Dagger 2 before

来源:互联网 发布:家长监控软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 14:41

这篇文章是之前写的,新写的文章在 Android 依赖注入框架 Dagger2使用。



  • 项目根project.gradle内dependencies中添加classpath:
dependencies{classpath'com.android.tools.build:gradle:1.5.0'//gradle 版本号classpath'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.4' }
  • gradle(app)中添加apt插件:
apply plugin: 'com.neenbedankt.android-apt'
  • gradle(app)中添加compile:
apt 'com.google.dagger:dagger-compiler:2.0'compile 'com.google.dagger:dagger:2.0'provided 'javax.annotation:jsr250-api:1.0'


  • @Inject:Declaring Dependencies
    Use @Inject to annotate the constructor that Dagger should use to create instances of a class.
    When a new instance is requested, Dagger will obtain the required parameters values and invoke this constructor.
    Dagger can inject fields directly.
    If your class has @Inject-annotated fields but no @Inject-annotated constructor, Dagger will inject those fields if requested, but will not create new instances. Add a no-argument constructor with the @Inject annotation to indicate that Dagger may create instances as well.

  • @Provides :satisfy a dependency.
    provideXxx() is invoked whenever a Xxx is required.It contact with the @Inject

  • @Module:Modules are classes whose methods provide dependencies

  • @Component:an Interface
    annotate to such an interface and passing the module types to the modules parameter, Dagger 2 can form a fully object graph.
    接口实现类:The implementation has the same name as the interface prefixed with Dagger. Obtain an instance by invoking the builder() method on that implementation and use the returned builder to set dependencies and build() a new instance.
    简写:Any module with an accessible default constructor can use .create() to initiate an instance.

  • @Singleton:单例
    The graph will use a single instance of the value for all of its clients. It can decorate the @Provides and the class.

Dagger 2特殊

  • Lazy injections :Lazy< T >
    you can create a Lazy which defers instantiation until the first call to Lazy< T >’s get() method
  • Provider injections


  • @Provides methods are named with a provide prefix
  • @Module classes are named with a Module suffix.


  • Scope
  • Provider injections
  • 自定义注解 Qualifiers
  • 还需要在实战中增强理解
  • 单方面理解概念总会忘记,不能形成全貌。不太理解所谓的ObjectGraph怎么形成的,依赖之间的相互依赖,提供依赖的还要消费别的依赖。所以从生成代码上理解下,可能对以后大有帮助。
  • 打断点会帮助理解

1. Dagger2 基础注入(极大促进理解)
2. 官方文档
3. Dagger 2 on Android 前半部分
4. Dagger 2 - the API

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