
来源:互联网 发布:视频会议端口 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 02:27





enum Color{ //here begins to define the the enumerations //These define all the possible values this type can hold //Each enumeration is separated by a comma,not a semicolon COLOR_BALCK, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_MAGENTA};


enum ItemType{    ITEMTYPE_SWORD, //编译器将该字符串等同为0    ITEMTYPE_TORCH, // <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">编译器将该字符串等同为1</span>    ITEMTYPE_POTION  <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">// </span><span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">编译器将该字符串等同为2</span>};


enum Example{   ELEMENT_1 = 5,    ELEMENT_2,  //等同于6   ELEMENT_3 = 1,   ELEMENT_4 //等同2}



#include<iostream>#include<string>enum ItemType{    ITEMTYPE_SWORD,    ITEMTYPE_TORCH,    ITEMTYPE_POTION};std::string getItemName(ItemType itemType){    switch(itemType)    {    case ITEMTYPE_SWORD:        return std::string("sword");        break;    case ITEMTYPE_TORCH:        return std::string("Torch");        break;    case ITEMTYPE_POTION:        return std::string("Potion");        break;    }}int main(){    ItemType itemType(ITEMTYPE_POTION);    std::cout << "you are carrying a " << getItemName(itemType) << std::endl;    return 0;}


关于enum class

在C++11中可以使用enum class来定义枚举,这样做的好处是代码的安全性加强,在普通的标准enum定义时

#include <iostream> int main(){    enum Color    {        RED, // RED is placed in the same scope as Color        BLUE    };     enum Fruit    {        BANANA, // BANANA is placed in the same scope as Fruit        APPLE    };    Color color = RED; // Color and RED can be accessed in the same scope (no prefix needed)    Fruit fruit = BANANA; // Fruit and BANANA can be accessed in the same scope (no prefix needed)     if (color == fruit) // The compiler will compare a and b as integers        std::cout << "color and fruit are equal\n"; // and find they are equal!    else        std::cout << "color and fruit are not equal\n";     return 0;}

color and fruit are equal

原因就在与编译器在编译时将color 和ruit隐式转换成为整数进行比较,枚举定义时没有显示指明枚举元素值,那么都是默认从0开始,因此枚举变量都被隐式转换成整数0来进行比较。

如果使用enum class来定义就不会出现上述问题,使用enum class定义时

#include <iostream>int main(){    enum class Color // "enum class" defines this as an scoped enumeration instead of a standard enumeration    {        RED, // RED is inside the scope of Color        BLUE    };     enum class Fruit    {        BANANA, // BANANA is inside the scope of Fruit        APPLE    };     Color color = Color::RED; // note: RED is not directly accessible any more, we have to use Color::RED    Fruit fruit = Fruit::BANANA; // note: BANANA is not directly accessible any more, we have to use Fruit::BANANA    if (color == fruit) // compile error here, as the compiler doesn't know how to compare different types Color and Fruit        std::cout << "color and fruit are equal\n";    else        std::cout << "color and fruit are not equal\n";     return 0;}


||=== Build: Debug in enumclass (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler) ===|
E:\sourcecode\enumclass\main.cpp||In function 'int main()':|
E:\sourcecode\enumclass\main.cpp|19|error: no match for 'operator==' in 'color == fruit'|
E:\sourcecode\enumclass\main.cpp|19|note: candidates are:|
E:\sourcecode\enumclass\main.cpp|19|note: operator==(main()::Fruit, main()::Fruit) <built-in>|
E:\sourcecode\enumclass\main.cpp|19|note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from 'main()::Color' to 'main()::Fruit'|
E:\sourcecode\enumclass\main.cpp|19|note: operator==(main()::Color, main()::Color) <built-in>|
E:\sourcecode\enumclass\main.cpp|19|note:   no known conversion for argument 2 from 'main()::Fruit' to 'main()::Color'|
||=== Build failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s)) ===|


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