
来源:互联网 发布:打码软件破解 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 06:41





typedef struct AVFormatContext {    const AVClass *av_class;    struct AVInputFormat *iformat;  //输入数据的封装格式    struct AVOutputFormat *oformat;    void *priv_data;    AVIOContext *pb; //输入数据的缓存    int ctx_flags;    unsigned int nb_streams;    AVStream **streams;  //视音频流    char filename[1024]; //文件名    int64_t start_time;    int64_t duration;  //时长(单位:微秒us,转换为秒需要除以1000000)    int bit_rate;  //比特率(单位bps,转换为kbps需要除以1000)    unsigned int packet_size;    int max_delay;    int flags;#if FF_API_PROBESIZE_32    unsigned int probesize;    attribute_deprecated    int max_analyze_duration;#endif    const uint8_t *key;    int keylen;    unsigned int nb_programs;    AVProgram **programs;    enum AVCodecID video_codec_id;    enum AVCodecID audio_codec_id;    enum AVCodecID subtitle_codec_id;    unsigned int max_index_size;    unsigned int max_picture_buffer;    unsigned int nb_chapters;    AVChapter **chapters;    AVDictionary *metadata;  //元数据    int64_t start_time_realtime;    int fps_probe_size;    int error_recognition;    AVIOInterruptCB interrupt_callback;    int debug;#define FF_FDEBUG_TS        0x0001    int64_t max_interleave_delta;    int strict_std_compliance;    int event_flags;    int max_ts_probe;    int avoid_negative_ts;    int ts_id;    int audio_preload;    int max_chunk_duration;    int max_chunk_size;    int use_wallclock_as_timestamps;    int avio_flags;    enum AVDurationEstimationMethod duration_estimation_method;    int64_t skip_initial_bytes;    unsigned int correct_ts_overflow;    int seek2any;    int flush_packets;    int probe_score;    int format_probesize;    char *codec_whitelist;    char *format_whitelist;    AVFormatInternal *internal;    int io_repositioned;    AVCodec *video_codec;    AVCodec *audio_codec;    AVCodec *subtitle_codec;    AVCodec *data_codec;    int metadata_header_padding;    void *opaque;    av_format_control_message control_message_cb;    int64_t output_ts_offset;#if FF_API_PROBESIZE_32    int64_t max_analyze_duration2;#else    int64_t max_analyze_duration;#endif#if FF_API_PROBESIZE_32    int64_t probesize2;#else    int64_t probesize;#endif    uint8_t *dump_separator;    enum AVCodecID data_codec_id;    int (*open_cb)(struct AVFormatContext *s, AVIOContext **p, const char *url, int flags, const AVIOInterruptCB *int_cb, AVDictionary **options);} AVFormatContext;


typedef struct AVFrame {#define AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS 8    uint8_t *data[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS]; //解码后原始数据(对视频来说是YUV,RGB,对音频来说是PCM)    int linesize[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS];  //data中“一行”数据的大小。注意:未必等于图像的宽,一般大于图像的宽。    uint8_t **extended_data; //视频帧宽和高(1920x1080,1280x720...)    int width, height;    int nb_samples;  //音频的一个AVFrame中可能包含多个音频帧,在此标记包含了几个    int format;  //解码后原始数据类型(YUV420,YUV422,RGB24...)    int key_frame;  //是否是关键帧    enum AVPictureType pict_type;  //帧类型(I,B,P...)#if FF_API_AVFRAME_LAVC    attribute_deprecated    uint8_t *base[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS];#endif    AVRational sample_aspect_ratio;  //宽高比(16:9,4:3...)    int64_t pts;  //显示时间戳    int64_t pkt_pts;    int64_t pkt_dts;    int coded_picture_number;  //编码帧序号    int display_picture_number; //显示帧序号    int quality;#if FF_API_AVFRAME_LAVC    attribute_deprecated    int reference;    attribute_deprecated    int8_t *qscale_table;  //QP表    attribute_deprecated    int qstride;    attribute_deprecated    int qscale_type;    attribute_deprecated    uint8_t *mbskip_table;  //跳过宏块表    int16_t (*motion_val[2])[2];  //运动矢量表    attribute_deprecated    uint32_t *mb_type;  //宏块类型表    attribute_deprecated    short *dct_coeff;  //DCT系数    attribute_deprecated    int8_t *ref_index[2];  //运动估计参考帧列表(貌似H.264这种比较新的标准才会涉及到多参考帧)#endif    void *opaque;    uint64_t error[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS];#if FF_API_AVFRAME_LAVC    attribute_deprecated    int type;#endif    int repeat_pict;    int interlaced_frame;  //是否是隔行扫描    int top_field_first;    int palette_has_changed;#if FF_API_AVFRAME_LAVC    attribute_deprecated    int buffer_hints;    attribute_deprecated    struct AVPanScan *pan_scan;#endif    int64_t reordered_opaque;#if FF_API_AVFRAME_LAVC    attribute_deprecated void *hwaccel_picture_private;    attribute_deprecated    struct AVCodecContext *owner;    attribute_deprecated    void *thread_opaque;    uint8_t motion_subsample_log2;  //一个宏块中的运动矢量采样个数,取log的#endif    int sample_rate;    uint64_t channel_layout;    AVBufferRef *buf[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS];    AVBufferRef **extended_buf;    int        nb_extended_buf;    AVFrameSideData **side_data;    int            nb_side_data;#define AV_FRAME_FLAG_CORRUPT       (1 << 0)    int flags;    enum AVColorRange color_range;    enum AVColorPrimaries color_primaries;    enum AVColorTransferCharacteristic color_trc;    enum AVColorSpace colorspace;    enum AVChromaLocation chroma_location;    int64_t best_effort_timestamp;    int64_t pkt_pos;    int64_t pkt_duration;    AVDictionary *metadata;    int decode_error_flags;#define FF_DECODE_ERROR_INVALID_BITSTREAM   1#define FF_DECODE_ERROR_MISSING_REFERENCE   2    int channels;    int pkt_size;    AVBufferRef *qp_table_buf;} AVFrame;
  1. data[]

  2. qscale_table

int mb_stride = pCodecCtx->width/16+1  


int mb_sum = ((pCodecCtx->height+15)>>4)*(pCodecCtx->width/16+1)  



typedef struct AVCodecContext {    const AVClass *av_class;    int log_level_offset;    enum AVMediaType codec_type; //编解码器的类型(视频,音频...)    const struct AVCodec  *codec;  //采用的解码器AVCodec(H.264,MPEG2...)#if FF_API_CODEC_NAME    attribute_deprecated    char             codec_name[32];#endif    enum AVCodecID     codec_id; /* see AV_CODEC_ID_xxx */    unsigned int codec_tag;#if FF_API_STREAM_CODEC_TAG    attribute_deprecated    unsigned int stream_codec_tag;#endif    void *priv_data;    struct AVCodecInternal *internal;    void *opaque;    int bit_rate;  //平均比特率    int bit_rate_tolerance;    int global_quality;    int compression_level;    int flags;    int flags2;    uint8_t *extradata; //针对特定编码器包含的附加信息(例如对于H.264解码器来说,存储SPS,PPS等)    int extradata_size; //    AVRational time_base;  //根据该参数,可以把PTS转化为实际的时间(单位为秒s)    int ticks_per_frame;    int delay;    int width, height;  //如果是视频的话,代表宽和高    int coded_width, coded_height;    int gop_size;      enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt;#if FF_API_MOTION_EST    attribute_deprecated int me_method;#endif    void (*draw_horiz_band)(struct AVCodecContext *s,                            const AVFrame *src, int offset[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS],                            int y, int type, int height);     enum AVPixelFormat (*get_format)(struct AVCodecContext *s, const enum AVPixelFormat * fmt);    int max_b_frames;    float b_quant_factor;#if FF_API_RC_STRATEGY    attribute_deprecated int rc_strategy;#define FF_RC_STRATEGY_XVID 1#endif    int b_frame_strategy;     float b_quant_offset;     int has_b_frames;    int mpeg_quant;     float i_quant_factor;    float i_quant_offset;    float lumi_masking;    float temporal_cplx_masking;    float spatial_cplx_masking;    float p_masking;    float dark_masking;    int slice_count;    int prediction_method;    int *slice_offset;    AVRational sample_aspect_ratio;    int me_cmp;    int me_sub_cmp;    int mb_cmp;    int ildct_cmp;    int dia_size;    int last_predictor_count;    int pre_me;    int me_pre_cmp;    int pre_dia_size;    int me_subpel_quality;#if FF_API_AFD    attribute_deprecated int dtg_active_format;    int me_range;#if FF_API_QUANT_BIAS    attribute_deprecated int intra_quant_bias;    attribute_deprecated int inter_quant_bias;#endif    int slice_flags;#if FF_API_XVMC   attribute_deprecated int xvmc_acceleration;#endif /* FF_API_XVMC */    int mb_decision;    uint16_t *intra_matrix;    uint16_t *inter_matrix;    int scenechange_threshold;    int noise_reduction;#if FF_API_MPV_OPT    attribute_deprecated    int me_threshold;    attribute_deprecated    int mb_threshold;#endif    int intra_dc_precision;    int skip_top;    int skip_bottom;#if FF_API_MPV_OPT    attribute_deprecated    float border_masking;#endif    int mb_lmin;    int mb_lmax;    int me_penalty_compensation;    int bidir_refine;    int brd_scale;    int keyint_min;    int refs;   //运动估计参考帧的个数(H.264的话会有多帧,MPEG2这类的一般就没有了)    int chromaoffset;#if FF_API_UNUSED_MEMBERS    attribute_deprecated int scenechange_factor;#endif    int mv0_threshold;    int b_sensitivity;    enum AVColorPrimaries color_primaries;    enum AVColorTransferCharacteristic color_trc;    enum AVColorSpace colorspace;    enum AVColorRange color_range;     enum AVChromaLocation chroma_sample_location;    int slices;    enum AVFieldOrder field_order;    int sample_rate; //采样率(音频)    int channels;    //声道数(音频)    enum AVSampleFormat sample_fmt;  //采样格式    int frame_size;    int frame_number;    int block_align;    int cutoff;#if FF_API_REQUEST_CHANNELS    attribute_deprecated int request_channels;#endif    uint64_t channel_layout;    uint64_t request_channel_layout;    enum AVAudioServiceType audio_service_type;    enum AVSampleFormat request_sample_fmt;#if FF_API_GET_BUFFER    attribute_deprecated    int (*get_buffer)(struct AVCodecContext *c, AVFrame *pic);    attribute_deprecated    void (*release_buffer)(struct AVCodecContext *c, AVFrame *pic);    attribute_deprecated    int (*reget_buffer)(struct AVCodecContext *c, AVFrame *pic);#endif    int (*get_buffer2)(struct AVCodecContext *s, AVFrame *frame, int flags);    int refcounted_frames;    float qcompress;  ///< amount of qscale change between easy & hard scenes (0.0-1.0)    float qblur;      ///< amount of qscale smoothing over time (0.0-1.0)    int qmin;    int qmax;    int max_qdiff;#if FF_API_MPV_OPT    attribute_deprecated    float rc_qsquish;    attribute_deprecated    float rc_qmod_amp;    attribute_deprecated    int rc_qmod_freq;#endif    int rc_buffer_size;    int rc_override_count;    RcOverride *rc_override;#if FF_API_MPV_OPT    attribute_deprecated    const char *rc_eq;#endif    int rc_max_rate;    int rc_min_rate;#if FF_API_MPV_OPT    attribute_deprecated    float rc_buffer_aggressivity;    attribute_deprecated    float rc_initial_cplx;#endif    float rc_max_available_vbv_use;    float rc_min_vbv_overflow_use;    int rc_initial_buffer_occupancy;    int coder_type;    int context_model;#if FF_API_MPV_OPT    attribute_deprecated    int lmin;    attribute_deprecated    int lmax;#endif    int frame_skip_threshold;    int frame_skip_factor;    int frame_skip_exp;    int frame_skip_cmp;    int trellis;    int min_prediction_order;    int max_prediction_order;    int64_t timecode_frame_start;    void (*rtp_callback)(struct AVCodecContext *avctx, void *data, int size, int mb_nb);    int rtp_payload_size;     int mv_bits;    int header_bits;    int i_tex_bits;    int p_tex_bits;    int i_count;    int p_count;    int skip_count;    int misc_bits;    int frame_bits;    char *stats_out;    char *stats_in;    int workaround_bugs;    int strict_std_compliance;    int error_concealment;    int debug;#if FF_API_DEBUG_MV    int debug_mv;#endif    int err_recognition;    int64_t reordered_opaque;    struct AVHWAccel *hwaccel;    void *hwaccel_context;    uint64_t error[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS];    int dct_algo;    int idct_algo;    int bits_per_coded_sample;    int bits_per_raw_sample;#if FF_API_LOWRES     int lowres;#endif#if FF_API_CODED_FRAME    attribute_deprecated AVFrame *coded_frame;#endif    int thread_count;    int thread_type;    int active_thread_type;    int thread_safe_callbacks;    int (*execute)(struct AVCodecContext *c, int (*func)(struct AVCodecContext *c2, void *arg), void *arg2, int *ret, int count, int size);    int (*execute2)(struct AVCodecContext *c, int (*func)(struct AVCodecContext *c2, void *arg, int jobnr, int threadnr), void *arg2, int *ret, int count);#if FF_API_THREAD_OPAQUE    attribute_deprecated    void *thread_opaque;#endif     int nsse_weight;     int profile;  //型(H.264里面就有,其他编码标准应该也有)     int level;  //级(和profile差不太多)    enum AVDiscard skip_loop_filter;    enum AVDiscard skip_idct;    enum AVDiscard skip_frame;    uint8_t *subtitle_header;    int subtitle_header_size;#if FF_API_ERROR_RATE    attribute_deprecated    int error_rate;#endif#if FF_API_CODEC_PKT    attribute_deprecated    AVPacket *pkt;#endif    uint64_t vbv_delay;    int side_data_only_packets;    int initial_padding;    AVRational framerate;    enum AVPixelFormat sw_pix_fmt;    AVRational pkt_timebase;    const AVCodecDescriptor *codec_descriptor;#if !FF_API_LOWRES     int lowres;#endif    int64_t pts_correction_num_faulty_pts; /// Number of incorrect PTS values so far    int64_t pts_correction_num_faulty_dts; /// Number of incorrect DTS values so far    int64_t pts_correction_last_pts;       /// PTS of the last frame    int64_t pts_correction_last_dts;       /// DTS of the last frame    char *sub_charenc;    int sub_charenc_mode;    int skip_alpha;    int seek_preroll;#if !FF_API_DEBUG_MV    int debug_mv;#endif    uint16_t *chroma_intra_matrix;    uint8_t *dump_separator;    char *codec_whitelist;    unsigned properties;} AVCodecContext;


typedef struct AVIOContext {    const AVClass *av_class;    unsigned char *buffer;  //缓存开始位置    int buffer_size;       //缓存大小(默认32768)    unsigned char *buf_ptr; //当前指针读取到的位置    unsigned char *buf_end; //缓存结束的位置    void *opaque;         //URLContext结构体    int (*read_packet)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size);    int (*write_packet)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size);    int64_t (*seek)(void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence);    int64_t pos;            /**< position in the file of the current buffer */    int must_flush;         /**< true if the next seek should flush */    int eof_reached;        /**< true if eof reached */    int write_flag;         /**< true if open for writing */    int max_packet_size;    unsigned long checksum;    unsigned char *checksum_ptr;    unsigned long (*update_checksum)(unsigned long checksum, const uint8_t *buf, unsigned int size);    int error;                 int (*read_pause)(void *opaque, int pause);    int64_t (*read_seek)(void *opaque, int stream_index,                         int64_t timestamp, int flags);      int seekable;    int64_t maxsize;    int direct;    int64_t bytes_read;    int seek_count;    int writeout_count;    int orig_buffer_size;    int short_seek_threshold;} AVIOContext;



typedef struct AVCodec {    const char *name;  //编解码器的名字,比较短    const char *long_name;  //编解码器的名字,全称,比较长    enum AVMediaType type;  //指明了类型,是视频,音频,还是字幕    enum AVCodecID id;  //ID,不重复    int capabilities;    const AVRational *supported_framerates; //支持的帧率(仅视频)    const enum AVPixelFormat *pix_fmts;     //支持的像素格式(仅视频)    const int *supported_samplerates;       //支持的采样率(仅音频)    const enum AVSampleFormat *sample_fmts; //支持的采样格式(仅音频)    const uint64_t *channel_layouts;         //支持的声道数(仅音频)    uint8_t max_lowres;                     ///< maximum value for lowres supported by the decoder, no direct access, use av_codec_get_max_lowres()    const AVClass *priv_class;              ///< AVClass for the private context    const AVProfile *profiles;              ///< array of recognized profiles, or NULL if unknown, array is terminated by {FF_PROFILE_UNKNOWN}    int priv_data_size;     //私有数据的大小    struct AVCodec *next;    int (*init_thread_copy)(AVCodecContext *);    int (*update_thread_context)(AVCodecContext *dst, const AVCodecContext *src);    const AVCodecDefault *defaults;    void (*init_static_data)(struct AVCodec *codec);    int (*init)(AVCodecContext *);    int (*encode_sub)(AVCodecContext *, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size,                      const struct AVSubtitle *sub);    int (*encode2)(AVCodecContext *avctx, AVPacket *avpkt, const AVFrame *frame,                   int *got_packet_ptr);    int (*decode)(AVCodecContext *, void *outdata, int *outdata_size, AVPacket *avpkt);    int (*close)(AVCodecContext *);    void (*flush)(AVCodecContext *);    int caps_internal;} AVCodec;

每一个编解码器对应一个AVCodec结构体,如H.264解码器的结构体定义:AVCodec ff_h264_decoder。


typedef struct AVStream {    int index;    //标识该视频/音频流    int id;    AVCodecContext *codec;  //指向该视频/音频流的AVCodecContext(它们是一一对应的关系)    void *priv_data;#if FF_API_LAVF_FRAC    attribute_deprecated    struct AVFrac pts;#endif    AVRational time_base;  //时基。通过该值可以把PTS,DTS转化为真正的时间。FFMPEG其他结构体中也有这个字段,但是根据我的经验,只有AVStream中的time_base是可用的。PTS*time_base=真正的时间    int64_t start_time;    int64_t duration;   //该视频/音频流长度    int64_t nb_frames;                 ///< number of frames in this stream if known or 0    int disposition; /**< AV_DISPOSITION_* bit field */    enum AVDiscard discard; ///< Selects which packets can be discarded at will and do not need to be demuxed.      AVRational sample_aspect_ratio;    AVDictionary *metadata;  //元数据信息    AVRational avg_frame_rate;  //帧率(注:对视频来说,这个挺重要的)    AVPacket attached_pic;  //附带的图片。比如说一些MP3,AAC音频文件附带的专辑封面。    AVPacketSideData *side_data;     int            nb_side_data;    int event_flags;    struct {        int64_t last_dts;        int64_t duration_gcd;        int duration_count;        int64_t rfps_duration_sum;        double (*duration_error)[2][MAX_STD_TIMEBASES];        int64_t codec_info_duration;        int64_t codec_info_duration_fields;        int found_decoder;        int64_t last_duration;        int64_t fps_first_dts;        int     fps_first_dts_idx;        int64_t fps_last_dts;        int     fps_last_dts_idx;    } *info;    int pts_wrap_bits; /**< number of bits in pts (used for wrapping control) */    int64_t first_dts;    int64_t cur_dts;    int64_t last_IP_pts;    int last_IP_duration;    int probe_packets;    int codec_info_nb_frames;    enum AVStreamParseType need_parsing;    struct AVCodecParserContext *parser;    struct AVPacketList *last_in_packet_buffer;    AVProbeData probe_data;    int64_t pts_buffer[MAX_REORDER_DELAY+1];    AVIndexEntry *index_entries;     int nb_index_entries;    unsigned int index_entries_allocated_size;     AVRational r_frame_rate;    int stream_identifier;    int64_t interleaver_chunk_size;    int64_t interleaver_chunk_duration;     int request_probe;       int skip_to_keyframe;    int skip_samples;    int64_t start_skip_samples;    int64_t first_discard_sample;    int64_t last_discard_sample;    int nb_decoded_frames;    int64_t mux_ts_offset;    int64_t pts_wrap_reference;    int pts_wrap_behavior;    int update_initial_durations_done;    int64_t pts_reorder_error[MAX_REORDER_DELAY+1];    uint8_t pts_reorder_error_count[MAX_REORDER_DELAY+1];    int64_t last_dts_for_order_check;    uint8_t dts_ordered;    uint8_t dts_misordered;    int inject_global_side_data;    char *recommended_encoder_configuration;    AVRational display_aspect_ratio;    struct FFFrac *priv_pts;} AVStream;


typedef struct AVPacket {    AVBufferRef *buf;    int64_t pts;  //显示时间戳    int64_t dts;  //解码时间戳    uint8_t *data;  //压缩编码的数据。//例如对于H.264来说。1个AVPacket的data通常对应一个NAL。//注意:在这里只是对应,而不是一模一样。他们之间有微小的差别:使用FFMPEG类库分离出多媒体文件中的H.264码流//因此在使用FFMPEG进行视音频处理的时候,常常可以将得到的AVPacket的data数据直接写成文件,从而得到视音频的码流文件。    int   size;  //data的大小    int   stream_index;  //标识该AVPacket所属的视频/音频流。    int   flags;    AVPacketSideData *side_data;    int side_data_elems;    int   duration;#if FF_API_DESTRUCT_PACKET    attribute_deprecated    void  (*destruct)(struct AVPacket *);    attribute_deprecated    void  *priv;#endif    int64_t pos;                            ///< byte position in stream, -1 if unknown    int64_t convergence_duration;} AVPacket;
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