
来源:互联网 发布:v字仇杀队黑页源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 20:52










webrtc-checkout/src/out/Debug$ ./audioproc


gsc@gsc-250:~/webrtc-checkout/src/out/Debug$ ./audioproc --helpUsage: process_test [options] [-pb PROTOBUF_FILE]  [-ir REVERSE_FILE] [-i PRIMARY_FILE] [-o OUT_FILE]process_test is a test application for AudioProcessing.When a protobuf debug file is available, specify it with -pb. Alternately,when -ir or -i is used, the specified files will be processed directly ina simulation mode. Otherwise the full set of legacy test files is expectedto be present in the working directory. OUT_FILE should be specifiedwithout extension to support both raw and wav output.OptionsGeneral configuration (only used for the simulation mode):  -fs SAMPLE_RATE_HZ  -ch CHANNELS_IN CHANNELS_OUT  -rch REVERSE_CHANNELSComponent configuration:All components are disabled by default. Each block below begins with aflag to enable the component with default settings. The subsequent flagsin the block are used to provide configuration settings.  -aec     Echo cancellation  --drift_compensation  --no_drift_compensation  --no_echo_metrics  --no_delay_logging  --aec_suppression_level LEVEL  [0 - 2]  --extended_filter  --no_reported_delay  -aecm    Echo control mobile  --aecm_echo_path_in_file FILE  --aecm_echo_path_out_file FILE  --no_comfort_noise  --routing_mode MODE  [0 - 4]  -agc     Gain control  --analog  --adaptive_digital  --fixed_digital  --target_level LEVEL  --compression_gain GAIN  --limiter  --no_limiter  -hpf     High pass filter  -ns      Noise suppression  --ns_low  --ns_moderate  --ns_high  --ns_very_high  --ns_prob_file FILE  -vad     Voice activity detection  --vad_out_file FILE  -expns   Experimental noise suppression Level metrics (enabled by default)  --no_level_metricsModifiers:  --noasm            Disable SSE optimization.  --add_delay DELAY  Add DELAY ms to input value.  --delay DELAY      Override input delay with DELAY ms.  --perf             Measure performance.  --quiet            Suppress text output.  --no_progress      Suppress progress.  --raw_output       Raw output instead of WAV file.  --debug_file FILE  Dump a debug recording.



gsc@gsc-250:~/webrtc-checkout/src/out/Debug/obj/webrtc/modules$ pwd/home/gsc/webrtc-checkout/src/out/Debug/obj/webrtc/modulesgsc@gsc-250:~/webrtc-checkout/src/out/Debug/obj/webrtc/modules$ grep -nR "audioproc.process_test.o"audioproc.ninja:87:build obj/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/test/audioproc.process_test.o: $audioproc.ninja:97:    obj/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/test/audioproc.process_test.o $


 87 build obj/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/test/audioproc.process_test.o: $ 88     cxx ../../webrtc/modules/audio_processing/test/process_test.cc || $ 89     obj/webrtc/modules/audioproc.compile_depends.stamp 90  91 ldflags = -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--fatal-warnings -Wl,-z,defs -pthread $ 92     -Wl,-z,noexecstack -fPIC -fuse-ld=gold $ 93     -B/home/gsc/webrtc-checkout/src/third_party/binutils/Linux_x64/Release/bin $ 94     -Wl,--disable-new-dtags -m64 -Wl,--detect-odr-violations -Wl,--icf=all 95 libs =  -lrt -lm 96 build audioproc: link $ 97     obj/webrtc/modules/audio_processing/test/audioproc.process_test.o $ 98     obj/webrtc/modules/libaudio_processing.a $ 99     obj/webrtc/modules/libaudioproc_debug_proto.a $100     obj/webrtc/modules/libaudioproc_test_utils.a $101     obj/webrtc/modules/libaudioproc_protobuf_utils.a $102     obj/chromium/src/testing/libgtest.a $103     obj/webrtc/system_wrappers/libsystem_wrappers.a $104     obj/webrtc/test/libtest_support.a $105     obj/webrtc/base/librtc_base_approved.a obj/webrtc/libwebrtc_common.a $106     obj/webrtc/common_audio/libcommon_audio.a $107     obj/chromium/src/third_party/openmax_dl/dl/libopenmax_dl.a $108     obj/webrtc/common_audio/libcommon_audio_sse2.a $109     obj/webrtc/modules/libisac.a $110     obj/webrtc/modules/libaudio_decoder_interface.a $111     obj/webrtc/modules/libaudio_encoder_interface.a $112     obj/webrtc/modules/libisac_common.a $113     obj/chromium/src/third_party/protobuf/libprotobuf_lite.a $114     obj/webrtc/modules/libaudio_processing_sse2.a $115     obj/webrtc/system_wrappers/libfield_trial_default.a $116     obj/webrtc/system_wrappers/libmetrics_default.a $117     obj/chromium/src/testing/libgmock.a118   ld = $ldxx

第87行指示该.o文件编译来源于process_test.cc,再根据96,97行可知包含编译生成的文件audioproc.process_test.o 经过连接后会生成audioproc这个文件,这个文件的作用见前一节。这时再来看那个cc文件。

1141 }  // namespace1142 }  // namespace webrtc1143 1144 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {1145   webrtc::void_main(argc, argv);1146 1147   // Optional, but removes memory leak noise from Valgrind.1148   google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();1149   return 0;1150 } 136 // void function for gtest. 137 void void_main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 138   if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) { 139     usage(); 140     return; 141   } 142  143   if (argc < 2) { 144     printf("Did you mean to run without arguments?\n"); 145     printf("Try `process_test --help' for more information.\n\n"); 146   } 147  148   rtc::scoped_ptr<AudioProcessing> apm(AudioProcessing::Create()); 149   ASSERT_TRUE(apm.get() != NULL); 150  151   const char* pb_filename = NULL; 152   const char* far_filename = NULL; 153   const char* near_filename = NULL; 154   std::string out_filename; 155   const char* vad_out_filename = NULL; 156   const char* ns_prob_filename = NULL; 157   const char* aecm_echo_path_in_filename = NULL; 158   const char* aecm_echo_path_out_filename = NULL; 159  160   int32_t sample_rate_hz = 16000; 161  162   int num_capture_input_channels = 1; 163   int num_capture_output_channels = 1;





总结如下:编译,测试python webrtc/build/gyp_webrtcninja -C out/Debug  ./nonlinear_beamformer_test -i out2.wav -mic_positions "1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.2 2.2 1.1 1.2 0" out.wav

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