user_ctrl_data.ctrl_flag = 0x40;    if(i < 180)        user_ctrl_data.roll_or_x = 2;    else        user_ctrl_data.roll_or_x = 0;    user_ctrl_data.pitch_or_y = 0;    user_ctrl_data.thr_z = 0;    user_ctrl_data.yaw = 0;    DJI_Pro_Attitude_Control(&user_ctrl_data);    usleep(20000);}sleep(1);for(i = 0; i < 200; i ++){    user_ctrl_data.ctrl_flag = 0x40;    if(i < 180)        user_ctrl_data.roll_or_x = -2;    else        user_ctrl_data.roll_or_x = 0;    user_ctrl_data.pitch_or_y = 0;    user_ctrl_data.thr_z = 0;    user_ctrl_data.yaw = 0;    DJI_Pro_Attitude_Control(&user_ctrl_data);    usleep(20000);}sleep(1);for(i = 0; i < 200; i ++){    user_ctrl_data.ctrl_flag = 0x40;    user_ctrl_data.roll_or_x = 0;    if(i < 180)        user_ctrl_data.pitch_or_y = 2;    else        user_ctrl_data.pitch_or_y = 0;    user_ctrl_data.thr_z = 0;    user_ctrl_data.yaw = 0;    DJI_Pro_Attitude_Control(&user_ctrl_data);    usleep(20000);}sleep(1);for(i = 0; i < 200; i ++){    user_ctrl_data.ctrl_flag = 0x40;    user_ctrl_data.roll_or_x = 0;    if(i < 180)        user_ctrl_data.pitch_or_y = -2;    else        user_ctrl_data.pitch_or_y = 0;    user_ctrl_data.thr_z = 0;    user_ctrl_data.yaw = 0;    DJI_Pro_Attitude_Control(&user_ctrl_data);    usleep(20000);}sleep(1);for(i = 0; i < 200; i ++){    user_ctrl_data.ctrl_flag = 0x40;    user_ctrl_data.roll_or_x = 0;    user_ctrl_data.pitch_or_y = 0;    if(i < 180)        user_ctrl_data.thr_z = 0.5;    else        user_ctrl_data.thr_z = 0;    user_ctrl_data.yaw = 0;    DJI_Pro_Attitude_Control(&user_ctrl_data);    usleep(20000);}sleep(1);for(i = 0; i < 200; i ++){    user_ctrl_data.ctrl_flag = 0x40;    user_ctrl_data.roll_or_x = 0;    user_ctrl_data.pitch_or_y = 0;    if(i < 180)        user_ctrl_data.thr_z = -0.5;    else        user_ctrl_data.thr_z = 0;    user_ctrl_data.yaw = 0;    DJI_Pro_Attitude_Control(&user_ctrl_data);    usleep(20000);}sleep(1);for(i = 0; i < 200; i ++){    user_ctrl_data.ctrl_flag = 0xA;    user_ctrl_data.roll_or_x = 0;    user_ctrl_data.pitch_or_y = 0;    user_ctrl_data.thr_z = 0;    if(i < 180)        user_ctrl_data.yaw = 90;    else        user_ctrl_data.yaw = 0;    DJI_Pro_Attitude_Control(&user_ctrl_data);    usleep(20000);}sleep(1);for(i = 0; i < 200; i ++){    user_ctrl_data.ctrl_flag = 0xA;    user_ctrl_data.roll_or_x = 0;    user_ctrl_data.pitch_or_y = 0;    user_ctrl_data.thr_z = 0;    if(i < 180)        user_ctrl_data.yaw = -90;    else        user_ctrl_data.yaw = 0;    DJI_Pro_Attitude_Control(&user_ctrl_data);    usleep(20000);}sleep(1);/* gohome */DJI_Pro_Status_Ctrl(1,0);atti_ctrl_sample_flag = -1;return (void*)NULL;



  • DJI_Sample_Gimbal_AngelCtrl
  • DJI_Sample_Gimbal_SpeedCtrl
  • DJI_Sample_Gimbal_AngelCtrl


  • DJI_Pro_Status_Ctrl(4,0);
  • user_ctrl_data.ctrl_flag = 0x40;
  • user_ctrl_data.roll_or_x = 0;
  • user_ctrl_data.pitch_or_y = 0;
  • user_ctrl_data.thr_z = 2.0;
  • DJI_Pro_Attitude_Control;


  • gimbal_angel.yaw_angle = yaw_angle;
  • gimbal_angel.roll_angle = roll_angle;
  • gimbal_angel.pitch_angle = pitch_angle;
  • gimbal_angel.ctrl_byte.yaw_cmd_ignore = 0;
  • gimbal_angel.ctrl_byte.roll_cmd_ignore = 0;
  • gimbal_angel.ctrl_byte.pitch_cmd_ignore = 0;
  • gimbal_angel.duration = duration;
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